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    • Ph.D.(Genetics and Breeding in Aquatic Animals ), Ehime University , JAPAN
    • วท.ม. (พันธุศาสตร์), มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์, ไทย
    • วท.บ. (ประมง), มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์, ไทย

    Expertise Cloud

    16S rRNAAcinetobacter KU011THAeromonas hydrophilaAfrican catfishAfrican sharp-tooth catfishAndaman SeaAndrogenic glandsAnimaliaApoptosisAquacultureBase populationBighead catfishBroodstock managementCatfishcDNAchitosanClarias catfishClarias gariepinusClarias macrocephalusClariid catfishCondition factordevelopmental stagedisease resistanceDIVERSITYExpressionfish cultureFreshwater prawnGene expressionGene OntologyGenetic correlationGenetic correlation Growthgenetic differenceGenetic differentiationGenetic diversityGenetic diversity, Kryptopterus bleekerigenetic impactGenetic improvementgenetic markergenetic markersgenetic monitoringGenetic parameterGenetic parametersGenetic relatednessgenetic structureGenetic trendgenetic variationgeneticsgenomegenome sequenceGenome-wide SNPgenomic selectiongenomicsgenotypegenotype-environment interactiongermplasmGH-IGF axisGiant freshwater prawnGrowthgrowth performancegrowth rateheritabilityhybridHybrid catfishidentification methodIgM heavy chainImmune responsesimmunityintrogressionMekong giant catfishMEKONG RIVERMicrosatellitesNile tilapiaNorth African CatfishOreochromis niloticusPangasianodon gigasphylogenyprobioticsREPRODUCTIVE SUCCESSSALINITYSCALLOPSSex determinationSnakeskin gouramiSNPSoutheast AsiaSpecies-specificSSCPsterilitysurvivalteleostThai walking catfishtilapiaTranscriptomeTriploidการแปลงเพศกุ้งก้ามกรามความหลากหลายทางพันธุกรรมเทคโนโลยีชีวภาพปรับปรุงพันธุ์ปลาสลิดพันธุศาสตร์


    พันธุศาสตร์สัตว์น้ำ , การเพาะพันธุ์สัตว์น้ำ


    • จำนวนหน่วยปฏิบัติการที่เข้าร่วม 2 หน่วย (หัวหน้าหน่วย 2 หน่วย, สมาชิก 0 หน่วย) ดังนี้คือ
    • จำนวนพื้นที่วิจัย 0 ตารางเมตร
    • จำนวนเครื่องมือวิจัย 0 ชิ้น

    งานวิจัยในรอบ 5 ปี


    • ทุนใน 22 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 11 โครงการ, ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 9 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 2 โครงการ)
    • ทุนนอก 0 โครงการ
    • ทุนใน 23 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 11 โครงการ, ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 9 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 3 โครงการ)
    • ทุนนอก 28 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 18 โครงการ, ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 4 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 6 โครงการ)

    แนวโน้มผลงานทั้งหมดเทียบกับแนวโน้มผลงานในรอบ 5 ปี


    • บทความ 121 เรื่อง (ตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการ 92 เรื่อง, นำเสนอในการประชุม/สัมมนา 29 เรื่อง)
    • ทรัพย์สินทางปัญญา 0 เรื่อง (ลิขสิทธิ์ 0 เรื่อง, เครื่องหมายการค้า 0 เรื่อง, อนุสิทธิบัตร 0 เรื่อง, สิทธิบัตร 0 เรื่อง)
    • สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 0 เรื่อง (ขึ้นทะเบียนพันธุ์พืช หรือพันธุ์สัตว์ หรือสิ่งประดิษฐ์ มก. 0 เรื่อง)
    • Unknown 2 เรื่อง (Unknown 2 เรื่อง)



    • การนำผลงานไปใช้ประโยชน์ 36 เรื่อง (เชิงวิชาการ 34 เรื่อง, เชิงนโยบาย/บริหาร 0 เรื่อง, เชิงสาธารณะ 0 เรื่อง, เชิงพาณิชย์ 2 เรื่อง)



