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      Agave sisalanaanticancerarabinoseBenzylidene acetalbetamethasoneBF3.OEt2biological activityClausena excavataCoumarindehydrogenationD-glucosed-Mannoseepoxidationfive componentFURANONE-COUMARINSGanodermagas chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GC-MS)glucose effectgorgonianGrignardGrignard reactionH1N1H5N1hecogeninhomogeneous catalysisHorner-Wadsworth-Emmons reactionHPLChuman Topoisomerase IIhydrolysisHypoglycemic effectIC50immunityin vitro studyInhibitorINHIBITORSironisagarinisoquinolinesisoquinolinonesIsothermalisozymeKB)Knoevenagel condensationlaccaseLEAVESLeptogorgia sarmentosaLewis acidMannosemarine organismsmenisporopsin AMenisporopsis theobromaeMetabolic syndromemetal-mediated domino reactionminimum inhibitory concentrationsmolecular dockingmolecular dynamicsmolecular modelingMOLECULAR-BASISmulticomponent reactionsNaphthaquinone aliphatic amideNaphthaquinone aliphatic esternaphtholNaphthoquinonenaphthoquinone esterNAPHTHOQUINONE ESTERSNaphthoquinonesnatural product synthesisNATURAL-PRODUCTSNClN-formylnornuciferinenonhumanNordentatinoseltamivirOseltamivir phosphatePalladiumPatchoulipatchouli (Pogostemon cablin)patchouli alcohol (patchoulol)pentylidene ketalpentylidine acetalPeptidomimeticpeptidomimetic agentPEXELPinostrobinPlasmepsin Vreductive ring openingselective ring openingsteroidssynthesisTamifluการเปิดวงคีทัลการสังเคราะห์ไข้หวัด2009ไข้หวัดนกทามิฟลูทามิฟอสเฟอร์น้ำตาลโมเลกุลเดี่ยวบอระเพ็ดแมนโนสโอเซลทามิเวียร์



      งานวิจัยในรอบ 5 ปี


      • ทุนใน 6 โครงการ (ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 4 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 2 โครงการ)
      • ทุนนอก 0 โครงการ
      • ทุนใน 16 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 5 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 11 โครงการ)
      • ทุนนอก 14 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 7 โครงการ, ที่ปรึกษาโครงการ 1 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 6 โครงการ)

      แนวโน้มผลงานทั้งหมดเทียบกับแนวโน้มผลงานในรอบ 5 ปี


      • บทความ 85 เรื่อง (ตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการ 51 เรื่อง, นำเสนอในการประชุม/สัมมนา 34 เรื่อง)
      • ทรัพย์สินทางปัญญา 6 เรื่อง (ลิขสิทธิ์ 0 เรื่อง, เครื่องหมายการค้า 0 เรื่อง, อนุสิทธิบัตร 2 เรื่อง, สิทธิบัตร 4 เรื่อง)
      • สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 0 เรื่อง (ขึ้นทะเบียนพันธุ์พืช หรือพันธุ์สัตว์ หรือสิ่งประดิษฐ์ มก. 0 เรื่อง)
      • Unknown 5 เรื่อง (Unknown 5 เรื่อง)



      • การนำผลงานไปใช้ประโยชน์ 18 เรื่อง (เชิงวิชาการ 14 เรื่อง, เชิงนโยบาย/บริหาร 0 เรื่อง, เชิงสาธารณะ 4 เรื่อง, เชิงพาณิชย์ 0 เรื่อง)



      • รางวัลที่ได้รับ 7 เรื่อง (ประกาศเกียรติคุณ/รางวัลนักวิจัย 1 เรื่อง, รางวัลผลงานวิจัย/สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 5 เรื่อง, รางวัลผลงานนำเสนอในการประชุมวิชาการ 1 เรื่อง)

