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    • Ph.D. Physics, Case Western Reserve University, United States

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    AdsorptionAluminumAtomsBinary alloysCalculationsComprehensive analysisComputational studiesCopper compoundsCrystallinityDefectDensity functional theorydensity-functional calculationsElastic modulielastic propertiesElasticityElectric dischargesElectric field inducedElectric fieldsElectric impedance measurementELECTRICAL-PROPERTIESElectrochemical sensorElectrode materialElectron carrierElectron resonanceElectron spin resonance spectroscopyElectronic couplingElectronic propertiesElectronic structureElectronic tongueElectronic WasteElectronic.structureELECTRONIC-STRUCTUREElectronsElevated temperatureEnergies of formationEnergyEnergy gapEquations of stateEquilibrium morphologyE-wastesExotic propertiesExperimental valuesFermi levelFILM ELECTRODESFirst principle calculationsFirst principles calculationFirst-principlesFirst-principles calculationFirst-principles calculationsFormation energiesFracture mechanicsFree electronFunctional calculationsG tensorsGalliumGallium compoundsGrowth conditionsHubbardHybrid functionalII-VI semiconductorsImpurities inInfrared absorptionInterlayer distanceInterstitial sitesIonsIron compoundsIsotope abundanceJanus structurelayered double hydroxideLeachingLi-ion batteryLithiumLithium compoundsLithium-ion batteriesMaterial-basedMechanical stabilityMoleculesNative point defectsNew membersOxygenPhotocatalystPiezoelectricityPoint defectsSemiconductor dopingSulfur compoundsSynthesisedTechnological advancementThermodynamically stableTransition levelTwo-dimensionalTwo-dimensional materialsVan der Waals forcesWide band gap semiconductorsZincZinc sulfideคอรันดัมแบตเตอรี่ลิเทียมไอออนเฟิสต์พรินซิเพิลอลูมิเนียมออกไซด์ชนิดอัลฟาไฮบริดฟังก์ชันนอล


    Administrative Profile

    • พ.ค. 2565 - ปัจจุบัน รองหัวหน้าภาควิชา คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ ภาควิชาฟิสิกส์


    • จำนวนหน่วยปฏิบัติการที่เข้าร่วม 0 หน่วย
    • จำนวนเครื่องมือวิจัย 0 ชิ้น

    งานวิจัยในรอบ 5 ปี


    • ทุนใน 8 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 5 โครงการ, ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 1 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 2 โครงการ)
    • ทุนนอก 0 โครงการ
    • ทุนใน 16 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 8 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 9 โครงการ)
    • ทุนนอก 1 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 1 โครงการ)

    แนวโน้มผลงานทั้งหมดเทียบกับแนวโน้มผลงานในรอบ 5 ปี


    • บทความ 44 เรื่อง (ตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการ 44 เรื่อง, นำเสนอในการประชุม/สัมมนา 0 เรื่อง)
    • ทรัพย์สินทางปัญญา 0 เรื่อง (ลิขสิทธิ์ 0 เรื่อง, เครื่องหมายการค้า 0 เรื่อง, อนุสิทธิบัตร 0 เรื่อง, สิทธิบัตร 0 เรื่อง)
    • สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 0 เรื่อง (ขึ้นทะเบียนพันธุ์พืช หรือพันธุ์สัตว์ หรือสิ่งประดิษฐ์ มก. 0 เรื่อง)
    • Unknown 0 เรื่อง (Unknown 0 เรื่อง)



    • การนำผลงานไปใช้ประโยชน์ 3 เรื่อง (เชิงวิชาการ 3 เรื่อง, เชิงนโยบาย/บริหาร 0 เรื่อง, เชิงสาธารณะ 0 เรื่อง, เชิงพาณิชย์ 0 เรื่อง)



    • รางวัลที่ได้รับ 0 เรื่อง (ประกาศเกียรติคุณ/รางวัลนักวิจัย 0 เรื่อง, รางวัลผลงานวิจัย/สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 0 เรื่อง, รางวัลผลงานนำเสนอในการประชุมวิชาการ 0 เรื่อง)

