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Scopus h-index

#Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
1The corrosion behaviour of CoCrFeNi-x (x = Cu, Al, Sn) high entropy alloy systems in chloride solutionMuangtong P., Muangtong P., Rodchanarowan A., Chaysuwan D., Chanlek N., Goodall R.2020Corrosion Science
2Substitution of sodium silicate with rice husk ash-NaOH solution in metakaolin based geopolymer cement concerning reduction in global warmingKamseu E., Kamseu E., Beleuk à Moungam L., Cannio M., Billong N., Chaysuwan D., Melo U., Leonelli C.2017Journal of Cleaner Production
142,pp. 3050-3060
3Synergistic effect of metakaolin and fly ash on properties of concreteSujjavanich S., Suwanvitaya P., Chaysuwan D., Heness G.2017Construction and Building Materials
155,pp. 830-837
4Potassium alkali concentration and heat treatment affected metakaolin-based geopolymerTippayasam C., Balyore P., Thavorniti P., Kamseu E., Leonelli C., Chindaprasirt P., Chaysuwan D.2016Construction and Building Materials
104,pp. 293-297
5Machinable glass-ceramics forming as a restorative dental materialChaysuwan D., Sinukunwattana K., Kanchanatawewat K., Heness G., Yamashita K.2011Dental Materials Journal
30(3),pp. 358-367
6Effect of hydrogen peroxide and bagasse ash additions on thermal conductivity and thermal resistance of geopolymer foamsPantongsuk T., Kittisayarm P., Muenglue N., Benjawan S., Thavorniti P., Tippayasam C., Nilpairach S., Heness G., Chaysuwan D.2021Materials Today Communications
7Self-compacting geopolymer concretes: Effects of addition of aluminosilicate-rich finesKamseu E., Kamseu E., Ponzoni C., Tippayasam C., Taurino R., Chaysuwan D., Sglavo V., Thavorniti P., Leonelli C.2016Journal of Building Engineering
5,pp. 211-221
8Effect of Thai Kaolin on properties of agricultural ash blended geopolymersTippayasam C., Keawpapasson P., Thavorniti P., Panyathanmaporn T., Leonelli C., Chaysuwan D.2014Construction and Building Materials
53,pp. 455-459
9Effects of fine bagasse ash on the workability and compressive strength of Mortars piyanut muangtongMuangtong P., Sujjavanich S., Boonsalee S., Poomiapiradee S., Chaysuwan D.2013Chiang Mai Journal of Science
40(1),pp. 126-134
10Development of microwave-assisted sintering of Portland cement raw mealKaewwichit P., Junsomboon J., Chakartnarodom P., Tippayasam C., Srichumpong T., Thavorniti P., Leonelli C., Chaysuwan D.2017Journal of Cleaner Production
142,pp. 1252-1258
11Metakaolin-based porous geopolymer with aluminium powderKeawpapasson P., Tippayasam C., Ruangjan S., Thavorniti P., Panyathanmaporn T., Fontaine A., Leonelli C., Chaysuwan D.2014Key Engineering Materials
608,pp. 132-138
12Influence of fine aggregates on the microstructure, porosity and chemico-mechanical stability of inorganic polymer concretesKamseu E., Kamseu E., Ponzoni C., Tippayasam C., Taurino R., Chaysuwan D., Bignozzi M., Barbieri L., Leonelli C.2015Construction and Building Materials
96,pp. 473-483
13Moisture Control Capacity of Geopolymer Composites: Correlation of the Bulk Composition–Pore Network with the Absorption–Desorption BehaviorKamseu E., Kamseu E., Mohamed H., Sofack J.C., Chaysuwan D., Tchakoute H.K., Djobo J.N.Y., Rossignol S., Leonelli C.2018Transport in Porous Media
122(1),pp. 77-95
14Fracture toughness of experimental mica-based glass-ceramics and four commercial glass-ceramics restorative dental materialsSrichumpong T., Phokhinchatchanan P., Thongpun N., Chaysuwan D., Suputtamongkol K.2019Dental Materials Journal
38(3),pp. 378-387
15Effect of the crystallisation time and metal oxide pigments on translucency and the mechanical and physical properties of mica glass-ceramicsSrichumpong T., Angkulpipat S., Prasertwong S., Thongpun N., Teanchai C., Veronesi P., Suputtamongkol K., Leonelli C., Heness G., Chaysuwan D.2020Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
16In vitro surface reaction in SBF of a non-crystalline aluminosilicate (geopolymer) materialTippayasam C., Tippayasam C., Sutikulsombat S., Kamseu E., Kamseu E., Rosa R., Thavorniti P., Chindaprasirt P., Leonelli C., Heness G., Chaysuwan D.2019Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society
55(1),pp. 11-17
17Influence of fineness of cement produced from industrial wastes on strength of mortarNontananandh S., Yoobanpot N., Chaysuwan D., Thongdaeng K.2011Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
45(4),pp. 762-772
18Effect of clay brick powder on ASR expansion control of rhyolite mortar barSujjavanich S., Meesak T., Chayasuwan D.2014Advanced Materials Research
931-932,pp. 441-445
