Expertise Cloud

active packagingAdvanced materialanthracnoseAntifungal activityantifungal filmantimicrobialantimicrobial activityantimicrobial agentsantimicrobial packagingantioxidantaroma compoundsaromatic coconutBiodegradabilityBiodegradableBiodegradable polymersbiopolymercarvonecassava starchcellulose-based packaging filmcinnamaldehydeCitralCoconut fiberControlled atmosphere storagecontrolled releasecorrugated boxesCrystallinityDiffusionDistributionEssential oilEthylenefilmfood packagingFresh produceLigninLignin nanoparticleLignin nanoparticlesLonganMangoMechanical permeabilitymicroorganismsModified AtmosphereModified Atmosphere Packagingmodified starchNanoparticlesNanosilicaNanotitaniaNatural abundanceNatural agentsnatural fiberNatural fibersnatural fibresnatural plant extractneemneem extractnisinnonhumanOdorsotopOxalic acidoxidized starchOxygenOxygen scavengingPackagingpackaging materialsPhenolsPLAplastic containerspoly(lactic acid)Polybutylene succinatePolyethylene terephthalatesPolypropylenespostharvest decayPostharvest decaysreusableShelf lifeSolubilitySorptionstarch estersstarch filmSulfur dioxideTensile strengthTestingTransport coefficientTrimmed young coconutTruckVapor PhaseVibrationการค้าปลีกการบรรจุการบรรจุภายใต้บรรยากาศดัดแปลงการสกัดเกษตรกรเครื่องจักรกลเกษตรเทคโนโลยีการบรรจุเทคโนโลยีหลังการเก็บเกี่ยวบรรจุภัณฑ์ผลิตผลเกษตรระบบทำความเย็นลดอุณหภูมิสารเคลือบ


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Scopus h-index

#Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
1Antimicrobial activity of cinnamaldehyde and eugenol and their activity after incorporation into cellulose-based packaging filmsSanla-Ead N., Jangchud A., Chonhenchob V., Suppakul P.2012Packaging Technology and Science
25(1),pp. 7-17
2Poly(lactic acid)/poly(butylene-succinate-co-adipate) (PLA/PBSA) blend films containing thymol as alternative to synthetic preservatives for active packaging of breadSuwanamornlert P., Kerddonfag N., Sane A., Chinsirikul W., Chinsirikul W., Zhou W., Chonhenchob V.2020Food Packaging and Shelf Life
3Life cycle inventory and analysis of re-usable plastic containers and display-ready corrugated containers used for packaging fresh fruits and vegetablesSingh S.P., Chonhenchob V., Singh J.2006Packaging Technology and Science
19(5),pp. 279-293
4Preharvest bagging with wavelength-selective materials enhances development and quality of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Nam Dok Mai #4Chonhenchob V., Chonhenchob V., Kamhangwong D., Kamhangwong D., Kruenate J., Khongrat K., Tangchantra N., Wichai U., Singh S.2011Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
91(4),pp. 664-671
5Quality changes of treated fresh-cut tropical fruits in rigid modified atmosphere packaging containersChonhenchob V., Chantarasomboon Y., Singh S.2007Packaging Technology and Science
20(1),pp. 27-37
6Renovation of Agro-Waste for Sustainable Food Packaging: A ReviewVarghese S.A., Pulikkalparambil H., Promhuad K., Srisa A., Laorenza Y., Jarupan L., Nampitch T., Chonhenchob V., Harnkarnsujarit N.2023Polymers
7Measurement and analysis of vehicle vibration for delivering packages in small-sized and medium-sized trucks and automobilesChonhenchob V., Singh S., Singh J., Stallings J., Grewal G.2012Packaging Technology and Science
25(1),pp. 31-38
8Packaging performance comparison for distribution and export of papaya fruitChonhenchob V., Singh S., Singh S.2005Packaging Technology and Science
18(3),pp. 125-131
9A Comparison of Corrugated Boxes and Reusable Plastic Containers for Mango DistributionChonhenchob V., Singh S.2003Packaging Technology and Science
