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    • วท.บ. (ประมง), มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น, ไทย, 2538
    • วท.ม. (เพาะเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำ), มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์, ไทย, 2542
    • Ph.D.(Aquatic Biosciences), Tokyo University of Fisheries, ญี่ปุ่น, 2548

    Expertise Cloud

    Acinetobacter KU011THAeromonas hydrophilaandrogenic gland hormoneanestheticanimal experimentanimal modelArticleblack tiger shrimpcDNAcDNA cloningCharacterizationChitosanClarias gariepinusClarias macrocephalusColumnaris diseaseDiseasedissolved oxygendiversityDNAEdwardsiella ictaluriEnterococcus hiraeenzyme linked immunosorbent assayExpressionexpression analysisfeed conversion ratioFish DiseasesFlavobacterium covaefreshwater prawnGene ontologyGenesgenomic cloninggenomicsgiant freshwater prawnGiant river prawnGROWTHGrowth rateHatchinghematologyHepcidinhistopathologyHSC70Hybrid catfishhydrophilaIgM heavy chainIgYimmune responseImmune systemimmune-related geneINNATE IMMUNITYLitopenaeus vannameiLiverluminous diseaseMolecular characterizationneomaleNile tilapianonhumanNorth African catfishnucleotidesOreochromis niloticusOreochromis niloticus pacifastin heavy chainPacific white shrimppassive immunizationPenaeus monodonPerciformesphagocytosispharmacokineticsProtein expressionRACEreal time polymerase chain reactionReal-time PCRsalinityScale drop disease virussex determinationSilver nanoparticlessterilityStreptococcosisStreptococcus agalactiaeStreptococcus iniaeSurvivalsurvival ratesynthetic eugenoltemperaturetilapiatranscriptomeTriploidvaccinationvaccineVaccine DevelopmentVibrio harveyiVibrio parahaemolyticusvirulence genesYHVการเจริญเติบโตการเพาะพันธุ์กุ้งกุลาดำกุ้งขาวแวนนาไมความต้านทานโรคปลาดุกอุยปลานิล


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    • ก.ย. 2557 - เม.ย. 2558 รองหัวหน้าภาควิชาเพาะเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำ ลำดับที่ 1 คณะประมง
    • ต.ค. 2553 - ส.ค. 2557 รองหัวหน้าภาควิชาเพาะเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำ คณะประมง


    • จำนวนหน่วยปฏิบัติการที่เข้าร่วม 2 หน่วย (หัวหน้าหน่วย 1 หน่วย, สมาชิก 1 หน่วย) ดังนี้คือ
    • จำนวนพื้นที่วิจัย 0 ตารางเมตร
    • จำนวนเครื่องมือวิจัย 0 ชิ้น
    • สถานที่ปฏิบัติงานวิจัย
      • ห้อง - ชั้น 1 อาคารภาควิชาการจัดการประมง
      • ห้อง - ชั้น 3 อาคารภาควิชาวิทยาศาสตร์ทางทะเล
      • ห้อง 1 ชั้น 1-2 อาคารศูนย์เชี่ยวชาญการจัดการสุขภาพสัตว์น้ำ

    งานวิจัยในรอบ 5 ปี


    • ทุนใน 13 โครงการ (ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 2 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 11 โครงการ)
    • ทุนนอก 1 โครงการ (ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 1 โครงการ)
    • ทุนใน 43 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 18 โครงการ, ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 1 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 25 โครงการ, หัวหน้าโครงการย่อย 1 โครงการ)
    • ทุนนอก 43 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 26 โครงการ, ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 1 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 16 โครงการ)

    แนวโน้มผลงานทั้งหมดเทียบกับแนวโน้มผลงานในรอบ 5 ปี


    • บทความ 170 เรื่อง (ตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการ 102 เรื่อง, นำเสนอในการประชุม/สัมมนา 68 เรื่อง)
    • ทรัพย์สินทางปัญญา 0 เรื่อง (ลิขสิทธิ์ 0 เรื่อง, เครื่องหมายการค้า 0 เรื่อง, อนุสิทธิบัตร 0 เรื่อง, สิทธิบัตร 0 เรื่อง)
    • สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 0 เรื่อง (ขึ้นทะเบียนพันธุ์พืช หรือพันธุ์สัตว์ หรือสิ่งประดิษฐ์ มก. 0 เรื่อง)
    • Unknown 1 เรื่อง (Unknown 1 เรื่อง)



