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    • Dr.rer.nat. (Physical Chemistry ), Universitat Inusbruck, Austria, 2534
    • วท.ม. (เคมีเชิงฟิสิกส์), จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย , ไทย, 2531
    • วท.บ. (เคมี ), จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย , ไทย, 2529


    เคมีเชิงฟิสิกส์ เคมีคอมพิวเตอร์ Physical Chemistry, Computational Chemistry


    • จำนวนหน่วยปฏิบัติการที่เข้าร่วม 1 หน่วย (หัวหน้าหน่วย 0 หน่วย, สมาชิก 1 หน่วย) ดังนี้คือ
    • จำนวนพื้นที่วิจัย 0.00 ตารางเมตร
    • จำนวนเครื่องมือวิจัย 0 ชิ้น

    งานวิจัยในรอบ 5 ปี


    • ทุนใน 22 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 1 โครงการ, ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 10 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 11 โครงการ)
    • ทุนนอก 0 โครงการ
    • ทุนใน 30 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 3 โครงการ, ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 17 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 10 โครงการ)
    • ทุนนอก 30 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 17 โครงการ, ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 6 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 6 โครงการ, อื่นๆ 1 โครงการ)

    แนวโน้มผลงานทั้งหมดเทียบกับแนวโน้มผลงานในรอบ 5 ปี


    • บทความ 329 เรื่อง (ตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการ 201 เรื่อง, นำเสนอในการประชุม/สัมมนา 128 เรื่อง)
    • ทรัพย์สินทางปัญญา 1 เรื่อง (ลิขสิทธิ์ 0 เรื่อง, เครื่องหมายการค้า 0 เรื่อง, อนุสิทธิบัตร 0 เรื่อง, สิทธิบัตร 1 เรื่อง)
    • สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 0 เรื่อง (ขึ้นทะเบียนพันธุ์พืช หรือพันธุ์สัตว์ หรือสิ่งประดิษฐ์ มก. 0 เรื่อง)
    • Unknown 9 เรื่อง (Unknown 9 เรื่อง)



    • การนำผลงานไปใช้ประโยชน์ 33 เรื่อง (เชิงวิชาการ 33 เรื่อง, เชิงนโยบาย/บริหาร 0 เรื่อง, เชิงสาธารณะ 0 เรื่อง, เชิงพาณิชย์ 0 เรื่อง)



    • รางวัลที่ได้รับ 14 เรื่อง (ประกาศเกียรติคุณ/รางวัลนักวิจัย 5 เรื่อง, รางวัลผลงานวิจัย/สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 7 เรื่อง, รางวัลผลงานนำเสนอในการประชุมวิชาการ 2 เรื่อง)

    นักวิจัยที่มีผลงานงานร่วมกันมากที่สุด 10 คนแรก

    Scopus h-index

    #Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
    1In-silico ADME models: A general assessment of their utility in drug discovery applicationsGleeson M., Hersey A., Hannongbua S.2011Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
    11(4),pp. 358-381
    2Competitive inhibition of the dengue virus NS3 serine protease by synthetic peptides representing polyprotein cleavage sitesChanprapaph S., Saparpakorn P., Sangma C., Niyomrattanakit P., Hannongbua S., Angsuthanasombat C., Katzenmeier G.2005Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
    330(4),pp. 1237-1246
    3The challenges involved in modeling toxicity data in silico: A reviewGleeson M., Modi S., Bender A., Marchese Robinson R., Kirchmair J., Promkatkaew M., Hannongbua S., Glen R.2012Current Pharmaceutical Design
    18(9),pp. 1266-1291
    4Theoretical investigation on nevirapine and HIV-1 reverse transcriptase binding site interaction, based on ONIOM methodKuno M., Hannongbua S., Morokuma K.2003Chemical Physics Letters
    380(3-4),pp. 456-463
    53D-Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships of HEPT Derivatives as HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors, Based on Ab Initio CalculationsHannongbua S., Nivesanond K., Lawtrakul L., Pungpo P., Wolschann P.2001Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences
    41(3),pp. 848-855
    6An electrochemical MIP sensor for selective detection of salbutamol based on a graphene/PEDOT:PSS modified screen printed carbon electrodeDechtrirat D., Sookcharoenpinyo B., Prajongtat P., Sriprachuabwong C., Sriprachuabwong C., Sanguankiat A., Tuantranont A., Hannongbua S.2018RSC Advances
    8(1),pp. 206-212
