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    • Ph.D (Medical Science), Osaka University, ญี่ปุ่น, 2557
    • วท.ม. (ชีวเคมี), จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย, ไทย, 2546
    • วท.บ (ชีววิทยาประยุกต์ แขนงจุลชีววิทยา), มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎสวนสุนันทา, ไทย, 2543

    Expertise Cloud

    Acinetobacter baumanniiAeromonas veroniiamoxicillin plus clavulanic acidampicillinanimalAnimalsAnti-Bacterial Agentsantibiotic resistanceantibiotic sensitivityantiinfective agentAntimicrobial resistantAntimicrobial susceptibilityArticleazithromycinBacterialbacterial genebacterial genomeBacteriophagebacterium identificationbacterium isolatebacterium isolationbeta lactamasebeta-LactamasesblaKPCblaNDMCarba NPcarbapenemaseCarbapenem-resistancecarbapenem-resistant Enterobacteralescarbapenem-resitant Enterobacteriaceaecatsceftazidimeciprofloxacinclassificationclonal complexcolistincolistin resistancecontrolled studydrug effectDrug ResistancegeneticsgenomeHumansimipenemisolation and purificationKlebsiella pneumoniaeMCRmcr-1microbial sensitivity testMicrobial Sensitivity TestsmicrobiologyMLSTmultidrug resistanceMultilocus Sequence TypingMultipleNDMnitrofurantoinnonhumanOXA48PCRPertussisphage therapyphylogenetic treephylogenyPhylogrouppigpiperacillin plus tazobactamplasmidPlasmidspolymerase chain reactionPrevalencePseudomonas aeruginosaPulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)Sequence typeserotypeStaphylococcus aureusStreptococcal InfectionsStreptococcus infectionStreptococcus pneumoniaeStreptococcus suisSwineswine diseaseSwine Diseasestest kittetracyclineThird-generation cephalosporin resistancetrimethoprimUrineveterinary medicinevirulencevirulence factorVirulence Factorswaterwhole-genome sequencingzoonosisคาร์บาพีเนมโคลิฟอร์มชุดทดสอบแบคทีเรียดื้อยาสุกร


    อณูชีววิทยาของแบคทีเรียก่อโรค, ระบาดวิทยาระดับโมเลกุลของโรคติดเชื้อ

    Administrative Profile

    • ม.ค. 2566 - ปัจจุบัน หัวหน้าภาควิชา (ผู้รักษาการแทน) คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์ ภาควิชาอนามัยชุมชน
    • พ.ย. 2565 - ปัจจุบัน รองคณบดีฝ่ายวิจัย คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์
    • พ.ย. 2565 - พ.ย. 2566 รองคณบดีฝ่ายวิจัยและนวัตกรรม คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์
    • ธ.ค. 2561 - พ.ย. 2565 รองคณบดีฝ่ายวิจัยและบริการวิชาการ คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์
    • ต.ค. 2559 - ม.ค. 2566 หัวหน้าภาควิชา(ผู้รักษาการแทน) คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์ ภาควิชาบริหารงานสาธารณสุข


    • จำนวนหน่วยปฏิบัติการที่เข้าร่วม 0 หน่วย
    • จำนวนเครื่องมือวิจัย 0 ชิ้น
    • สถานที่ปฏิบัติงานวิจัย
      • ห้อง 102,103 ชั้น 1 อาคาร2
      • ห้อง 201,202 ชั้น 2 อาคาร20

    งานวิจัยในรอบ 5 ปี


    • ทุนใน 7 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 4 โครงการ, ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 1 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 2 โครงการ)
    • ทุนนอก 0 โครงการ
    • ทุนใน 24 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 14 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 11 โครงการ, หัวหน้าโครงการย่อย 1 โครงการ)
    • ทุนนอก 12 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 4 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 8 โครงการ)

    แนวโน้มผลงานทั้งหมดเทียบกับแนวโน้มผลงานในรอบ 5 ปี


    • บทความ 104 เรื่อง (ตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการ 100 เรื่อง, นำเสนอในการประชุม/สัมมนา 4 เรื่อง)
    • ทรัพย์สินทางปัญญา 0 เรื่อง (ลิขสิทธิ์ 0 เรื่อง, เครื่องหมายการค้า 0 เรื่อง, อนุสิทธิบัตร 0 เรื่อง, สิทธิบัตร 0 เรื่อง)
    • สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 0 เรื่อง (ขึ้นทะเบียนพันธุ์พืช หรือพันธุ์สัตว์ หรือสิ่งประดิษฐ์ มก. 0 เรื่อง)
    • Unknown 0 เรื่อง (Unknown 0 เรื่อง)



    • การนำผลงานไปใช้ประโยชน์ 0 เรื่อง (เชิงวิชาการ 0 เรื่อง, เชิงนโยบาย/บริหาร 0 เรื่อง, เชิงสาธารณะ 0 เรื่อง, เชิงพาณิชย์ 0 เรื่อง)



    • รางวัลที่ได้รับ 1 เรื่อง (ประกาศเกียรติคุณ/รางวัลนักวิจัย 0 เรื่อง, รางวัลผลงานวิจัย/สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 1 เรื่อง, รางวัลผลงานนำเสนอในการประชุมวิชาการ 0 เรื่อง)

