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    • Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Purdue University, USA, 2546
    • M.S. in Civil Engineering, Purdue University, USA, 2543
    • B.Eng. in Civil Engineering , Chulalongkorn University, ไทย, 2541

    Expertise Cloud

    active mass dampingactive vibration controlAnalysis ProgramAnchorage to concreteASEAN CommunityBearing factorsBended steel pipeBridge EngineeringBucklingBuckling behaviorbuckling length factorBuilding behaviorBuilt-up sectionCapacity curvecastellated beamcellular beamcellular columnCircula siloCircular PipeCold Formed SteelCold formingCold-Formed steelcold-formed steel cantilever trussCold-Formed Steel StructuresCold-formed steel trussComparison of Finite Element ModelConcrete filled Steel TubeConcrete-filled Cold-formed Steel Shear WallConcrete-filled steel tubeConnectionContact problemDesign StandardDesign Wind PressureDesign Wind Speeddiagonal memberDiagonal round barDynamic analysisEarthquake loadEffective widthEfficiencyElliptical cellular beamEmbedded reinforcementenergy dissipationEquivalent static methodEvaluationExperimental InvestigationExperimental testfinite elementFinite element modelFinite elements methodfixed-structure PID-H? controlFlexural BehaviorFluid-structure interactionFrame structuresGeometry ImperfectionGoverning equationsGravity loadImage analysisImage Analysis for Structural Monitoringlap shear testLarge openingLateral bucklingLateral torsional bucklingLight lip channelLip Channel SectionLongitudinal Inner Stiffened SectionsLumped MassNonlinear materialParametric StudiesParametric studyPerformance pointPhysical modelPost BucklingPushover analysisreduced web section.Reinforced concreteReinforced concrete beamreinforced concrete deep beamReinforced Concrete ModelingResponse Spectrum Analysisrigid connectionroof trussSeismic responseSensitivity analysisShape optimizationshear strengtheningshell elementSigma sectionSilo loadingSimplified equationsmart structure systemSoftware developmentSpecial StructuresSteel beamstrengtheningStructural analysisStructural designโครงสร้างรูปทรงโดมโครงสร้างเหล็กภัยธรรมชาติ


    Nonlinear Finite element Analysis, Cold-Formed Steel Structures, Reinforced Concrete Modeling, Bridge Engineering, Image Analysis for Structural Monitoring, Structures Resisting Natural Disasters , Special Structures


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    Scopus h-index

    #Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
    1Nonlinear finite element for reinforced concrete slabsPhuvoravan K., Sotelino E.2005Journal of Structural Engineering
    131(4),pp. 643-649
    2Simplified live load distribution factor equation for steel girder bridgesPhuvoravan K., Chung W., Liu J., Sotelino E.2004Transportation Research Record
    (1892),pp. 88-97
    3Buckling length analysis for compression chord in cold-formed steel cantilever trussKonkong N., Aramraks T., Phuvoravan K.2017International Journal of Steel Structures
    17(2),pp. 775-787
    4An Analytical Method for Determining the Load Distribution of Single-Column Multibolt ConnectionKonkong N., Phuvoravan K.2017Advances in Civil Engineering
    5Nonlinear finite element analysis to evaluate lateral torsional buckling moment of elliptical cellular steel beamsPhuvoravan K., Ponsorn P.2017Engineering Journal
    21(1),pp. 93-108
    6Parametric study for bearing strength in cold-formed steel bolt connectionsKonkong N., Phuvoravan K.2017International Review of Civil Engineering
    8(3),pp. 87-96
    7Shear behavior of RC deep beam strengthened by V-shaped external rodsRai P., Phuvoravan K.2020International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation
    10(1),pp. 41-59
    8Efficiency of Castellated and Cellular Beam Utilization Based on Design GuidelinesPonsorn P., Phuvoravan K.2020Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
    9Lateral Load Carrying Capacity of Concrete-filled Cold-formed Steel Shear WallSijwal G., Pradhan P.M., Pradhan P.M., Phuvoravan K.2022International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics
    35(1),pp. 161-171
    10Performance improvement of rigid connection by reduced web section with cellular beam and column subjected to cyclic loadingPhuvoravan K., Ponsorn P.2021International Journal of Structural Engineering
    11(1),pp. 63-83
    11Experimental investigation on concrete filled steel tube columns under concentric and eccentric loadingKlongaksornkul P., Phuvoravan K.2021Civil Engineering and Architecture
    9(7),pp. 2397-2415
    12Active Vibration Control of Three-Floor Structure System under Seismic Excitation based on Fixed Structure PID Controller Tuning by H?SynthesisNilnond S., Chinthaned N., Sanposh P., Rungrangpitayagon J., Rohlfing J., Phuvoravan K.2021Proceeding of the 2021 9th International Electrical Engineering Congress, iEECON 2021
    ,pp. 329-332
    13A finite element for the nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete slabsPhuvoravan K., Sotelino E.2003Proceedings of the Structures Congress and Exposition
    ,pp. 43-44