    • รางวัลที่ได้รับ 9 เรื่อง (ประกาศเกียรติคุณ/รางวัลนักวิจัย 6 เรื่อง, รางวัลผลงานวิจัย/สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 3 เรื่อง, รางวัลผลงานนำเสนอในการประชุมวิชาการ 0 เรื่อง)

    นักวิจัยที่มีผลงานงานร่วมกันมากที่สุด 10 คนแรก

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    Scopus h-index

    #Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
    1Genetic impacts of hybrid catfish farming (Clarias macrocephalus x C. gariepinus) on native catfish populations in central ThailandSenanan W., Kapuscinski A.R., Na-Nakorn U., Miller L.M.2004Aquaculture
    235(1-4),pp. 167-184
    2Genetic diversity of walking catfish, Clarias macrocephalus, in Thailand and evidence of genetic introgression from introduced farmed C. gariepinusNa-Nakorn U., Kamonrat W., Ngamsiri T.2004Aquaculture
    240(1-4),pp. 145-163
    3DNA barcoding of catfish: Species authentication and phylogenetic assessmentWong L.L., Peatman E., Lu J., Kucuktas H., He S., Zhou C., Zhou C., Na-nakorn U., Liu Z.2011PLoS ONE
    4A study on phylogeny and biogeography of mahseer species (Pisces: Cyprinidae) using sequences of three mitochondrial DNA gene regionsNguyen T., Na-Nakorn U., Sukmanomon S., ZiMing C.2008Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
    48(3),pp. 1223-1231
    5Study of genetic diversity of orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides, from Thailand and Indonesia using microsatellite markersAntoro S., Na-Nakorn U., Koedprang W.2006Marine Biotechnology
    8(1),pp. 17-26
    6Crossing of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), strains based on strain selection using genetic diversity dataWachirachaikarn A., Rungsin W., Srisapoome P., Na-Nakorn U.2009Aquaculture
    290(1-2),pp. 53-60
    7Probiotic effects of a novel strain, Acinetobacter KU011TH, on the growth performance, immune responses, and resistance against Aeromonas hydrophila of bighead catfish (Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864)Bunnoy A., Na-Nakorn U., Srisapoome P.2019Microorganisms
    8Pubertal effects of 17α-methyltestosterone on GH-IGF-related genes of the hypothalamic-pituitary-liver-gonadal axis and other biological parameters in male, female and sex-reversed Nile tilapiaPhumyu N., Boonanuntanasarn S., Jangprai A., Yoshizaki G., Na-Nakorn U.2012General and Comparative Endocrinology
    177(2),pp. 278-292
    9Mitochondrial DNA diversity of the Asian moon scallop, Amusium pleuronectes (Pectinidae), in ThailandMahidol C., Mahidol C., Na-Nakorn U., Sukmanomon S., Taniguchi N., Nguyen T.2007Marine Biotechnology
    9(3),pp. 352-359
    10Genetic diversity of hatchery stocks of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in ThailandChareontawee K., Poompuang S., Na-Nakorn U., Kamonrat W.2007Aquaculture
    271(1-4),pp. 121-129
    11MtDNA diversity of the critically endangered Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas Chevey, 1913) and closely related species: Implications for conservationNa-Nakorn U., Sukmanomon S., Nakajima M., Taniguchi N., Kamonrat W., Poompuang S., Nguyen T.2006Animal Conservation
    9(4),pp. 483-494
    12De Novo Transcriptome Characterization and Growth-Related Gene Expression Profiling of Diploid and Triploid Bighead Catfish (Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864)Chatchaiphan S., Srisapoome P., Kim J., Devlin R., Na-Nakorn U.2017Marine Biotechnology
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    13Preliminary study on performance of triploid Thai silver barb, Puntius gonionotusKoedprang W., Na-Nakorn U.2000Aquaculture
    190(3-4),pp. 211-221
    14Genetic diversity of domesticated stocks of striped catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage 1878), in Thailand: Relevance to broodstock management regimesNa-Nakorn U., Moeikum T.2009Aquaculture
    297(1-4),pp. 70-77
    15A preliminary genetic map of walking catfish (Clarias macrocephalus)Poompuang S., Na-Nakorn U.2004Aquaculture
    232(1-4),pp. 195-203