    นักวิจัยที่มีผลงานงานร่วมกันมากที่สุด 10 คนแรก

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    Scopus h-index

    #Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
    1Update on streptococcus suis research and prevention in the era of antimicrobial restriction: 4thinternationalworkshop on s. suisSegura M., Aragon V., Brockmeier S.L., Gebhart C., de Greeff A., Kerdsin A., O’Dea M.A., Okura M., Saléry M., Schultsz C., Valentin-Weigand P., Weinert L.A., Wells J.M., Wells J.M., Gottschalk M.2020Pathogens
    2Streptococcus suis serotyping by a new multiplex PCRKerdsin A., Akeda Y., Hatrongjit R., Detchawna U., Sekizaki T., Hamada S., Gottschalk M., Oishi K., Oishi K.2014Journal of Medical Microbiology
    63(PART 6),pp. 824-830
    3Emergence of NDM-1- and IMP-14a-producing enterobacteriaceae in ThailandRimrang B., Chanawong A., Lulitanond A., Wilailuckana C., Charoensri N., Sribenjalux P., Phumsrikaew W., Wonglakorn L., Kerdsin A., Chetchotisakd P.2012Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
    67(11),pp. 2626-2630
    4Genotypic profile of streptococcus suis serotype 2 and clinical features of infection in humans, ThailandKerdsin A., Dejsirilert S., Puangpatra P., Sripakdee S., Chumla K., Boonkerd N., Boonkerd N., Polwichai P., Tanimura S., Takeuchi D., Nakayama T., Nakamura S., Akeda Y., Gottschalk M., Sawanpanyalert P., Oishi K.2011Emerging Infectious Diseases
    17(5),pp. 835-842
    5A biosurfactant from Burkholderia cenocepacia BSP3 and its enhancement of pesticide solubilizationWattanaphon H., Kerdsin A., Thammacharoen C., Sangvanich P., Vangnai A.2008Journal of Applied Microbiology
    105(2),pp. 416-423
    6The contribution of suilysin to the pathogenesis of streptococcus suis meningitisTakeuchi D., Akeda Y., Nakayama T., Kerdsin A., Sano Y., Kanda T., Hamada S., Dejsirilert S., Oishi K., Oishi K.2014Journal of Infectious Diseases
    209(10),pp. 1509-1519
    7Population-based study of Streptococcus suis infection in humans in phayao province in northern ThailandTakeuchi D., Kerdsin A., Pienpringam A., Loetthong P., Samerchea S., Luangsuk P., Khamisara K., Wongwan N., Areeratana P., Chiranairadul P., Lertchayanti S., Petcharat S., Yowang A., Chaiwongsaen P., Nakayama T., Akeda Y., Hamada S., Sawanpanyalert P., Dejsirilert S., Oishi K.2012PLoS ONE
    8Emergence of Streptococcus suis serotype 9 infection in humansKerdsin A., Kerdsin A., Hatrongjit R., Gottschalk M., Takeuchi D., Hamada S., Akeda Y., Oishi K.2017Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection
    50(4),pp. 545-546
    9Clonal dissemination of human isolates of Streptococcus suis serotype 14 in ThailandKerdsin A., Oishi K., Sripakdee S., Boonkerd N., Boonkerd N., Polwichai P., Nakamura S., Uchida R., Sawanpanyalert P., Dejsirilert S.2009Journal of Medical Microbiology
    58(11),pp. 1508-1513
    10Sepsis and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in ThailandKerdsin A., Dejsirilert S., Sawanpanyalert P., Boonnark A., Noithachang W., Sriyakum D., Simkum S., Chokngam S., Gottschalk M., Akeda Y., Oishi K.2011The Lancet
    378(9794),pp. 960
    11Rapid detection of the most common high-risk human papillomaviruses by loop-mediated isothermal amplificationSaetiew C., Limpaiboon T., Jearanaikoon P., Daduang S., Pientong C., Kerdsin A., Daduang J.2011Journal of Virological Methods
    178(1-2),pp. 22-30
    12Genotypic diversity of Streptococcus suis strains isolated from humans in ThailandKerdsin A., Akeda Y., Takeuchi D., Dejsirilert S., Gottschalk M., Oishi K.2018European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
    37(5),pp. 917-925
    13First human case report of sepsis due to infection with Streptococcus suis serotype 31 in ThailandHatrongjit R., Kerdsin A., Kerdsin A., Gottschalk M., Takeuchi D., Hamada S., Oishi K., Akeda Y.2015BMC Infectious Diseases
    14Impact of a food safety campaign on streptococcus suis infection in humans in ThailandTakeuchi D., Kerdsin A., Akeda Y., Chiranairadul P., Loetthong P., Tanburawong N., Areeratana P., Puangmali P., Khamisara K., Pinyo W., Anukul R., Samerchea S., Lekhalula P., Nakayama T., Yamamoto K., Hirose M., Hamada S., Dejsirilert S., Oishi K.2017American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
    96(6),pp. 1370-1377
    15Detection of plasmid-mediated colistin-resistant and carbapenem-resistant genes by multiplex PCRHatrongjit R., Kerdsin A., Akeda Y., Hamada S.2018MethodsX
    5,pp. 532-536
    16Genomic comparisons of Streptococcus suis serotype 9 strains recovered from diseased pigs in Spain and CanadaZheng H., Du P., Qiu X., Kerdsin A., Roy D., Bai X., Xu J., Vela A.I., Gottschalk M.2018Veterinary Research