    7A detailed binding free energy study of 2: 1 ligand-DNA complex formation by experiment and simulationTreesuwan W., Wittayanarakul K., Anthony N.G., Huchet G., Alniss H., Hannongbua S., Khalaf A.I., Suckling C.J., Parkinson J.A., MacKay S.P.2009Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
    11(45),pp. 10682-10693
    8Complete reaction mechanisms of mercury oxidation on halogenated activated carbonRungnim C., Promarak V., Hannongbua S., Kungwan N., Namuangruk S.2016Journal of Hazardous Materials
    310,pp. 253-260
    9Density functional theory study of adsorption geometries and electronic structures of azo-dye-based molecules on anatase TiO2 surface for dye-sensitized solar cell applicationsPrajongtat P., Suramitr S., Nokbin S., Nakajima K., Mitsuke K., Hannongbua S.2017Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
    76,pp. 551-561
    10Investigating the structural basis of arylamides to improve potency against M. tuberculosis strain through molecular dynamics simulationsPunkvang A., Saparpakorn P., Hannongbua S., Wolschann P., Beyer A., Pungpo P.2010European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
    45(12),pp. 5585-5593
    11Chaetoglobins A and B, two unusual alkaloids from endophytic Chaetomium globosum cultureMing Ge H., Yun Zhang W., Ding G., Saparpakorn P., Chun Song Y., Hannongbua S., Xiang Tan R.2008Chemical Communications
    (45),pp. 5978-5980
    12Binding energy analysis for wild-type and Y181C mutant HIV-1 RT/8-Cl TIBO complex structures: Quantum chemical calculations based on the ONIOM methodSaen-Oon S., Saen-Oon S., Saen-Oon S., Kuno H., Kuno H., Hannongbua S.2005Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics
    61(4),pp. 859-869
    13Smart Design on the Cyclometalated Ligands of Iridium(III) Complexes for Facile Tuning of Phosphorescence Color Spanning from Deep-Blue to Near-InfraredChen Z., Wang L., Ho C.L., Chen S., Suramitr S., Plucksacholatarn A., Zhu N., Hannongbua S., Wong W.Y., Wong W.Y.2018Advanced Optical Materials
    14Comparative molecular field analysis of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors in the class of 1[2-hyddroxyethoxy)-methyl]-6(phenylthio)thymineHannongbua S., Hannongbua S., Lawtrakul L., Sotriffer C., Rode B.1996Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships
    15(5),pp. 389-394
    15Three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationships study on HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors in the class of dipyridodiazepinone derivatives, using comparative molecular field analysisPungpo P., Hannongbua S.2000Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
    16Discovery of New and Potent InhA Inhibitors as Antituberculosis Agents: Structure-Based Virtual Screening Validated by Biological Assays and X-ray CrystallographyKamsri P., Hanwarinroj C., Phusi N., Pornprom T., Chayajarus K., Punkvang A., Suttipanta N., Srimanote P., Suttisintong K., Songsiriritthigul C., Saparpakorn P., Hannongbua S., Rattanabunyong S., Seetaha S., Choowongkomon K., Sureram S., Kittakoop P., Kittakoop P., Kittakoop P., Hongmanee P., Santanirand P., Chen Z., Zhu W., Blood R.A., Takebayashi Y., Hinchliffe P., Mulholland A.J., Spencer J., Pungpo P.2020Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
    60(1),pp. 226-234
    17Quantitative structure-activity relationships and comparative molecular field analysis of TIBO derivatised HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitorsHannongbua S., Pungpo P., Limtrakul J., Wolschann P.1999Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design
    13(6),pp. 563-577
    18Anti-HIV-1 reverse transcriptase activities of hexane extracts from some asian medicinal plantsSilprasit K., Seetaha S., Pongsanaraku P., Hannongbua S., Choowongkomon K.2011Journal of Medicinal Plant Research
    5(19),pp. 4899-4906
    19Defining the membrane disruption mechanism of kalata B1 via coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulationsNawae W., Hannongbua S., Ruengjitchatchawalya M.2014Scientific Reports