    16Heritability for growth traits in giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Mann 1879) based on best linear unbiased prediction methodologyKitcharoen N., Rungsin W., Koonawootrittriron S., Na-Nakorn U.2012Aquaculture Research
    43(1),pp. 19-25
    17Heritability of immunity traits and disease resistance of bighead catfish, Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864Srisapoome P., Chatchaiphan S., Bunnoy A., Koonawootrittriron S., Na-Nakorn U.2019Fish and Shellfish Immunology
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    18Allotriploidy increases sterility in the hybrid between Clarias macrocephalus and Clarias gariepinusNa-Nakorn U., Rangsin W., Boon-Ngam J.2004Aquaculture
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    19Suitable conditions for induction of gynogenesis in the catfish, Clarias macrocephalus, using sperm of Pangasius sutchiNa-Nakorn U., Rangsin W., Witchasunkul S.1993Aquaculture
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    20Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergiiCharoentawee K., Poompuang S., Na-Nakorn U.2006Molecular Ecology Notes
    6(3),pp. 823-825
    21Genetic diversity of wild Mekong giant catfish Pangasianodon gigas collected from Thailand and CambodiaNgamsiri T., Ngamsiri T., Nakajima M., Sukmanomon S., Sukumasavin N., Kamonrat W., Na-Nakorn U., Taniguchi N.2007Fisheries Science
    73(4),pp. 792-799
    22Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci of Clarias macrocephalus and their application to genetic diversity studyNa-Nakorn U.1999Fisheries Science
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    23Genetic aspect in broodstock management of the critically endangered Mekong giant catfish, Pangasianodon gigas in ThailandSriphairoj K., Kamonrat W., Na-Nakorn U.2007Aquaculture
    264(1-4),pp. 36-46
    24Population genetics of the spotted seahorse (Hippocampus kuda) in Thai waters: Implications for conservationPanithanarak T., Karuwancharoen R., Na-Nakorn U., Nguyen T.2010Zoological Studies
    49(4),pp. 564-576
    25Genome-wide SNP analysis suggests male heterogamety in bighead catfish (Clarias macrocephalus, Günther, 1864)Nguyen D.H.M., Ponjarat J., Laopichienpong N., Kraichak E., Panthum T., Singchat W., Ahmad S.F., Muangmai N., Duengkae P., Peyachoknagul S., Ezaz T., Na-Nakorn U., Srikulnath K., Srikulnath K., Srikulnath K.2021Aquaculture
    26An Investigation of ZZ/ZW and XX/XY Sex Determination Systems in North African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell, 1822)Nguyen D.H.M., Panthum T., Ponjarat J., Laopichienpong N., Kraichak E., Singchat W., Ahmad S.F., Muangmai N., Peyachoknagul S., Na-Nakorn U., Srikulnath K., Srikulnath K., Srikulnath K.2021Frontiers in Genetics
    27Effects of parental strains and heterosis of the hybrid between Clarias macrocephalus and Clarias gariepinusKoolboon U., Koonawootrittriron S., Kamolrat W., Na-Nakorn U.2014Aquaculture
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    28Production of all-male stock by neofemale technology of the Thai strain of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergiiRungsin W., Paankhao N., Na-Nakorn U.2006Aquaculture
    259(1-4),pp. 88-94
    29Spatial and Temporal Genetic Variation of Green Mussel, Perna viridis in the Gulf of Thailand and Implication for AquaculturePrakoon W., Tunkijjanukij S., Nguyen T., Na-Nakorn U.2010Marine Biotechnology
    12(5),pp. 506-515
    30A current update on the distribution, morphological features, and genetic identity of the southeast asian mahseers, tor speciesJaafar F., Na-Nakorn U., Srisapoome P., Amornsakun T., Duong T.Y., Gonzales-Plasus M.M., Hoang D.H., Parhar I.S.2021Biology
    31Genetic relatedness and differentiation of hatchery populations of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) (Bloch, 1790) broodstock in Thailand inferred from microsatellite genetic markersSenanan W., Pechsiri J., Sonkaew S., Na-Nakorn U., Sean-In N., Yashiro R.2015Aquaculture Research