    17Genotypic comparison between streptococcus suis isolated from pigs and humans in ThailandKerdsin A., Takeuchi D., Nuangmek A., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Gottschalk M., Oishi K.2020Pathogens
    18Sociocultural Factors Influencing Human Streptococcus suis Disease in Southeast AsiaKerdsin A., Segura M., Fittipaldi N., Gottschalk M.2022Foods
    19Colloidal gold-based immunochromatographic strip test compromising optimised combinations of anti-S. suis capsular polysaccharide polyclonal antibodies for detection of Streptococcus suisNakayama T., Zhao J., Takeuchi D., Kerdsin A., Chiranairadul P., Areeratana P., Loetthong P., Pienpringam A., Akeda Y., Oishi K.2014Biosensors and Bioelectronics
    60,pp. 175-179
    20Fifteen Streptococcus suis serotypes identified by multiplex PCRKerdsin A., Dejsirilert S., Akeda Y., Sekizaki T., Hamada S., Gottschalk M., Oishi K., Oishi K.2012Journal of Medical Microbiology
    61(PART12),pp. 1669-1672
    21Adult pertussis is unrecognized public health problem in ThailandSiriyakorn N., Siriyakorn N., Leethong P., Leethong P., Tantawichien T., Sripakdee S., Kerdsin A., Kerdsin A., Dejsirilert S., Paitoonpong L., Paitoonpong L.2016BMC Infectious Diseases
    22Emergence of plasmid-mediated colistin resistance and New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase genes in extensively drug-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from a patient in ThailandPaveenkittiporn W., Kerdsin A., Chokngam S., Bunthi C., Sangkitporn S., Gregory C.2017Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
    87(2),pp. 157-159
    23Whole-Genome Sequencing of Clinically Isolated Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacterales Harboring mcr Genes in Thailand, 2016–2019Paveenkittiporn W., Kamjumphol W., Ungcharoen R., Kerdsin A.2021Frontiers in Microbiology
    24Tools for molecular epidemiology of Streptococcus suisHatrongjit R., Fittipaldi N., Fittipaldi N., Gottschalk M., Kerdsin A.2020Pathogens
    25Klebsiella pneumoniae complex harboring mcr‐1, mcr‐7, and mcr‐8 isolates from slaughtered pigs in thailandPhetburom N., Boueroy P., Chopjitt P., Hatrongjit R., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Hamada S., Nuanualsuwan S., Kerdsin A.2021Microorganisms
    26Distribution and Molecular Characterization of Escherichia coli Harboring mcr Genes Isolated from Slaughtered Pigs in ThailandKhanawapee A., Kerdsin A., Chopjitt P., Boueroy P., Hatrongjit R., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Tomono K., Tomono K., Nuanualsuwan S., Hamada S.2021Microbial Drug Resistance
    27(7),pp. 971-979
    27Clinical specimen-Direct LAMP: A useful tool for the surveillance of blaOXA-23-Positive carbapenem-resistant acinetobacter baumanniiYamamoto N., Yamamoto N., Hamaguchi S., Hamaguchi S., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Santanirand P., Kerdsin A., Seki M., Ishii Y., Paveenkittiporn W., Bonomo R.A., Oishi K., Oishi K., Malathum K., Tomono K.2015PLoS ONE
    28Nationwide surveillance in Thailand revealed genotype-dependent dissemination of carbapenem-resistant EnterobacteralesTakeuchi D., Kerdsin A., Akeda Y., Sugawara Y., Sakamoto N., Matsumoto Y., Motooka D., Ishihara T., Nishi I., Laolerd W., Santanirand P., Yamamoto N., Tomono K., Hamada S.2022Microbial genomics
    29Human Streptococcus suis Infections in Thailand: Epidemiology, Clinical Features, Genotypes, and SusceptibilityKerdsin A.2022Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
    30Population-based bloodstream infection surveillance in rural Thailand, 2007-2014Rhodes J., Jorakate P., Makprasert S., Sangwichian O., Kaewpan A., Akarachotpong T., Srisaengchai P., Thamthitiwat S., Khemla S., Yuenprakhon S., Paveenkittiporn W., Kerdsin A., Kerdsin A., Whistler T., Whistler T., Baggett H.C., Baggett H.C., Gregory C.J., Gregory C.J.2019BMC Public Health
    31Rapid screening and early precautions for carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii carriers decreased nosocomial transmission in hospital settings: A quasi-experimental studyYamamoto N., Yamamoto N., Hamaguchi S., Hamaguchi S., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Santanirand P., Chaihongsa N., Sirichot S., Chiaranaicharoen S., Hagiya H., Hagiya H., Yamamoto K., Kerdsin A., Okada K., Yoshida H., Hamada S., Oishi K., Malathum K., Tomono K.2019Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control
    32Fatal septic meningitis in child caused by Streptococcus suis serotype 24Kerdsin A., Gottschalk M., Hatrongjit R., Hamada S., Akeda Y., Oishi K.2016Emerging Infectious Diseases
    22(8),pp. 1519-1520
    33MRSA carriage in a tertiary governmental hospital in Thailand: Emphasis on prevalence and molecular epidemiologyJariyasethpong T., Tribuddharat C., Dejsirilert S., Kerdsin A., Tishyadhigama P., Rahule S., Sawanpanyalert P., Yosapol P., Aswapokee N.2010European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