19Mechanical and thermal properties of bottom ash-based porous geopolymer as thermal insulation material for constructionSoe P.S., Sornlar W., Wannagon A., Chaysuwan D.2023Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
20Effect of heat treatment time on properties of mica-based glass-ceramics for restorative dental materialsSrichumpong T., Suputtamongkol K., Chinpanuwat W., Nampachoke P., Bai J., Angkulpipat S., Prasertwong S., Chaysuwan D.2016Key Engineering Materials
702,pp. 23-27
21Development of geopolymer mortar from metakaolin blended with agricultural and industrial wastesTippayasam C., Suttikulsombat S., Paramee J., Leonelli C., Chaysuwan D.2018Key Engineering Materials
766 KEM,pp. 305-310
22A novel ceramic backing strip from metakaolin-based geopolymer with gas flow holes for welding applicationPlaichum S., Kaewvilai A., Pantongsuk T., Chaysuwan D., Tippayasam C.2020Key Engineering Materials
856 KEM,pp. 309-316
23The influence of yttria-stabilised zirconia and cerium oxide on the microstructural morphology and properties of a mica glass-ceramic for restorative dental materialsSrichumpong T., Pintasiri S., Heness G., Leonelli C., Meechoowas E., Thongpun N., Teanchai C., Suputtamongkol K., Chaysuwan D.2021Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies
24Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Metakaolin-Based Geopolymers with Waste Corundum Powder Resulting from Erosion TestingDal Poggetto G., Kittisayarm P., Pintasiri S., Chiyasak P., Leonelli C., Chaysuwan D.2022Polymers
25Nucleation, crystallization and characterization of mica-based glass-ceramics with fluorapatiteBai J., Chaysuwan D.2014Advanced Materials Research
936,pp. 164-169
26Properties of geopolymer paste from fly ash blended with metakaolin as pervious concreteBoonanunwong P., Keawpapasson P., Tippayasam C., Thavorniti P., Chindaprasirt P., Chaysuwan D.2016Key Engineering Materials
690,pp. 179-186
27Effect of porosity and pore size on microstructures and mechanical properties of metakaolin blended with Ca(OH)2 and PLA as porous geopolymersTippayasam C., Boonanunwong P., Calvez J., Thavorniti P., Chindaprasirt P., Chaysuwan D.2016Key Engineering Materials
690,pp. 276-281
28Development of Thai lignite fly ash and metakaolin for pervious geopolymer concreteSutikulsombat S., Srichumpong T., Boonanunwong P., Tippayasam C., Leonelli C., Chindaprasirt P., Chaysuwan D.2018Key Engineering Materials
766 KEM,pp. 294-299
29Geopolymer synthesis using metakaolin and high calcium fly ash as binary system geopolymerPantongsuk T., Tippayasam C., Kittisayarm P., Nilpairach S., Chaysuwan D.2020Materials Science Forum
1007 MSF,pp. 65-70
30Effective function of activated bagasse ash for high early strength geopolymerKittisayarm P., Tippayasam C., Leonelli C., Thanachayanont C., Wannagon A., Heness G., Chaysuwan D.2024Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society
31Relating type of mold materials to crystal morphology and properties of glass-ceramics with YSZ additions as a dental materialAngkulpipat S., Srichumpong T., Prasertwong S., Meechoowas E., Sirinukunwattana K., Heness G., Heness G., Rosa R., Suputtamongkol K., Chaysuwan D.2020Chiang Mai Journal of Science
47(6),pp. 1283-1296
32Tribology, mechanical properties and coloration of a mica glass-ceramicPrasertwong S., Angkulpipat S., Srichumpong T., Suputtamongkol K., Thanachayanont C., Sola R., Heness G., Heness G., Leonelli C., Chaysuwan D.2020Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals
30(2),pp. 83-90
33Comparison of shear bond strengths between a mica-based glass-ceramic and human dentin using three different resin cementsSrichumpong T., Suputtamongkol K., Thongpun N., Phokhinchatchanan P., Angkulpipat S., Prasertwong S., Bolelli G., Veronesi P., Leonelli C., Heness G., Heness G., Chaysuwan D.2019Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society
55(1),pp. 47-55
34Effect of zeolite on early strength of portland cement mortarsTanasalagul R., Pantongsuk T., Srichumpong T., Junsomboon J., Prakaypan W., Chaysuwan D.2019Key Engineering Materials
798 KEM,pp. 358-363
35Development of thai fly ash blended with rice husk ash oeopolymersChaysuwan D., Tippayasam C., Keawpapasson P., Thavorniti P., Panyathanmaporn T., Jiemsirilers S., Leonelli C.2014Design, Development, and Applications of Structural Ceramics, Composites, and Nanomaterials
,pp. 145-153
36The Determination of the Optimal Material Proportion in Natural Fiber-Cement Composites Using Design of Mixture ExperimentsAramphongphun C., Ungtawondee K., Chaysuwan D.2016MATEC Web of Conferences
37Development of Thai fly ash blended with rice husk ash geopolymersChaysuwan D., Tippayasam C., Keawpapasson P., Thavorniti P., Panyathanmaporn T., Jiemsirilers S., Leonelli C.2014Ceramic Transactions
244,pp. 145-153