    20Photophysical properties for excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) reaction of N-salicylidene-o-aminophenol: Experimental and DFT based approachesKlinhom N., Saengsuwan N., Sriyab S., Prompinit P., Hannongbua S., Suramitr S.2019Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
    206,pp. 359-366
    21Molecular dynamics of interactions between rigid and flexible antifolates and dihydrofolate reductase from pyrimethamine-sensitive and pyrimethamine-resistant plasmodium falciparumMokmak W., Chunsrivirot S., Chunsrivirot S., Hannongbua S., Yuthavong Y., Tongsima S., Kamchonwongpaisan S.2014Chemical Biology and Drug Design
    84(4),pp. 450-461
    22SAC-CI theoretical investigation on electronic structure of fluorene-thiophene oligomersPoolmee P., Ehara M., Hannongbua S., Nakatsuji H., Nakatsuji H.2005Polymer
    46(17),pp. 6474-6481
    23Binding of huperzine A and galanthamine to acetylcholinesterase, based on ONIOM methodKitisripanya N., Kitisripanya N., Saparpakorn P., Wolschann P., Hannongbua S.2011Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine
    7(1),pp. 60-68
    24The effect of edges and shapes on band gap energy in graphene quantum dotsKittiratanawasin L., Hannongbua S.2016Integrated Ferroelectrics
    175(1),pp. 211-219
    25Elucidating the origin of the esterase activity of human serum albumin using QM/MM calculationsPhuangsawai O., Hannongbua S., Gleeson M.2014Journal of Physical Chemistry B
    118(41),pp. 11886-11894
    26Active site dynamics and combined quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) modelling of a HIV-1 reverse transcriptase/DNA/dTTP complexRungrotmongkol T., Mulholland A., Hannongbua S.2007Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
    26(1),pp. 1-13
    27Structure-activity correlation study of HIV-1 inhibitors: Electronic and molecular parametersHannongbua S., Lawtrakul L., Limtrakul J.1996Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design
    10(2),pp. 145-152
    28Photophysical properties and photochemistry of substituted cinnamates and cinnamic acids for UVB blocking: Effect of hydroxy, nitro, and fluoro substitutions at ortho, meta, and para positionsPromkatkaew M., Promkatkaew M., Suramitr S., Karpkird T., Wanichwecharungruang S., Ehara M., Ehara M., Hannongbua S.2014Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
    13(3),pp. 583-594
    29Bridge water mediates nevirapine binding to wild type and Y181C HIV-1 reverse transcriptase-Evidence from molecular dynamics simulations and MM-PBSA calculationsTreesuwan W., Hannongbua S.2009Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
    27(8),pp. 921-929
    30Investigation on the binding of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with soil organic matter: A theoretical approachSaparpakorn P., Jae H., Hannongbua S.2007Molecules
    12(4),pp. 703-715
    31Absorption and emission spectra of ultraviolet B blocking methoxy substituted cinnamates investigated using the symmetry-adapted cluster configuration interaction methodPromkatkaew M., Suramitr S., Karpkird T., Namuangruk S., Ehara M., Hannongbua S.2009Journal of Chemical Physics
    32Simple and rapid determination of the enzyme kinetics of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and anti-HIV-1 agents by a fluorescence based methodSilprasit K., Thammaporn R., Tecchasakul S., Hannongbua S., Choowongkomon K.2011Journal of Virological Methods
    171(2),pp. 381-387
    33Conformational analysis and electronic transition of carbazole-based oligomers as explained by density functional theorySuramitr S., Hannongbua S., Wolschann P.2007Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM
    807(1-3),pp. 109-119
    34Particular interaction between efavirenz and the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase binding site as explained by the ONIOM2 methodNunrium P., Kuno M., Saen-Oon S., Hannongbua S.2005Chemical Physics Letters
