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    • M.Phil., Massey University, New Zealand
    • D.V.M., Kasersart University, ไทย

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    African swine feveranimalAnimalsArticleattitude to healthAvian InfluenzaAvian Influenza DiseaseBackyard chickensBrucellosisCattleChainatchemical qualityCyprinidaedietary intakedisease transmissiondogseating habitendemic diseaseenvironmentepidemicexposure assessmentFasciola hepaticafascioliasisfeeding behaviorfood analysisfood consumption databasefood industryfood poisoningfood safetyfood sharingFoot and mouth diseasegoathealth beliefhealth care accesshealth promotionhealth statushealth surveyheavy metalhighly pathogenic avian influenzahumanHumansinfection riskIntestinal parasiteKAPKit testLao PDRLiver flukelivestockmeat goatMeat rabbitmigrationnetwork analysisnonhumanOpisthorchis viverrinioutbreakoutcome assessmentParticipatory approachparticipatory epidemiologypopulation riskpoultryPrevalencepriority journalProduction networkquantitative risk assessmentrisk assessmentRisk factorRisk factorsrural populationsocial classsocial determinants of healthsocial environmentsocial networkSocial network analysissocial statussocial supportsocializationSpatialSPBN GASGASstray dogsswineThai Isaan cultureVietnamwaterwetlandกระต่ายเนื้อการบริโภคปลาดิบการวิเคราะห์เครือข่ายทางสังคมการสัมภาษณ์แบบมีส่วนร่วมแกลบความชุกเครือข่ายการผลิตเครือข่ายทางสังคมชัยนาทบรูเซลโลซีสปัจจัยเสี่ยงปากและเท้าเปื่อยเป็ดไล่ทุ่งแพะเนื้อฟาร์มสุกรสุกร


    Epidemiology, Veterinary Public Health


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    Scopus h-index

    #Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
    1Spatial analysis and characteristics of pig farming in ThailandThanapongtharm W., Linard C., Linard C., Chinson P., Kasemsuwan S., Visser M., Gaughan A., Epprech M., Robinson T., Gilbert M., Gilbert M.2016BMC Veterinary Research
    2Feasibility and effectiveness studies with oral vaccination of free-roaming dogs against rabies in ThailandChanachai K., Wongphruksasoong V., Vos A., Leelahapongsathon K., Tangwangvivat R., Sagarasaeranee O., Lekcharoen P., Trinuson P., Kasemsuwan S.2021Viruses
    3Towards rabies elimination in the Asia-Pacific region: From theory to practiceRupprecht C.E., Abela-Ridder B., Abila R., Amparo A.C., Banyard A., Blanton J., Chanachai K., Dallmeier K., de Balogh K., Del Rio Vilas V., Ertl H., Freuling C., Hill R., Houillon G., Jakava-Viljanen M., Kasemsuwan S., Léchenet J., Nel L., Panichabhongse P., Rahman S.A., Tantawichien T., Vandeputte J., Viriyabancha W., Vos A., Wallace R., Yale G., Yurachai O., Mueller T.2020Biologicals
    64,pp. 83-95
    4Prevalence and risk factors for intestinal parasite infection in goats raised in Nakhon Pathom Province, ThailandRatanapob N., Arunvipas P., Kasemsuwan S., Phimpraphai W., Panneum S.2012Tropical Animal Health and Production
    44(4),pp. 741-745
    5Humoral immune response of thai dogs after oral vaccination against rabies with the SPBN gasgas vaccine strainLeelahapongsathon K., Kasemsuwan S., Pinyopummintr T., Boodde O., Phawaphutayanchai P., Aiyara N., Bobe K., Vos A., Friedrichs V., Müller T., Freuling C.M., Chanachai K.2020Vaccines
    8(4),pp. 1-14
    6Social network analysis used to assess the relationship between the spread of avian influenza and movement patterns of backyard chickens in Ratchaburi, ThailandPoolkhet C., Chairatanayuth P., Thongratsakul S., Kasemsuwan S., Rukkwamsuk T.2013Research in Veterinary Science
    95(1),pp. 82-86
    7Comparative study of heavy metal and pathogenic bacterial contamination in sludge and manure in biogas and non-biogas swine farmsTulayakul P., Boonsoongnern A., Kasemsuwan S., Wiriyarampa S., Pankumnoed J., Tippayaluck S., Hananantachai H., Mingkhwan R., Netvichian R., Khaodhiar S.2011Journal of Environmental Sciences
    23(6),pp. 991-997
    8Collective resistance to HPAI H5N1 surveillance in the Thai cockfighting community: Insights from a social anthropology studyPaul M.C., Paul M.C., Paul M.C., Figuié M., Kovitvadhi A., Kovitvadhi A., Valeix S., Valeix S., Wongnarkpet S., Poolkhet C., Kasemsuwan S., Ducrot C., Roger F., Binot A.2015Preventive Veterinary Medicine
