# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | The detection and quantification of adulteration in olive oil by near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics | Christy A., Kasemsumran S., Du Y., Ozaki Y. | 2004 | Analytical Sciences 20(6),pp. 935-940 | 246 |
2 | Feasibility of near-infrared spectroscopy to detect and to quantify adulterants in cow milk | Kasemsumran S., Thanapase W., Kiatsoonthon A. | 2007 | Analytical Sciences 23(7),pp. 907-910 | 118 |
3 | Near-infrared spectroscopic determination of human serum albumin, γ-globulin, and glucose in a control serum solution with searching combination moving window partial least squares | Kasemsumran S., Du Y., Murayama K., Huehne M., Ozaki Y. | 2004 | Analytica Chimica Acta 512(2),pp. 223-230 | 85 |
4 | Improvement of partial least squares models for in vitro and in vivo glucose quantifications by using near-infrared spectroscopy and searching combination moving window partial least squares | Kasemsumran S., Du Y., Maruo K., Ozaki Y. | 2006 | Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 82(1-2 SPEC. ISS),pp. 97-103 | 83 |
5 | Automatic image analysis and spot classification for detection of fruit fly infestation in hyperspectral images of mangoes | Haff R.P., Saranwong S., Saranwong S., Thanapase W., Janhiran A., Kasemsumran S., Kawano S., Kawano S. | 2013 | Postharvest Biology and Technology 86,pp. 23-28 | 64 |
6 | Simultaneous determination of human serum albumin, γ-globulin, and glucose in a phosphate buffer solution by near-infrared spectroscopy with moving window partial least-squares regression | Kasemsumran S., Du Y.P., Murayama K., Huehne M., Ozaki Y. | 2003 | Analyst 128(12),pp. 1471-1477 | 56 |
7 | Partial least squares processing of near-infrared spectra for discrimination and quantification of adulterated olive oils | Kasemsumran S., Kang N., Christy A., Ozaki Y. | 2005 | Spectroscopy Letters 38(6),pp. 839-851 | 49 |
8 | An alternative approach for the classification of orange varieties based on near infrared spectroscopy | Suphamitmongkol W., Suphamitmongkol W., Nie G., Nie G., Liu R., Kasemsumran S., Shi Y., Shi Y. | 2013 | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 91,pp. 87-93 | 49 |
9 | Optimization of informative spectral regions for the quantification of cholesterol, glucose and urea in control serum solutions using searching combination moving window partial least squares regression method with near infrared spectroscopy | Kang N., Kang N., Kasemsumran S., Woo Y., Kim H., Ozaki Y. | 2006 | Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 82(1-2 SPEC. ISS),pp. 90-96 | 46 |
10 | A feasibility study on non-destructive determination of oil content in palm fruits by visible-near infrared spectroscopy | Kasemsumran S., Thanapase W., Punsuvon V., Ozaki Y. | 2012 | Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 20(6),pp. 687-694 | 27 |
11 | Determination of water activity, total soluble solids and moisture, sucrose, glucose and fructose contents in osmotically dehydrated papaya using near-infrared spectroscopy | Rongtong B., Suwonsichon T., Ritthiruangdej P., Kasemsumran S. | 2018 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 52(6),pp. 557-564 | 26 |
12 | Short communication A feasibility study using simplified near infrared imaging to detect fruit fly larvae in intact fruit | Saranwong S., Haff R., Thanapase W., Janhiran A., Kasemsumran S., Kawano S. | 2011 | Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 19(1),pp. 55-60 | 25 |
13 | Rapid variety identification of pure rough rice by fourier-transform near-infrared spectroscopy | Attaviroj N., Kasemsumran S., Noomhorm A. | 2011 | Cereal Chemistry 88(5),pp. 490-496 | 25 |
14 | Selective removal of interference signals for near-infrared spectra of biomedical samples by using region orthogonal signal correction | Kasemsumran S., Du Y., Maruo K., Ozaki Y. | 2004 | Analytica Chimica Acta 526(2),pp. 193-202 | 23 |
15 | Temperature compensation for determination of moisture and reducing sugar of longan honey by near infrared spectroscopy | Thamasopinkul C., Ritthiruangdej P., Kasemsumran S., Suwonsichon T., Haruthaithanasan V., Ozaki Y. | 2017 | Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 25(1),pp. 36-44 | 23 |