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    32Microsatellites revealed no genetic differentiation between hatchery and contemporary wild populations of striped catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage 1878) in VietnamHa H., Ha H., Nguyen T., Poompuang S., Na-Nakorn U.2009Aquaculture
    291(3-4),pp. 154-160
    33Evidence of dramatic sterility in F 1 male hybrid catfish [male Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) × female C. macrocephalus (Günther, 1864)] resulting from the failure of homologous chromosome pairing in meiosis IPonjarat J., Singchat W., Monkheang P., Suntronpong A., Tawichasri P., Sillapaprayoon S., Ogawa S., Muangmai N., Baicharoen S., Peyachoknagul S., Peyachoknagul S., Parhar I., Na-Nakorn U., Srikulnath K., Srikulnath K.2019Aquaculture
    505,pp. 84-91
    34Acinetobacter strain KUO11TH, a unique organism related to Acinetobacter pittii and isolated from the skin mucus of healthy bighead catfish and its efficacy against several fish pathogensBunnoy A., Na-Nakorn U., Kayansamruaj P., Srisapoome P.2019Microorganisms
    35Chromosome study of hybrid and gynogenetic offspring of artificial crosses between members of the catfish families Clariidae and PangasiidaeNa-Nakorn U., Sidthikraiwong P., Tarnchalanukit W., Roberts T.R.1993Environmental Biology of Fishes
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    36Transcriptomic analysis of female and male gonads in juvenile snakeskin gourami (Trichopodus pectoralis)Boonanuntanasarn S., Jangprai A., Na-Nakorn U.2020Scientific Reports
    37Genetic changes, intra- and inter-specific introgression in farmed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in ThailandSukmanomon S., Kamonrat W., Poompuang S., Nguyen T.T.T., Nguyen T.T.T., Bartley D.M., May B., Na-Nakorn U.2012Aquaculture
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    38Response to mass selection for disease resistance in walking catfish, clarias macrocephalusNa-Nakorn U., Chantsawang S., Tarnchalanukit W.1995Journal of Applied Aquaculture
    4(4),pp. 65-74
    39Genome-Wide SNP Analysis of Hybrid Clariid Fish Reflects the Existence of Polygenic Sex-Determination in the LineageNguyen D.H.M., Ponjarat J., Laopichienpong N., Panthum T., Singchat W., Ahmad S.F., Kraichak E., Muangmai N., Duengkae P., Peyachoknagul S., Na-Nakorn U., Na-Nakorn U., Srikulnath K., Srikulnath K., Srikulnath K., Srikulnath K.2022Frontiers in Genetics
    40Species identification of four economically important Pangasiid catfishes and closely related species using SSCP markersSriphairoj K., Klinbu-nga S., Kamonrat W., Na-Nakorn U.2010Aquaculture
    41No AFLP sex-specific markers detected in Pangasianodon gigas and P. hypophthalmusSriphairoj K., Na-Nakorn U., Brunelli J.P., Thorgaard G.H.2007Aquaculture
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    42Genetic Differentiation of Natural Populations of the Snake-head Fish, Channa striatus in ThailandHara M., Sekino M., Na-Nakorn U.1998Fisheries Science
    64(6),pp. 882-885
    43Current status & prospects of farming the giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man 1879) in ThailandNa-Nakorn U., Jintasataporn O.2012Aquaculture Research
    43(7),pp. 1015-1022
    44Comparison of cold and heat shocks to induce diploid gynogenesis in Thai walking catfish (Clarias macrocephalus) and performances of gynogensNa-Nakorn U.1995Aquatic Living Resources
    8(4),pp. 333-341
    45Novel microsatellites for multiplex PCRs in the Humpback grouper, Cromileptes altivelis (Valenciennes, 1828), and applications for broodstock managementNa-Nakorn U., Yashiro R., Wachirachaikarn A., Prakoon W., Pansaen N.2010Aquaculture
    306(1-4),pp. 57-62
    46Evaluation of genetic diversity of eight grouper species Epinephelus spp. based on microsatellite variationsKoedprang W., Na-Nakorn U., Nakajima M., Taniguchi N.2007Fisheries Science
    73(2),pp. 227-236
    47Emerging importance of bighead catfish (Clarias macrocephalus) and north African catfish (C. gariepinus) as a bioresource and their genomic perspectiveLisachov A., Nguyen D.H.M., Panthum T., Ahmad S.F., Singchat W., Ponjarat J., Jaisamut K., Srisapoome P., Duengkae P., Hatachote S., Sriphairoj K., Muangmai N., Unajak S., Han K., Na-Nakorn U., Srikulnath K., Srikulnath K.2023Aquaculture