16(6),pp. 231-237
10Measurement and analysis of truck and rail vibration levels in ThailandChonhenchob V., Singh S., Singh J., Sittipod S., Swasdee D., Pratheepthinthong S.2010Packaging Technology and Science
23(2),pp. 91-100
11Antifungal effect of poly(lactic acid) films containing thymol and R-(-)-carvone against anthracnose pathogens isolated from avocado and citrusBoonruang K., Kerddonfag N., Chinsirikul W., Mitcham E., Chonhenchob V.2017Food Control
78,pp. 85-93
12Antifungal activity of plant-derived compounds and their synergism against major postharvest pathogens of longan fruit in vitroSuwanamornlert P., Suwanamornlert P., Sangchote S., Sangchote S., Chinsirikul W., Chinsirikul W., Sane A., Chonhenchob V., Chonhenchob V.2018International Journal of Food Microbiology
271,pp. 8-14
13Comparison of various packaging films for mango exportBoonruang K., Chonhenchob V., Singh S., Chinsirikul W., Fuongfuchat A.2012Packaging Technology and Science
25(2),pp. 107-118
14Emerging challenges on viability and commercialization of lignin in biobased polymers for food packaging: A reviewBasbasan A.J., Hararak B., Winotapun C., Wanmolee W., Leelaphiwat P., Boonruang K., Chinsirikul W., Chonhenchob V.2022Food Packaging and Shelf Life
15Preliminary quantification of the permeability, solubility and diffusion coefficients of major aroma compounds present in herbs through various plastic packaging materialsLeelaphiwat P., Auras R., Burgess G., Harte J., Chonhenchob V.2018Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
98(4),pp. 1545-1553
16Microperforation of three common plastic films by laser and their enhanced oxygen transmission for fresh produce packagingWinotapun C., Kerddonfag N., Kumsang P., Hararak B., Chonhenchob V., Yamwong T., Chinsirikul W.2015Packaging Technology and Science
28(4),pp. 367-383
17Antifungal Poly(lactic acid) Films Containing Thymol and CarvoneBoonruang K., Chinsirikul W., Hararak B., Kerddonfag N., Chonhenchob V.2016MATEC Web of Conferences
18Comparison of reusable and single-use plastic and paper shipping containers for distribution of fresh pineapplesChonhenchob V., Kamhangwong' D., Singh S.2008Packaging Technology and Science
21(2),pp. 73-83
19Controlled release of mangiferin using ethylene vinyl acetate matrix for antioxidant packagingBoonnattakorn R., Chonhenchob V., Siddiq M., Siddiq M., Singh S., Singh S.2015Packaging Technology and Science
28(3),pp. 241-252
20Recent Advances in Natural Fibre-Based Materials for Food Packaging ApplicationsPulikkalparambil H., Varghese S.A., Chonhenchob V., Nampitch T., Jarupan L., Harnkarnsujarit N.2023Polymers
21Effects of film permeability on reducing pericarp browning, preventing postharvest decay and extending shelf life of modified atmosphere-retail packaged longan fruitsKhan M., Khan M., Sripethdee C., Chinsirikul W., Sane A., Chonhenchob V., Chonhenchob V.2016International Journal of Food Science and Technology
51(8),pp. 1925-1931
22Antifungal activity of propyl disulfide from neem (Azadirachta indica) in vapor and agar diffusion assays against anthracnose pathogens (colletotrichum gloeosporioides and colletotrichum acutatum) in mango fruitKhan M.R., Khan M.R., Chonhenchob V., Huang C., Suwanamornlert P.2021Microorganisms
23Polymeric Packaging Applications for Seafood Products: Packaging-Deterioration Relevance, Technology and TrendsLaorenza Y., Chonhenchob V., Bumbudsanpharoke N., Jittanit W., Sae-tan S., Rachtanapun C., Chanput W.P., Charoensiddhi S., Srisa A., Promhuad K., Wongphan P., Harnkarnsujarit N.2022Polymers
