# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Genetic parameters of some carcass and meat quality traits in Betong chicken (KU line) | Bungsrisawat P., Tumwasorn S., Loongyai W., Nakthong S., Sopannarath P. | 2018 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 52(3),pp. 274-279 | 20 |
2 | Genetic parameters and annual trends for birth and weaning weights of a northeastern Thai indigenous cattle line | Intaratham W., Koonawootrittriron S., Sopannarath P., Graser H., Tumwasorn S. | 2008 | Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 21(4),pp. 478-483 | 13 |
3 | Genotype by region interaction on milk production traits of holstein crossbred dairy cows in Thailand | Endris M., Endris M., Tumwasorn S., Sopannarath P., Prasanpanich S. | 2013 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 47(2),pp. 228-237 | 7 |
4 | Genetic parameters for birth weight and weaning weight in Anglo-Nubian, Saanen, Thai native and crossbred goats | Kantanamalakul C., Sopannarath P., Duangjinda M., Anothaisinthawee S., Tumwasorn S. | 2008 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 42(4),pp. 640-648 | 5 |
5 | Genetic parameters for weaning weight, weaning hip height and weaning body length of crossbred beef cattle in Thailand | Tessema T., Tessema T., Sopannarath P., Tumwasorn S., Raungprim T. | 2013 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 47(1),pp. 85-93 | 4 |
6 | Effect of genetic polymorphism of bovine growth hormone gene on preweaning growth traits in a Thai multibreed beef population | Supakorn C., Supakorn C., Mekchay S., Siripholvat V., Sopannarath P., Koonawootrittriron S., Tumwasorn S. | 2007 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 41(3),pp. 484-492 | 4 |
7 | Estimation of direct genetic effects on milk yield and lactation length in the Aownoi dairy cooperative | Endris M., Endris M., Tumwasorn S., Wongwan C., Sopannarath P., Prasanpanich S. | 2012 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 46(4),pp. 546-553 | 3 |
8 | Effects of two neck rail positions on heifer behavior and stall cleanliness in free stall barn | Sudolar N.R., Panivivat R., Sopannarath P. | 2017 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 51(5),pp. 432-435 | 2 |
9 | Effect of low-protein diets supplemented with methionine on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and expression of ANT and UCP genes in the breast muscle of betong chickens (KU line) | Marayat J., Lertpimonpan S., Rakangthong C., Sopannarath P., Bunchasak C., Loongyai W. | 2019 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 41(6),pp. 1211-1218 | 2 |
10 | Prolactin haplotypes and their effect on body weight and egg production in the KU line of Betong chicken | Chaovapasee K., Tumwasorn S., Loongyai W., Sopannarath P. | 2020 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 54(5),pp. 479-484 | 1 |
11 | Comparison of five mathematical functions for prediction of monthly yield in Thai multibreed dairy cattle population | Kitpipit W., Kitpipit W., Sopannarath P., Buaban S., Tumwasorn S. | 2008 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 42(2),pp. 246-255 | 1 |
12 | Genetic polymorphisms of calpain1 and calpain3 genes and their effects on growth, carcass, and meat quality traits in Betong chicken (KU line) | Bungsrisawat P., Tumwasorn S., Loongyai W., Nakthong S., Nitthaisong P., Tanaka H., Akashi R., Sopannarath P. | 2024 | Animal Science Journal 95(1) | 0 |
13 | Genetic analysis of service cock effects on reproductive traits of Betong chickens (KU line) using threshold models | Odthon W., Loongyai W., Sopannarath P. | 2020 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 54(2),pp. 113-120 | 0 |
14 | Association of snp marker in the igf1 gene with carcass traits in crossbred cattle among thai native, brahman and charolais | Jeanmas A., Jeanmas A., Sopannarath P., Tumwasorn S., Loongyai W. | 2014 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 48(4),pp. 605-610 | 0 |