    29(8),pp. 977-985
    34Epidemiological and clinical features of invasive pneumococcal disease caused by serotype 12F in adults, JapanShimbashi R., Shimbashi R., Chang B., Tanabe Y., Takeda H., Watanabe H., Kubota T., Kasahara K., Oshima K., Nishi J., Maruyama T., Kuronuma K., Fujita J., Ikuse T., Kinjo Y., Kinjo Y., Suzuki M., Kerdsin A., Shimada T., Fukusumi M., Tanaka-Taya K., Matsui T., Sunagawa T., Ohnishi M., Oishi K.2019PLoS ONE
    35Genomic analysis of Aeromonas veronii C198, a novel Mcr-3.41-harboring isolate from a patient with septicemia in ThailandHatrongjit R., Kerdsin A., Takeuchi D., Wongsurawat T., Wongsurawat T., Jenjaroenpun P., Jenjaroenpun P., Chopjitt P., Boueroy P., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Hamada S.2020Pathogens
    9(12),pp. 1-13
    36Non-penicillin-susceptible streptococcus suis isolated from humansBamphensin N., Chopjitt P., Hatrongjit R., Boueroy P., Fittipaldi N., Gottschalk M., Kerdsin A.2021Pathogens
    37Genomic characterization of an emerging bla KPC-2 carrying Enterobacteriaceae clinical isolates in ThailandKerdsin A., Deekae S., Chayangsu S., Hatrongjit R., Chopjitt P., Takeuchi D., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Tomono K., Tomono K., Hamada S.2019Scientific Reports
    38Impact of pandemic influenza (H1N1) virus-associated community-acquired pneumonia among adults in a tertiary hospital in ThailandChampunot R., Tanjatham S., Kerdsin A., Puangpatra P., Wangsai S., Treebuphachatsakul P., Tasnsuphaswasdikul S., Kiatvitchukul C., Kasyanan H., Yimsabai J., Akeda Y., Kawakami K., Sawanpanyalert P., Dejsirilert S., Oishi K.2010Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases
    63(4),pp. 251-256
    39Genomic characterization of clinical extensively drug-resistant acinetobacter pittii isolatesChopjitt P., Putthanachote N., Ungcharoen R., Hatrongjit R., Boueroy P., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Tomono K., Hamada S., Kerdsin A.2021Microorganisms
    9(2),pp. 1-12
    40Molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial susceptibility of outbreak-associated Corynebacterium diphtheriae in Thailand, 2012Paveenkittiporn W., Sripakdee S., Koobkratok O., Sangkitporn S., Kerdsin A.2019Infection, Genetics and Evolution
    41Streptococcus agalactiae infections and clinical relevance in adults, ThailandPaveenkittiporn W., Ungcharoen R., Kerdsin A.2020Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
    42Zoonotic infection and clonal dissemination of Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus sequence type 194 isolated from humans in ThailandKerdsin A., Chopjitt P., Hatrongjit R., Boueroy P., Gottschalk M.2021Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
    43Direct detection of streptococcus suis from cerebrospinal fluid, positive hemoculture, and simultaneous differentiation of serotypes 1, 1/2, 2, and 14 within single reactionThu I.S.L., Tragoolpua K., Intorasoot S., Anukool U., Khamnoi P., Kerdsin A., Tharinjaroen C.S.2021Pathogens
    44Streptococcus suis infection in hospitalized patients, Nakhon Phanom Province, ThailandPraphasiri P., Praphasiri P., Owusu J., Thammathitiwat S., Ditsungnoen D., Boonmongkon P., Sangwichian O., Prasert K., Srihapanya S., Sornwong K., Kerdsin A., Dejsirilert S., Baggett H., Baggett H., Olsen S., Olsen S.2015Emerging Infectious Diseases
    21(2),pp. 345-348
    45Multiplex PCR for identification of six clinically relevant streptococciHatrongjit R., Akeda Y., Hamada S., Gottschalk M., Kerdsin A.2017Journal of Medical Microbiology
    66(11),pp. 1590-1595
    46Streptococcus suis serotyping by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometryChaiden C., Jaresitthikunchai J., Kerdsin A., Meekhanon N., Roytrakul S., Nuanualsuwan S.2021PLoS ONE
    16(5 May)
    47Streptococcus suis outbreak caused by an emerging zoonotic strain with acquired multi-drug resistance in ThailandBrizuela J., Kajeekul R., Roodsant T.J., Riwload A., Boueroy P., Pattanapongpaibool A., Thaipadungpanit J., Jenjaroenpun P., Wongsurawat T., Batty E.M., Batty E.M., van der Putten B.C.L., Schultsz C., Kerdsin A.2023Microbial Genomics
    48Clonal dissemination of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae ST16 co-producing NDM-1 and OXA-232 in ThailandAbe R., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Takeuchi D., Sakamoto N., Sakamoto N., Sugawara Y., Sugawara Y., Yamamoto N., Kerdsin A., Matsumoto Y., Motooka D., Leolerd W., Santanirand P., Suzuki M., Shibayama K., Tomono K., Iida T., Iida T., Iida T., Hamada S.2022JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance
