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    • Ph.D. ( Biological and Agricultural Engineering ), University of California, Davis , U.S.A.
    • วท.ม. ( เทคโนโลยีการอาหาร ), จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย , ไทย
    • วท.บ. ( เทคโนโลยีการอาหาร ), จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย , ไทย
    • น.บ. (กฏหมายระหว่างประเทศ ), มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช , ไทย

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    anthracnoseantimicrobialantimicrobial activityAntioxidantantioxidant activityAntioxidantsArticlebananaBanana powderBanana starchbasilBeeswaxBiopolymer filmblack rotcarboxymethyl cellulosecarboxymethylcellulosecauliflowerCellulosecellulose nanocrystalCellulose nanocrystalsChitosanchlorineCoatingscolorcomposite filmcompression moldingCompression-molded sheetdegree of substitutionEdible coatingedible filmedible filmsessential oilEssential oilsfirmnessFourier transform infrared spectroscopyfreeze dryingFresh-cut garlicFresh-cut mangoFunctional propertiesGlucomannanglycerolhydroxypropyl methylcelluloseLime peellipidLycopersicon esculentumMangoMAPmechanical propertiesmicroencapsulationmicroorganismminiemulsionmodified flourMontmorilloniteOZONEpackagingPackaging materialspectin filmPectin filmspermeabilityPhenolic compoundsphysical propertiesphysicochemicalPhysicochemical propertiesPolysaccharidesporcine plasma proteinPostharvest diseasePostharvest qualitypropertiesqualityrheologicalrice stubbleScanning electron microscopysensory evaluationSpent coffee groundsSpray dryingswelling powerTexturesTotal phenolic contentWater vapor permeabilityWhey protein isolatexanthoneกระดาษกล้วยการทำแห้งการสกัดบรรจุภัณฑ์ผลไม้พลาสติไซเซอร์พอลิแซกคาไรด์เพกตินฟิล์มบริโภคได้ฟิล์มย่อยสลายได้ทางชีวภาพวัสดุเหลือทิ้งทางการเกษตรสมบัติต้านอนุมูลอิสระสมบัติทางกลสารต้านเชื้อจุลินทรีย์สารต้านอนุมูลอิสระสารสกัดสารอนุภาคขนาดนาโนเอทิลีน


    Edible Films and Food Processing

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    • ม.ค. 2554 - มี.ค. 2556 หัวหน้าภาควิชาวิศวกรรมการอาหาร คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ กำแพงแสน


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    • ทุนนอก 4 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 3 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 1 โครงการ)

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    • สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 0 เรื่อง (ขึ้นทะเบียนพันธุ์พืช หรือพันธุ์สัตว์ หรือสิ่งประดิษฐ์ มก. 0 เรื่อง)
    • Unknown 7 เรื่อง (Unknown 7 เรื่อง)



    • การนำผลงานไปใช้ประโยชน์ 35 เรื่อง (เชิงวิชาการ 30 เรื่อง, เชิงนโยบาย/บริหาร 0 เรื่อง, เชิงสาธารณะ 5 เรื่อง, เชิงพาณิชย์ 0 เรื่อง)



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    นักวิจัยที่มีผลงานงานร่วมกันมากที่สุด 10 คนแรก