    405(1-3),pp. 198-202
    35Oligostilbenoids with acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity from Dipterocarpus alatusChen C.J., Jiang R., Wang G., Jiao R.H., Tancharoen C., Sudto K., Vajarothai S., Hannongbua S., Ge H.M., Tan R.X.2014Planta Medica
    80(17),pp. 1641-1646
    363D pharmacophore mapping using 4D QSAR analysis for the cytotoxicity of lamellarins against human hormone-dependent T47D breast cancer cellsThipnate P., Thipnate P., Liu J., Liu J., Hannongbua S., Hannongbua S., Hopfinger A., Hopfinger A.2009Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
    49(10),pp. 2312-2322
    37Moisture-Resistant Electrospun Polymer Membranes for Efficient and Stable Fully Printable Perovskite Solar Cells Prepared in Humid AirPrajongtat P., Sriprachuabwong C., Wongkanya R., Dechtrirat D., Sudchanham J., Srisamran N., Sangthong W., Chuysinuan P., Tuantranont A., Hannongbua S., Chattham N.2019ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
    11(31),pp. 27677-27685
    38Understanding on absorption and fluorescence electronic transitions of carbazole-based conducting polymers: TD-DFT approachesSuramitr S., Meeto W., Wolschann P., Hannongbua S.2009Theoretical Chemistry Accounts
    125(1),pp. 35-44
    39Chevalone C analogues and globoscinic acid derivatives from the fungus Neosartorya spinosa KKU-1NK1Rajachan O., Kanokmedhakul K., Sanmanoch W., Boonlue S., Hannongbua S., Saparpakorn P., Kanokmedhakul S.2016Phytochemistry
    132,pp. 68-75
    40Virtual screening for anti-HIV-1 RT and anti-HIV-1 PR inhibitors from the Thai medicinal plants database: A combined docking with neural networks approachSangma C., Chuakheaw D., Jongkon N., Saenbandit K., Nunrium P., Uthayopas P., Hannongbua S.2005Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening
    8(5),pp. 417-429
    41Evaluation of the anti-malarial activity and cytotoxicity of 2,4-diamino-pyrimidine-based kinase inhibitorsPhuangsawai O., Beswick P., Ratanabunyong S., Tabtimmai L., Suphakun P., Obounchoey P., Srisook P., Horata N., Chuckowree I., Hannongbua S., Ward S., Choowongkomon K., Gleeson M.2016European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
    124,pp. 896-905
    42Absorption and emission properties of various substituted cinnamic acids and cinnamates, based on TDDFT investigationPromkatkaew M., Suramitr S., Karpkird T., Ehara M., Hannongbua S.2013International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
    113(4),pp. 542-554
    43In silico screening of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in the tyrosine kinase domain through a medicinal plant compound databaseSawatdichaikul O., Hannongbua S., Sangma C., Wolschann P., Choowongkomon K.2012Journal of Molecular Modeling
    18(3),pp. 1241-1254
    44Bridged tricyclic sesquiterpenes from the tubercle nudibranch Phyllidia coelestis BerghJaisamut S., Prabpai S., Tancharoen C., Yuenyongsawad S., Hannongbua S., Kongsaeree P., Plubrukarn A.2013Journal of Natural Products
    76(11),pp. 2158-2161
    45Interactions between cycloguanil derivatives and wild type and resistance-associated mutant Plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductasesMaitarad P., Maitarad P., Kamchonwongpaisan S., Vanichtanankul J., Vilaivan T., Yuthavong Y., Hannongbua S.2009Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design
    23(4),pp. 241-252
    46Structure and Dynamics of SARS Coronavirus Proteinase: The Primary Key to the Designing and Screening for Anti-SARS DrugsLee V.S., Lee V.S., Wittayanarakul K., Remsungnen T., Parasuk V., Sompornpisut P., Chantratita W., Sangma C., Vannarat S., Srichaikul P., Hannongbua S., Saparpakorn P., Treesuwan W., Aruksakulwong O., Pasomsub E., Promsri S., Chuakheaw D., Hannongbua S.2003ScienceAsia
    29(2),pp. 181-188