    49Human streptococcus suis endocarditis: Echocardiographic features and clinical outcomePachirat O., Taksinachanekit S., Mootsikapun P., Kerdsin A.2012Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology
    6,pp. 119-123
    50Enhanced surveillance for severe pneumonia, Thailand 2010-2015Bunthi C., Baggett H.C., Baggett H.C., Gregory C.J., Gregory C.J., Thamthitiwat S., Yingyong T., Paveenkittiporn W., Kerdsin A., Chittaganpitch M., Ruangchira-Urai R., Akarasewi P., Ungchusak K.2019BMC Public Health
    51Plasmidome in mcr-1 harboring carbapenem-resistant enterobacterales isolates from human in ThailandBoueroy P., Wongsurawat T., Jenjaroenpun P., Chopjitt P., Hatrongjit R., Jittapalapong S., Kerdsin A.2022Scientific Reports
    52Genomic Characterization of Streptococcus suis Serotype 24 Clonal Complex 221/234 From Human PatientsKerdsin A., Hatrongjit R., Wongsurawat T., Jenjaroenpun P., Chopjitt P., Boueroy P., Fittipaldi N., Zheng H., Gottschalk M.2021Frontiers in Microbiology
    53Development of triplex SYBR green real-time PCR for detecting Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, and Legionella spp. without extraction of DNAKerdsin A., Uchida R., Verathamjamrus C., Puangpatra P., Kawakami K., Puntanakul P., Lochindarat S., Bunnag T., Sawanpanyalert P., Dejsirilert S., Oishi K.2010Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases
    63(3),pp. 173-180
    54Acinetobacter bacteraemia in Thailand: Evidence for infections outside the hospital settingPorter K.A., Rhodes J., Dejsirilert S., Henchaichon S., Siludjai D., Thamthitiwat S., Prapasiri P., Jorakate P., Kaewpan A., Peruski L.F., Kerdsin A., Prasert K., Yuenprakone S., Maloney S.A., Baggett H.C.2014Epidemiology and Infection
    142(6),pp. 1317-1327
    55Emergence of co-carbapenemase genes, BLAOXA23, BLAVIM AND BLANDM in carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii Clinical isolatesSantimaleeworagun W., Samret W., Preechachuawong P., Kerdsin A., Jitwasinkul T.2016Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
    47(5),pp. 1001-1007
    56Development of a multiplex PCR assay to detect the major clonal complexes of Streptococcus suis relevant to human infectionHatrongjit R., Kerdsin A., Gottschalk M., Hamada S., Oishi K., Akeda Y.2016Journal of Medical Microbiology
    65(5),pp. 392-396
    57Prevalence of Bartonella henselae, Bartonella clarridgeiae, and Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii in pet cats from four provincial communities in ThailandSrisanyong W., Takhampunya R., Boonmars T., Kerdsin A., Suksawat F.2016Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine
    46(4),pp. 663-670
    58Pertussis surveillance in a children hospital in Bangkok, ThailandSuntarattiwong P., Suntarattiwong P., Kanjanabura K., Laopipattana T., Kerdsin A., Kerdsin A., Paveenkittiporn W., Chotpitayasunondh T.2019International Journal of Infectious Diseases
    81,pp. 43-45
    59Complete genome sequences of four extensively drug- resistant acinetobacter baumannii isolates from ThailandChopjitt P., Wongsurawat T., Wongsurawat T., Jenjaroenpun P., Jenjaroenpun P., Boueroy P., Hatrongjit R., Kerdsin A.2020Microbiology Resource Announcements
    60Multiplex PCR Detection of Common Carbapenemase Genes and Identification of Clinically Relevant Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae ComplexHatrongjit R., Chopjitt P., Boueroy P., Kerdsin A.2023Antibiotics
    61Characterization of NMCR-3, NMCR-4 and NMCR-5, three novel non-mobile colistin resistance determinants: Implications for MCR-3, MCR-7, and MCR-5 progenitors, respectivelyGuo Y., Guo Y., Zou G., Zou G., Kerdsin A., Schultsz C., Hu C., Hu C., Bei W., Bei W., Chen H., Li J., Li J., Li J., Li J., Zhou Y., Zhou Y.2024Drug Resistance Updates
    62Fluoroquinolone resistance determinants in carbapenem-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from urine clinical samples in ThailandBoueroy P., Chopjitt P., Hatrongjit R., Morita M., Sugawara Y., Sugawara Y., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Iida T., Hamada S., Kerdsin A.2023PeerJ
    63Risk Factors of Infections Due to Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria in a Community Hospital in Rural ThailandPonyon J., Kerdsin A., Preeprem T., Ungcharoen R.2022Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
    64Development of a multiplex PCR for identification of β-hemolytic streptococci relevant to human infections and serotype distribution of invasive Streptococcus agalactiae in ThailandKerdsin A., Hatrongjit R., Hamada S., Akeda Y., Gottschalk M.2017Molecular and Cellular Probes
    36,pp. 10-14
    65Multilocus sequence typing of brucella isolates from ThailandChawjiraphan W., Sonthayanon P., Chanket P., Benjathummarak S., Kerdsin A., Kalambhaheti T.2016Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
    47(6),pp. 1270-1287
