# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | The effects of drought and fire on seed and seedling dynamics in a tropical seasonal forest in Thailand | Marod D., Kutintara U., Tanaka H., Nakashizuka T. | 2002 | Plant Ecology 161(1),pp. 41-57 | 95 |
2 | The influence of environmental factors on species composition and distribution in a community forest in Northern Thailand | Thammanu S., Thammanu S., Marod D., Han H., Bhusal N., Asanok L., Ketdee P., Gaewsingha N., Lee S., Chung J. | 2020 | Journal of Forestry Research
| 55 |
3 | Effects of drought and fire on seedling survival and growth under contrasting light conditions in a seasonal tropical forest | Marod D., Kutintara U., Tanaka H., Nakashizuka T. | 2004 | Journal of Vegetation Science 15(5),pp. 691-700 | 45 |
4 | Relationships between functional traits and the ability of forest tree species to reestablish in secondary forest and enrichment plantations in the uplands of northern Thailand | Asanok L., Asanok L., Marod D., Duengkae P., Pranmongkol U., Kurokawa H., Aiba M., Katabuchi M., Nakashizuka T. | 2013 | Forest Ecology and Management 296,pp. 9-23 | 35 |
5 | Topographic variation in heterotrophic and autotrophic soil respiration in a tropical seasonal forest in Thailand | Takahashi M., Hirai K., Limtong P., Leaungvutivirog C., Panuthai S., Suksawang S., Anusontpornperm S., Marod D. | 2011 | Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 57(3),pp. 452-465 | 32 |
6 | Soil properties and gross nitrogen dynamics in old growth and secondary forest in four types of tropical forest in Thailand | Ueda M., Ueda M., Kachina P., Marod D., Nakashizuka T., Kurokawa H. | 2017 | Forest Ecology and Management 398,pp. 130-139 | 26 |
7 | Soil nutrient status after bamboo flowering and death in a seasonal tropical forest in western Thailand | Takahashi M., Furusawa H., Limtong P., Sunanthapongsuk V., Marod D., Panuthai S. | 2007 | Ecological Research 22(1),pp. 160-164 | 25 |
8 | Estimation of six leaf traits of East Asian forest tree species by leaf spectroscopy and partial least square regression | Nakaji T., Oguma H., Nakamura M., Kachina P., Asanok L., Marod D., Aiba M., Kurokawa H., Kosugi Y., Kassim A., Hiura T. | 2019 | Remote Sensing of Environment 233 | 24 |
9 | Vegetation community and factors that affect the woody species composition of riparian forests growing in an urbanizing landscape along the Chao Phraya River, central Thailand | Asanok L., Kamyo T., Norsaengsri M., Salinla-um P., Rodrungruang K., Karnasuta N., Navakam S., Pattanakiat S., Marod D., Duengkae P., Kutintara U. | 2017 | Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 28,pp. 138-149 | 23 |
10 | The influences of an invasive plant species (Leucaena leucocephala) on tree regeneration in Khao Phuluang forest, northeastern Thailand | Marod D., Duengkae P., Kutintara U., Sungkaew S., Wachrinrat C., Asanok L., Klomwattanakul N. | 2012 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 46(1),pp. 39-50 | 22 |
11 | Non-timber forest product utilization under community forest management in northern Thailand | Thammanu S., Thammanu S., Han H., Marod D., Zang L., Jung Y., Soe K.T., Onprom S., Chung J. | 2020 | Forest Science and Technology
| 14 |
12 | Land use and above-ground biomass changes in a mountain ecosystem, northern Thailand | Hermhuk S., Chaiyes A., Thinkampheang S., Danrad N., Marod D. | 2020 | Journal of Forestry Research 31(5),pp. 1733-1742 | 13 |
13 | Species composition and spatial distribution of dominant trees in the forest ecotone of a mountain ecosystem, Northern Thailand | Marod D., Hermhuk S., Hermhuk S., Sungkaew S., Thinkampheang S., Kamyo T., Nuipakdee W. | 2019 | Environment and Natural Resources Journal 17(3),pp. 40-49 | 13 |
14 | Diversity and distribution of family Araceae in Doi Inthanon National Park, Chiang Mai province | Sungkajanttranon O., Marod D., Thanompun K. | 2018 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 52(2),pp. 125-131 | 13 |
15 | The role of wild banana (Musa acuminata Colla) on wildlife diversity in mixed deciduous forest, Kanchanaburi Province, Western Thailand | Marod D., Pinyo P., Duengkae P., Hiroshi T. | 2010 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 44(1),pp. 35-43 | 12 |