    120(1),pp. 106-114
    9Social Influence in Liver Fluke Transmission: Application of Social Network Analysis of Food Sharing in Thai Isaan CulturePhimpraphai W., Tangkawattana S., Tangkawattana S., Kasemsuwan S., Sripa B.2018Advances in Parasitology
    101,pp. 97-124
    10Zero-inflated models for identifying disease risk factors when case detection is imperfect: Application to highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in ThailandVergne T., Vergne T., Vergne T., Paul M.C., Paul M.C., Chaengprachak W., Durand B., Gilbert M., Gilbert M., Dufour B., Roger F., Kasemsuwan S., Grosbois V.2014Preventive Veterinary Medicine
    114(1),pp. 28-36
    11Field studies evaluating bait acceptance and handling by free-roaming dogs in ThailandKasemsuwan S., Chanachai K., Pinyopummintr T., Leelalapongsathon K., Sujit K., Vos A.2018Veterinary Sciences
    12Cultural Practices Shaping Zoonotic Diseases Surveillance: The Case of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and Thailand Native Chicken FarmersDelabouglise A., Delabouglise A., Antoine-Moussiaux N., Antoine-Moussiaux N., Tatong D., Chumkaeo A., Binot A., Fournié G., Pilot E., Phimpraphi W., Kasemsuwan S., Paul M.C., Duboz R., Duboz R., Salem G., Peyre M., Peyre M.2017Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
    64(4),pp. 1294-1305
    13Social network analysis for assessment of Avian influenza spread and trading patterns of backyard chickens in Nakhon Pathom, Suphan Buri and Ratchaburi, ThailandPoolkhet C., Poolkhet C., Chairatanayuth P., Thongratsakul S., Yatbantoong N., Kasemsuwan S., Damchoey D., Rukkwamsuk T.2013Zoonoses and Public Health
    60(6),pp. 448-455
    14Seroprevalence of leptospirosis in domesticated Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in north and west Thailand in 2004Oni O., Sujit K., Kasemsuwan S., Sakpuaram T., Pfeiffer D.2007Veterinary Record
    160(11),pp. 368-371
    15Social network analysis of cattle movement in Kampong Cham, Kampong Speu and Takeo, CambodiaPoolkhet C., Kasemsuwan S., Seng S., Keartha C., Sokmao C., Shin M., Kalpravidh W., Hinrichs J.2016Acta Tropica
    159,pp. 44-49
    16Social network analysis of food sharing among households in opisthorchiasis endemic villages of Lawa Lake, ThailandPhimpraphai W., Tangkawattana S., Tangkawattana S., Sereerak P., Kasemsuwan S., Sripa B.2017Acta Tropica
    169,pp. 150-156
    17Spatial Distribution and Population Estimation of Dogs in Thailand: Implications for Rabies Prevention and ControlThanapongtharm W., Kasemsuwan S., Wongphruksasoong V., Boonyo K., Pinyopummintr T., Wiratsudakul A., Gilbert M., Gilbert M., Leelahapongsathon K.2021Frontiers in Veterinary Science
    18Social network analysis for the assessment of pig, cattle and buffalo movement in Xayabouli, Lao PDRPoolkhet C., Kasemsuwan S., Phiphakhavong S., Phouangsouvanh I., Vongxay K., Shin M., Kalpravidh W., Hinrichs J.2019PeerJ
    19Application of Spatial Risk Assessment Integrated With a Mobile App in Fighting Against the Introduction of African Swine Fever in Pig Farms in Thailand: Development StudyThanapongtharm W., Wongphruksasoong V., Sangrat W., Thongsrimoung K., Ratanavanichrojn N., Kasemsuwan S., Khamsiriwatchara A., Kaewkungwal J., Leelahapongsathon K.2022JMIR Formative Research
    20Comparative study of optical markers to assess bait system efficiency concerning vaccine release in the oral cavity of dogsLangguth A., Leelahapongsathon K., Wannapong N., Kasemsuwan S., Ortmann S., Vos A., Böer M., Böer M.2021Viruses
    21Heavy metals, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. in feeds, reused water, wastewater and manure from swine farms: A case reportTulayakul P., Boonsoongnern A., Kasemsuwan S., Ratanavanichrojn N., Netvichian R., Khaodhiar S.2012Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
    46(6),pp. 882-893
    22Assessing Potential Risks of Influenza A Virus Transmission at the Pig-Human Interface in Thai Small Pig Farms Using a Questionnaire SurveyNetrabukkana P., Robertson I., Kasemsuwan S., Wongsathapornchai K., Fenwick S.2016Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