    66Application of random amplified polymorphism DNA and 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism to predict major Streptococcus suis clonal complexes isolated from humans and pigsKidchana A., Meekhanon N., Hatrongjit R., Gottschalk M., Kerdsin A.2019Molecular and Cellular Probes
    43,pp. 34-39
    67A Nationwide Plasmidome Surveillance in Thailand Reveals a Limited Variety of New Delhi Metallo-b-Lactamase-Producing Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Clones and Spreading PlasmidsAbe R., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Sakamoto N., Sakamoto N., Takeuchi D., Sugawara Y., Sugawara Y., Yamamoto N., Kerdsin A., Matsumoto Y., Motooka D., Laolerd W., Santanirand P., Suzuki M., Shibayama K., Tomono K., Iida T., Iida T., Hamada S.2022Journal of Clinical Microbiology
    68Genomic comparison of two Streptococcus suis serotype 1 strains recovered from porcine and human disease casesHatrongjit R., Fittipaldi N., Jenjaroenpun P., Wongsurawat T., Visetnan S., Zheng H., Gottschalk M., Kerdsin A.2023Scientific reports
    13(1),pp. 5380
    69Genomic characterization of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium clonal complex 17 isolated from urine in tertiary hospitals in Northeastern ThailandChopjitt P., Boueroy P., Jenjaroenpun P., Wongsurawat T., Hatrongjit R., Kerdsin A., Sunthamala N.2023Frontiers in Microbiology
    70Streptococcus suis serotype 4: a population with the potential pathogenicity in humans and pigsZhu J., Zhu J., Zhu J., Wang J., Kang W., Zhang X., Kerdsin A., Yao H., Yao H., Yao H., Zheng H., Zheng H., Wu Z., Wu Z., Wu Z., Wu Z.2024Emerging Microbes and Infections
    71Evaluation of in-house cefoxitin screening broth to determine methicillin-resistant staphylococciSaenhom N., Kansan R., Chopjitt P., Boueroy P., Hatrongjit R., Kerdsin A.2022Heliyon
    72Distinguishing Clinical Enterococcus faecium Strains and Resistance to Vancomycin Using a Simple In-House Screening TestSaenhom N., Boueroy P., Chopjitt P., Hatrongjit R., Kerdsin A.2022Antibiotics
    73Fluoroquinolone resistance in non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica isolated from slaughtered pigs in ThailandPoomchuchit S., Kerdsin A., Chopjitt P., Boueroy P., Hatrongjit R., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Tomono K., Tomono K., Nuanualsuwan S., Hamada S.2021Journal of Medical Microbiology
    74Peptidomics analysis of virulent peptides involved in streptococcus suis pathogenesisChaiden C., Jaresitthikunchai J., Phaonakrop N., Roytrakul S., Kerdsin A., Nuanualsuwan S.2021Animals
    75Draft genome sequence of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus harboring staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec type IX, isolated from a fatal bacteremic pneumonia caseChopjitt P., Wongsurawat T., Jenjaroenpun P., Boueroy P., Kamjumphol W., Hatrongjit R., Kerdsin A.2021Microbiology Resource Announcements
    76Whole genome analysis of extensively drug-resistant acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolates in ThailandChopjitt P., Kerdsin A., Takeuchi D., Hatrongjit R., Boueroy P., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Tomono K., Tomono K., Hamada S.2021Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets
    77Draft genome sequence of invasive salmonella enterica serovar cannstatt harboring mcr-1.1, isolated from a fatal sepsis casePaveenkittiporn W., Kamjumphol W., Kerdsin A.2021Microbiology Resource Announcements
    78Prevalence of coliform bacterial contamination in cat drinking water in households in ThailandSrikullabutr S., Sattasathuchana P., Kerdsin A., Thengchaisri N.2021Veterinary World
    14(3),pp. 721-726
    79Genetic characterization of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli harboring colistin-resistant gene isolated from food animals in food supply chainChopjitt P., Boueroy P., Morita M., Iida T., Iida T., Akeda Y., Hamada S., Kerdsin A.2024Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
    80Genomic epidemiology in Streptococcus suis: Moving beyond traditional typing techniquesHatrongjit R., Fittipaldi N., Gottschalk M., Kerdsin A.2024Heliyon
    81Evaluation of pathotype marker genes in Streptococcus suis isolated from human and clinically healthy swine in ThailandKerdsin A., Bamphensin N., Sittichottumrong K., Ungcharoen R., Boueroy P., Chopjitt P., Hatrongjit R., Gottschalk M., Sunthamala N.2023BMC Microbiology
    82Genomic characterization and virulence of Streptococcus suis serotype 4 clonal complex 94 recovered from human and swine samplesHatrongjit R., Boueroy P., Jenjaroenpun P., Wongsurawat T., Meekhanon N., Chopjitt P., Zheng H., Fittipaldi N., Chareonsudjai S., Chareonsudjai S., Segura M., Gottschalk M., Kerdsin A.2023PloS one