    47Skin sensitization prediction using quantum chemical calculations: A theoretical model for the SNAr domainPromkatkaew M., Gleeson D., Hannongbua S., Gleeson M.2014Chemical Research in Toxicology
    27(1),pp. 51-60
    48ONIOM-BSSE scheme for H⋯π system and applications on HIV-1 reverse transcriptaseKuno M., Hongkrengkai R., Hannongbua S.2006Chemical Physics Letters
    424(1-3),pp. 172-177
    49Conformational analysis of nevirapine, a non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitor, based on quantum mechanical calculationsHannongbua S., Prasithichokekul S., Pungpo P.2001Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design
    15(11),pp. 997-1004
    50Hologram quantitative structure-activity relationships investigations of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitorsPungpo P., Pungpo P., Hannongbua S., Wolschann P.2003Current Medicinal Chemistry
    10(17),pp. 1661-1677
    51Catalytic properties of a free hydroxyl on a silica, a zeolite, and modified zeolites: quantum-chemical model calculationsLimtrakul J., Hannongbua S.1993Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM
    280(1),pp. 139-145
    52Theoretical study on the structures and electronic properties of oligo(p-phenylenevinylene) carboxylic acid and its derivatives: Effects of spacer and anchor groupsSuramitr S., Piriyagagoon A., Wolschann P., Hannongbua S.2012Theoretical Chemistry Accounts
    131(4),pp. 1-15
    53Effects of the second hydration shell on excited-state multiple proton transfer: Dynamics simulations of 7-azaindole: (h2o)1-5 clusters in the gas phaseKungwan N., Kerdpol K., Daengngern R., Hannongbua S., Barbatti M.2014Theoretical Chemistry Accounts
    133(5),pp. 1-11
    54Binding interaction of protoberberine alkaloids against acetylcholinesterase (AChE) using molecular dynamics simulations and QM/MM calculationsHonorio P., Sainimnuan S., Hannongbua S., Saparpakorn P.2021Chemico-Biological Interactions
    55QM/MM modeling of the hydrolysis and transfructosylation reactions of fructosyltransferase from Aspergillus japonicas, an enzyme that produces prebiotic fructooligosaccharideJitonnom J., Ketudat-Cairns J., Hannongbua S.2018Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
    79,pp. 175-184
    56Dynamics simulations of excited-state triple proton transfer in7-azaindole complexes with water, water-methanol and methanolDaengngern R., Kerdpol K., Kungwan N., Hannongbua S., Barbatti M.2013Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry
    266,pp. 28-36
    57A DFT study of the unusual substrate-assisted mechanism of Serratia marcescens chitinase B reveals the role of solvent and mutational effect on catalysisJitonnom J., Sattayanon C., Kungwan N., Hannongbua S.2015Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
    56,pp. 53-59
    58A combined MD-ONIOM2 approach for 1H NMR chemical shift calculations including a polar solventVailikhit V., Treesuwan W., Hannongbua S.2007Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM
    806(1-3),pp. 99-104
    59Excited state properties, fluorescence energies, and lifetime of a poly(fluorene-pyridine) copolymer, based on TD-DFT investigationChidthong R., Hannongbua S., Aquino A., Aquino A., Wolschann P., Lischka H.2007Journal of Computational Chemistry
    28(10),pp. 1735-1742
    60Structures, absorption spectra, and electronic properties of polyfluorene and its derivatives: A theoretical studySriwichitkamol K., Suramitr S., Poolmee P., Hannongbua S.2006Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
    5(3),pp. 595-608
    61Application of Site-Specific Spin Labeling for NMR Detecting Inhibitor-Induced Conformational Change of HIV-1 Reverse TranscriptaseSeetaha S., Seetaha S., Yagi-Utsumi M., Yagi-Utsumi M., Yamaguchi T., Yamaguchi T., Yamaguchi T., Ishii K., Hannongbua S., Choowongkomon K., Kato K., Kato K., Kato K.2016ChemMedChem
    11(4),pp. 363-366