24Measurement and Analysis of Vibration Levels in Two and Three Wheel Delivery Vehicles in Southeast AsiaKurniawan M., Chonhenchob V., Singh S., Sittipod S.2015Packaging Technology and Science
28(9),pp. 823-837
25PLA thermoformed trays incorporated with cinnamaldehyde and carvacrol as active biodegradable bakery packagingGonon H., Srisa A., Promhuad K., Chonhenchob V., Bumbudsanpharoke N., Jarupan L., Harnkarnsujarit N.2023Food Packaging and Shelf Life
26Testing and Comparison of Various Packages for Mango DistributionChonhenchob V., Singh S.P.2004Journal of Testing and Evaluation
32(1),pp. 69-72
27Combined effects of natural substances and modified atmosphere packaging on reducing enzymatic browning and postharvest decay of longan fruitKhan M., Khan M., Chinsirikul W., Sane A., Chonhenchob V., Chonhenchob V.2020International Journal of Food Science and Technology
55(2),pp. 500-508
28Quality and biochemical changes of longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour cv. Daw) fruit under different controlled atmosphere conditionsKhan M., Khan M., Suwanamornlert P., Suwanamornlert P., Leelaphiwat P., Leelaphiwat P., Chinsirikul W., Chonhenchob V., Chonhenchob V.2017International Journal of Food Science and Technology
52(10),pp. 2163-2170
29Lignin Nanoparticles for Enhancing Physicochemical and Antimicrobial Properties of Polybutylene Succinate/Thymol Composite Film for Active PackagingBasbasan A.J., Hararak B., Winotapun C., Wanmolee W., Chinsirikul W., Leelaphiwat P., Chonhenchob V., Boonruang K.2023Polymers
30Application of lignin nanoparticles in polybutylene succinate based antifungal packaging for extending the shelf life of breadMoe N.C., Basbasan A.J., Winotapun C., Hararak B., Wanmolee W., Suwanamornlert P., Leelaphiwat P., Boonruang K., Chinsirikul W., Chonhenchob V.2023Food Packaging and Shelf Life
31Thermoplastic agar blended PBAT films with enhanced oxygen scavenging activityIribarren E., Wongphan P., Bumbudsanpharoke N., Chonhenchob V., Jarupan L., Harnkarnsujarit N.2023Food Bioscience
32Testing and evaluation of quality changes of treated fresh-cut tropical fruits packaged in thermoformed plastic containersSingh S.P., Chonhenchob V., Chantarasomboon Y., Singh J.2007Journal of Testing and Evaluation
35(5),pp. 522-528
33Barrier Properties of Polymeric Packaging Materials to Major Aroma Volatiles in HerbsLeelaphiwat P., Auras R., Harte J., Ong P., Ong P., Chonhenchob V.2016MATEC Web of Conferences
34Effects of packaging materials on the aroma stability of Thai ‘tom yam’ seasoning powder as determined by descriptive sensory analysis and gas chromatography–mass spectrometryLeelaphiwat P., Harte J., Auras R., Ong P., Ong P., Chonhenchob V.2017Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
97(6),pp. 1854-1860
35Polyesters Incorporating Gallic Acid as Oxygen Scavenger in Biodegradable PackagingSonchaeng U., Promsorn J., Bumbudsanpharoke N., Chonhenchob V., Sablani S.S., Harnkarnsujarit N.2022Polymers
36Sulfite-free treatment combined with modified atmosphere packaging to extend trimmed young coconut shelf life during cold storageTreesuwan K., Treesuwan K., Jirapakkul W., Jirapakkul W., Tongchitpakdee S., Tongchitpakdee S., Chonhenchob V., Chonhenchob V., Mahakarnchanakul W., Tongkhao K., Tongkhao K.2022Food Control
37Porous ultrahigh gas-permeable polypropylene film and application in controlling in-pack atmosphere for asparagusChinsirikul W., Klintham P., Kerddonfag N., Winotapun C., Hararak B., Kumsang P., Chonhenchob V.2014Packaging Technology and Science