16 | Soil respiration in different ages of teak plantations in Thailand | Takahashi M., Hirai K., Limtong P., Leaungvutivirog C., Suksawang S., Panuthai S., Anusontpornperm S., Marod D. | 2009 | Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 43(4),pp. 337-343 | 10 |
17 | Forest dynamics and tree distribution patterns in dry evergreen forest, northeastern, Thailand | Phumphuang W., Marod D., Sungkaew S., Thinkampaeng S. | 2018 | Environment and Natural Resources Journal 16(2),pp. 58-67 | 10 |
18 | Above-ground carbon stock and REDD+ opportunities of community-managed forests in northern Thailand | Thammanu S., Han H., Marod D., Srichaichana J., Chung J., Chung J. | 2021 | PLoS ONE 16(8 August) | 10 |
19 | Population Structure and Spatial Distribution of Tree Species in Lower Montane Forest, Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Northern Thailand | Marod D., Duengkae P., Sangkaew S., Racharak P., Suksavate W., Uthairatsamee S., Asanok L., Kamyo T., Thinkampheang S., Heumhuk S., Kachina P., Thongsawi J., Phumpuang W., Paansri P., Nuipakdee W., Nakmuenwai P., Pattanakiat S. | 2022 | Environment and Natural Resources Journal 20(6),pp. 644-663 | 10 |
20 | The natural forest gaps maintenance diversity of understory birds in Mae Sa-Kog Ma biosphere Reserve, northern Thailand | Siri S., Ponpituk Y., Safoowong M., Marod D., Duengkae P. | 2019 | Biodiversitas 20(1),pp. 181-189 | 9 |
21 | Effects of El Niño drought on seedling dynamics in a seasonally dry tropical forest in Northern Thailand | Nutiprapun P., Hermhuk S., Nanami S., Itoh A., Kanzaki M., Marod D. | 2022 | Global Change Biology
| 8 |
22 | Drivers of Native Species Regeneration in the Process of Restoring a Dry Evergreen Forest from Exotic Tree Plantations in Northeastern Thailand | Staporn D., Staporn D., Marod D., Wongprom J., Diloksumpun S. | 2022 | Forests 13(8) | 7 |
23 | Maximum entropy modeling for the conservation of hopea odorata in Riparian Forests, Central Thailand | Asanok L., Kamyo T., Marod D. | 2020 | Biodiversitas 21(10),pp. 4663-4670 | 7 |
24 | Fruit traits of tree species in lower montane rainforest at Doi Suthep-Pui, northern Thailand | Rueangket A., Duengkae P., Thinkampheang S., Enright N.J., Marod D. | 2021 | Journal of Tropical Ecology
| 6 |
25 | Monitoring the diversity, abundance, activity period and habitat use of wildlife species around the wildlife corridor that connects the natural world heritage site in Thailand | Pla-Ard M., Khioesree N., Keawdee B., Hungheng W., Chattrakuldee P., Pengthong P., Thongbanthum J., Paansri P., Charaspet K., Panganta T., Chanachai Y., Duengkae P., Marod D., Uthairasmee S., Kaewkrachang T., Bhumpakphan N., Trisurat Y., Suksavate W., Sungkaew S., Pongpattananurak N., Racharak P., Wiwatwittaya D., Tasen W., Sukmasuang R. | 2021 | Biodiversitas 22(11),pp. 4983-4996 | 6 |
26 | Chimonocalamus elegans, a new temperate woody bamboo species (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) from Doi Phu Kha National Park, Thailand | Teerawatananon A., Teerawatananon A., Marod D., Hodkinson T., Sungkaew S. | 2017 | Phytotaxa 302(1),pp. 97-100 | 6 |
27 | Effect of environmental gradients on tree distribution in lowland dry evergreen forest, northeastern Thailand | Marod D., Phumphuang W., Wachrinrat C. | 2021 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 55(5),pp. 795-805 | 5 |
28 | Temporal variation in the population of bulbuls (Family pycnonotidae) in lower montane forest, Northern Thailand | Ponpituk Y., Siri S., Safoowong M., Suksavate W., Marod D., Duengkae P. | 2020 | Biodiversitas 21(8),pp. 3644-3649 | 5 |
29 | Utilization of fruit by frugivores in lower montane forest at Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai province | Rueangket A., Duengkae P., Thinkhampang S., Marod D. | 2019 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 53(5),pp. 457-464 | 5 |
30 | Assessing the Cooling and Air Pollution Tolerance among Urban Tree Species in a Tropical Climate | Yarnvudhi A., Leksungnoen N., Andriyas T., Tor-Ngern P., Premashthira A., Wachrinrat C., Marod D., Hermhuk S., Pattanakiat S., Nakashizuka T., Kjelgren R. | 2022 | Plants 11(22) | 5 |