    62A study of the binding energies of efavirenz to wild-type and K103N/Y181C HIV-1 reverse transcriptase based on the ONIOM methodSrivab P., Hannongbua S.2008ChemMedChem
    3(5),pp. 803-811
    63Surface-modified halloysite nanotubes as electrochemical CO2SensorsJeamjumnunja K., Cheycharoen O., Phongzitthiganna N., Hannongbua S., Prasittichai C.2021ACS Applied Nano Materials
    64Adsorption study of lac dyes with chitosan coated on silk fibroin using molecular dynamics simulationsChimprasit A., Hannongbua S., Saparpakorn P.2021Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
    65Tetrafluorinated phenylpyridine based heteroleptic iridium(iii) complexes for efficient sky blue phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodesChen Z., Chen Z., Suramitr S., Zhu N., Ho C.L., Ho C.L., Hannongbua S., Chen S., Wong W.Y., Wong W.Y., Wong W.Y.2020Journal of Materials Chemistry C
    8(7),pp. 2551-2557
    66Aggregation-induced emission enhancement (AIEE) of N,N′-Bis(Salicylidene)-p-Phenylenediamine Schiff base: Synthesis, photophysical properties and its DFT studiesMiengmern N., Koonwong A., Sriyab S., Suramitr A., Poo-arporn R., Hannongbua S., Suramitr S.2019Journal of Luminescence
    210,pp. 493-500
    67NMR characterization of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase binding to various non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors with different activitiesThammaporn R., Thammaporn R., Yagi-Utsumi M., Yagi-Utsumi M., Yamaguchi T., Yamaguchi T., Boonsri P., Saparpakorn P., Choowongkomon K., Techasakul S., Kato K., Kato K., Hannongbua S.2015Scientific Reports
    68Molecular mechanics PBSA ligand binding energy and interaction of Efavirenz derivatives with HIV-1 reverse transcriptaseWeinzinger P., Hannongbua S., Wolschann P.2005Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry
    20(2),pp. 129-134
    69Insight into HIV-1 reverse transcriptase - Aptamer interaction from molecular dynamics simulationsAeksiri N., Songtawee N., Gleeson M., Hannongbua S., Choowongkomon K.2014Journal of Molecular Modeling
    70Ranking ligand affinity for the DNA minor groove by experiment and simulationWittayanarakul K., Anthony N.G., Treesuwan W., Hannongbua S., Alniss H., Khalaf A.I., Suckling C.J., Parkinson J.A., MacKay S.P.2010ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
    1(8),pp. 376-380
    71Photophysical properties of 1-pyrene-based derivatives for nitroaromatic explosives detection: Experimental and theoretical studiesSriyab S., Jorn-Iat K., Prompinit P., Wolschann P., Hannongbua S., Suramitr S.2018Journal of Luminescence
    203,pp. 492-499
    72Molecular dynamics exploration of poration and leaking caused by Kalata B1 in HIV-infected cell membrane compared to host and HIV membranesNawae W., Hannongbua S., Ruengjitchatchawalya M.2017Scientific Reports
    73Identification of Potent DNA Gyrase Inhibitors Active against Mycobacterium tuberculosisPakamwong B., Thongdee P., Kamsri B., Phusi N., Kamsri P., Punkvang A., Ketrat S., Saparpakorn P., Hannongbua S., Ariyachaokun K., Suttisintong K., Sureram S., Kittakoop P., Kittakoop P., Kittakoop P., Hongmanee P., Santanirand P., Spencer J., Mulholland A.J., Pungpo P.2021Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
    74Electronic properties of alkoxy derivatives of poly(para-phenylenevinylene) , investigated by time-dependent density functional theory calculationsSuramitr S., Kerdcharoen T., Kerdcharoen T., Srikhirin T., Srikhirin T., Hannongbua S.2005Synthetic Metals
    155(1),pp. 27-34
    75Particular interaction between pyrimethamine derivatives and quadruple mutant type dihydrofolate reductase of Plasmodium falciparum: CoMFA and quantum chemical calculations studiesMaitarad P., Saparpakorn P., Hannongbua S., Kamchonwongpaisan S., Tarnchompoo B., Yuthavong Y.2009Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry
    24(2),pp. 471-479