27(4),pp. 313-325
38Current and Innovative Packaging Technologies for Tropical and Subtropical FruitsChonhenchob V., Chinsirikul W., Singh S.2012Tropical and Subtropical Fruits: Postharvest Physiology, Processing and Packaging
,pp. 115-134
39Survey of counterfeit melamine tableware available on the market in Thailand, and its migrationPoovarodom N., Tangmongkollert P., Jinkarn T., Chonhenchob V.2011Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment
28(2),pp. 251-258
40Antifungal activity of propyl disulphide from neem against Lasiodiplodia theobromae and Neofusicoccum parvum causing stem end rot in mangoRafiullah Khan M., Suwanamornlert P., Sangchote S., Chonhenchob V.2020Journal of Applied Microbiology
129(5),pp. 1364-1373
41Transport coefficients of eucalyptol through various polymeric filmsLeelaphiwat P., Chonhenchob V., Singh S., Kruenate J., Wichai U., Ong P.2012Packaging Technology and Science
25(3),pp. 161-172
42Comparison of various loose fill cushioning materials based on protective and environmental performanceSingh S., Chonhenchob V., Burgess G.1994Packaging Technology and Science
7(5),pp. 229-241
43Effect of controlled atmospheric conditions combined with salt acid immersion on trimmed young coconut qualities during cold storageTreesuwan K., Treesuwan K., Jirapakkul W., Jirapakkul W., Tongchitpakdee S., Tongchitpakdee S., Chonhenchob V., Chonhenchob V., Mahakarnchanakul W., Moonmangmee S., Tongkhao K., Tongkhao K.2022Food Packaging and Shelf Life
44Novel eco-friendly antimicrobial UV-blocking PBAT/PBS/TiO2 nanocomposite films for improved shelf-life of bananasVarghese S.A., Phothisarattana D., Srisa A., Laorenza Y., Jarupan L., Bumbudsanpharoke N., Chonhenchob V., Harnkarnsujarit N.2023Food Bioscience
45Antimicrobial Mechanism of Salt/Acid Solution on Microorganisms Isolated from Trimmed Young CoconutTreesuwan K., Treesuwan K., Jirapakkul W., Jirapakkul W., Tongchitpakdee S., Tongchitpakdee S., Chonhenchob V., Chonhenchob V., Mahakarnchanakul W., Tongkhao K., Tongkhao K.2023Microorganisms
46Release behavior of natural antimicrobial agents with lignin nanoparticles from Poly(butylene succinate) films in vapor phase applicationNuamduang P., Chonhenchob V., Wadaugsorn K., Winotapun C., Hararak B., Wanmolee W., Leelaphiwat P.2024Journal of Food Engineering
47Packaging technologies for pineapple and pineapple productsChonhenchob V., Tanafranca D., Singh S.2016Handbook of Pineapple Technology: Postharvest Science, Processing and Nutrition
,pp. 108-125
48Effect of high gas permeable materials on quality and shelf life of rambutan cv. 'Rong Rian'Pongsai P., Tongchitpakdee S., Fuongfuchat A., Chonhenchob V.2009Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
43(5 SUPPL.),pp. 275-281
49Antioxidant Microemulsion-based Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Film Containing Mangiferin and SurfactantsBoonnattakorn R., Boonnattakorn R., Sane A., Chonhenchob V.2016MATEC Web of Conferences
50Development of alginate based active films containing turmeric essential oilPhal S., Khan M.R., Leelaphiwat P., Chonhenchob V.2020Key Engineering Materials
861 KEM,pp. 378-382
51Nanotechnology in functional and active food packagingChinsirikul W., Hararak B., Chonhenchob V., Bumbudsanpharoke N., Sane A.2020Handbook of Nanotechnology Applications: Environment, Energy, Agriculture and Medicine
,pp. 405-441