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    Scopus h-index

    #Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
    1Plasticizer effect on mechanical properties of β-lactoglobulin filmsSothornvit R., Krochta J.2001Journal of Food Engineering
    50(3),pp. 149-155
    2Plasticizers in edible films and coatingsSothornvit R., Krochta J.2005Innovations in Food Packaging
    ,pp. 403-433
    3Microwave heating extraction of pectin from lime peel: Characterization and properties compared with the conventional heating methodRodsamran P., Rodsamran P., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2019Food Chemistry
    278,pp. 364-372
    4Effect of nano-clay type on the physical and antimicrobial properties of whey protein isolate/clay composite filmsSothornvit R., Rhim J., Hong S.2009Journal of Food Engineering
    91(3),pp. 468-473
    5Plasticizer effect on oxygen permeability of β-lactoglobulin filmsSothornvit R., Krochta J.2000Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
    48(12),pp. 6298-6302
    6Extraction of phenolic compounds from lime peel waste using ultrasonic-assisted and microwave-assisted extractionsRodsamran P., Rodsamran P., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2019Food Bioscience
    28,pp. 66-73
    7Effect of clay content on the physical and antimicrobial properties of whey protein isolate/organo-clay composite filmsSothornvit R., Hong S., An D., Rhim J.2010LWT - Food Science and Technology
    43(2),pp. 279-284
    8Preparation of antimicrobial agar/banana powder blend films reinforced with silver nanoparticlesOrsuwan A., Shankar S., Wang L., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R., Rhim J.2016Food Hydrocolloids
    60,pp. 476-485
    9Oxygen permeability and mechanical properties of banana filmsSothornvit R., Pitak N.2007Food Research International
    40(3),pp. 365-370
    10Effect of cellulose nanocrystals from sugarcane bagasse on whey protein isolate-based filmsSukyai P., Anongjanya P., Bunyahwuthakul N., Kongsin K., Harnkarnsujarit N., Sukatta U., Sothornvit R., Chollakup R.2018Food Research International
    107,pp. 528-535
    11Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of cassava starch and whey protein blend films containing rambutan peel extract and cinnamon oil for active packagingChollakup R., Pongburoos S., Boonsong W., Khanoonkon N., Kongsin K., Sothornvit R., Sukyai P., Sukatta U., Harnkarnsujarit N.2020LWT
    12Effect of a mango film on quality of whole and minimally processed mangoesSothornvit R., Rodsamran P.2008Postharvest Biology and Technology
    47(3),pp. 407-415
    13Oxygen permeability and mechanical properties of films from hydrolyzed whey proteinSothornvit R., Krochta J.2000Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
    48(9),pp. 3913-3916
    14Lime peel pectin integrated with coconut water and lime peel extract as a new bioactive film sachet to retard soybean oil oxidationRodsamran P., Rodsamran P., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2019Food Hydrocolloids
    15Water vapor permeability and solubility of films from hydrolyzed whey proteinSothornvit R., Krochta J.M.2000Journal of Food Science
    65(4),pp. 700-703
    16Barrier properties, mechanical properties and antimicrobial activity of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-based nanocomposite films incorporated with Thai essential oilsKlangmuang P., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2016Food Hydrocolloids
    61,pp. 609-616
    17Tensile properties of compression-molded whey protein sheets: Determination of molding condition and glycerol-content effects and comparison with solution-cast filmsSothornvit R., Olsen C., McHugh T., Krochta J.2007Journal of Food Engineering
    78(3),pp. 855-860
    18Physicochemical and functional properties of protein concentrate from by-product of coconut processingRodsamran P., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2018Food Chemistry
    241,pp. 364-371
    19Effect of plasticizer type and amount on hydroxypropyl methylcellulose- beeswax edible film properties and postharvest quality of coated plums (Cv. Angeleno)Navarro-Tarazaga M., Sothornvit R., Pérez-Gago M.2008Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
    56(20),pp. 9502-9509
    20Edible coating and post-frying centrifuge step effect on quality of vacuum-fried banana chipsSothornvit R.2011Journal of Food Engineering
    107(3-4),pp. 319-325
    21Effect of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and lipid on mechanical properties and water vapor permeability of coated paperSothornvit R.2009Food Research International