    นักวิจัยที่มีผลงานงานร่วมกันมากที่สุด 10 คนแรก

    Scopus h-index

    #Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
    1First-principles study of the elasticity, piezoelectricity, and vibrational modes in LiGaO2 compared with ZnO and GaNBoonchun A., Lambrecht W.2010Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
    2Identification of a N-related shallow acceptor and electron paramagnetic resonance center in ZnO: N2+ on the Zn siteLambrecht W., Lambrecht W., Boonchun A., Boonchun A.2013Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
    3Electronic structure of defects and doping in ZnO: Oxygen vacancy and nitrogen dopingBoonchun A., Boonchun A., Lambrecht W.R.L., Lambrecht W.R.L.2013Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research
    250(10),pp. 2091-2101
    4Electronic properties of highly-active Ag3AsO4 photocatalyst and its band gap modulation: An insight from hybrid-density functional calculationsReunchan P., Boonchun A., Umezawa N.2016Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
    18(33),pp. 23407-23411
    5Energetics of native defects in anatase TiO2: A hybrid density functional studyBoonchun A., Boonchun A., Reunchan P., Umezawa N.2016Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
    18(43),pp. 30040-30046
    6Identification of Mn site in Pb (Zr,Ti)O3 by synchrotron x-ray absorption near-edge structure: Theory and experimentLimpijumnong S., Rujirawat S., Boonchun A., Smith M., Cherdhirunkorn B.2007Applied Physics Letters
    7Critical evaluation of the LDA+U approach for band gap corrections in point defect calculations: The oxygen vacancy in ZnO case studyBoonchun A., Lambrecht W.2011Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research
    248(5),pp. 1043-1051
    8First-principles study of point defects in LiGaO2Boonchun A., Boonchun A., Dabsamut K., Dabsamut K., Lambrecht W.2019Journal of Applied Physics
    9Role of photoexcited electrons in hydrogen evolution from platinum co-catalysts loaded on anatase TiO2: A first-principles studyBoonchun A., Umezawa N., Umezawa N., Umezawa N., Ohno T., Ouyang S., Ye J., Ye J.2013Journal of Materials Chemistry A
    1(22),pp. 6664-6669
    10First-principles study of n- And p-type doping opportunities in LiGaO2Dabsamut K., Boonchun A., Lambrecht W.R.L.2020Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
    11Strain engineering and thermal conductivity of a penta-BCN monolayer: A computational studyDabsamut K., Dabsamut K., Thanasarnsurapong T., Thanasarnsurapong T., Maluangnont T., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J., Jungthawan S., Jungthawan S., Boonchun A., Boonchun A.2021Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
    12First principles study of Mn impurities in PbTiO3 and PbZrO 3Boonchun A., Smith M., Cherdhirunkorn B., Limpijumnong S., Limpijumnong S.2007Journal of Applied Physics
    13Piezoelectric and electronic properties of hydrogenated penta-BCN: A computational studyThanasarnsurapong T., Thanasarnsurapong T., Dabsamut K., Dabsamut K., Maluangnont T., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J., Jungthawan S., Jungthawan S., Boonchun A., Boonchun A.2021Journal of Applied Physics
    14First-principles study of oxygen vacancies in Mgx Zn 1-x O alloysBoonchun A., Lambrecht W.2010Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
    15Identification of hydrogen defects in α- A l2 O3 by first-principles local vibration mode calculationsT-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J., Boonchun A., Boonchun A., Reunchan P., Reunchan P., Limpijumnong S.2017Physical Review B
    16Local structure of stoichiometric and oxygen-deficient A 2Ti6O13 (A = Li, Na, and K) studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and first-principles calculationsKanchanawarin J., Limphirat W., Promchana P., Sooknoi T., Maluangnont T., Simalaotao K., Boonchun A., Boonchun A., Reunchan P., Reunchan P., Limpijumnong S., Limpijumnong S., Limpijumnong S., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J.2018Journal of Applied Physics