    • การนำผลงานไปใช้ประโยชน์ 21 เรื่อง (เชิงวิชาการ 18 เรื่อง, เชิงนโยบาย/บริหาร 0 เรื่อง, เชิงสาธารณะ 1 เรื่อง, เชิงพาณิชย์ 2 เรื่อง)



    • รางวัลที่ได้รับ 15 เรื่อง (ประกาศเกียรติคุณ/รางวัลนักวิจัย 3 เรื่อง, รางวัลผลงานวิจัย/สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 2 เรื่อง, รางวัลผลงานนำเสนอในการประชุมวิชาการ 10 เรื่อง)

    นักวิจัยที่มีผลงานงานร่วมกันมากที่สุด 10 คนแรก

    Scopus h-index

    #Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
    1Probiotic effects of Bacillus spp. from Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) on water quality and shrimp growth, immune responses, and resistance to Vibrio parahaemolyticus (AHPND strains)Kewcharoen W., Srisapoome P.2019Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    94,pp. 175-189
    2Molecular serotyping, virulence gene profiling and pathogenicity of Streptococcus agalactiae isolated from tilapia farms in Thailand by multiplex PCRKannika K., Pisuttharachai D., Srisapoome P., Wongtavatchai J., Kondo H., Hirono I., Unajak S., Areechon N.2017Journal of Applied Microbiology
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    3Efficacy of viable Bacillus pumilus isolated from farmed fish on immune responses and increased disease resistance in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): Laboratory and on-farm trialsSrisapoome P., Areechon N.2017Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    67,pp. 199-210
    4Cloning, characterization and expression of cDNA containing major histocompatibility complex class I, IIα and IIβ genes of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceusSrisapoome P., Ohira T., Hirono I., Aoki T.2004Fisheries Science
    70(2),pp. 264-276
    5Immune response and protective efficacy of two new adjuvants, Montanide™ ISA 763B VG and Montanide™ GEL02, administered with a Streptococcus agalactiae ghost vaccine in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)Wangkaghart E., Deville S., Wang B., Srisapoome P., Wang T., Secombes C.J.2021Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    116,pp. 19-29
    6Analysis of hematologic alterations, immune responses and metallothionein gene expression in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to silver nanoparticlesThummabancha K., Onparn N., Srisapoome P.2016Journal of Immunotoxicology
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    7Genes of the constant regions of functional immunoglobulin heavy chain of Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceusSrisapoome P., Ohira T., Hirono I., Aoki T.2004Immunogenetics
    56(4),pp. 292-300
    8Crossing of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), strains based on strain selection using genetic diversity dataWachirachaikarn A., Rungsin W., Srisapoome P., Na-Nakorn U.2009Aquaculture
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    9Probiotic effects of a novel strain, Acinetobacter KU011TH, on the growth performance, immune responses, and resistance against Aeromonas hydrophila of bighead catfish (Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864)Bunnoy A., Na-Nakorn U., Srisapoome P.2019Microorganisms
    10Antibacterial and antiviral activities of local Thai green macroalgae crude extracts in pacific white shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei)Klongklaew N., Praiboon J., Tamtin M., Srisapoome P.2020Marine Drugs
    11Immunostimulation and yellow head virus (YHV) disease resistance induced by a lignin-based pulping by-product in black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon Linn.)Srisapoome P., Hamano K., Tsutsui I., Iiyama K.2018Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    72,pp. 494-501
    12Efficacy of Bacillus spp. isolated from Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linn. on its growth and immunity, and control of pathogenic bacteriaSookchaiyaporn N., Srisapoome P., Unajak S., Areechon N.2020Fisheries Science
    86(2),pp. 353-365
    13De Novo Transcriptome Characterization and Growth-Related Gene Expression Profiling of Diploid and Triploid Bighead Catfish (Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864)Chatchaiphan S., Srisapoome P., Kim J., Devlin R., Na-Nakorn U.2017Marine Biotechnology
    19(1),pp. 36-48
    14Short- and long-term probiotic effects of Enterococcus hirae isolated from fermented vegetable wastes on the growth, immune responses, and disease resistance of hybrid catfish (Clarias gariepinus × Clarias macrocephalus)Hamid N.H., Hamid N.H., Daud H.M., Kayansamruaj P., Hassim H.A., Mohd Yusoff M.S., Abu Bakar S.N., Srisapoome P.2021Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    114,pp. 1-19
    15Chemical composition of a hot water crude extract (HWCE) from Ulva intestinalis and its potential effects on growth performance, immune responses, and resistance to white spot syndrome virus and yellowhead virus in Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)Klongklaew N., Praiboon J., Tamtin M., Srisapoome P.2021Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    112,pp. 8-22