    42(2),pp. 307-311
    22Preparation and characterization of pectin fraction from pineapple peel as a natural plasticizer and material for biopolymer filmRodsamran P., Rodsamran P., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2019Food and Bioproducts Processing
    118,pp. 198-206
    23Quality and shelf-life of washed fresh-cut asparagus in modified atmosphere packagingSothornvit R., Kiatchanapaibul P.2009LWT - Food Science and Technology
    42(9),pp. 1484-1490
    24Combination of beeswax and nanoclay on barriers, sorption isotherm and mechanical properties of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-based composite filmsKlangmuang P., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2016LWT - Food Science and Technology
    65,pp. 222-227
    25Nanostructured materials for food packaging systems: new functional propertiesSothornvit R.2019Current Opinion in Food Science
    25,pp. 82-87
    26Characterization of bioactive film from pectin incorporated with gamma-aminobutyric acidMeerasri J., Sothornvit R.2020International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
    147,pp. 1285-1293
    27Active Banana Flour Nanocomposite Films Incorporated with Garlic Essential Oil as Multifunctional Packaging Material for Food ApplicationOrsuwan A., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2018Food and Bioprocess Technology
    11(6),pp. 1199-1210
    28Active coating from hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-based nanocomposite incorporated with Thai essential oils on mango (cv. Namdokmai Sithong)Klangmuang P., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2018Food Bioscience
    23,pp. 9-15
    29Development and characterization of banana flour film incorporated with montmorillonite and banana starch nanoparticlesOrsuwan A., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2017Carbohydrate Polymers
    174,pp. 235-242
    30Rice stubble as a new biopolymer source to produce carboxymethyl cellulose-blended filmsRodsamran P., Rodsamran P., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2017Carbohydrate Polymers
    171,pp. 94-101
    31Effect of banana and plasticizer types on mechanical, water barrier, and heat sealability of plasticized banana-based filmsOrsuwan A., Sothornvit R.2018Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
    32Formation conditions, water-vapor permeability, and solubility of compression-molded whey protein filmsSothornvit R., Olsen C.W., McHugh T.H., Krochta J.M.2003Journal of Food Science
    68(6),pp. 1985-1999
    33Artificial neural networks (ANNs) and multiple linear regression (MLR) for prediction of moisture content for coated pineapple cubesMeerasri J., Sothornvit R.2022Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
    34One-step preparation of banana powder/silver nanoparticles composite filmsOrsuwan A., Shankar S., Wang L., Sothornvit R., Rhim J.2017Journal of Food Science and Technology
    54(2),pp. 497-506
    35Development and characterization of porcine plasma protein-chitosan blended filmsSamsalee N., Samsalee N., Sothornvit R.2019Food Packaging and Shelf Life
    36Extracted sericin from silk waste for film formationSothornvit R., Chollakup R., Suwanruji P.2010Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
    32(1),pp. 17-22
    37Plasticizer effect on the glass transition temperature of beta-lactoglobulin filmsSothornvit R., Reid D.S., Krochta J.M.2002Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers
    45(5),pp. 1479-1484
    38Mango film coated for fresh-cut mango in modified atmosphere packagingSothornvit R., Rodsamran P.2010International Journal of Food Science and Technology
    45(8),pp. 1689-1695
    39Active hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-based composite coating powder to maintain the quality of fresh mangoKlangmuang P., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2018LWT - Food Science and Technology
    91,pp. 541-548
    40Renewable cellulose source: Isolation and characterisation of cellulose from rice stubble residuesRodsamran P., Rodsamran P., Sothornvit R.2015International Journal of Food Science and Technology
    50(9),pp. 1953-1959
    41Rice husk nanocellulose: Extraction by high-pressure homogenization, chemical treatments and characterizationSamsalee N., Meerasri J., Sothornvit R.2023Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications
    42Bioactive coconut protein concentrate films incorporated with antioxidant extract of mature coconut waterRodsamran P., Rodsamran P., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2018Food Hydrocolloids
    79,pp. 243-252
    43Microencapsulation of Thai rice grass (O. Sativa cv. Khao Dawk Mali 105) extract incorporated to form bioactive carboxymethyl cellulose edible filmRodsamran P., Rodsamran P., Sothornvit R.2018Food Chemistry
    242,pp. 239-246
    44Carboxymethyl cellulose from renewable rice stubble incorporated with Thai rice grass extract as a bioactive packaging film for green teaRodsamran P., Rodsamran P., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2018Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
    45Rice straw paper incorporated with activated carbon as an ethylene scavenger in a paper-making processSothornvit R., Sampoompuang C.2012International Journal of Food Science and Technology
    47(3),pp. 511-517
    46Characterization of Food Application and Quality of Porcine Plasma Protein–Based Films Incorporated with Chitosan or Encapsulated Turmeric OilSamsalee N., Samsalee N., Sothornvit R.2020Food and Bioprocess Technology
    13(3),pp. 488-500
    47Physicochemical, functional properties and antioxidant activity of protein extract from spent coffee grounds using ultrasonic-assisted extractionSamsalee N., Sothornvit R.2021AIMS Agriculture and Food
    6(3),pp. 864-878
    48Carboxymethyl cellulose from rice stubble wasteRodsamran P., Rodsamran P., Sothornvit R.2020Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
    42(2),pp. 454-460
    49Effect of miniemulsion cross-linking and ultrasonication on properties of banana starchOrsuwan A., Sothornvit R.2015International Journal of Food Science and Technology
    50(2),pp. 298-304
    50Properties of sericin-glucomannan composite filmsSothornvit R., Chollakup R.2009International Journal of Food Science and Technology
    44(7),pp. 1395-1400
    51Modification and characterisation of porcine plasma protein with natural agents as potential cross-linkersSamsalee N., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2017International Journal of Food Science and Technology
    52(4),pp. 964-971
    52Novel development of coffee oil extracted from spent coffee grounds as a butter substitute in bakery productsMeerasri J., Sothornvit R.2022Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
    53Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) peel extract: Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities and its application as a bioactive compound in whey protein isolate filmSukatta U., Rugthaworn P., Khanoonkon N., Anongjanya P., Kongsin K., Sukyai P., Harnkarnsujarit N., Sothornvit R., Chollakup R.2021Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
    43(1),pp. 37-44
    54Effect of edible coating on the qualities of fresh guavaSothornvit R.2013Acta Horticulturae
    1012,pp. 453-460
    55Post-harvest damage and performance comparison of sweet tamarind packagingJarimopas B., Rachanukroa D., Singh S., Sothornvit R.2008Journal of Food Engineering
    88(2),pp. 193-201
    56Effect of ozonated and chlorinated water on quality of fresh-cut cauliflower and basilSothornvit R.2010Acta Horticulturae
    858,pp. 319-324
    57Factors affecting sericin hydrolysis and application of sericin hydrolysate in sericin filmsMeerasri J., Chollakup R., Sothornvit R.2022RSC Advances
    12(44),pp. 28441-28450
    58Characterization and functional properties of novel nanocomposite sericin-based films incorporated with sericin nanoparticlesMeerasri J., Kongsin K., Chollakup R., Sothornvit R.2023Chemical Engineering Journal Advances
    59Effects of Drying Methods on Physicochemical and Rheological properties of Porcine Plasma ProteinSamsalee N., Sothornvit R.2014Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
    48(4),pp. 629-636
    60Enhanced antimicrobial effectiveness of synergistic mixtures of rambutan peel extract and cinnamon essential oil on food spoilage bacteria and bio-based food packagingKhanoonkon N., Rugthaworn P., Kongsin K., Sukyai P., Harnkarnsujarit N., Sothornvit R., Chollakup R., Sukatta U.2022Journal of Food Safety
    61Reinforcement of banana flour biocomposite film with beeswax and montmorillonite and effects on water barrier and physical propertiesOrsuwan A., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2018International Journal of Food Science and Technology
    53(12),pp. 2642-2649
    62Edible film formation and properties from different protein sources and orange coating applicationSothornvit R.2005Acta Horticulturae
    682,pp. 1731-1738