52Packaging technologies for dates and date productsChonhenchob V., Saha K., Singh S., Siddiq M., Siddiq M.2013Dates: Postharvest Science, Processing Technology and Health Benefits
,pp. 137-156
53Effect of ozone on prolonging the shelf life of mango and broccoli during cold storage and distributionPaico M., Jittanit W., Jarupan L., Chonhenchob V.201921st IAPRI World Conference on Packaging 2018 - Packaging: Driving a Sustainable Future
,pp. 443-451
54Development of conductive packaging for beverage processing by ohmic heatingSuyraksa S., Kamonpatana P., Kerddonfag N., Sane A., Chonhenchob V.2020Key Engineering Materials
861 KEM,pp. 213-217
55Thymol fumigation in combination with modified atmosphere packaging as an alternative to SO2 treatment on the decay prevention and pericarp browning of longan fruitKhan M., Chinsirikul W., Sane A., Chonhenchob V.201921st IAPRI World Conference on Packaging 2018 - Packaging: Driving a Sustainable Future
,pp. 452-458
56Distribution of microorganisms and quality changes of commercial trimmed aromatic coconutTreesuwan K., Treesuwan K., Tongkhao K., Tongkhao K., Tongchitpakdee S., Tongchitpakdee S., Jirapakkul W., Jirapakkul W., Khan R.M., Chonhenchob V., Chonhenchob V.2018Italian Journal of Food Science
30(5),pp. 105-109
57Mathematical problems in packaging engineeringWang J., Ge C., Lee D., Sek M., Chonhenchob V.2013Mathematical Problems in Engineering
58New standardized package system for imported fresh mangos to the United States from Mexico and GuatemalaSingh S., Sana K., Chonhenchob V., Singh J.201419th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging 2014: Responsible Packaging for a Global Market
,pp. 145-152
59Equilibrium modified atmosphere packaging of Longan for preserving quality and extension of shelf-lifeSripethdee C., Daud W., Kerddonfag N., Winotapun C., Rojsatean J., Payubnop W., Chonhenchob V., Chinsirikul W.201419th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging 2014: Responsible Packaging for a Global Market
,pp. 524-532
60Effect of packaging on quality of fresh-cut kiwiNuamduang P., Chonhenchob V., Leelaphiwat P.2019Italian Journal of Food Science
31(5),pp. 90-95
61Development of alginate based edible antifungal film containing turmeric essential oil and its various characterizationSophoan-Phal , Pattarin-Leelaphiwat , Vanee-Chonhenchob 201921st IAPRI World Conference on Packaging 2018 - Packaging: Driving a Sustainable Future
,pp. 37-44
62Inhibitory Effect of Visible Light on Sitophilus oryzae in Rice PackagingKorbsakulkarn N., Sane A., Chonhenchob V., Leelaphiwat P.202022nd World Conference on Packaging "Future of Packaging"
63Development of Antifungal Film Incorporated with Lignin Nanoparticles for Mango Packaging and DistributionAnanphadung T., Hararak B., Winotapun C., Boonruang K., Leelaphiwat P., Chinsirikul W., Chonhenchob V.2022Conference Proceedings - 23rd IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, IAPRI Bangkok 2022
,pp. 77-83
64Antimicrobial Paper Coated with Lignin Nanoparticles for Bread Packaging ApplicationsMoe N.C., Winotapun C., Hararak B., Suwanamornlert P., Leelaphiwat P., Chonhenchob V.2022Conference Proceedings - 23rd IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, IAPRI Bangkok 2022
,pp. 68-76
65Antimicrobial Activity of Biodegradable Lignin Nanoparticles in Polyvinyl Alcohol-Based Film Against Major Spoilage Microorganisms of Mango FruitBasbasan A., Hararak B., Winotapun C., Boonruang K., Leelaphiwat P., Chinsirikul W., Chonhenchob V.2022Conference Proceedings - 23rd IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, IAPRI Bangkok 2022
,pp. 51-59