    16Molecular characterization, functional analysis, and defense mechanisms of two CC chemokines in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in response to severely pathogenic bacteriaNakharuthai C., Areechon N., Srisapoome P.2016Developmental and Comparative Immunology
    59,pp. 207-228
    17Heritability of immunity traits and disease resistance of bighead catfish, Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864Srisapoome P., Chatchaiphan S., Bunnoy A., Koonawootrittriron S., Na-Nakorn U.2019Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    92,pp. 209-215
    18Genetic parameters for resistance against Flavobacterium columnare in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758)Wonmongkol P., Sukhavachana S., Ampolsak K., Srisapoome P., Suwanasopee T., Poompuang S.2018Journal of Fish Diseases
    41(2),pp. 321-328
    19Selection response for Streptococcus agalactiae resistance in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticusSuebsong W., Poompuang S., Srisapoome P., Koonawootrittriron S., Luengnaruemitchai A., Johansen H., Rye M.2019Journal of Fish Diseases
    42(11),pp. 1553-1562
    20Growth of giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon Fabricius, under co-culture with a discarded filamentous seaweed, Chaetomorpha ligustica (Kützing) Kützing, at an aquarium-scaleTsutsui I., Kanjanaworakul P., Srisapoome P., Aue-umneoy D., Hamano K.2010Aquaculture International
    18(4),pp. 545-553
    21Molecular characterization and increased expression of the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), T-cell receptor beta chain in response to Streptococcus agalactiae infectionNithikulworawong N., Yakupitiyage A., Rakshit S., Srisapoome P.2012Journal of Fish Diseases
    35(5),pp. 343-358
    22Molecular characterization of Galectin-8 from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linn.) and its response to bacterial infectionUnajak S., Pholmanee N., Songtawee N., Srikulnath K., Srisapoome P., Kiataramkul A., Kondo H., Hirono I., Areechon N.2015Molecular Immunology
    68(2),pp. 585-596
    23Mucoadhesive cationic lipid-based Flavobacterium oreochromis nanoencapsulation enhanced the efficacy of mucoadhesive immersion vaccination against columnaris disease and strengthened immunity in Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer)Bunnoy A., Thangsunan P., Chokmangmeepisarn P., Yata T., Klongklaew N., Pirarat N., Kitiyodom S., Srisapoome P., Rodkhum C.2022Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    127,pp. 633-646
    24A current update on the distribution, morphological features, and genetic identity of the southeast asian mahseers, tor speciesJaafar F., Na-Nakorn U., Srisapoome P., Amornsakun T., Duong T.Y., Gonzales-Plasus M.M., Hoang D.H., Parhar I.S.2021Biology
    25Molecular characterization and immunological response analysis of a novel transferrin-like, pacifastin heavy chain protein in giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879)Toe A., Areechon N., Srisapoome P.2012Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    33(4),pp. 801-812
    26Immunological and bactericidal effects of turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.) extract in pacific white shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone)Vanichkul K., Areechon N., Kongkathip N., Srisapoome P., Chuchird N.2010Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
    44(5),pp. 850-858
    27A multi-epitope chimeric protein elicited a strong antibody response and partial protection against Edwardsiella ictaluri in Nile tilapiaMachimbirike V.I., Pornputtapong N., Senapin S., Senapin S., Wangkahart E., Srisapoome P., Khunrae P., Rattanarojpong T.2021Journal of Fish Diseases
    28cDNA structure and the effect of fasting on myostatin expression in walking catfish (Clarias macrocephalus, Günther 1864)Kanjanaworakul P., Kanjanaworakul P., Srisapoome P., Sawatdichaikul O., Poompuang S.2014Fish Physiology and Biochemistry
    41(1),pp. 177-191
    29Acinetobacter strain KUO11TH, a unique organism related to Acinetobacter pittii and isolated from the skin mucus of healthy bighead catfish and its efficacy against several fish pathogensBunnoy A., Na-Nakorn U., Kayansamruaj P., Srisapoome P.2019Microorganisms
    30Molecular and functional analyses of novel anti-lipopolysaccharide factors in giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii, De Man) and their expression responses under pathogen and temperature exposureSrisapoome P., Klongklaew N., Areechon N., Wongpanya R.2018Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    80,pp. 357-375
    31Molecular characterization and seasonal expression of the vitellogenin gene from Günther's walking catfish Clarias macrocephalusPanprommin D., Poompuang S., Srisapoome P.2008Aquaculture