31 | Comparative physiology of canopy tree leaves in evergreen and deciduous forests in lowland Thailand | Ishida A., Yamaji K., Nakano T., Ladpala P., Popradit A., Yoshimura K., Saiki S.T., Maeda T., Yoshimura J., Yoshimura J., Yoshimura J., Koyama K., Diloksumpun S., Marod D. | 2023 | Scientific Data 10(1) | 4 |
32 | Woody plant community and distribution in a tropical coastal sand dune in southern Thailand | Marod D., Sungkaew S., Mizunaga H., Thinkampheang S., Thongsawi J. | 2020 | Journal of Coastal Conservation 24(4) | 4 |
33 | Association of community-level traits with soil properties in a tropical coastal sand dune | Marod D., Sungkaew S., Mizunaga H., Thongsawi J. | 2020 | Environment and Natural Resources Journal 18(1),pp. 101-109 | 4 |
34 | Atypical pattern of soil carbon stocks along the slope position in a seasonally dry tropical forest in Thailand | Takahashi M., Takahashi M., Hirai K., Marod D., Anusontpornperm S., Limtong P., Leaungvutivirog C., Panuthai S. | 2019 | Forests 10(2) | 4 |
35 | Studies in the recent new genus record Pseudostachyum (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) from Thailand: Notes on its taxonomy, distribution and habitat | Teerawatananon A., Teerawatananon A., Sungkaew S., Marod D., Hodkinson T. | 2014 | Nordic Journal of Botany 32(1),pp. 51-54 | 3 |
36 | Monetary evaluation of supporting ecosystem services as a habitat provider for birds in Thailand urban park | Yarnvudhi A., Leksungnoen N., Siri S., Ponpithuk Y., Sukmasuang R., Duengkae P., Pongcharoen C., Sutummawong N., Marod D., Wachrinrat C., Premashthira A., Tor-Ngern P., Poungcharean S., Hermhuk S., Kachina P. | 2022 | Biodiversitas 23(9),pp. 4747-4758 | 3 |
37 | Forest Restoration in an Abandoned Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest in the Mae Klong Watershed, Western Thailand | Saikhammoon R., Sungkaew S., Thinkampaeng S., Phumphuang W., Kamyo T., Marod D. | 2023 | Environment and Natural Resources Journal 21(5),pp. 443-457 | 3 |
38 | Potential variables forcing litterfall in a lower montane evergreen forest using Granger and superposed epoch analyses | Marod D., Andriyas T., Leksungnoen N., Kjelgren R., Thinkamphaeng S., Chansri P., Asanok L., Hermhuk S., Kachina P., Thongsawi J., Phumphuang W., Uthairatsamee S., Racharak P., Kaewgrajang T. | 2023 | Ecosphere 14(6) | 3 |
39 | Environmental factors differentially influence species distributions across tree size classes in a dry evergreen forest in Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve, northeastern Thailand | Phumphuang W., Phumphuang W., Sungkaew S., Wachrinrat C., Thinkampheang S., Hermhuk S., Thongsawi J., Waengsothorn S., Lin L., Marod D. | 2024 | Journal of Forest Research
| 3 |
40 | Different predictions of traits on elevational distribution of Fagaceae species between ever-wet and seasonally dry regions in Southeast Asia | Kawai K., Marod D., Hara M., Somwiphat W., Okada N. | 2024 | Plant Ecology
| 2 |
41 | Regeneration of co-occurring tropical bamboos after the simultaneous flowering and death: A bamboo species formed "sapling bank" under the shade of the other species | Tanaka H., Marod D., Ishida A., Takahashi M., Saitoh T., Nakashizuka T. | 2010 | Japanese Journal of Ecology 60(1),pp. 63-72 | 2 |
42 | Land cover changes in tropical seasonal forests at Mae Klong head watershed, Kanchanaburi province, Thailand | Kamyo T., Marod D., Pattanakiat S., Suksawang S., Panuthai S. | 2016 | Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology 10(3),pp. 304-312 | 1 |
43 | Comparing morphological traits of legs of understory birds inhabiting forest areas with closed canopies and forest gaps | Siri S., Ponpituk Y., Safoowong M., Nuipakdee W., Marod D., Duengkae P. | 2020 | Biodiversitas 21(3),pp. 1041-1048 | 1 |
44 | Predicting the Natural Suitability of Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) at Mae Yom National Park, Phrae Province, Thailand Using Logistic Regression Model | Kamyo T., Pattanakiat S., Asanok L., Samanmit K., Cherpaiboon A., Thinkamphaeng S., Marod D. | 2021 | Journal of Environmental Science and Management 24(2),pp. 48-53 | 1 |
45 | The ecology of conifer persistence in tropical rainforests: Podocarpus neriifolius in northern Thailand | Enright N.J., Marod D., Bennett I., Froend R.H., Ladd P.G. | 2021 | Plant Ecology
