# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Effects of adding methionine in low-protein diet and subsequently fed low-energy diet on productive performance, blood chemical profile, and lipid metabolism-related gene expression of broiler chickens | Jariyahatthakij P., Chomtee B., Poeikhampha T., Loongyai W., Bunchasak C. | 2018 | Poultry Science 97(6),pp. 2021-2033 | 32 |
2 | Comparison of clustering techniques for cluster analysis | Rujasiri P., Chomtee B. | 2009 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 43(2),pp. 378-388 | 22 |
3 | Evaluation of artificial neural networks for pineapple grading | Boonmung S., Chomtee B., Kanlayasiri K. | 2006 | Journal of Texture Studies 37(5),pp. 568-579 | 21 |
4 | Using a genetic algorithm to generate D-optimal designs for mixture experiments | Limmun W., Borkowski J.J., Chomtee B. | 2013 | Quality and Reliability Engineering International 29(7),pp. 1055-1068 | 18 |
5 | Weighted A-optimality criterion for generating robust mixture designs | Limmun W., Borkowski J.J., Chomtee B. | 2018 | Computers and Industrial Engineering 125,pp. 348-356 | 9 |
6 | Methionine supplementation of low-protein diet and subsequent feeding of low-energy diet on the performance and blood chemical profile of broiler chickens | Jariyahatthakij P., Chomtee B., Poeikhampha T., Loongyai W., Bunchasak C. | 2018 | Animal Production Science 58(5),pp. 878-885 | 7 |
7 | Using a genetic algorithm to generate D-optimal designs for mixture-process variable experiments | Pradubsri W., Chomtee B., Borkowski J.J. | 2019 | Quality and Reliability Engineering International 35(8),pp. 2657-2676 | 5 |
8 | Comparison of four data transformation methods for weibull distributed data | Chortirat T., Chomtee B., Sinsomboonthong J. | 2011 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 45(2),pp. 366-383 | 5 |
9 | Using geometric mean to compute robust mixture designs | Limmun W., Chomtee B., Borkowski J.J. | 2021 | Quality and Reliability Engineering International
| 3 |
10 | The Average Run Length Performance of Shewhart Control Chart when the Process Data are Sampled from Finite Population | Nidsunkid S., Chomtee B. | 2022 | International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science 17(2),pp. 509-524 | 2 |
11 | Constructing model robust mixture designs via weighted G-optimality criterion | Limmun W., Chomtee B., Borkowski J. | 2019 | International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 10(4),pp. 473-490 | 2 |
12 | Comparison of five design variables of response surface designs in a spherical region over a set of reduced models | Chomtee B. | 2015 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 49(2),pp. 305-312 | 2 |
13 | The construction of robust mixture-process experimental designs via genetic algorithm | Limmun W., Chomtee B., Borkowski J.J. | 2019 | Quality and Reliability Engineering International 35(6),pp. 1582-1602 | 1 |
14 | Re-estimation of supplemented methionine as total sulfur amino acid requirement for commercial male meat-type ducks | Prahkarnkaeo K., Prahkarnkaeo K., Choowongkomon K., Chomtee B., Rakangthong C., Bunchasak C. | 2017 | Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine 47(4),pp. 457-464 | 0 |
15 | Factorwise variance dispersion graphs | Borkowski J.J., Limmun W., Chomtee B. | 2021 | Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
| 0 |
16 | Expected mean squares for model effects in the two-way anova model when sampling from finite populations | Suphirat C., Chomtee B., Borkowski J.J. | 2021 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 43(1),pp. 57-71 | 0 |
17 | The Effects of Sampling from Finite Populations in a Mixed Effects Gage R&R Study | Suphirat C., Chomtee B., Borkowski J.J. | 2022 | Thailand Statistician 20(3),pp. 686-709 | 0 |
18 | Effects of Melaleuca cajuputi leaf extract on inhibition of seed germination and seedling growth of 12 weed species | Nakmee P.S., Chomtee B., Juntaropakorn M., Ngamprasit S. | 2023 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 57(3),pp. 427-436 | 0 |
19 | Generating Robust Optimal Mixture Designs Due to Missing Observation Using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm | Limmun W., Chomtee B., Borkowski J.J. | 2023 | Mathematics 11(16) | 0 |