      นักวิจัยที่มีผลงานงานร่วมกันมากที่สุด 10 คนแรก

      Scopus h-index

      #Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
      1Potent antitumor activity of synthetic 1,2-naphthoquinones and 1,4-naphthoquinonesKongkathip N., Kongkathip B., Siripong P., Sangma C., Luangkamin S., Niyomdecha M., Pattanapa S., Piyaviriyagul S., Kongsaeree P.2003Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
      11(14),pp. 3179-3191
      2Coumarins and carbazoles from Clausena excavata exhibited antimycobacterial and antifungal activitiesSunthitikawinsakul A., Kongkathip N., Kongkathip B., Phonnakhu S., Daly J., Spande T., Nimit Y., Rochanaruangrai S.2003Planta Medica
      69(2),pp. 155-157
      3Anti-HIV-1 constituents from Clausena excavata: Part II. Carbazoles and a pyranocoumarinKongkathip B., Kongkathip N., Sunthitikawinsakul A., Napaswat C., Yoosook C.2005Phytotherapy Research
      19(8),pp. 728-731
      4Synthesis of novel rhinacanthins and related anticancer naphthoquinone estersKongkathip N., Luangkamin S., Kongkathip B., Sangma C., Grigg R., Kongsaeree P., Prabpai S., Pradidphol N., Piyaviriyagul S., Siripong P.2004Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
      47(18),pp. 4427-4438
      5Biologically active substances from amphibians: Preliminary studies on anurans from twenty-one genera of ThailandDaly J.W., Noimai N., Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N., Wilham J.M., Garraffo H.M., Kaneko T., Spande T.F., Nimit Y., Nabhitabhata J., Chan-Ard T.2004Toxicon
      44(8),pp. 805-815
      6Stereoselective palladium-catalyzed four-component cascade synthesis of pyrrolidinyl-, pyrazolidinyl-, and isoxazolidinyl isoquinolinesDondas H., Dondas H., Fishwick C., Gai X., Grigg R., Kilner C., Dumrongchai N., Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N., Polysuk C., Sridharan V.2005Angewandte Chemie - International Edition
      44(46),pp. 7570-7574
      7Antimicrobial activity of curcuminoids from Curcuma Longa L. on pathogenic bacteria of shrimp and chickenLawhavinit O., Kongkathip N., Kongkathip B.2010Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
      44(3),pp. 364-371
      8Study on cardiac contractility of cycloeucalenol and cycloeucalenone isolated from Tinospora crispaKongkathip N., Dhumma-upakorn P., Kongkathip B., Chawananoraset K., Sangchomkaeo P., Hatthakitpanichakul S.2002Journal of Ethnopharmacology
      83(1-2),pp. 95-99
      9Induction of apoptosis by rhinacanthone isolated from Rhinacanthus nasutus roots in human cervical carcinoma cellsSiripong P., Hahnvajanawong C., Yahuafai J., Piyaviriyakul S., Piyaviriyakul S., Kanokmedhakul K., Kongkathip N., Ruchirawat S., Oku N.2009Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
      32(7),pp. 1251-1260
      10Anti-HIV-1 Limonoid: First Isolation from Clausena excavataSunthitikawinsakul A., Kongkathip N., Kongkathip B., Phonnakhu S., Daly J., Spande T., Nimit Y., Napaswat C., Kasisit J., Yoosook C.2003Phytotherapy Research
      17(9),pp. 1101-1103
      11Development of patchouli extraction with quality control and isolation of active compounds with antibacterial activityKongkathip N., Pornpat S., Kongkathip B., Pankaew Y., Tanasotnbat M., Udomkusonsri P.2009Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
      43(3),pp. 519-525
      12First synthesis and anticancer activity of novel naphthoquinone amidesPradidphol N., Kongkathip N., Sittikul P., Boonyalai N., Kongkathip B.2012European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
      49,pp. 253-270
      13An efficient synthesis of oseltamivir phosphate (Tamiflu) via a metal-mediated domino reaction and ring-closing metathesisWichienukul P., Akkarasamiyo S., Kongkathip N., Kongkathip B.2010Tetrahedron Letters
