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    • วท.บ.(ชีววิทยา), มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์, ไทย, 2518
    • วท.ม.(จุลชีววิทยา), มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์, ไทย, 2521
    • Dr.Eng. (Fermentation Technology ), Hiroshima University , ญี่ปุ่น, 2529

    Expertise Cloud

    ?-amylase?-xylanaseActinomadura keratinilyticaActinomadura sp.actinomyceteactinomycetesAgricultural productsairlift fermenterAmmonia fungiAntagonistic activityAntimicrobial activityarticleAscomycetesAscomycotaBacillusBioreactorBioreactorsBiotechnological industryblack rotblack rot diseasebroken rice powderBroken Riceberry ricecalciumCane molassescarbohydrate metabolismCASSAVAcassava chipsCellobioseCellulosecentral composite designcharacterizationDEGRADATIONDEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACIDendo 1Endo-1enzyme hydrolysisEnzyme purificationENZYMESenzymologyethanolEthanol fermentationfermentationFungigeneticsglucanaseglucoamylasegrowthHemicelluloseHydrolysisIDENTIFICATIONImmobilizationinsoluble xylan hydrolyzing enzymeKluyveromyces marxianusLaceyella sacchariLaceyella sacchari LP175LipasemangrovemetabolismMicrobispora siamensisnew speciesNon-sterile systemOrchidsphylogenic relationshipPhytophthoraPlackett-Burman designPlastic wastesPoly(dl-lactic acid)PretreatmentprobioticsPseudonocardiaceaepurificationRaw starch degrading enzymeRe-polymerizationResponse surface methodologyrice strawSaccharopolysporaSaccharopolyspora pathumthaniensisSaccharopolyspora pathumthaniensis S582Simultaneous saccharification and fermentationsteam explosionStreptomyces sp.Termite gutsThermoactinomycetaceaeThermomyces lanuginosusthermophilic filamentous bacteriaThermophilic filamentous bacteriumthermostable xylanasethermotolerantxylanaseกระบวนการผลิตกล้วยไม้ชานอ้อยแป้งมันสำปะหลังมันสำปะหลังเส้นยีสต์โรคเน่าคอดินของผักกวางตุ้งโรคใบจุดของผักคะน้าหัวเชื้อแอคติโนมัยซีทแอคติโนมัยสีทฮฑ-amylase


    การใช้ประโยชน์จากวัสดุและวัสดุเหลือทิ้งการเกษตรโดยจุลินทรีย์, ความหลากหลายของแอคติโนมัยสีทและการใช้ประโยชน์, เทคโนโลยีการหมัก, เอนไซม์จากจุลินทรีย์


    • จำนวนหน่วยปฏิบัติการที่เข้าร่วม 0 หน่วย
    • จำนวนเครื่องมือวิจัย 0 ชิ้น

    งานวิจัยในรอบ 5 ปี


    • ทุนใน 6 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 4 โครงการ, ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 1 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 1 โครงการ)
    • ทุนนอก 0 โครงการ
    • ทุนใน 23 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 14 โครงการ, ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 7 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 2 โครงการ)
    • ทุนนอก 19 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 8 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 10 โครงการ, หัวหน้าโครงการย่อย 1 โครงการ)

    แนวโน้มผลงานทั้งหมดเทียบกับแนวโน้มผลงานในรอบ 5 ปี


    • บทความ 128 เรื่อง (ตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการ 86 เรื่อง, นำเสนอในการประชุม/สัมมนา 42 เรื่อง)
    • ทรัพย์สินทางปัญญา 1 เรื่อง (ลิขสิทธิ์ 0 เรื่อง, เครื่องหมายการค้า 0 เรื่อง, อนุสิทธิบัตร 0 เรื่อง, สิทธิบัตร 1 เรื่อง)
    • สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 0 เรื่อง (ขึ้นทะเบียนพันธุ์พืช หรือพันธุ์สัตว์ หรือสิ่งประดิษฐ์ มก. 0 เรื่อง)
    • Unknown 0 เรื่อง (Unknown 0 เรื่อง)



