# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Developing scientific argumentation strategies using revised argument-driven inquiry (rADI) in science classrooms in Thailand | Songsil W., Pongsophon P., Boonsoong B., Clarke A. | 2019 | Asia-Pacific Science Education 5(1) | 45 |
2 | A theory of planned behaviour-based analysis of TIMSS 2011 to determine factors influencing inquiry teaching practices in high-performing countries | Pongsophon P., Herman B. | 2017 | International Journal of Science Education 39(10),pp. 1304-1325 | 9 |
3 | Promotion of scientific literacy on global warming by process drama | Pongsophon P., Yutakom N., Boujaoude S. | 2010 | Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching 11(1),pp. 1-38 | 7 |
4 | Using process drama to enhance pre-service teachers' understanding of science and religion | Pongsophon P. | 2010 | Cultural Studies of Science Education 5(1),pp. 141-156 | 2 |
5 | Pre-Service science teachers’ understanding of nature of science and ability to integrate nature of science into teaching | Jituafua A., Pongsophon P., Visetson S., Kanchanawarin C. | 2015 | Kasetsart Journal - Social Sciences 36(2),pp. 308-321 | 2 |
6 | The development of molecular genetics concept test for senior high school students using Rasch analysis | Sari I.J., Sari I.J., Pongsophon P., Vongsangnak W., Pimthong P., Pitiporntapin S. | 2022 | International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 11(4),pp. 1687-1695 | 1 |
7 | Exploring students’ perceptions of learning equilibrium concepts through making Bulan kites | Anantanukulwong R., Pongsophon P., Chiangga S., Tan A.L. | 2023 | Physics Education 58(1) | 1 |
8 | Developing and Assessing Learning Progression for Botanical Literacy Using Rasch Analysis | Pongsophon P., Jituafua A. | 2021 | Science Education International 32(2),pp. 125-130 | 1 |
9 | Funds of knowledge in Muslim culture in the southern border provinces of Thailand for culturally responsive physics education | Anantanukulwong R., Chiangga S., Pongsophon P. | 2023 | Cultural Studies of Science Education
| 0 |
10 | Multilevel Analysis of Factors that Determine the Science Achievement of Fourth-grade Students in TIMSS 2019 | Pongsophon P. | 2023 | Science Education International 34(2),pp. 86-95 | 0 |
11 | Deciphering the Dynamics of Achievement in the Chemical Basis of Life: Attitude as a Mediator and Gender as a Nonmoderator | Pongsophon P. | 2024 | Journal of Chemical Education
| 0 |
12 | Unpacking the factors that influence secondary students’ attitudes towards physics in nine different countries - a cross-cultural analysis | Pongsophon P. | 2024 | Physics Education 59(5) | 0 |
13 | Deciphering the layers of reading achievement: A multi-level analysis of student and school-level predictors in top-performing PIRLS 2021 countries | Pongsophon P. | 2024 | British Educational Research Journal
| 0 |
14 | Synergizing teacher collaboration to foster active learning strategies, student engagement and achievement in physics: a unified analysis across nine countries | Pongsophon P. | 2024 | Physics Education 59(5) | 0 |
15 | Dimensionality and Invariance of Contemporary Mathematical Instruction Competence across Educational Systems | Pongsophon P. | 2024 | International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
| 0 |
16 | Cross-cultural dynamics of self-directed learning: an SEM analysis of enrichment activities and psychological constructs | Pongsophon P. | 2024 | Behaviormetrika
| 0 |
17 | Cultivating Environmental Consciousness: Evaluating Plant Genetics Conservation through School Botany Programs in Thailand | Pongsophon P. | 2024 | Science and Education
| 0 |
18 | Enhancing Students’ Learning of the Concept of Equilibrium Through a Culturally Responsive Inquiry of the Bulan Kite | Anantanukulwong R., Chiangga S., Pongsophon P., Tan A.L. | 2022 | Science and Education
| 0 |
19 | Professional development program to enhance pre-service teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge | Yutakom N., Thipkong S., Rungsayatorn S., Pongsophon P., Lertamornpong C., Jeerapattanatorn P., Setthakasivit N. | 2016 | Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences 37(3),pp. 306-318 | 0 |
20 | Reading-to-learn science: The perspective of Thai science student teachers | Pongsophon P. | 2007 | Kasetsart Journal - Social Sciences 28(3),pp. 351-356 | 0 |