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    83The Occurrence and Characteristics of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcal Isolates from Foods and ContainersKansaen R., Boueroy P., Hatrongjit R., Kamjumphol W., Kerdsin A., Chopjitt P.2023Antibiotics
    84Epidemiology and genetic diversity of Streptococcus suis in smallhold swine farms in the PhilippinesSedano S.A., Cantalejo M.G.C.T., Lapitan C.G.A.R., de Guzman A.M.E.S., Consignado J.T., Tandang N.A., Estacio M.A.C., Kerdsin A., Silva B.B.I.2023Scientific Reports
    85The Distribution of Mobile Colistin-Resistant Genes, Carbapenemase-Encoding Genes, and Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Genes in Escherichia coli Isolated from Natural Water Sources in Upper Northeast ThailandTabut P., Yongyod R., Ungcharoen R., Kerdsin A.2022Antibiotics
    86Genomic differences between sequence types 1 and 104 of Streptococcus suis Serotype 2Kerdsin A., Takeuchi D., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Nakamura S., Gottschalk M., Oishi K.2022PeerJ
    87Dissemination of Urinary Escherichia coli Phylogroup B2 in Provincial and Community Hospitals in Uthai Thani, Central ThailandAnudit C., Saraisuwan P., Kimterng C., Puangmanee C., Bamphensin N., Kerdsin A.2024Japanese journal of infectious diseases
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    88Genome analysis provides insight into hyper-virulence of Streptococcus suis LSM178, a human strain with a novel sequence type 1005Hu Y., Fu S., Zou G., Kerdsin A., Chen X., Dong X., Teng L., Li J.2021Scientific Reports
    89Phenotypic and molecular characterization of β-lactamase and plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes in Klebsiella oxytoca isolated from slaughtered pigs in ThailandPhetburom N., Boueroy P., Chopjitt P., Hatrongjit R., Nuanualsuwan S., Kerdsin A.2022Veterinary World
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    90Characterization of N4-like Pseudomonas Phage vB_Pae-PA14 Isolated from Seawater Sampled in ThailandSrichaisupakit A., Chopjitt P., Kerdsin A.2021Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology
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    91Erratum: Correction to: Genomic comparisons of Streptococcus suis serotype 9 strains recovered from diseased pigs in Spain and Canada (Veterinary research (2018) 49 1 (1))Zheng H., Du P., Qiu X., Kerdsin A., Roy D., Bai X., Xu J., Vela A.I., Gottschalk M.2019Veterinary research
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    92Multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis of brucella isolates from ThailandKumkrong K., Chankate P., Tonyoung W., Intarapuk A., Kerdsin A., Kalambaheti T.2017Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
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    93Development of PCR-hybridization for the identification of major gram positive bacteria causing bacteremiaMahayotha A., Wongvilairat R., Dejsirilert S., Sumpradit T., Kerdsin A.2013Internet Journal of Microbiology
    94Serotype Distribution and Pathotypic Characteristics of Streptococcus suis Isolates from Slaughtered Pigs in a High-Density Pig Farming Area in ThailandLunha K., Chumpol W., Jiemsup S., Yongkiettrakul S., Li J., Kerdsin A., Takamatsu D., Takamatsu D., Meekhanon N.2024Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
    95Phenotypic and Genotypic Profiles of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Multidrug-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in Northeastern ThailandChaisaeng S., Phetburom N., Kasemsiri P., Putthanachote N., Wangnadee N., Boueroy P., Kerdsin A., Chopjitt P.2024Antibiotics
    96Genomic analysis of carbapenem- and colistin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae complex harbouring mcr-8 and mcr-9 from individuals in ThailandHatrongjit R., Wongsurawat T., Jenjaroenpun P., Chopjitt P., Boueroy P., Akeda Y., Okada K., Iida T., Hamada S., Kerdsin A.2024Scientific Reports
    97Pneumococcal carriage among high-risk adults in a country with nonmandatory pneumococcal vaccination during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemicNgamprasertchai T., Rattanaumpawan P., Kaewkungwal J., Phisalprapa P., Chongtrakool P., Kerdsin A., Luvira V., Thaipadungpanit J., Kajeekul R., Srisompong J., Yincharoen P., Chokephaibulkit K., Lawpoolsri S.2023Journal of Infection and Public Health
    16(7),pp. 1102-1108
    98Editorial: Community series - characterization of mobile genetic elements associated with acquired resistance mechanisms, volume IIOsei Sekyere J., Osei Sekyere J., Kerdsin A., Chopjitt P., Wendling C.C.2023Frontiers in Microbiology