    76Key interactions of the mutant HIV-1 reverse transcriptase/efavirenz: An evidence obtained from ONIOM methodBoonsri P., Kuno M., Hannongbua S.2011MedChemComm
    2(12),pp. 1181-1187
    77Insight into crucial inhibitor-enzyme interaction of arylamides as novel direct inhibitors of the enoyl ACP reductase (InhA) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Computer-aided molecular designPunkvang A., Saparpakorn P., Hannongbua S., Wolschann P., Berner H., Pungpo P.2010Monatshefte fur Chemie
    141(9),pp. 1029-1041
    78Theoretical investigation on the electronic and optical properties of poly(fluorenevinylene) derivatives as light-emitting materialsKungwan N., Yakhanthip T., Jitonnom J., Anuragudom P., Jungsuttiwong S., Hannongbua S.2011International Journal of Photoenergy
    79Theoretical study on excited-state intermolecular proton transfer reactions of 1H-pyrrolo[3,2-h]quinoline with water and methanolKungwan N., Daengngern R., Piansawan T., Hannongbua S., Barbatti M.2013Theoretical Chemistry Accounts
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    177Roles of key residues specific to cyclooxygenase II: An ONIOM studySae-Tang D., Kittakoop P., Hannongbua S.2009Monatshefte fur Chemie
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    178Diptoindonesin D, a potent antibacterial activity against gram-positive bacteria, an inhibitor of penicillin-binding protein 2a from the stem bark of Shorea roxburghii G.DonSudto K., Saparpakorn P., Saparpakorn P., Tancharoen C., Tancharoen C., Phromyothin D., Techasakul S., Khunnawutmanotham N., Vajrodaya S., Ge H.M., Tan R.X., Tan R.X., Hannongbua S.2019Chiang Mai Journal of Science
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    179Photophysical properties of various substituted thiophenebased heterocyclic chalcone: Experimental and DFT studiesSaengsuwan N., Klinhom N., Nakwanich B., Sriyab S., Prompinit P., Suramitr S., Hannongbua S.2019Chiang Mai Journal of Science
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    180Insight investigation of rilpivirine and compounds from mushrooms as feline immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase inhibitors using molecular dynamics simulations and quantum chemical calculationsSaparpakorn P., Chimprasit A., Jantarat T., Hannongbua S.2022Molecular Simulation
    181Signal Propagation in the ATPase Domain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA Gyrase from Dynamical-Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics SimulationsKamsri B., Kamsri P., Punkvang A., Chimprasit A., Saparpakorn P., Hannongbua S., Spencer J., Oliveira A.S.F., Mulholland A.J., Pungpo P.2024Biochemistry
    1823D-QSAR and molecular docking studies of peptide-hybrids as dengue virus NS2B/NS3 protease inhibitorsJitonnom J., Meelua W., Tue-nguen P., Tue-nguen P., Saparpakorn P., Hannongbua S., Chotpatiwetchkul W.2024Chemico-Biological Interactions
    183Stability improvement of UV-filter between methoxy cinnamic acid derivatives and cyclodextrins inclusion complexes based on DFT and TD-DFT investigationsPromkatkaew M., Boonsri P., Suramitr S., Karpkird T., Wolschann P., Hannongbua S.2023Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
    184Combined Deep Learning and Molecular Modeling Techniques on the Virtual Screening of New mTOR Inhibitors from the Thai Mushroom DatabasePosansee K., Liangruksa M., Termsaithong T., Saparpakorn P., Hannongbua S., Laomettachit T., Sutthibutpong T.2023ACS Omega
    185In silico multiscale drug design to discover key structural features of potential JAK2 inhibitorsKamsri P., Punkvang A., Taveepanich S., Ketrat S., Saparpakorn P., Hannongbua S., Suttisintong K., Pangjit K., Pungpo P.2022Future medicinal chemistry
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    186Key interactions of pyrimethamine derivatives specific to wild-type and mutant P. falciparum dihydrofolate reductase based on 3D-QSAR, MD simulations and quantum chemical calculationsSeetin S., Saparpakorn P., Vanichtanankul J., Vitsupakorn D., Yuthavong Y., Kamchonwongpaisan S., Hannongbua S.2022Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics
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    199Elucidating the action mode of the bi-substrate inhainhibitors as anti-tuberculosis agents through molecular dynamics simulationsPunkvang A., Kamsri P., Kasamsri D., Srisupan A., Saparpakorn P., Hannongbua S., Wolschann P., Prueksaaroon S., Pungpo P.2012Tuberculosis: Risk Factors, Drug Resistance and Treatment
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    201Structural and electronic properties of poly(fluorene-pyrrole) copolymer: Time dependent density functional theory investigationChidthong R., Maitarat P., Hannongbua S.2010INEC 2010 - 2010 3rd International Nanoelectronics Conference, Proceedings
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    202Torsional flexibility of undecorated catechol diether compound as potent NNRTI targeting HIV-1 reverse transcriptaseSomboon T., Saparpakorn P., Hannongbua S.2019Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling
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    203Predicting inhibition constants of antimalarial drug compounds using support vector regressionKhamsemanan N., Nattee C., Lawtrakul L., Toochinda P., Hannongbua S.2018Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis
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    204Investigation of rt1t49 aptamer binding to human immunodeficiency virus 1 reverse transcriptaseRatanabunyong S., Yagi-Utsumi M., Yanaka S., Kato K., Choowongkomon K., Hannongbua S.2021Journal of Current Science and Technology
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    205Predicting the binding affinity of p38 map kinase inhibitors using free energy calculationsBoonyarat W., Saparpakorn P., Hannongbua S.2019Chiang Mai Journal of Science
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    2062D-QSAR and CoMFA Models for Antitubercular Activity of Scalarane-Type SesterterpenesThengyai S., Guo Y., Suwanborirux K., Berner H., Spreitzer H., Wolschann P., Hannongbua S., Plubrukarn A.2022Scientia Pharmaceutica
    207Insight into free energy and dynamic cross-correlations of residue for binding affinity of antibody and receptor binding domain SARS-CoV-2Chong W.L., Chong W.L., Saparpakorn P., Sangma C., Lee V.S., Hannongbua S.2023Heliyon
    208Comparison of feline and human immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase enzymes through chemical screening and computational analysisThammajong P., Aiebchun T., Boonyarattanakalin K., Gleeson D., Pobsuk N., Hannongbua S., Choowongkomon K., Gleeson M.P.2024Chemical Biology and Drug Design
    209Elucidation of benzene sulfonamide derivative binding at a novel interprotomer pocket of wild type and mutants of coxsackievirus B3 viral capsid using molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theoryPrapassornwattana P., Hannongbua S., Saparpakorn P.2023Biophysical Chemistry
    210Biophysical Characterization of p51 and p66 Monomers of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase with Their InhibitorsSeetaha S., Kamonsutthipaijit N., Yagi-Utsumi M., Yagi-Utsumi M., Yagi-Utsumi M., Seako Y., Seako Y., Seako Y., Yamaguchi T., Yamaguchi T., Hannongbua S., Kato K., Kato K., Kato K., Choowongkomon K.2023Protein Journal
    211Role of interaction mode of phenanthrene derivatives as selective PDE5 inhibitors using molecular dynamics simulations and quantum chemical calculationsSainimnuan S., Chimprasit A., Hannongbua S., Saparpakorn P.2024Molecular Diversity
    212Role of carrier delocalization in enhancing the photostability and defect passivation of 2D/3D hybrid metal halide perovskitesAsamo S., Suvandee W., Wongkanya R., Hannongbua S., Chattham N., Sriprachuabwong C., Fengler S., Dittrich T., Prajongtat P.2024Solar Energy