      51(24),pp. 3208-3210
      14Constituents and bioactivities of Clausena excavataKongkathip N., Kongkathip B.2009Heterocycles
      79(C),pp. 121-144
      15Transforming rhinacanthin analogues from potent anticancer agents into potent antimalarial agentsKongkathip N., Pradidphol N., Hasitapan K., Grigg R., Kao W., Hunte C., Fisher N., Warman A., Biagini G., Kongsaeree P., Chuawong P., Kongkathip B.2010Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
      53(3),pp. 1211-1221
      16Synthesis of novel naphthoquinone aliphatic amides and esters and their anticancer evaluationKongkathip B., Akkarasamiyo S., Hasitapan K., Sittikul P., Boonyalai N., Kongkathip N.2013European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
      60,pp. 271-284
      17Palladium catalysed reaction of allene with phenols. Phenoxymethyl-1,3-dienes and their further reactionsGrigg R., Kongkathip N., Kongkathip B., Luangkamin S., Dondas H.2001Tetrahedron
      57(37),pp. 7965-7978
      18Short step synthesis of 1,3-dimethyl-2,9-dioxabicyclo [3.3.1] nonane: An insect attractant.Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N.1984Tetrahedron Letters
      25(20),pp. 2175-2176
      19A new and efficient asymmetric synthesis of oseltamivir phosphate (Tamiflu) from D-glucoseKongkathip B., Akkarasamiyo S., Kongkathip N.2015Tetrahedron
      71(16),pp. 2393-2399
      20Pinostrobin from Boesenbergia pandurata Is an inhibitor of Ca 2+-Signal-Mediated Cell-Cycle regulation in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaeWangkangwan W., Boonkerd S., Chavasiri W., Sukapirom K., Pattanapanyasat K., Kongkathip N., Miyakawa T., Miyakawa T.2009Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry
      73(7),pp. 1679-1682
      21Novel laccases of Ganoderma sp. KU-Alk4, regulated by different glucose concentration in alkaline mediaTeerapatsakul C., Abe N., Bucke C., Kongkathip N., Jareonkitmongkol S., Chitradon L.2007World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
      23(11),pp. 1559-1567
      22Immunological and bactericidal effects of turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.) extract in pacific white shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone)Vanichkul K., Areechon N., Kongkathip N., Srisapoome P., Chuchird N.2010Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
      44(5),pp. 850-858
      23Synthesis of betamethasone from the waste of Thai Agave sisalanaKongkathip N., Kongkathip B., Noimai N.2006Synthetic Communications
      36(7),pp. 865-874
      24First synthesis of 3,16,20-polyoxygenated cholestanes, new cytotoxic steroids from the gorgonian Leptogorgia sarmentosaBoonananwong S., Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N.2008Steroids
      73(11),pp. 1123-1127
      25Stereospecific total synthesis of amberketal and a homologueKongkathip B., Kongkathip N., Janthorn S., Virarangsiyakorn D.1999Chemistry Letters
      (1),pp. 51-52
      26A concise and practical synthesis of oseltamivir phosphate(Tamiflu) from d-mannoseChuanopparat N., Kongkathip N., Kongkathip B.2012Tetrahedron
      68(34),pp. 6803-6809
      27Catalytic processes for the functionalisation and desymmetrisation of malononitrile derivativesGrigg R., Hasakunpaisarn A., Kilner C., Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N., Pettman A., Sridharan V.2005Tetrahedron
      61(39),pp. 9356-9367
      28A facile palladium catalysed 3-component cascade route to functionalised isoquinolinones and isoquinolinesGrigg R., Elboray E.E., Elboray E.E., Akkarasamiyo S., Akkarasamiyo S., Chuanopparat N., Chuanopparat N., Dondas H.A., Abbas-Temirek H.H., Fishwick C.W.G., Aly M.F., Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N.2016Chemical Communications