    63Novel application of pineapple peel pectin extract film as active edible coating on quality of dried pineappleMeerasri J., Sothornvit R.2023International Journal of Food Science and Technology
    64Active edible coating to maintain the quality of fresh mangoSothornvit R., Klangmuang P.2015Acta Horticulturae
    1079,pp. 473-480
    65Native and modified porcine plasma protein as wall materials for microencapsulation of natural essential oilsSamsalee N., Samsalee N., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2019International Journal of Food Science and Technology
    54(9),pp. 2745-2753
    66Relationship between solution rheology and properties of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose filmsSothornvit R.2021Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
    43(3),pp. 761-766
    67Effect of natural cross-linkers and drying methods on physicochemical and thermal properties of dried porcine plasma proteinSamsalee N., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2017Food Bioscience
    19,pp. 26-33
    68Effect of subcritical water technique and ethanolic solvent on total phenolic contents and antioxidant capacity of Thai rice plant (O. Sativa cv. Khao Dawk Mali 105)Rodsamran P., Rodsamran P., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2017International Food Research Journal
    24(4),pp. 1676-1684
    69Effect of polysaccharide-based edible coatings incorporated with sodium benzoate on the control of postharvest black spot of organic cherry tomatoes caused by Alternaria alternataRodsamran P., Sothornvit R., Palou L., Pérez-Gago M.2018Acta Horticulturae
    1194,pp. 241-247
    70Effect of banana flour composition and glycerol content on properties of compression-molded banana sheetSothornvit R., Songtip S.2010Acta Horticulturae
    877,pp. 1295-1302
    71Drying process and mangosteen rind powder productSothornvit R.2012Acta Horticulturae
    928,pp. 233-242
    72Enhancing ice cream qualities with novel rice husk cellulose nanocrystal applicationsSamsalee N., Meerasri J., Sothornvit R.2024International Journal of Food Science and Technology
    73Edible Films and Coatings for Fresh and Minimally Processed Fruits and VegetablesJanjarasskul T., Sothornvit R., McHugh T.2016Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables: Technology, Physiology, and Safety
    ,pp. 333-402
    74Synergistic effects of thyme and oregano essential oil combinations for enhanced functional properties of sericin/pectin filmMeerasri J., Sukatta U., Rugthaworn P., Klinsukhon K., Khacharat L., Sakayaroj S., Chollakup R., Sothornvit R.2024International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
    75Different novel extraction techniques on chemical and functional properties of sugar extracts from spent coffee groundsSamsalee N., Sothornvit R.2022AIMS Agriculture and Food
    7(4),pp. 897-915
    76Effect of edible coating on the quality of fresh-cut garlic in modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)Sothornvit R., Tangworakit P.2015Acta Horticulturae
    1071,pp. 413-420
    77Properties of compression-molded banana-based sheets compared with banana flourSothornvit R., Songtip S.2012Acta Horticulturae
    928,pp. 243-250
    78Physical and mechanical properties of composite mango filmsSothornvit R.2010Acta Horticulturae
    877,pp. 973-978
    79Fresh-cut mango coated with mango film in modified atmosphere packagingSothornvit R., Rodsamran P.2010Acta Horticulturae
    857,pp. 359-366
    80Effects of clove oil on physicochemical and functional properties of banana flour nanocomposite filmOrsuwan A., Sothornvit R.2021Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology
    15(2),pp. 187-198
    81Effect of Thai herb essential oils incorporated in hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-based nanocomposite coatings on quality of fresh mango stored at ambient temperatureKlangmuang P., Sothornvit R., Sothornvit R.2022Agriculture and Natural Resources
    56(2),pp. 331-342
    82Novel Sequential Microwave-Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) Peel Waste Using Choline Chloride-Lactic Acid Deep Eutectic SolventLy L., Sothornvit R.2024Food and Bioprocess Technology
    83Curative activity against citrus postharvest green mold of composite hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-beeswax edible coatings with zeolites containing Ag-nanoparticlesPalou L., Cerrillo J.L., Klangmuang P., Pérez-Gago M.B., Taberner V., de la Fuente B., Sothornvit R., Rey F., Valencia S., Palomares A.E.2021Acta Horticulturae
    1323,pp. 59-64