# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Structural integrity of ferrocement panels exposed to fire | Greepala V., Nimityongskul P. | 2008 | Cement and Concrete Composites 30(5),pp. 419-430 | 29 |
2 | Effect of bagasse ash on water absorption and compressive strength of lateritic soil interlocking block | Khobklang P., Nokkaew K., Greepala V. | 2009 | Excellence in Concrete Construction through Innovation - Proceedings of the International Conference on Concrete Construction ,pp. 181-185 | 6 |
3 | The effects of the curing technique on the compressive strength of autoclaved aerated mortar | Ungsongkhun T., Greepala V., Nimityongskul P. | 2009 | Excellence in Concrete Construction through Innovation - Proceedings of the International Conference on Concrete Construction ,pp. 57-61 | 1 |
4 | Thermal conductivity of ferrocement | Greepala V., Nimityongskul P., Tanchaisawat T., Parichartpreecha R. | 2008 | EASEC-11 - Eleventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction
| 1 |
5 | Influence of heating envelope on structural fire integrity of ferrocement jackets | Greepala V., Nimityongskul P. | 2009 | Fire Technology 45(4),pp. 385-404 | 1 |
6 | Effect of confining pressure on compressive strength and ductility of square section concrete filled tube column | Greepala V., Chareerat T., Wongthong P., Kongna P. | 2021 | Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 101,pp. 1781-1791 | 0 |