16 | Ascertainment of the number of samples in the validation set in Monte Carlo cross validation and the selection of model dimension with Monte Carlo cross validation | Du Y., Kasemsumran S., Maruo K., Nakagawa T., Ozaki Y. | 2006 | Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 82(1-2 SPEC. ISS),pp. 83-89 | 22 |
17 | Removal of interference signals due to water from in vivo near-infrared (NIR) spectra of blood glucose by region orthogonal signal correction (ROSC) | Du Y., Du Y., Liang Y., Kasemsumran S., Maruo K., Ozaki Y. | 2004 | Analytical Sciences 20(9),pp. 1339-1345 | 20 |
18 | Sensory descriptive and texture profile analyses of butter cakes made from composite rice flours | Chueamchaitrakun P., Chompreeda P., Haruthaithanasan V., Suwonsichon T., Kasemsamran S., Prinyawiwatkul W. | 2011 | International Journal of Food Science and Technology 46(11),pp. 2358-2365 | 19 |
19 | Applying near infrared spectroscopy to the detection of fruit fly eggs and larvae in intact fruit | Saranwong S., Thanapase W., Suttiwijitpukdee N., Rittiron R., Kasemsumran S., Kawano S. | 2010 | Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 18(4),pp. 271-280 | 17 |
20 | Improvement of the partial least squares model performance for oral glucose intake experiments by inside mean centering and inside multiplicative signal correction | Du Y., Kasemsumran S., Maruo K., Nakagawa T., Ozaki Y. | 2005 | Analytical Sciences 21(8),pp. 979-984 | 16 |
21 | Rapid analysis of chemical composition in intact and milled rice cookies using near infrared spectroscopy | Wimonsiri L., Ritthiruangdej P., Kasemsumran S., Therdthai N., Chanput W., Ozaki Y. | 2017 | Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 25(5),pp. 330-337 | 16 |
22 | Evaluation of astringency and tannin content in xichu persimmons using near infrared spectroscopy | Noypitak S., Terdwongworakul A., Krisanapook K., Kasemsumran S. | 2015 | International Journal of Food Properties 18(5),pp. 1014-1028 | 15 |
23 | Moving window cross validation: A new cross validation method for the selection of a rational number of components in a partial least squares calibration model | Kasemsumran S., Kasemsumran S., Du Y.P., Li B.Y., Maruo K., Ozaki Y. | 2006 | Analyst 131(4),pp. 529-537 | 15 |
24 | Installation design of on-line near infrared spectroscopy for the production of compound fertilizer | Ruangratanakorn J., Suwonsichon T., Kasemsumran S., Thanapase W. | 2020 | Vibrational Spectroscopy 106 | 15 |
25 | Near infrared quantitative analysis of total curcuminoids in rhizomes of Curcuma longa by moving window partial least squares regression | Kasemsumran S., Keeratinijakal V., Thanapase W., Ozaki Y. | 2010 | Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 18(4),pp. 263-269 | 14 |
26 | Fermentation Condition and Quality Evaluation of Pineapple Fruit Wine | Boondaeng A., Kasemsumran S., Ngowsuwan K., Vaithanomsat P., Apiwatanapiwat W., Trakunjae C., Trakunjae C., Janchai P., Jungtheerapanich S., Niyomvong N. | 2022 | Fermentation 8(1) | 12 |
27 | Evaluation of Fourier transform-near infraredspectroscopic measurements for the quantification of curcumin in turmeric herbal medicines | Kasemsumran S., Apiwatanapiwat W., Suttiwijitpukdee N., Vaithanomsat P., Thanapase W. | 2014 | Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 22(2),pp. 113-120 | 11 |
28 | Performance improvement of temperature compensation in near infrared analysis of orange sweetness by applying direct standardization | Ngowsuwan K., Thanapatay D., Kasemsumran S. | 2018 | Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 26(6),pp. 369-378 | 10 |
29 | Determination of total nitrogen content, pH, density, refractive index, and brix in Thai fish sauces and their classification by near-infrared spectroscopy with searching combination moving window partial least squares | Ritthiruangdej P., Ritthiruangdej P., Kasemsumran S., Suwonsichon T., Haruthaithanasan V., Thanapase W., Ozaki Y. | 2005 | Analyst 130(10),pp. 1439-1445 | 10 |
30 | Rapid classification of turmeric based on DNA fingerprint by near-infrared spectroscopy combined with moving window partial least squares-discrimination analysis | Kasemsumran S., Suttiwijitpukdee N., Keeratinijakal V. | 2017 | Analytical Sciences 33(1),pp. 111-115 | 9 |
