# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Performance variability of linear multiuser detection for DS-CDMA | Honig M., Veerakachen W. | 1996 | IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 1,pp. 372-376 | 15 |
2 | Satellite-based drought impact assessment on rice yield in Thailand with SIMRIW-RS | Raksapatcharawong M., Veerakachen W., Homma K., Maki M., Oki K., Oki K. | 2020 | Remote Sensing 12(13) | 14 |
3 | Rainfall estimation for real time flood monitoring using geostationary meteorological satellite data | Veerakachen W., Raksapatcharawong M. | 2015 | Advances in Space Research 56(6),pp. 1139-1145 | 8 |
4 | RiceSAP: An Efficient Satellite-Based AquaCrop Platform for Rice Crop Monitoring and Yield Prediction on a Farm- To Regional-Scale | Veerakachen W., Raksapatcharawong M. | 2020 | Agronomy 10(6) | 6 |
5 | Development of drought risk analysis platform using multiple satellite sensors | Raksapatcharawong M., Veerakachen W. | 2019 | International Journal of GEOMATE 17(60),pp. 62-69 | 4 |
6 | Daily Monitoring of Soil Moisture in Thailand by FY-2E Satellite | Veerakachen W., Raksapatcharawong M. | 2014 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 48(2),pp. 254-262 | 1 |