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abdominal fat broiler chickens methionine supplementation: ไก่เบตง โปรตีน กรดอะมิโน สมรรถนะการผลิตadenine nucleotide translocase proteinAnimal performanceannual trendsAownoiApoVLDL-II GeneBetong chicken (KU line)birth weightBloodBreedingBreeding valueBroilerBroiler chickenscalf weightsCarcasscarcass characteristicCarcass CharacteristicsCarcass compositioncarcass traitCarcass traitscarcass yieldClinical chemistryCrossbredCrossbred chickencrude proteindairy cattleDairy cooperativedairy cowDigestive systemDirect geneticDrinking waterEffectorsErythrocytesFeedsFormic acidgene expressionGeneticGenetic parametergenetic parametersgrowth performanceIGF1 geneLipoprotein LipaseLow Proteinlow protein dietsMarkers-Assisted Selection in CrossbredMass movementmathematical functionsMeat qualitymeat qualitymetabolizable energyMicroorganismsmilk production traitsMilk yieldmonthly milk yieldNative chickenPCR-RFLPPerformancePerformance testpersistency of milk yieldPolymorphismProduction performanceQualitySelectionSemen volumeSNPSperm concentrationSprague Dawley ratSterilizationThai indigenous cattleThai NativeThai Native chickenThai Native ChickensThailand total sulfur amino acid (TSAA)uncoupling proteinweaning body measurementweaning weightไก่กระทงไก่เบตง (สาย เคยู)ไก่เบตง (สายเคยู)คุณภาพซากพันธุกรรมสมรรถภาพการผลิตสหสัมพันธ์สายพันธุ์ Sprague Dawleyสินค้าเกษตรสีหนังสืบพันธุ์สุขภาพ อัตราการเจริญเติบโตสุขภาพสัตว์หนูแรทองค์ประกอบน้ำนมอัตราซ้ำอัตราพันธุกรรมอาหารโปรตีนต่ำอาหารสัตว์อุณหภูมิเก็บรักษา


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Scopus h-index

#Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
1Genetic parameters of some carcass and meat quality traits in Betong chicken (KU line)Bungsrisawat P., Tumwasorn S., Loongyai W., Nakthong S., Sopannarath P.2018Agriculture and Natural Resources
52(3),pp. 274-279
2Genetic parameters and annual trends for birth and weaning weights of a northeastern Thai indigenous cattle lineIntaratham W., Koonawootrittriron S., Sopannarath P., Graser H., Tumwasorn S.2008Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
21(4),pp. 478-483
3Genotype by region interaction on milk production traits of holstein crossbred dairy cows in ThailandEndris M., Endris M., Tumwasorn S., Sopannarath P., Prasanpanich S.2013Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
47(2),pp. 228-237
4Genetic parameters for birth weight and weaning weight in Anglo-Nubian, Saanen, Thai native and crossbred goatsKantanamalakul C., Sopannarath P., Duangjinda M., Anothaisinthawee S., Tumwasorn S.2008Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
42(4),pp. 640-648
5Genetic parameters for weaning weight, weaning hip height and weaning body length of crossbred beef cattle in ThailandTessema T., Tessema T., Sopannarath P., Tumwasorn S., Raungprim T.2013Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
47(1),pp. 85-93
6Effect of genetic polymorphism of bovine growth hormone gene on preweaning growth traits in a Thai multibreed beef populationSupakorn C., Supakorn C., Mekchay S., Siripholvat V., Sopannarath P., Koonawootrittriron S., Tumwasorn S.2007Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
41(3),pp. 484-492
7Estimation of direct genetic effects on milk yield and lactation length in the Aownoi dairy cooperativeEndris M., Endris M., Tumwasorn S., Wongwan C., Sopannarath P., Prasanpanich S.2012Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
46(4),pp. 546-553
8Effects of two neck rail positions on heifer behavior and stall cleanliness in free stall barnSudolar N.R., Panivivat R., Sopannarath P.2017Agriculture and Natural Resources
51(5),pp. 432-435
9Effect of low-protein diets supplemented with methionine on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and expression of ANT and UCP genes in the breast muscle of betong chickens (KU line)Marayat J., Lertpimonpan S., Rakangthong C., Sopannarath P., Bunchasak C., Loongyai W.2019Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
41(6),pp. 1211-1218
10Prolactin haplotypes and their effect on body weight and egg production in the KU line of Betong chickenChaovapasee K., Tumwasorn S., Loongyai W., Sopannarath P.2020Agriculture and Natural Resources
54(5),pp. 479-484
11Comparison of five mathematical functions for prediction of monthly yield in Thai multibreed dairy cattle populationKitpipit W., Kitpipit W., Sopannarath P., Buaban S., Tumwasorn S.2008Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
42(2),pp. 246-255
12Genetic polymorphisms of calpain1 and calpain3 genes and their effects on growth, carcass, and meat quality traits in Betong chicken (KU line)Bungsrisawat P., Tumwasorn S., Loongyai W., Nakthong S., Nitthaisong P., Tanaka H., Akashi R., Sopannarath P.2024Animal Science Journal
13Genetic analysis of service cock effects on reproductive traits of Betong chickens (KU line) using threshold modelsOdthon W., Loongyai W., Sopannarath P.2020Agriculture and Natural Resources
54(2),pp. 113-120
14Association of snp marker in the igf1 gene with carcass traits in crossbred cattle among thai native, brahman and charolaisJeanmas A., Jeanmas A., Sopannarath P., Tumwasorn S., Loongyai W.2014Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
48(4),pp. 605-610