    99Unlocking the Secrets of Streptococcus suis: A peptidomics comparison of virulent and non-virulent serotypes 2, 14, 18, and 19Chaiden C., Jaresitthikunchai J., Phaonakrop N., Roytrakul S., Kerdsin A., Nuanualsuwan S.2023PLoS ONE
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    100Erratum: Publisher Correction: Plasmidome in mcr-1 harboring carbapenem-resistant enterobacterales isolates from human in Thailand (Scientific reports (2022) 12 1 (19051))Boueroy P., Wongsurawat T., Jenjaroenpun P., Chopjitt P., Hatrongjit R., Jittapalapong S., Kerdsin A.2022Scientific reports
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    101Decreasing Microbial Contamination in Culture Water of Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens) Using Cinnamon ExtractKamolrat N., Yongyod R., Ungcharoen R., Kerdsin A.2024Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
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    102Occurrence of antimicrobial-resistant bovine mastitis bacteria in Sakon Nakhon, ThailandCamsing A., Phetburom N., Chopjitt P., Pumhirunroj B., Patikae P., Watwiengkam N., Yongkiettrakul S., Kerdsin A., Boueroy P.2024Veterinary World
    17(6),pp. 1202-1209
    103Comparative genome analysis of Streptococcus suis serotype 5 strains from humans and pigs revealed pathogenic potential of virulent, antimicrobial resistance, and genetic relationshipKerdsin A., Hatrongjit R., Wongsurawat T., Jenjaroenpun P., Zheng H., Chopjitt P., Boueroy P., Fittipaldi N., Segura M., Gottschalk M.2023Microbes and Infection
    104Vibrio phage vB_VneM_NB-1 inhibiting Vibrio nereis mediated coelomocyte apoptosis in Apostichopus japonicusCao X., Ye P., Li C., Ding D., Kerdsin A., Jiang L.2025Aquaculture
    105Antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli in cats and their drinking water: drug resistance profiles and antimicrobial-resistant genesSattasathuchana P., Srikullabutr S., Kerdsin A., Assawarachan S.N., Amavisit P., Surachetpong W., Thengchaisri N.2024BMC Veterinary Research
    106Genomic analysis and virulence of human Streptococcus suis serotype 14Boueroy P., Brizuela J., Roodsant T.J., Wongsurawat T., Jenjaroenpun P., Chopjitt P., Hatrongjit R., Phetburom N., Chareonsudjai S., Chareonsudjai S., Boonmars T., Boonmars T., Schultsz C., Kerdsin A.2024European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
    107Modified multiplex PCR for serotyping and pathotyping of Streptococcus suisHatrongjit R., Sittichottumrong K., Boueroy P., Chopjitt P., Gottschalk M., Nuanualsuwan S., Kerdsin A.2025Journal of medical microbiology
    108Molecular characterization and genotype of multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis in nasal carriage of young population, Mahasarakham, ThailandChopjitt P., Tangthong P., Kongkaem J., Wonkyai P., Charoenwattanamaneechai A., Khankhum S., Sunthamala P., Kerdsin A., Sunthamala N.2025Biomolecules & biomedicine
    25(2),pp. 461-471
    109High prevalence of ESBL-producing E. coli phylogroup B2 clinical isolates in northeastern ThailandChaisaeng S., Chopjitt P., Kasemsiri P., Putthanachote N., Boueroy P., Takeuchi D., Akeda Y., Akeda Y., Hamada S., Kerdsin A.2024BMC microbiology
    24(1),pp. 425
    110Phylogenetic diversity and virulence gene characteristics of Escherichia coli from pork and patients with urinary tract infections in ThailandKetkhao P., Utrarachkij F., Parikumsil N., Poonchareon K., Kerdsin A., Ekchariyawat P., Narongpun P., Nakajima C., Suzuki Y., Suthienkul O.2024PLoS ONE
    19(7 July)
    111Multi-locus sequence typing and genetic diversity of antibiotic-resistant genes and virulence-associated genes in Burkholderia pseudomallei: Insights from whole genome sequencing of animal and environmental isolates in ThailandLaklaeng S.n., Songsri J., Wisessombat S., Mala W., Phothaworn P., Senghoi W., Nuinoon M., Tangphatsornruang S., Wongtawan T., Hayakijkosol O., Kerdsin A., Klangbud W.K.2024Veterinary Microbiology
    112Francisella sp., a Close Relative of Francisella orientalis, Causing Septicemia with Cholestatic Hepatitis in a Patient with Anti-Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) AutoantibodiesKajeekul R., Insiripong S., Riwlord A., Poomchuchit S., Kerdsin A.2022Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
    113Multidrug Resistance and Serotype Distribution of Salmonella Enterica Isolated from Homemade Recipe Fermented Ground Pork (Nham) in Northeastern ThailandVo T.H.N., Direksin K., Rattanadilok-Na-phuket N., Nutravong T., Kerdsin A.2022Trends in Sciences
    114Corrigendum to “Evaluation of in-house cefoxitin screening broth to determine methicillin-resistant staphylococci” [Heliyon 8, (2), (2022), e08950] (Heliyon (2022) 8(2), (S2405844022002389), (10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e08950))Saenhom N., Kansan R., Chopjitt P., Boueroy P., Hatrongjit R., Kerdsin A.2022Heliyon