    48Responses to mass selection in a domesticated population of snakeskin gourami, Trichopodus pectoralis, Regan 1910, and confounding effects from stocking densitiesChatchaiphan S., Thaithungchin C., Koonawootrittriron S., Na-Nakorn U.2019Aquaculture
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    49Genetic parameters and genotype-environment interaction for growth traits of North African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)Srimai W., Koonawootrittriron S., Manee-aphai W., Chatchaiphan S., Koolboon U., Na-Nakorn U.2019Aquaculture
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    50Isozymes Variation of Clarias macrocephalus from Four Locations in ThailandNa-Nakorn U., Hara M., Taniguchi N., Seki S.1998Fisheries Science
    64(4),pp. 526-530
    51Genetic components of growth traits of the hybrid between ♂North African catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822) and ♀bighead catfish (C. macrocephalus Günther, 1864)Chaivichoo P., Koonawootrittriron S., Chatchaiphan S., Srimai W., Srimai W., Na-Nakorn U.2020Aquaculture
    52Factors affecting the protoplast isolation and culture of Anubias nana EnglerPongchawee K., Na-Nakorn U., Lamseejan S., Poompuang S., Phansiri S.2006International Journal of Botany
    2(2),pp. 193-200
    53Development of a monoclonal antibody specific to the IgM heavy chain of bighead catfish (Clarias macrocephalus): A biomolecular tool for the detection and quantification of IgM molecules and IgM+ cells in Clarias catfishBunnoy A., Na-Nakorn U., Srisapoome P.2020Biomolecules
    54Genetic diversity of the North African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) hatchery stocks in ThailandWachirachaikarn A., Na-Nakorn U.2019ScienceAsia
    45(4),pp. 301-308
    55DNA microsatellite-based evaluation of early growth performance among strains of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii de ManKaraket T., Poompuang S., Na-Nakorn U., Kamonrat W., Hallerman E.2011Aquaculture
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    56Isozyme variation among four species of the catfish genus ClariasNa-Nakorn U., Sodsuk P., Wongrat P., Janekitkarn S., Bartley D.2002Journal of Fish Biology
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    57Allozyme revealed substantial genetic diversity between hatchery stocks of Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens, in the province of Nakornpathom, ThailandMeejui O., Sukmanomon S., Na-Nakorn U.2005Aquaculture
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    58Polymorphic microsatellite primers developed from DNA of the endangered Mekong giant catfish, Pangasianodon gigas (Chevey) and cross-species amplification in three species of PangasiusNa-Nakorn U., Sriphairoj K., Sukmanomon S., Poompuang S., Kamonrat W.2006Molecular Ecology Notes
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    59Molecular identification and expression profiling of a novel alpha2-macroglobulin gene in giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii, De Man)Likittrakulwong W., Na-Nakorn U., Poompuang S., Koonawootrittriron S., Srisapoome P.2017Agriculture and Natural Resources
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    60Selection response and genetic parameters for growth in North African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)Srimai W., Srimai W., Koonawootrittriron S., Chaivichoo P., Manee-aphai W., Phu-onnim A., Koolboon U., Na-Nakorn U.2020Aquaculture
    61Threatened fishes of the world: Pangasius sanitwongsei Smith 1931 (Siluriformes: Pangasiidae)Hogan Z., Na-Nakorn U., Kong H.2009Environmental Biology of Fishes
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    62Phylogenetic relationships among nine scallop species (Bivalvia: Pectinidae) inferred from nucleotide sequences of one mitochondrial and three nuclear gene regionsMahidol C., Mahidol C., Na-Nakorn U., Sukmanomon S., Yoosuk W., Taniguchi N., Nguyen T.2007Journal of Shellfish Research