    • การนำผลงานไปใช้ประโยชน์ 22 เรื่อง (เชิงวิชาการ 22 เรื่อง, เชิงนโยบาย/บริหาร 0 เรื่อง, เชิงสาธารณะ 0 เรื่อง, เชิงพาณิชย์ 0 เรื่อง)



    • รางวัลที่ได้รับ 8 เรื่อง (ประกาศเกียรติคุณ/รางวัลนักวิจัย 2 เรื่อง, รางวัลผลงานวิจัย/สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 4 เรื่อง, รางวัลผลงานนำเสนอในการประชุมวิชาการ 2 เรื่อง)

    นักวิจัยที่มีผลงานงานร่วมกันมากที่สุด 10 คนแรก

    Scopus h-index

    #Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
    1Microbispora corallina sp. nov., a new species of the genus Microbispora isolated from Thai soilNakajima Y., Kitpreechavanich V., Suzuki K., Kudo T.1999International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology
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    2Sericin separation from silk degumming wastewaterVaithanomsat P., Kitpreechavanich V.2008Separation and Purification Technology
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    3Purification and characterization of extracellular β-xylosidase and β-glucosidase from aspergillus fumigatusKitpreechavanich V., Kitpreechavanich V., Hayashi M., Nagai S.1986Agricultural and Biological Chemistry
    50(7),pp. 1703-1711
    4A novel poly (L-lactide) degrading actinomycetes isolated from Thai forest soil, phylogenic relationship and the enzyme characterizationSukkhum S., Tokuyama S., Tamura T., Kitpreechavanich V.2009Journal of General and Applied Microbiology
    55(6),pp. 459-467
    5Characterization of poly(L-lactide)-degrading enzyme produced by thermophilic filamentous bacteria Laceyella sacchari LP175Hanphakphoom S., Maneewong N., Sukkhum S., Tokuyama S., Kitpreechavanich V.2014Journal of General and Applied Microbiology
    60(1),pp. 13-22
    6Sugarcane leaves: Pretreatment and ethanol fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiaeJutakanoke R., Leepipatpiboon N., Tolieng V., Kitpreechavanich V., Srinorakutara T., Akaracharanya A.2012Biomass and Bioenergy
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    7Development of fermentation process for PLA-degrading enzyme production by a new thermophilic Actinomadura sp. T16-1Sukkhum S., Tokuyama S., Kitpreechavanich V.2009Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering
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    8Evaluation of the waste from cassava starch production as a substrate for ethanol fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiaeAkaracharanya A., Kesornsit J., Leepipatpiboon N., Srinorakutara T., Kitpreechavanich V., Tolieng V.2011Annals of Microbiology
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    9L-Lactic acid production from liquefied cassava starch by thermotolerant Rhizopus microsporus: Characterization and optimizationTrakarnpaiboon S., Srisuk N., Piyachomkwan K., Yang S., Kitpreechavanich V.2017Process Biochemistry
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    10Conversion of D-xylose into xylitol by xylose reductase from Candida pelliculosa coupled with the oxidoreductase system of methanogen strain HUKitpreechavanich V., Kitpreechavanich V., Hayashi M., Nishio N., Nagai S.1984Biotechnology Letters
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    11Comparative Characterization of l-Lactic Acid-Producing Thermotolerant Rhizopus FungiKitpreechavanich V., Maneeboon T., Kayano Y., Sakai K.2008Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
    106(6),pp. 541-546
    12Development of biodegradation process for Poly(DL-lactic acid)degradation by crude enzyme produced by Actinomadura keratinilytica strain T16-1Panyachanakul T., Sorachart B., Lumyong S., Lorliam W., Kitpreechavanich V., Krajangsang S.2019Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
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    13Production and characterization of raw starch degrading enzyme from a newly isolated thermophilic filamentous bacterium, Laceyella sacchari LP175Lomthong T., Chotineeranat S., Kitpreechavanich V.2015Starch/Staerke
    67(3-4),pp. 255-266