    17Towards a new packing pattern of Li adsorption in two-dimensional pentagonal BCNAnanchuensook A., Dabsamut K., Dabsamut K., Thanasarnsurapong T., Maluangnont T., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J., Jungthawan S., Jungthawan S., Boonchun A., Boonchun A.2022Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
    24(21),pp. 13194-13200
    18Direct conversion of carboxylic acid to olefins over Pt-loaded, oxygen-deficient alkali hexatitanate catalysts with ketonization-hydrogenation-dehydration activityPromchana P., Boonchun A., Boonchun A., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J., Sooknoi T., Maluangnont T.2020Catalysis Today
    19Computational study of electron paramagnetic resonance spectra for Li and Ga vacancies in LiGaO2Skachkov D., Skachkov D., Lambrecht W.R.L., Dabsamut K., Boonchun A.2020Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
    20Hybrid-Functional Study of Native Defects and W/Mo-Doped in Monoclinic-Bismuth VanadatePakeetood P., Reunchan P., Reunchan P., Boonchun A., Boonchun A., Limpijumnong S., Munprom R., Ahuja R., Ahuja R., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J.2019Journal of Physical Chemistry C
    123(23),pp. 14508-14516
    21Electronic structure, doping, and lattice dynamics of LiGaO2Boonchun A., Lambrecht W.2011Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
    22First-principles calculation of resonant x-ray emission spectra applied to ZnOPreston A., Demasi A., Piper L., Piper L., Smith K., Lambrecht W., Boonchun A., Cheiwchanchamnangij T., Arnemann J., Van Schilfgaarde M., Ruck B.2011Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
    23Stacking stability of C2N bilayer nanosheetDabsamut K., Dabsamut K., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J., Jungthawan S., Jungthawan S., Boonchun A., Boonchun A.2019Scientific Reports
    24Ternary pentagonal BXN (X = C, Si, Ge, and Sn) sheets with high piezoelectricityThanasarnsurapong T., Detrattanawichai P., Dabsamut K., Chatratin I., T-Thienprasert J., Jungthawan S., Boonchun A.2023RSC Advances
    13(14),pp. 9636-9641
    25Two-Dimensional Penta-NiPS Sheets: Two Stable PolymorphsDabsamut K., Thanasarnsurapong T., Chatratin I., Maluangnont T., Jungthawan S., Boonchun A.2022Journal of Physical Chemistry C
    26Effects of oxygen pressure on the morphology and surface energetics of β-PbO2: insight from DFT calculationsAnanchuensook A., Wongchoosuk C., T-Thienprasert J., Boonchun A., Jungthawan S., Reunchan P.2022Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
    27Theoretically proposed stable polymorph of two-dimensional pentagonal β-PdPSeDabsamut K., Chatratin I., Thanasarnsurapong T., Maluangnont T., Boonchun A.2023Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP
    25(5),pp. 3815-3819
    28Origin of Hole-Trapping States in Solution-Processed Copper(I) Thiocyanate and Defect-Healing by I2 DopingWorakajit P., Kidkhunthod P., Thanasarnsurapong T., Waiprasoet S., Nakajima H., Sudyoadsuk T., Promarak V., Boonchun A., Pattanasattayavong P.2023Advanced Functional Materials
    29Upcycling electrode materials from spent single-use zinc‑carbon/alkaline batteries into rechargeable lithium-ion battery applicationPattaweepaiboon S., Hirunpinyopas W., Iamprasertkun P., Iamprasertkun P., Pimphor K., Roddecha S., Dirayanti D., Boonchun A., Sirisaksoontorn W.2024Journal of Energy Storage
    30N2, NO, and O2molecules in LiGaO2in both Ga and Li sites and their relation to the vacanciesDabsamut K., Dabsamut K., Boonchun A., Lambrecht W.R.L.2022Journal of Applied Physics