      52(1),pp. 164-166
      29Stereoselective pd(0) catalysed five component cascade synthesis of complex z, z-bisallylaminesGrigg R., Akkarasamiyo S., Akkarasamiyo S., Chuanopparat N., Chuanopparat N., Elboray E.E., Elboray E.E., Aly M.F., Abbas-Temirek H.H., Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N.2013Chemical Communications
      49(20),pp. 2007-2009
      30Further study on synthesis and evaluation of 3,16,20-polyoxygenated steroids of marine origin and their analogs as potent cytotoxic agentsBunyathaworn P., Boonananwong S., Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N.2010Steroids
      75(6),pp. 432-444
      31Synthesis of cytotoxic novel 9,11-secosterol analogs: Structure/activity studiesKongkathip B., Hasakunpaisarn A., Boonananwong S., Kongkathip N.2010Steroids
      75(12),pp. 834-847
      32Total synthesis of (+)-epiquinamide and (−)-epiepiquinamide from D-mannoseSangsuwan W., Kongkathip B., Chuawong P., Kongkathip N.2017Tetrahedron
      73(52),pp. 7274-7281
      33A new and efficient asymmetric synthesis of oseltamivir phosphate(Tamiflu) from D-mannoseChuanopparat N., Kongkathip N., Kongkathip B.2012Tetrahedron Letters
      53(46),pp. 6209-6211
      34A Novel Synthetic Approach from Diosgenin to a 17α-Hydroxy Orthoester via a Regio- and Stereo-Specific Rearrangement of an Epoxy EsterChaosuancharoen N., Kongkathip N., Kongkathip B.2004Synthetic Communications
      34(6),pp. 961-983
      35Biophysical and molecular docking studies of naphthoquinone derivatives on the ATPase domain of human Topoisomerase IIBoonyalai N., Sittikul P., Pradidphol N., Kongkathip N.2013Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy
      67(2),pp. 122-128
      36Inhibitory effects of 2-substituted-1-naphthol derivatives on cyclooxygenase I and IIKongkathip B., Sangma C., Kirtikara K., Luangkamin S., Hasitapan K., Jongkon N., Hannongbua S., Kongkathip N.2005Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
      13(6),pp. 2167-2175
      37In vitro and in silico studies of naphthoquinones and peptidomimetics toward Plasmodium falciparum plasmepsin VSittikul P., Sittikul P., Songtawee N., Kongkathip N., Boonyalai N., Boonyalai N.2018Biochimie
      152,pp. 159-173
      38Synthesis of isagarin, a tetracyclic naphthoquinone via a palladium-catalyzed cyclizationPloysuk C., Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N.2007Synthetic Communications
      37(9),pp. 1463-1471
      39Biosynthetic origins of menisporopsin AWattana-Amorn P., Juthaphan P., Sirikamonsil M., Sriboonlert A., Simpson T., Kongkathip N.2013Journal of Natural Products
      76(7),pp. 1235-1237
      40FeCl3-catalysed cleavage of 1,2-butanediacetal protected diolsTzschucke C., Pradidphol N., Diéguez-Vázquez A., Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N., Ley S.2008Synlett
      (9),pp. 1293-1296
      41Determination of a pyranocoumarin and three carbazole compounds in Clausena excavata by RP-HPLCKongkathip B., Sutthiprabha S., Yoosook C., Mongkolsook Y., Kongkathip N.2010Journal of Chromatographic Science
      48(6),pp. 445-449
      42Synthesis and anticancer evaluation of naphthoquinone esters with 2′-cyclopentyl and 2′-cyclohexyl substituentsKongkathip N., Pradidphol N., Hasitapan K., Kongkathip B.2010Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry
      74(6),pp. 1205-1214
      43Regioselective ring opening of exo- and endo-3,4-benzylidene acetals of arabinopyranoside derivatives with Lewis acids and reducing agentsRujirawanich J., Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N.2011Carbohydrate Research
      346(7),pp. 927-932