    276(1-4),pp. 60-68
    32Molecular characterization and expression analyses of cDNAs encoding the thioredoxin-interacting protein and selenoprotein P genes and histological changes in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in response to silver nanoparticle exposureThummabancha K., Onparn N., Srisapoome P.2016Gene
    577(2),pp. 161-173
    33Potential synbiotic effects of a Bacillus mixture and chitosan on growth, immune responses and VP(AHPND) resistance in Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei, Boone, 1931)Kewcharoen W., Srisapoome P.2022Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    127,pp. 715-729
    34Efficacy of synthetic eugenol as an anesthetic for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linn.)Charoendat U., Areechon N., Srisapoome P., Chantasart D.2009Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
    43(5 SUPPL.),pp. 132-140
    35Novel development of cationic surfactant-based mucoadhesive nanovaccine for direct immersion vaccination against Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis in red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.)Thangsunan P., Kitiyodom S., Srisapoome P., Pirarat N., Yata T., Thangsunan P., Boonrungsiman S., Bunnoy A., Rodkhum C.2022Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    127,pp. 1051-1060
    36Emerging importance of bighead catfish (Clarias macrocephalus) and north African catfish (C. gariepinus) as a bioresource and their genomic perspectiveLisachov A., Nguyen D.H.M., Panthum T., Ahmad S.F., Singchat W., Ponjarat J., Jaisamut K., Srisapoome P., Duengkae P., Hatachote S., Sriphairoj K., Muangmai N., Unajak S., Han K., Na-Nakorn U., Srikulnath K., Srikulnath K.2023Aquaculture
    37Effects of ribonucleotide supplementation in modulating the growth of probiotic Bacillus subtilis and the synergistic benefits for improving the health performance of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer)Saengrung J., Saengrung J., Bunnoy A., Du X., Huang L., An R., Liang X., Srisapoome P.2023Fish & shellfish immunology
    140,pp. 108983
    38Waterborne and cannibalism-mediated transmission of the Yellow head virus in Penaeus monodonHamano K., Miyoshi T., Aue-umneoy D., Srisapoome P., Maeno Y., Tsutsui I., Tsutsui I.2015Aquaculture
    437,pp. 161-166
    39Molecular evidence for homologous strains of infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus (ISKNV) genotype I infecting inland freshwater cultured Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) in ThailandKerddee P., Kerddee P., Dinh‐Hung N., Dong H.T., Hirono I., Soontara C., Areechon N., Srisapoome P., Kayansamruaj P.2021Archives of Virology
    40Simultaneous detection of scale drop disease virus and Flavobacterium columnare from diseased freshwater-reared barramundi Lates calcariferKerddee P., Dong H.T., Chokmangmeepisarn P., Rodkhum C., Srisapoome P., Areechon N., Del-Pozo J., Kayansamruaj P.2020Diseases of aquatic organisms
    140,pp. 119-128
    41Characterization and expression analysis of the transferrin gene in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and its upregulation in response to Streptococcus agalactiae infectionPoochai W., Choowongkomon K., Srisapoome P., Unajak S., Areechon N.2014Fish Physiology and Biochemistry
    40(5),pp. 1473-1485
    42Development of a monoclonal antibody specific to the IgM heavy chain of bighead catfish (Clarias macrocephalus): A biomolecular tool for the detection and quantification of IgM molecules and IgM+ cells in Clarias catfishBunnoy A., Na-Nakorn U., Srisapoome P.2020Biomolecules
    43Comparative study of the effects of Montanide™ ISA 763A VG and ISA 763B VG adjuvants on the immune response against Streptococcus agalactiae in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)Wangkahart E., Thongsrisuk A., Vialle R., Pholchamat S., Sunthamala P., Phudkliang J., Srisapoome P., Wang T., Secombes C.J.2023Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    44Molecular Characterization and Cross-Allergenicity of Tropomyosin from Freshwater CrustaceansLaurchan P., E-Kobon T., Srisapoome P., Unajak S., Sinthuvanich C.2021Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
    45Development of a bivalent mucoadhesive nanovaccine to prevent francisellosis and columnaris diseases in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)Bunnoy A., Thompson K.D., Thangsunan P., Chokmangmeepisarn P., Yata T., Pirarat N., Kitiyodom S., Thangsunan P., Sukkarun P., Prukbenjakul P., Panthukumphol N., Morishita M., Srisapoome P., Rodkhum C.2023Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    46Efficacy of whole-cell-based monovalent and bivalent vaccines against Streptococcus iniae and Flavobacterium covae in fingerling Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer)Tumree P., Tumree P., Bunnoy A., Tang X., Srisapoome P.2024Fish and Shellfish Immunology
