# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Rice starch isolation by alkaline protease digestion of wet-milled rice flour | Lumdubwong N., Seib P. | 2000 | Journal of Cereal Science 31(1),pp. 63-74 | 140 |
2 | Starch behaviors and mechanical properties of starch blend films with different plasticizers | Nguyen Vu H., Lumdubwong N. | 2016 | Carbohydrate Polymers 154,pp. 112-120 | 109 |
3 | Molecular weight, chain profile of rice amylopectin and starch pasting properties | Kowittaya C., Lumdubwong N. | 2014 | Carbohydrate Polymers 108(1),pp. 216-223 | 79 |
4 | Physicochemical properties and textile utilization of low- and moderate-substituted carboxymethyl rice starches with various amylose content | Tatongjai J., Lumdubwong N. | 2010 | Carbohydrate Polymers 81(2),pp. 377-384 | 47 |
5 | Effects of heat-moisture treatment on normal and waxy rice flours and production of thermoplastic flour materials | Khamthong P., Lumdubwong N. | 2012 | Carbohydrate Polymers 90(1),pp. 340-347 | 24 |
6 | Characteristics of menthone encapsulated complex by mungbean, tapioca, and rice starches | Keatkrai J., Lumdubwong N., Chaiseri S., Jirapakkul W. | 2017 | International Journal of Food Properties 20(4),pp. 810-820 | 14 |
7 | Pasting and Rheological Properties of Starch Paste/Gels in a Sugar-Acid System | Boonkor P., Sagis L.M.C., Lumdubwong N. | 2022 | Foods 11(24) | 13 |
8 | Low- and medium-DE maltodextrins from waxy wheat starch: Preparation and properties | Lumdubwong N., Seib P., Seib P. | 2001 | Starch/Staerke 53(12),pp. 605-615 | 12 |
9 | Ultrasound-assisted formation of chitosan-glucose Maillard reaction products to fabricate nanoparticles with enhanced antioxidant activity | Viturat S., Thongngam M., Lumdubwong N., Zhou W., Klinkesorn U. | 2023 | Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 97 | 11 |
10 | Fabrication of starch blend films with different matrices and their mechanical properties | Nguyen Vu H.P., Lumdubwong N. | 2020 | Polymer Testing 90 | 9 |
11 | Impact of Deformability and Rigidity of Starch Granules on Linear and Non-Linear Rheological Behavior of Waxy Rice Starch Gels and Applicability for Food End Uses | Lowithun N., Sagis L.M.C., Lumdubwong N. | 2024 | Foods 13(12) | 1 |