# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | On-line tool wear estimation in CNC turning operations using fuzzy neural network model | Chungchoo C., Saini D. | 2002 | International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 42(1),pp. 29-40 | 96 |
2 | A computer algorithm for flank and crater wear estimation in CNC turning operations | Chungchoo C., Saini D. | 2002 | International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 42(13),pp. 1465-1477 | 19 |
3 | Total energy and the total entropy of force signals - new parameters for monitoring oblique turning operations | Chungchoo C., Saini D. | 2000 | International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 40(13),pp. 1879-1897 | 13 |
4 | Formability of tailored welded blanks in single point incremental forming process | Rattanachan K., Sirivedin K., Chungchoo C. | 2014 | Advanced Materials Research 979,pp. 339-342 | 11 |
5 | The effected of single point incremental forming process parameters on the formed part surface roughness | Rattanachan K., Chungchoo C. | 2014 | Advanced Materials Research 979,pp. 335-338 | 6 |
6 | Nonparametric Identification of Nonlinear Added Mass Moment of Inertia and Damping Moment Characteristics of Large-Amplitude Ship Roll Motion | Pongduang S., Chungchoo C., Iamraksa P. | 2020 | Journal of Marine Science and Application 19(1),pp. 17-27 | 3 |
7 | Wear monitoring of steel ball of a CNC machining centre by using surface roughness of finished test pieces | Saknararak K., Phimpisan P., Chungchoo C. | 2015 | Key Engineering Materials 656-657,pp. 410-415 | 2 |
8 | Optimization of Design for Air Gap Sensor Using the Response Surface Methodology | Chimklin K., Chungchoo C. | 2023 | Applied Science and Engineering Progress 16(1) | 2 |
9 | Energy consumption comparison of two cooling systems equipped with the heat exchangers in different agricultural postharvest storage conditions | Janthasri P., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Kakaç S., Chungchoo C., Ngamvilaikorn T. | 2024 | Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 48 | 1 |
10 | An application of finished test piece methods for evaluating the performance of computer numerical control machining and turning centers | Supakumnerd K., Chungchoo C. | 2015 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 49(6),pp. 951-962 | 1 |
11 | An investigated of single point incremental forming formability | Rattanachan K., Chungchoo C. | 2014 | Advanced Materials Research 950,pp. 96-100 | 1 |
12 | The propagation of acoustic emission across CNG cylinder | Kaewkongka T., Jirapong L., Sirivedln S., Chungchoo C. | 2009 | SEAISI Quarterly (South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute) 38(4),pp. 26-29 | 1 |
13 | An investigation of arc spray formed rapid tooling on homopolymer substrate | Nunwong P., Chungchoo C., Sirivedin S., Niranatlumpong P. | 2009 | The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society - 3rd International Conference on Processing Materials for Properties 2008, PMP III 1,pp. 365-370 | 0 |
14 | Primary study of tool effective speed those affected to formability of SS400 steel in incremental forming process | Rattanachan K., Rattanachan K., Chungchoo C. | 2010 | COMADEM 2010 - Advances in Maintenance and Condition Diagnosis Technologies Towards Sustainable Society, Proc. 23rd Int. Congr. Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management ,pp. 703-706 | 0 |
15 | A standard procedure for development performance map of CNC machining centers by using double Ball-Bar | Phankhoksoong S., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Ngamvilaikorn T., Chungchoo C. | 2017 | Key Engineering Materials 749 KEM,pp. 185-190 | 0 |
16 | A new procedure for determining minimum sampling points for tolerance evaluation of high precision mechanical parts | Phankhoksoong S., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Ngamvilaikorn T., Chungchoo C. | 2017 | Key Engineering Materials 749 KEM,pp. 191-196 | 0 |
17 | Sampling strategy for flatness tolerance evaluation by coordinate measuring machine | Phankhoksoong S., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Chungchoo C. | 2016 | Journal of Science and Technology in the Tropics 12(1),pp. 38-49 | 0 |
18 | New practical dimensioning tolerance allocation technique for assembly of mechanical parts | Supakumnerd K., Chutasen K., Phimpisan P., Chungchoo C. | 2015 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 49(6),pp. 924-936 | 0 |
19 | Reducing fan blade vibration in rice harvesters and combine harvesters by applying product grouping | Supakumnerd K., Phimpisan P., Chungchoo C., Asadamongkon P. | 2017 | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12(12),pp. 3105-3110 | 0 |
20 | Design of experiment for analyzing factors affecting to diameters of the hole on SKD11 in the EDM process | Chimklin K., Chungchoo C. | 2020 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
| 0 |
21 | Slurry jet erosion wear of particulate polymer composites and metal coating | Nunthavarawong P., Chungchoo C., Niranatlumpong P. | 2020 | Tribology of Polymer Composites: Characterization, Properties, and Applications ,pp. 163-188 | 0 |
22 | The plastic deformation mechanism in single point incremental forming process | Rattanachan K., Chungchoo C. | 2014 | Advanced Materials Research 979,pp. 331-334 | 0 |
23 | Assessment of geometrical deviations of machined part by using coordinate measuring machines | Phimpisan P., Chungchoo C. | 2015 | Key Engineering Materials 656-657,pp. 174-179 | 0 |
24 | Radiant Floor and Traditional Cooling System Applications in Agricultural Product Storages | Janthasri P., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Kakaç S., Chungchoo C. | 2024 | Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering 12(2) | 0 |
25 | Real-Time oil palm ripeness classification of fresh fruit bunches using fluorescence technology | Phimpisan P., Chungchoo C. | 2023 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 57(5),pp. 859-868 | 0 |