      44A new approach to asymmetric synthesis of (−)-epiquinamide from D-glucoseLumyong K., Kongkathip B., Chuanopparat N., Kongkathip N.2019Tetrahedron
      75(4),pp. 533-537
      45New strategy for synthesis of the disaccharide moiety of the highly potent anticancer natural product OSW-1Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N., Rujirawanich J.2014Synthetic Communications
      44(15),pp. 2248-2255
      46Identification of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Tub1 α-tubulin as a potential target for NKH-7, a cytotoxic 1-naphthol derivative compoundChanklan R., Chanklan R., Mizunuma M., Kongkathip N., Hasitapan K., Kongkathip B., Miyakawa T.2008Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry
      72(4),pp. 1023-1031
      47Synthesis of novel 2-(2′-cyclopentyl)- and 2-(2′-cyclohexyl) substituted 1-naphthol derivatives with anticyclooxygenase activityKongkathip N., Hasitapan K., Pradidphol N., Kirtikara K., Jongkon N., Kongkathip B.2006Current Medicinal Chemistry
      13(30),pp. 3663-3674
      48Syntheses of both diastereoisomers of 2,8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane derivatives: Degradation products of Daphniphyllum alkaloidsKongkathip B., Sookkho R., Kongkathip N., Taylor W.C.1999Chemistry Letters
      (10),pp. 1095-1096
      49Synthesis of N-formylnornuciferine with cardiotonic activityImphanban K., Kongkathip N., Dhumma-upakorn P., Mesripong R., Kongkathip B.2009Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
      43(4),pp. 738-744
      50A quick and convenient 1H quantitative NMR method for determination of bioactive pyranocoumarins from Clausena excavataSakarat N., Prapapongpan P., Prapapongpan P., Sae-Lim S., Saleepochn T., Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N., Yakhampom S., Wongprom J., Chuawong P.2021Phytochemistry Letters
      45,pp. 126-131
      51Asymmetric Formal Synthesis of (-)-Swainsonine from Chiral-Pool Precursors d -Mannose and d -ArabinoseLamor A., Uipanit S., Yakhampom S., Ngernmeesri P., Kongkathip N., Kongkathip B., Chuanopparat N.2022Synlett
      52The first syntheses of 16β-chloro- and 16β-bromo-cyproterone acetateSakee U., Kongkathip N., Kongkathip B.2003Synthetic Communications
      33(10),pp. 1695-1706
      53Simple and convenient method for the synthesis of Δ9(11)-3-hydroxy, Δ1,4- and Δ1,4,9(11)-3-ketosteroids by selective dehydrogenation of 3-hydroxy-12-ketosteroidsKongkathip B., Kongkathip N., Khunnavutimanotum P., Sakee U.1998Chemistry Letters
      (12),pp. 1207-1208
      54An efficient synthesis and regioselective hydrogenolysis of dioxolane-type of carbohydratesKongkathip B., Chuanopparat N., Kongkathip N.2016Tetrahedron
      72(23),pp. 3296-3304
      55Erratum: Palladium catalysed reactions of allene with active methylene pronucleophiles. C-1,3-Dienylmethyl derivatives and their Diels-Alder reactions (Tetrahedron (2001) 57 (9187-9197) PII: S0040402001009243)Grigg R., Kongkathip N., Kongkathip B., Luangkamin S., Dondas H.A.2002Tetrahedron
      58(2),pp. 377
      56Efficient synthesis of 16α-methyl cyproterone acetateSakee U., Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N.2003Journal of Chemical Research - Part S
      (1),pp. 12-13
      57Synthesis and biological evaluation of 3,16,20-polyoxygenated steroids of marine origin and their analogsBoonananwong S., Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N.2008Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
      42(3),pp. 531-542
      58Synthesis and cytotoxicity studies of polyhydroxysterols and their sulfate analogsBunyathaworn P., Kongkathip B., Kongkathip N.2011Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science
      45(4),pp. 700-716