# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | The 9-point hedonic scale and hedonic ranking in food science: Some reappraisals and alternatives | Wichchukit S., Wichchukit S., O'Mahony M. | 2015 | Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 95(11),pp. 2167-2178 | 182 |
2 | Whey protein/alginate beads as carriers of a bioactive component | Wichchukit S., Wichchukit S., Oztop M., McCarthy M., McCarthy K. | 2013 | Food Hydrocolloids 33(1),pp. 66-73 | 97 |
3 | Flow behavior of milk chocolate melt and the application to coating flow | Wichchukit S., McCarthy M.J., McCarthy K.L. | 2005 | Journal of Food Science 70(3) | 25 |
4 | A Transfer of Technology from Engineering: Use of ROC Curves from Signal Detection Theory to Investigate Information Processing in the Brain during Sensory Difference Testing | Wichchukit S., O'Mahony M. | 2010 | Journal of Food Science 75(9) | 22 |
5 | Paired preference tests: 'Liking', 'Buying' and 'Take Away' preferences | Wichchukit S., O'Mahony M. | 2010 | Food Quality and Preference 21(8),pp. 925-929 | 18 |
6 | Contact heat transfer coefficient during double-sided cooking of hamburger patties | Wichchukit S., Zorrilla S., Singh R. | 2001 | Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 25(3),pp. 207-221 | 18 |
7 | Various paired preference tests: Experimenter effect on "take home" choice | Weiss B., O'mahony M., Wichchukit S. | 2010 | Journal of Sensory Studies 25(5),pp. 778-790 | 15 |
8 | 'Liking', 'Buying', 'Choosing' and 'Take Away' preference tests for varying degrees of hedonic disparity | Wichchukit S., O'Mahony M. | 2011 | Food Quality and Preference 22(1),pp. 60-65 | 15 |
9 | The evolution of paired preference tests from forced choice to the use of ‘No Preference’ options, from preference frequencies to d′ values, from placebo pairs to signal detection | O'Mahony M., Wichchukit S. | 2017 | Trends in Food Science and Technology 66,pp. 146-152 | 14 |
10 | Data from 'words only' and 'numbers only' 9-point hedonic scales are not interchangeable for serial monadic as well as rank-rating protocols: Aspects of memory and culture | Feng Y., Gutiérrez-Salomón A., Angulo O., O'Mahony M., Wichchukit S., Wichchukit S. | 2015 | Food Quality and Preference 41,pp. 12-19 | 11 |
11 | The 9-point hedonic and unstructured line hedonic scales: An alternative analysis with more relevant effect sizes for preference | Wichchukit S., O'Mahony M., O'Mahony M. | 2022 | Food Quality and Preference 99 | 9 |
12 | "Liking" and "Take Away" Preferences for Mexican Consumers: Cross-Cultural Comparison with Thais for Psychological Style | Calderón E., Angulo O., O'Mahony M., Wichchukit S. | 2015 | Journal of Sensory Studies 30(1),pp. 77-84 | 8 |
13 | Paired Preference Tests: A signal detection based analysis with separate d′ values for segmentation | Zhang X., Halim J., Wichchukit S., Wichchukit S., O'Mahony M., Hautus M. | 2016 | Journal of Sensory Studies 31(6),pp. 481-491 | 7 |
14 | Unstructured numerical intensity scales: Models, protocols and errors | Wichchukit S., LaFond S., O'Mahony M., O'Mahony M. | 2021 | Food Research International 141 | 4 |
15 | Transport phenomena during double-sided cooking of meat patties | Zorrilla S., Wichchukit S., Singh R. | 2016 | Transport Phenomena in Food Processing ,pp. 295-308 | 2 |
16 | Physico-chemical and rheological properties of plain yogurt made from goat's milk during refrigerated storage | Suraweera D., Wichchukit S. | 2020 | E3S Web of Conferences 187 | 2 |
17 | Classification of papaya crispiness based on mechanical properties | Terdwongworakul A., Burns P., Burns P., Wichchukit S., Wichchukit S., Thaipong K., Thaipong K., Nacharoen S., Nacharoen S. | 2016 | Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 18(1),pp. 294-300 | 2 |
18 | Extensional flow characteristics of milk and soy set yogurts with polysaccharide additives | Wichchukit S., Jarimopas B. | 2011 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 45(2),pp. 346-352 | 0 |
19 | Physico-chemical properties of Guava fruits from organic and conventional cultivation systems | Srinil K., Sugsamran A., Sorntammalee S., Wichchukit S. | 2020 | E3S Web of Conferences 187 | 0 |
20 | Application of low methoxyl pectin powder derived from palmyra palm pulp wash water to enhance toddy palm cake quality | Wichchukit S., Fuengfoo M., Thongkaew C., Chantaratepthimakul S., Roichimplee C., Choomchuboon S., Kanjanapongkul K. | 2023 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 57(6),pp. 1015-1024 | 0 |