    14Poly(L-Lactide)-degrading enzyme production by Actinomadura keratinilytica T16-1 in 3 L airlift bioreactor and its degradation ability for biological recycleSukkhum S., Tokuyama S., Kitpreechavanich V.2012Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    15Co-production of poly(l-lactide)-degrading enzyme and raw starch-degrading enzyme by Laceyella sacchari LP175 using agricultural products as substrate, and their efficiency on biodegradation of poly(l-lactide)/thermoplastic starch blend filmLomthong T., Hanphakphoom S., Yoksan R., Kitpreechavanich V.2015International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation
    104,pp. 401-410
    16Microbispora siamensis sp. nov., a thermotolerant actinomycete isolated from soilBoondaeng A., Ishida Y., Tamura T., Tokuyama S., Kitpreechavanich V.2009International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
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    17Purification and characterization of a thermostable xylanase from saccharopolyspora pathumthaniensis S582 Isolated from the gut of a termiteSinma K., Khucharoenphaisan K., Kitpreechavanich V., Tokuyama S.2011Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry
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    18Regeneration and retention of NADP (H) for xylitol production in an ionized membrane reactorKitpreechavanich V., Nishio N., Hayashi M., Nagai S.1985Biotechnology Letters
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    19Production process of hydrolysate from steam explosion of oil palm trunk for xylitol fermentationPumiput P., Chuntranuluck S., Kitpreechavanich V., Punsuvon V., Vaithanomsat P.2008Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
    42(1),pp. 73-78
    20Optimization of Poly(dl-Lactic Acid) Degradation and Evaluation of Biological Re-polymerizationYoungpreda A., Panyachanakul T., Kitpreechavanich V., Sirisansaneeyakul S., Suksamrarn S., Tokuyama S., Krajangsang S.2017Journal of Polymers and the Environment
    25(4),pp. 1131-1139
    21Production of raw starch degrading enzyme by the thermophilic filamentous bacterium Laceyella sacchari LP175 and its application for ethanol production from dried cassava chipsLomthong T., Lertwattanasakul N., Kitpreechavanich V.2016Starch/Staerke
    68(11-12),pp. 1264-1274
    22Simultaneous production of l-lactic acid with high optical activity and a soil amendment with food waste that demonstrates plant growth promoting activityKitpreechavanich V., Hayami A., Talek A., Chin C., Tashiro Y., Sakai K.2016Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
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    23Purification and characterization of a high-thermostable β-xylanase from newly isolated Thermomyces lanuginosus THKU-49Khucharoenphaisan K., Khucharoenphaisan K., Tokuyama S., Tokuyama S., Kitpreechavanich V., Kitpreechavanich V.2010Mycoscience
    51(6),pp. 405-410
    24Optimization of lactic acid production by pellet-form rhizopus oryzae in 3-l airlift bioreactor using response surface methodologyManeeboon T., Vanichsriratana W., Pomchaitaward C., Kitpreechavanich V.2010Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    161(1-8),pp. 137-146
    25Purification and characterization of three β-glycosidases exhibiting high glucose tolerance from Aspergillus niger ASKU28Thongpoo P., Srisomsap C., Chokchaichamnankit D., Kitpreechavanich V., Svasti J., Svasti J., Kongsaeree P.2014Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry
    78(7),pp. 1167-1176
    26Poly(DL-lactide)-degrading enzyme production by immobilized Actinomadura keratinilytica strain T16-1 in a 5-L fermenter under various fermentation processesPanyachanakul T., Kitpreechavanich V., Tokuyama S., Krajangsang S.2017Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
    30,pp. 71-76
    27Very high Gravity (VHG) Bioethanol Production Using Modified Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation of Raw Cassava Chips with Molasses by Kluyveromyces marxianus DMKU-KS07Lomthong T., Netprasom P., Kancharu N., Jitmala K., Areesirisuk A., Trakarnpaiboon S., Kitpreechavanich V.2020Waste and Biomass Valorization