31 | Comparison of performance of partial least squares regression, secured principal component regression, and modified secured principal component regression for determination of human serum albumin, γ-globulin and glucose in buffer solutions and in vivo blood glucose quantification by near-infrared spectroscopy | Li B.Y., Li B.Y., Kasemsumran S., Hu Y., Liang Y.Z., Ozaki Y. | 2007 | Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 387(2),pp. 603-611 | 9 |
32 | A feasibility study of oil content and fatty acid composition of seed powder and seed oil of Pongamia pinnata by near infrared spectroscopy | Khamchum C., Punsuvon V., Kasemsumran S., Suttiwijitpukdee N. | 2013 | ScienceAsia 39(4),pp. 384-391 | 8 |
33 | Simultaneous Monitoring of the Evolution of Chemical Parameters in the Fermentation Process of Pineapple Fruit Wine Using the Liquid Probe for Near-Infrared Coupled with Chemometrics | Kasemsumran S., Boondaeng A., Ngowsuwan K., Jungtheerapanich S., Apiwatanapiwat W., Janchai P., Meelaksana J., Vaithanomsat P. | 2022 | Foods 11(3) | 7 |
34 | Rapid and nondestructive analysis of deep-fried taro chip qualities using near infrared spectroscopy | Areekij S., Ritthiruangdej P., Kasemsumran S., Therdthai N., Haruthaithanasan V., Ozaki Y. | 2017 | Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 25(2),pp. 127-137 | 6 |
35 | Determination of sulfur dioxide content in osmotically dehydrated papaya and its classification by near infrared spectroscopy | Rongtong B., Suwonsichon T., Ritthiruangdej P., Kasemsumran S. | 2018 | Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 26(6),pp. 359-368 | 6 |
36 | Prediction of pasting and thermal properties of mixed Hom-Mali and glutinous rice flours using near infrared spectroscopy | Chueamchaitrakun P., Chompreeda P., Haruthaithanasan V., Suwonsichon T., Kasemsamran S. | 2011 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 45(3),pp. 481-489 | 5 |
37 | Rapid selection of Andrographis paniculata medicinal plant materials based on major bioactive using near-infrared spectroscopy | Kasemsumran S., Apiwatanapiwat W., Ngowsuwan K., Jungtheerapanich S. | 2021 | Chemical Papers 75(11),pp. 5633-5644 | 5 |
38 | Mid-infrared and near-infrared spectroscopies to classify improper fermentation of pineapple wine | Kasemsumran S., Boondaeng A., Ngowsuwan K., Jungtheerapanich S., Apiwatanapiwat W., Janchai P., Vaithanomsat P. | 2022 | Chemical Papers
| 4 |
39 | Assessing Fermentation Broth Quality of Pineapple Vinegar Production with a Near-Infrared Fiber-Optic Probe Coupled with Stability Competitive Adaptive Reweighted Sampling | Kasemsumran S., Boondaeng A., Jungtheerapanich S., Ngowsuwan K., Apiwatanapiwat W., Janchai P., Vaithanomsat P. | 2023 | Molecules 28(17) | 4 |
40 | Comparison of the Chemical Properties of Pineapple Vinegar and Mixed Pineapple and Dragon Fruit Vinegar | Boondaeng A., Kasemsumran S., Ngowsuwan K., Vaithanomsat P., Apiwatanapiwat W., Trakunjae C., Trakunjae C., Janchai P., Jungtheerapanich S., Niyomvong N. | 2022 | Fermentation 8(11) | 3 |
41 | Derivative spectrophotometric determination of acetaminophen by the formation of [Fe(II)-(2,2′-bipyridyl)3]2+ | Burns D., Burns D., Tungkananuruk N., Kasemsumran S., Tungkananuruk K. | 2005 | Chemia Analityczna 50(2),pp. 475-479 | 3 |
42 | An innovative measurement of extractable proteins from concentrated latex containing eggshell calcium oxide compounds by near-infrared spectroscopy | Tangboriboon N., Phudkrachang P., Kasemsumran S., Kunanuruksapong R., Sirivat A. | 2012 | Spectroscopy Letters 45(1),pp. 29-39 | 2 |
43 | In vivo and in vitro near-infrared spectroscopic determination of blood glucose and other biomedical components with chemometrics | Du Y.P., Kasemsumran S., Jiang J.H., Ozaki Y. | 2007 | Handbook of Near-Infrared Analysis, Third Edition ,pp. 673-698 | 2 |
44 | Enhancing quality control in emulsion-type sausage production: Predicting chemical composition of intact samples with near infrared spectroscopy | Ritthiruangdej P., Vangnai K., Kasemsumran S., Somboonying S., Charoensin P., Hiriotappa A., Lowleraha P. | 2024 | Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy
| 1 |
45 | Analysis of the Pomelo Peel Essential Oils at Different Storage Durations Using a Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopic on Intact Fruit | Sirisomboon P., Duangchang J., Phanomsophon T., Lapcharoensuk R., Shrestha B.P., Shrestha B.P., Kasemsamran S., Thanapase W., Pornchaloempong P., Tsuchikawa S. | 2024 | Foods 13(15) | 0 |