    63(1),pp. e135-e139
    23Critical factors on chemical properties and heavy metals in water for livestock farms in ThailandMakaroon T., Makaroon T., Kasemsuwan S., Ratanavanichrojn N., Hananantachai H., Mingkhwan R., Khaodhiar S., Tulayakul P., Tulayakul P.2013Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine
    43(4),pp. 581-588
    24Analyses of contact networks of community dogs on a university campus in Nakhon Pathom, ThailandKittisiam T., Kittisiam T., Phimpraphai W., Kasemsuwan S., Thakur K.K.2021Veterinary Sciences
    25Prediction of the spread of African swine fever through pig and carcass movements in Thailand using a network analysis and diffusion modelPoolkhet C., Kasemsuwan S., Thongratsakul S., Warrasuth N., Pamaranon N., Nuanualsuwan S.2023PeerJ
    26Oral vaccination of dogs as a complementary tool for canine rabies control: The thai protocolLeelahapongsathon K., Wongphruksasoong V., Vos A., Kasemsuwan S., Kittisiam T., Sagarasaeranee O., Chanachai K.2023One Health for Dog-mediated Rabies Elimination in Asia: A Collection of Local Experiences
    ,pp. 115-127
    27Avian influenza vaccine supply chain in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam, 2021Tran T.D., Sukmak M., Phimpraphai W., Padungtod P., Prarakamawongsa T., Pham L.T., Truong M.V., Kasemsuwan S.2023Veterinary Integrative Sciences
    21(3),pp. 913-924
    28Long-term immunity induced by SPBN GASGAS in orally vaccinated dogs is non-inferior to inactivated rabies vaccinesVos A., Kasemsuwan S., Leelahapongsathon K., Bobe K., Perez-Bravo D., Kliemt J., Phawaphutayanchi P., Aiyara N., Freuling C.M., Müller T.2023Vaccine: X
    29Listeria Contamination in Milk-Processing Chain and Proficiency in Listeria monocytogenes Decontamination of Small-Scale Milk RetailersKananub S., Lertsakkongkul P., Aryatawong P., Horhirunkhajohn W., Pinniam N., Krajanglikit P., Sonthong K., Kasemsuwan S.2024Journal of Food Quality
    30Field and laboratory investigation of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N6 and H5N8 in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam, 2020 to 2021Tran T.D., Kasemsuwan S., Sukmak M., Phimpraphai W., Prarakamawongsa T., Pham L.T., Hoang T.B., Nguyen P.T., Nguyen T.M., Truong M.V., Dao T.P., Padungtod P.2024Journal of veterinary science
    25(2),pp. e20
    31Geospatial and Temporal Analysis of Avian Influenza Risk in Thailand: A GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Approach for Enhanced Surveillance and ControlSangrat W., Sangrat W., Thanapongtharm W., Kasemsuwan S., Boonyawiwat V., Sajapitak S., Poolkhet C.2024Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
    32Perioperative pain management in dogs and cats: Attitudes and practices among Thai veterinariansThunpattranon T., Niyom S., Lekchareonsuk C., Kasemsuwan S., Mama K.2024Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
    33Prevalence and risk factors of brucellosis and dairy farmers’ KAP in 2 townships, MyanmarWin H., Win H., Kasemsuwan S., Myint H.T., Ekgatat M., Phimpraphai W.2023Veterinary Integrative Sciences
    21(2),pp. 439-456
    34Applications of principles to case studies focusing on non-monetary surveillance valuesHäsler B., Delabouglise A., Antoine-Moussiaux N., Phan T.D., Dao D.C., Nguyen T.T., Pham H.T.T., Truong B.D., Nguyen X.N.T., Vu T.D., Nguyen K.V., Le H.T., Tatong D., Phimpraphi W., Kasemsuwan S., Peyre M., Peyre M., Martins S.B.2022Principles for Evaluation of One Health Surveillance: The EVA Book
    ,pp. 117-146
    35Corrigendum to "Zero-inflated models for identifying disease risk factors when case detection is imperfect: Application to highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in Thailand" [Prev. Vet. Med., 114, (2014), 28-36], doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2014.01.011Vergne T., Vergne T., Vergne T., Paul M.C., Paul M.C., Chaengprachak W., Durand B., Gilbert M., Gilbert M., Dufour B., Roger F., Kasemsuwan S., Grosbois V.2015Preventive Veterinary Medicine
    119(3-4),pp. 237