| 1 |
46 | The dynamics of deciduous dipterocarp forest in relation to climate variability in the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve, Northeastern Thailand | Yatar C., Yatar C., Thinkampheang S., Sungkaew S., Wachrinrat C., Asanok L., Kamyo T., Hermhuk S., Kachina P., Thongsawi J., Phumphuang W., Phumphuang W., Yarnvudhi A., Waengsothorn S., Cheysawat S., Marod D. | 2024 | Biodiversitas 25(7),pp. 3088-3098 | 1 |
47 | Effect of fire on microbial necromass carbon content is regulated by soil depth, time since fire, and plant litter input in subtropical forests | Zhou J., Wang L., Chen H., Marod D., Wu J. | 2024 | Plant and Soil
| 1 |
48 | Termitaria enhance soil and forest diversity in Deciduous Dipterocarp Forest, Northern Thailand | Kaewfoo M., Bunyavejchewin S., Marod D., Wiwatwittaya D., Baillie I.C., Davies S.J., Hallett S.H. | 2024 | Journal of Tropical Ecology 40 | 1 |
49 | Diversity and spatial distribution of Lauraceae tree species in Lower Montane Forest at Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Northern Thailand | Srisuwan S., Sungkaew S., Wachrinrat C., Asanok L., Kamyo T., Thinkampheang S., Kachina P., Hermhuk S., Phumphuang W., Phumphuang W., Yarnvudhi A., Marod D. | 2024 | Biodiversitas 25(10),pp. 3510-3520 | 1 |
50 | Long Term Seasonal Variability on Litterfall in Tropical Dry Forests, Western Thailand | Marod D., Nakashizuka T., Saitoh T., Hirai K., Thinkampheang S., Asanok L., Phumphuang W., Danrad N., Pattanakiat S. | 2023 | Forests 14(10) | 1 |
51 | Sustainable Ecosystem Management Strategies for Tackling the Invasion of Blackchin Tilapia (Sarotherodon melanotheron) in Thailand: Guidelines and Considerations | Chaianunporn T., Panthum T., Singchat W., Chaianunporn K., Suksavate W., Chaiyes A., Muangmai N., Marod D., Duengkae P., Srikulnath K. | 2024 | Animals 14(22) | 0 |
52 | Natural tree regeneration after selective cutting in a dry evergreen forest in Northeastern Thailand | Marod D., Sungkaew S., Thinkampaeng S., Wachrinrat C., Hermhuk S., Thongsawi J., Phumphuang W., Yarnvudhi A., Yatar C., Cheysawat S., Sawasmongkol C., Sawasmongkol C. | 2024 | Biodiversitas 25(11),pp. 4075-4085 | 0 |
53 | Impacts of climate change on forest restoration dynamics in the lower montane forest of Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Northern Thailand | Thinkampheang S., Nakashizuka T., Suksavate W., Kachina P., Hermhuk S., Asanok L., Phumphuang W., Chouibumroong B., Wu J., Kurokawa H., Marod D. | 2024 | Biodiversitas 25(12),pp. 4829-4845 | 0 |
54 | Relationship Between Climate Changes and Forest Dynamics Along Altitudinal Gradients at Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Northern Thailand | Marod D., Thinkampheang S., Phumphuang W., Yarnvudhi A., Thongsawi J., Kachina P., Nakashizuka T., Kurokawa H., Hermhuk S. | 2025 | Forests 16(1) | 0 |
55 | Factors influencing appearance and suitable habitat for wild elephants in the Khao Yai National Park, Thailand | Nanla Y., Nanla Y., Marod D., Duengkae P., Paansri P., Noowong J., Manitoem C., Sukmasuang R. | 2024 | Biodiversitas 25(7),pp. 3061-3072 | 0 |
56 | Spatial distribution of the ethnomedicinal plant Aglaonema simplex at the Sakaerat Environmental Research Station, Northeastern Thailand | O-Thong N., Tasen W., Marod D., Thinkampheang S., Phumphuang W. | 2024 | Biodiversitas 25(7),pp. 3043-3050 | 0 |
57 | Effects of long-term fire protection on Deciduous Dipterocarp Forest dynamics in Northeastern Thailand | Duangon N., Duangon N., Wachrinrat C., Ngernsaengsaruay C., Thinkampheang S., Hermhuk S., Thongsawi J., Phumphuang W., Phumphuang W., Kullawong A., Yarnvudhi A., Marod D. | 2024 | Biodiversitas 25(9),pp. 3141-3153 | 0 |
58 | Effects of gap age on understory bird population in Mae Sa-Kog Ma Biosphere Reserve, Northern Thailand | Ponpituk Y., Siri S., Paansri P., Safoowong M., Suksavate W., Marod D., Duengkae P. | 2022 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 56(3),pp. 645-656 | 0 |
59 | Environmental factors related to community-level functional traits in limestone hill forests along an altitudinal gradient: A case study in northern Thailand | Asanok L., Kamyo T., Marod D. | 2020 | Forestry Studies 71(1),pp. 86-99 | 0 |