    28Antagonistic activity of endo-β-1,3-glucanase from a novel isolate, Streptomyces sp. 9X166, against black rot in orchidsSakdapetsiri C., Fukuta Y., Aramsirirujiwet Y., Shirasaka N., Kitpreechavanich V.2016Journal of Basic Microbiology
    56(5),pp. 469-479
    29Enhancement of poly(L-lactide)-degrading enzyme production by Laceyella sacchari LP175 using agricultural crops as substrates and its degradation of poly(L-lactide) polymerLomthong T., Lomthong T., Hanphakphoom S., Kongsaeree P., Srisuk N., Guicherd M., Cioci G., Duquesne S., Marty A., Kitpreechavanich V.2017Polymer Degradation and Stability
    143,pp. 64-73
    30Enhanced production of raw starch degrading enzyme using agro-industrial waste mixtures by thermotolerant Rhizopus microsporus for raw cassava chip saccharification in ethanol productionTrakarnpaiboon S., Srisuk N., Piyachomkwan K., Sakai K., Kitpreechavanich V.2017Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    47(8),pp. 813-823
    31Application of raw starch degrading enzyme from Laceyella sacchari LP175 for development of bacterial cellulose fermentation using colored rice as substrateNoree S., Tongdang C., Sujarit K., Chamdit S., Thongpool V., Trakarnpaiboon S., Khunnamwong P., Kitpreechavanich V., Lomthong T.20213 Biotech
    32Saccharopolyspora pathumthaniensis sp. nov., a novel actinomycetes isolated from termite guts (Speculitermes sp.)Sinma K., Ishida Y., Tamura T., Kitpreechavanich V., Tokuyama S.2011Journal of General and Applied Microbiology
    57(2),pp. 93-100
    33Production and development of vinegar fermentation from broken Riceberry rice using raw starch-degrading enzyme hydrolysisSangngern N., Puangnark T., Nguansangiam W., Saithong P., Kitpreechavanich V., Lomthong T.20203 Biotech
    34Poly(l-lactide)-Degrading Enzyme Production by Laceyella sacchari LP175 Under Solid State Fermentation Using Low Cost Agricultural Crops and Its Hydrolysis of Poly(l-lactide) FilmLomthong T., Yoksan R., Lumyong S., Kitpreechavanich V.2020Waste and Biomass Valorization
    11(5),pp. 1961-1970
    35New insight into thermo-solvent tolerant lipase produced by Streptomyces sp. A3301 for re-polymerization of poly (DL-lactic acid)Panyachanakul T., Lomthong T., Lorliam W., Prajanbarn J., Tokuyama S., Kitpreechavanich V., Krajangsang S.2020Polymer
    36An engineered enzyme embedded into PLA to make self-biodegradable plasticGuicherd M., Guicherd M., Ben Khaled M., Guéroult M., Guéroult M., Nomme J., Dalibey M., Grimaud F., Alvarez P., Kamionka E., Gavalda S., Gavalda S., Noël M., Vuillemin M., Amillastre E., Labourdette D., Cioci G., Tournier V., Kitpreechavanich V., Dubois P., André I., Duquesne S., Marty A., Marty A.2024Nature
    37Herbidospora sakaeratensis sp. nov., isolated from soil, and reclassification of streptosporangium claviforme as a later synonym of Herbidospora cretaceaBoondaeng A., Suriyachadkun C., Ishida Y., Tamura T., Tokuyama S., Kitpreechavanich V.2011International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
    61(4),pp. 777-780
    38Statistical screening of factors affecting glucoamylase production by a thermotolerant rhizopus microsporus tistr 3518 using plackett-burman designArnthong J., Wanitchaploy B., Sakai K., Sanglie J., Kitpreechavanich V.2010African Journal of Biotechnology
    9(43),pp. 7312-7316
    39Induction and repression of β-Xylanase of Thermomyces lanuginosus TISTR 3465Khucharoenphaisan K., Tokuyama S., Ratanakhanokchai K., Kitpreechavanich V.2010Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
    13(5),pp. 209-215
    40Statistical optimization of activity and stability of β-xylanase produced by newly isolated Thermomyces lanuginosus THKU-49 using central composite designKhucharoenphaisan K., Tokuyama S., Kitpreechavanich V.2008African Journal of Biotechnology
    7(20),pp. 3599-3602
    41Solid state fermentation, storage and viability of Streptomyces similanensis 9X166 using agro-industrial substrates against Phytophthora palmivora-induced black rot disease in orchidsSakdapetsiri C., Fukuta Y., Aramsirirujiwet Y., Shirasaka N., Tokuyama S., Kitpreechavanich V.2019Biocontrol Science and Technology