    31Electric field- and strain-induced bandgap modulation in bilayer C2NDabsamut K., Dabsamut K., Maluangnont T., Reunchan P., T-Thienprasert J., Jungthawan S., Boonchun A.2022Applied Physics Letters
    32Surface alloy with sulfur leading piezoelectricity from non-piezoelectricity of pentagonal-PdPSeDabsamut K., Chatratin I., Thanasarnsurapong T., Jungthawan S., Boonchun A.2023Journal of Alloys and Compounds
    33The role of native point defects and donor impurities in the electrical properties of ZnSb2O4: a hybrid density-functional studyCharoenphon S., Tubtimtae A., Watanabe I., Jungthawan S., T-Thienprasert J., Boonchun A., Reunchan P.2023Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
    34Alternating current properties of bulk- and nanosheet-graphitic carbon nitride compacts at elevated temperaturesMaluangnont T., Pulphol P., Chaithaweep K., Dabsamut K., Kobkeatthawin T., Smith S.M., Boonchun A., Vittayakorn N.2023RSC Advances
    13(36),pp. 25276-25283
    35Monolayer Penta-BeAs2: A Promising 2D Materials for Toxic Gas Sensor with High SelectivitySringamprom S., Thanasarnsurapong T., Watcharatharapong T., Hirunpinyopas W., Sirisaksoontorn W., Prasongkit J., Boonchun A.2024ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
    36Nitrogen pair - Hydrogen complexes in ZnO and p-type dopingBoonchun A., Lambrecht W.R.L., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J., Limpijumnong S., Limpijumnong S.2011Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings
    1394,pp. 27-31
    37Effect of native point defects on the photocatalytic performance of ZnIn2S4Sukharom S., Boonchun A., Boonchun A., Reunchan P., Reunchan P., Jungthawan S., Jungthawan S., Limpijumnong S., Limpijumnong S., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J.2022Physica B: Condensed Matter
    38Energetics and optical properties of carbon impurities in rutile TiO2Charoenphon S., Boonchun A., Boonchun A., Jarukanont D., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J., Reunchan P., Reunchan P.2020RSC Advances
    10(33),pp. 19648-19654
    39Energetics of native defects in ZnRh2O4 spinel from hybrid density functional calculationsSimalaotao K., Reunchan P., Reunchan P., Umezawa N., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J., Boonchun A., Boonchun A.2019Journal of Applied Physics
    40Bond lengths, phase stability, and band gaps in Mgx Zn 1-xO alloysBoonchun A., Lambrecht W.2009Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B:Nanotechnology and Microelectronics
    27(3),pp. 1717-1721
    41Enabling enhanced lithium storage capacity of two-dimensional pentagonal BN2 by aluminum dopingThanasarnsurapong T., Detrattanawichai P., Dabsamut K., Simalaotao K., Maluangnont T., Boonchun A.2023Journal of Materials Chemistry C
    42Computational study of defect complexes in β-LiGaO2 and their relation to the donor-acceptor-pair recombinationDabsamut K., Boonchun A., Lambrecht W.R.L.2023Journal of Applied Physics
    43Elastic properties of A2Ti6O13 ( A = H, Li, Na, K and Rb): a computational studySimalaotao K., Thanasarnsurapong T., Maluangnont T., Phacheerak K., Boonchun A.2023Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
    44Exploring the impact of the nitrogen layer on a Cu(001) substrate on the spin crossover properties of [Fe(SalEen-I)2]Br: A DFT studyDetrattanawichai P., Detrattanawichai P., Niamjan N., Harding D.J., Harding P., Kim H.S., Boonchun A., Na-Phattalung S.2023Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
    45Hydrogen passivation of acceptor defects in delafossite CuMO2 (M = Al, Ga, In): Insights for enhanced p-type conductivityAnanchuensook A., Chatratin I., Janotti A., Watcharatharapong T., T-Thienprasert J., Boonchun A., Jungthawan S., Reunchan P.2024Journal of Applied Physics