    47Functional and stress response analysis of heat shock proteins 40 and 90 of giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) under temperature and pathogenic bacterial exposure stimuliJu-Ngam T., McMillan N., Yoshimizu M., Kasai H., Wongpanya R., Srisapoome P.2021Biomolecules
    48Cloning and expression of two HSC70 genes in walking catfish Clarias macrocephalus (Günther, 1864) challenged with Aeromonas hydrophilaPoompoung P., Panprommin D., Srisapoome P., Poompuang S.2014Aquaculture Research
    45(8),pp. 1319-1331
    49Transcriptome analysis and pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) identification in different tissues of adult Pacific oysters infected with Vibrio parahaemolyticusNamwong P., Namwong P., Wang S., Kong Q., Mou H., Ma L., Srisapoome P.2023Aquaculture
    50Molecular identification and expression profiling of a novel alpha2-macroglobulin gene in giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii, De Man)Likittrakulwong W., Na-Nakorn U., Poompuang S., Koonawootrittriron S., Srisapoome P.2017Agriculture and Natural Resources
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    51Development of Immersion and Oral Bivalent Nanovaccines for Streptococcosis and Columnaris Disease Prevention in Fry and Fingerling Asian Seabass (Lates calcarifer) Nursery FarmsMeachasompop P., Bunnoy A., Keaswejjareansuk W., Dechbumroong P., Namdee K., Srisapoome P.2024Vaccines
    52Application of an electrolytic water treatment technique in a Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) closed-hatchery systemTaparhudee W., Suksamran S., Srisapoome P., Chuchird N.2008Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
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    53The effect of peptidoglycan on immune response in Black Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricius)Purivirojkul W., Areechon N., Srisapoome P.2006Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
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    54Immune regulation, but not antibacterial activity, is a crucial function of hepcidins in resistance against pathogenic bacteria in nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus linn.)Phan-Aram P., Mahasri G., Kayansamruaj P., Amparyup P., Srisapoome P.2020Biomolecules
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    55Application of biodegradable polymers as carbon sources in ex situ biofloc systems: Water quality and shift of microbial communityKokkuar N., Kokkuar N., Li L., Srisapoome P., Dong S., Tian X.2021Aquaculture Research
    56Molecular identification and dual functions of two different cxc chemokines in nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) against streptococcus agalactiae and flavobacterium columnareNakharuthai C., Nakharuthai C., Srisapoome P.2020Microorganisms
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    57Pharmacokinetics, optimal dosages and withdrawal time of florfenicol in Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) after oral administration via medicated feedRairat T., Kumphaphat S., Chuchird N., Srisapoome P., Phansawat P., Keetanon A., Liu Y.K., Chou C.C.2022Journal of Fish Diseases
    58Mystifying Molecular Structure, Expression and Repertoire Diversity of IgM Heavy Chain Genes (Ighμ) in Clarias Catfish and Hybrids: Two Novel Transcripts in VertebratesBunnoy A., Na-Nakorn U., Na-Nakorn U., Srisapoome P.2022Frontiers in Immunology
    59The production of anti-Vibrio harveyi egg yolk immunoglobulin and evaluation of its stability and neutralisation efficacyPunyokun K., Punyokun K., Hongprayoon R., Srisapoome P., Sirinarumitr T.2013Food and Agricultural Immunology
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    60Characterization of expressed sequence tags from liver and muscle tissues of walking catfish, Clarias macrocephalusPanprommin O., Poompuang S., Srisapoome P.2007ScienceAsia
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    61Molecular characterization and expression analysis of Cyclin B and Cell division cycle 2 in gonads of diploid and triploid bighead catfish, Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864Wachirachaikarn A., Rungsin W., Srisapoome P., Klinbunga S., Klinbunga S., Na-Nakorn U.2017Agriculture and Natural Resources
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    62Effects of strains on growth performances of triploid bighead catfish, Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864Chatchaiphan S., Srisapoome P., Na-Nakorn U.2016Agriculture and Natural Resources
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    66Immune responses and histopathological analyses of giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii, De Man 1879) challenged with a sub-lethal dose of decapod iridescent virus 1 (DIV1) and chemical control investigationKeawthong C., Bunnoy A., Chuchird N., Srisapoome P.2023Fish and Shellfish Immunology
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