    29(3),pp. 276-292
    42Actinomycetospora endophytica sp. Nov., isolated from wild orchid (podochilus microphyllus lindl.) in ThailandSakdapetsiri C., Ngaemthao W., Suriyachadkun C., Duangmal K., Kitpreechavanich V.2018International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
    68(9),pp. 3017-3021
    43Growth, glucoamylase, pigments and monacolin K production on rice solid culture in flask and koji chamber using monascus sp. KB9Subsaendee T., Kitpreechavanich V., Yongsmith B.2014Chiang Mai Journal of Science
    41(5-1),pp. 1044-1057
    44Kineococcus mangrovi sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sedimentDuangmal K., Muangham S., Mingma R., Yimyai T., Srisuk N., Kitpreechavanich V., Matsumoto A., Takahashi Y.2016International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
    66(3),pp. 1230-1235
    45Characterization of the thermostability of xylanase produced by new isolates of Thermomyces lanuginosusKhucharoenphaisan K., Tokuyama S., Kitpreechavanich V.2008ScienceAsia
    34(2),pp. 187-192
    46Sphaerisporangium krabiense sp. nov., isolated from soilSuriyachadkun C., Suriyachadkun C., Chunhametha S., Ngaemthao W., Tamura T., Kirtikara K., Sanglier J.J., Sanglier J.J., Kitpreechavanich V.2011International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
    61(12),pp. 2890-2894
    47Molecular cloning and sequencing of raw starch degrading gene from laceyella sacchari LP175 and its functional expression in escherichia coliLomthong T., Lomthong T., Chotineeranat S., Cioci G., Laville E., Duquesne S., Choowongkomon K., Marty A., Kitpreechavanich V.2018Chiang Mai Journal of Science
    45(4),pp. 1634-1648
    48Poly(L-lactide)-degrading enzyme from laceyella sacchari LP175: Cloning, sequencing, expression, characterization and its hydrolysis of poly(L-lactide) polymerLomthong T., Guicherd M., Cioci G., Duquesne S., Marty A., Lumyong S., Kitpreechavanich V.2019Chiang Mai Journal of Science
    46(3),pp. 417-430
    49Solidstatefermentationforpoly(L-lactide)-degradingenzymeproduction by Laceyella sacchari LP175 in aerated tray reactor and its hydrolysis of poly (lactide) polymerLomthong T., Areesirisuk A., Suphan S., Panyachanakul T., Krajangsang S., Kitpreechavanich V.2021Agriculture and Natural Resources
    55(1),pp. 147-152
    50Purple guinea grass: Pretreatment and ethanol fermentationRatsamee S., Akaracharanya A., Leepipatpiboon N., Srinorakutara T., Kitpreechavanich V., Tolieng V.2012BioResources
    7(2),pp. 1891-1906
    51A comparative study of Thermomyces lanuginosus strains on thermostable xylanase productionKhucharoenphaisan K., Tokuyama S., Ratanakhanokchai K., Kitpreechavanich V.2009African Journal of Biotechnology
    8(8),pp. 1608-1614
    52Potential of Recombinant Raw Starch-Degrading Enzyme from Escherichia coli for Sugar Syrup and Bioethanol Productions Using Broken Rice Powder as SubstrateLomthong T., Saelee K., Trakarnpaiboon S., Siripornvisal S., Kitpreechavanich V.2021Starch/Staerke
    53Degradation of poly(Butylene succinate) and poly(butylene succinate)/poly(lactide) blends using serine protease produced from laceyella sacchari LP175Samaimai S., Krajangsang S., Kitpreechavanich V., Borthong J., Lomthong T.2021Trends in Sciences
    54Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of L-(+)-lactic acid production from liquefied cassava starch by immobilized rhizopus oryzae in a 3 L airlift fermenterTrakarnpaiboon S., Praneetrattananon S., Kitpreechavanich V.2018Chiang Mai Journal of Science
    45(1),pp. 77-91
    55Alkaline protease production by thermotolerant Bacillus sp. KU-K2, from non-rubber skim latex through the non-sterile system and its enzymatic characterizationLomthong T., Suntornnimit P., Sakdapetsiri C., Trakarnpaiboon S., Sawaengkaew J., Kitpreechavanich V.2022Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology
    56Saccharification of unripe banana flour using microwave assisted starch degrading enzyme hydrolysis for development of wine and vinegar fermentationsThongpoem P., Chorum M., Rittisorn S., Saithong P., Permpool J., Kitpreechavanich V., Lomthong T.2021International Food Research Journal
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    57Production of pectinases from Rhizopus sp. in solid substratesChitradon L., Chitradon L., Mahakhan P., Mahakhan P., Poonpairoj P., Poonpairoj P., Kitpreechavanich V., Kitpreechavanich V., Lotong N., Lotong N.1996Progress in Biotechnology
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    58Optimization, purification and characterization of β-xylanase by a novel thermotolerant strain of microbispora siamensis, DMKUA 245TBoondaeng A., Krajangsang S., Trakunjae C., Lomthong T., Lomthong T., Tokuyama S., Kitpreechavanich V.2018Chiang Mai Journal of Science
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    59Characterization and evaluated storage viability of strain, Bacillus velezensis PGA106 for growth promotion and biocontrol of fusarium wilt in tomatoSiripornvisal S., Siripornvisal S., Lomthong T., Srisuk N., Tokuyama S., Kitpreechavanich V.2021Chiang Mai Journal of Science
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    60Pectinases from Rhizopus sp. efficient in enhancing the hydrolyzation of raw cassava starch: Purification and characterizationChitradon L., Poonpairoj P., Mahakhan P., Kitpreechavanich V., Lotong N.1996Progress in Biotechnology
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    61High Loading Degradation of Poly(lactide)/Thermoplastic Starch Blend Film Using Mixed-Enzymes Produced by Fed-Batch Culture of Laceyella sacchari LP175Lomthong T., Samaimai S., Yoksan R., Krajangsang S., Kitpreechavanich V.2022Waste and Biomass Valorization
    62Conversion of golden oyster mushroom, Pleurotus citrinopileatus to sugar syrup using enzymatic hydrolysis as a substrate for novel bacterial cellulose (Nata) fermentationChorum M., Suphan S., Khetkorn W., Sujarit K., Naloka K., Saithong P., Kitpreechavanich V., Lomthong T.20223 Biotech
    63Sinosporangium siamense sp. nov., isolated from soil and emended description of the genus SinosporangiumSuriyachadkun C., Suriyachadkun C., Ngaemthao W., Chunhametha S., Thawai C., Sanglier J., Kitpreechavanich V.2014International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
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    64Very high gravity ethanol fermentation by the newly isolated osmotolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolate G2-3-2Hoondee P., Tolieng V., Tanasupawat S., Kitpreechavanich V., Akaracharanya A.2016Chiang Mai Journal of Science
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    65Sodium hydroxide-steam explosion treated oil palm empty fruit bunch: Ethanol production and co-fermentation with cane molassesWeeraphan T., Tolieng V., Kitpreechavanich V., Tanasupawat S., Akaracharanya A.2016BioResources
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    66Improved SSF-cellulosic ethanol production by the cellobiose fermenting yeast kluyveromyces marxianus G2-16-1Akaracharanya A., Krisomdee K., Tolieng V., Kitpreechavanich V., Tanasupawat S.2016Chiang Mai Journal of Science
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    67Purification and Characterization of Extracellular β-Xylosidase and β-Glucosidase from Aspergillus fumigatusKitpreechavanich V., Nagai S., Hayashi M., Hayashi M.1986Agricultural and Biological Chemistry
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    68Enhancement of Lactic Acid Production from Kitchen Refuse by Rhizopus oryzae KPS 106 Immobilized on Loofa SpongePraneetrattananon S., Wakisaka M., Shirai Y., Kitpreechavanich V.2005Japan Journal of Food Engineering
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    69Polycladomyces subterraneus sp. Nov., isolated from soil in ThailandManeewong N., Sakdapetsiri C., Suriyachadkun C., Shibata C., Tamura T., Tokuyama S., Kitpreechavanich V.2017International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
    67(9),pp. 3323-3328
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