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    63Selection of brooders from early maturing freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) results in faster growth rates of offspring than in those selected from late maturing prawnsKitcharoen N., Koonawootrittiron S., Na-Nakorn U.2010Aquaculture
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    64Species identification of non-hybrid and hybrid Pangasiid catfish using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphismSriphairoj K., Na-Nakorn U., Klinbunga S., Klinbunga S.2018Agriculture and Natural Resources
    52(1),pp. 99-105
    65Growth performance, genetic diversity and morphometric traits of an introduced wild and hatchery population of Clarias macrocephalus günther, 1864Muiocha D., Onming S., Na-Nakorn U.2017Journal of Fisheries and Environment
    41(2),pp. 1-19
    66Evaluation of a commercial SPF Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp breeding program: Resistance to infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV), Taura syndrome virus (TSV), and white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) from laboratory challengesProchaska J., Poompuang S., Koonawootrittriron S., Sukhavachana S., Na-Nakorn U., Na-Nakorn U.2022Aquaculture
    67Lack of introgressive hybridization by North African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in native Vietnamese bighead catfish (Clarias macrocephalus) populations as revealed by novel nuclear and mitochondrial markersDuong T., Scribner K., Kanefsky J., Na-Nakorn U.2017Aquaculture
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    68Catfish species identification using lab-on-chip PCR-RFLPWong L., Wong L., Peatman E., Kelly L., Kucuktas H., Na-Nakorn U., Liu Z.2014Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
    23(1),pp. 2-13
    69Development stages of androgenic glands in Giant river prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii De Man, 1879 in relation to size and age, and the success rate of feminization after andrectomy in small and large size prawnRungsin W., Swatdipong A., Na-Nakorn U.2012Aquaculture
    354-355,pp. 136-143
    70Loss of genetic variation of Phalacronotus bleekeri (Günther, 1864) in the hatchery stocks revealed by newly developed microsatellitesWachirachaikarn A., Prakoon W., Nguyen T.T.T., Nguyen T.T.T., Prompakdee W., Na-Nakorn U.2011Aquaculture
    321(3-4),pp. 298-302
    71Characterization of microsatellite DNA markers in a critically endangered species, Mekong giant catfish, Pangasianodon gigasNgamsiri T., Ohashi Y., Sukumasavin N., Nakajima M., Na-Nakorn U., Taniguchi N.2006Molecular Ecology Notes
    6(2),pp. 313-315
    72Mystifying Molecular Structure, Expression and Repertoire Diversity of IgM Heavy Chain Genes (Ighμ) in Clarias Catfish and Hybrids: Two Novel Transcripts in VertebratesBunnoy A., Na-Nakorn U., Na-Nakorn U., Srisapoome P.2022Frontiers in Immunology
    73Overcoming taxonomic challenges in DNA barcoding for improvement of identification and preservation of clariid catfish speciesChalermwong P., Panthum T., Wattanadilokcahtkun P., Ariyaraphong N., Thong T., Srikampa P., Singchat W., Ahmad S.F., Noito K., Rasoarahona R., Lisachov A., Ali H., Kraichak E., Muangmai N., Chatchaiphan S., Sriphairoj K., Hatachote S., Chaiyes A., Chaiyes A., Jantasuriyarat C., Chailertlit V., Chailertlit V., Suksavate W., Sonongbua J., Sonongbua J., Srimai W., Payungporn S., Han K., Han K., Antunes A., Antunes A., Srisapoome P., Koga A., Duengkae P., Matsuda Y., Na-Nakorn U., Srikulnath K., Srikulnath K.2023Genomics and Informatics
    74Heritability and genetic correlation of body shape and deformity in snakeskin gourami, Trichopodus pectoralis Regan, 1910Sutthakiet O., Koonawootrittriron S., Sukhavachana S., Chatchaiphan S., Thaitungchin C., Na-Nakorn U.2020Aquaculture
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