    46Band gap engineering in pyridyl-functionalized two-dimensional (2D) CuSCN coordination polymersSongkerdthong J., Thanasarnsurapong T., Boonchun A., Harding D.J., Pattanasattayavong P.2024Molecular Systems Design and Engineering
    47Analytical study of AC magnetic susceptibility of (Bi, Pb) Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconducting systems using bean critical state modelTrivijitkasem S., Boonchun A., Chantharangsi C., Paksunchai C.2009Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
    43(5 SUPPL.),pp. 353-359
    48Erratum: First-principles study of the elasticity, piezoelectricity, and vibrational modes in LiGaO2 compared with ZnO and GaN (Phys. Rev. B (2010) 81 (235214))Boonchun A., Lambrecht W.2010Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
    49Hybrid-Functional Study of Native Point Defects and Ti/Fe Impurities in α-Al2O3Palakawong N., Palakawong N., Sukharom S., Limpijumnong S., Limpijumnong S., Limpijumnong S., Jungthawan S., Jungthawan S., Limkumnerd S., Limkumnerd S., Boonchun A., Boonchun A., Reunchan P., Reunchan P., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J.2020Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research
    50Structural deformation of nanomembranes in pressurized blister testSuwan Y., Suwan Y., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J., Boonchun A., Boonchun A., Jungthawan S., Jungthawan S., Jungthawan S.2018Materials Today: Proceedings
    5(5),pp. 11051-11059
    51Critical Evaluation of the LDA + U Approach for Band Gap Corrections in Point Defect Calculations: The Oxygen Vacancy in ZnO Case StudyBoonchun A., Lambrecht W.2011Advanced Calculations for Defects in Materials: Electronic Structure Methods
    ,pp. 165-181
    52Author Correction: Stacking stability of C2N bilayer nanosheet (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (6861), 10.1038/s41598-019-43363-8)Dabsamut K., Dabsamut K., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J., Jungthawan S., Jungthawan S., Boonchun A., Boonchun A.2020Scientific Reports
    53Reassignment of O-related infrared absorption peaks in CdSePimsorn P., Pimsorn P., Pimsorn P., Palakawong N., Palakawong N., Palakawong N., T-Thienprasert J., T-Thienprasert J., Boonchun A., Reunchan P., Limpijumnong S., Limpijumnong S., Limpijumnong S.2017Ceramics International
    43,pp. S359-S363
    54Unveiling the Tunable Li Diffusion in MXenes Bilayers: Insights from First-Principles StudySawasdee T., Sawasdee T., Kongnok T., Kongnok T., Fongkaew I., Fongkaew I., Suthirakun S., Boonchun A., Boonchun A., Reunchan P., Reunchan P., Pandech N., Pandech N., Prasongkit J., Prasongkit J., Jungthawan S., Jungthawan S.2024ACS Applied Energy Materials
    55Reversible hydrogen storage in Y2C MXene under the influence of functional groups (F, Cl, OH)Thanasarnsurapong T., Sringamprom S., Sirisaksoontorn W., Jungthawan S., Kaewmaraya T., Boonchun A.2024Scientific Reports
    56Metal-Metalloid Modified C36 Fullerene: A Dual Role in Drug Delivery and Sensing for Anticancer Chlormethine Explored through DFT and MD SimulationsJana S.K., Tukadiya N.A., Boonchun A., Jha P.K.2024ACS Omega
    57Single-Atom to Ultrasmall Au Nanoparticles Anchored on NiFe Layered Double Hydroxide as Catalyst for Oxygen and Hydrogen Evolution ReactionsPattaweepaiboon S., Samarungkasut P., Iamprasertkun P., Iamprasertkun P., Arkasalerks P., Nueangnoraj K., Boonchun A., Pumsantier A., Hirunpinyopas W., Sirisaksoontorn W.2024ACS Applied Nano Materials
    58Strong toxic gas detection on penta-BCP monolayers: Insights from DFT calculationsThanasarnsurapong T., Sringamprom S., Reunchan P., Sirisaksoontorn W., Jungthawan S., Nedkun P., Prasongkit J., Boonchun A.2025Talanta Open
    59Calculated electron paramagnetic resonance g tensor and hyperfine parameters for zinc vacancy and N related defects in ZnODabsamut K., Dabsamut K., Boonchun A., Lambrecht W.R.L.2022Physical Review Materials