# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | The Topp-Leone generator of distributions: Properties and inferences | Sangsanit Y., Bodhisuwan W. | 2016 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 38(5),pp. 537-548 | 57 |
2 | The negative binomial-generalized exponential (NB-GE) distribution | Aryuyuen S., Bodhisuwan W. | 2013 | Applied Mathematical Sciences 7(21-24),pp. 1093-1105 | 35 |
3 | Generalized Poisson–Lindley linear model for count data | Wongrin W., Bodhisuwan W. | 2017 | Journal of Applied Statistics 44(15),pp. 2659-2671 | 27 |
4 | A new mixed negative binomial distribution | Pudprommarat C., Bodhisuwan W., Zeephongsekul P. | 2012 | Journal of Applied Sciences 12(17),pp. 1853-1858 | 21 |
5 | A new family of generalized gamma distribution and its application | Suksaengrakcharoen S., Bodhisuwan W. | 2014 | Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 10(2),pp. 211-220 | 16 |
6 | Genomic alteration in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) cell lines inferred from karyotyping, molecular cytogenetics, and array comparative genomic hybridization | Singchat W., Hitakomate E., Rerkarmnuaychoke B., Suntronpong A., Fu B., Bodhisuwan W., Peyachoknagul S., Yang F., Koontongkaew S., Srikulnath K. | 2016 | PLoS ONE 11(8) | 15 |
7 | The length-biased exponentiated inverted weibull distribution | Seenoi P., Supapakorn T., Bodhisuwan W. | 2014 | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 92(2),pp. 191-206 | 15 |
8 | The negative binomial-erlang distribution with applications | Kongrod S., Bodhisuwan W., Payakkapong P. | 2014 | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 92(3),pp. 389-401 | 12 |
9 | The poisson-generalised lindley distribution and its applications | Wongrin W., Bodhisuwan W. | 2016 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 38(6),pp. 645-656 | 12 |
10 | The negative binomial-Sushila distribution with application in count data analysis | Yamrubboon D., Bodhisuwan W., Pudprommarat C., Saothayanun L. | 2017 | Thailand Statistician 15(1),pp. 69-77 | 12 |
11 | Length biased beta-pareto distribution and its structural properties with application | Nanuwong N., Bodhisuwan W. | 2013 | Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 10(1),pp. 49-57 | 11 |
12 | The discrete weighted Lindley distribution | Bodhisuwan W., Sangpoom S. | 2017 | Proceedings - 2016 12th International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, and Their Applications, ICMSA 2016: In Conjunction with the 6th Annual International Conference of Syiah Kuala University ,pp. 99-103 | 11 |
13 | The discrete asymmetric Laplace distribution | Sangpoom S., Bodhisuwan W. | 2016 | Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 10(1),pp. 73-86 | 10 |
14 | Negative binomial-crack (NB-CR) distribution | Saengthong P., Bodhisuwan W. | 2013 | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 84(3),pp. 213-230 | 9 |
15 | The zero inflated negative binomial – Crack distribution: Some properties and parameter estimation | Saengthong P., Bodhisuwan W., Thongteeraparp A. | 2015 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 37(6),pp. 701-711 | 8 |
16 | Bayesian Inference for the Negative Binomial-Sushila Linear Model | Yamrubboon D., Thongteeraparp A., Bodhisuwan W., Jampachaisri K., Volodin A. | 2019 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 40(1),pp. 42-54 | 8 |
17 | The truncated power Lomax distribution: Properties and applications | Aryuyuen S., Bodhisuwan W. | 2019 | Walailak Journal of Science and Technology 16(9),pp. 655-668 | 8 |
18 | The new poisson mixed weighted lindley distribution with applications to insurance claims data | Atikankul Y., Thongteeraparp A., Bodhisuwan W. | 2020 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 42(1),pp. 152-162 | 8 |
19 | Zero-one inflated negative binomial - beta exponential distribution for count data with many zeros and ones | Jornsatian C., Bodhisuwan W. | 2021 | Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
| 8 |
20 | Discrete Generalized Odd Lindley–Weibull Distribution with Applications | Aryuyuen S., Bodhisuwan W., Volodin A. | 2020 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 41(6),pp. 945-955 | 6 |
21 | The Length-Biased Weighted Lindley Distribution with Applications | Atikankul Y., Thongteeraparp A., Bodhisuwan W., Volodin A. | 2020 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 41(3),pp. 308-319 | 6 |
22 | Topp-leone generalized rayleigh distribution and its applications | Nanthaprut P., Patummasut M., Bodhisuwan W. | 2018 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 40(5),pp. 1186-1202 | 6 |
23 | Zero inflated negative binomial-generalized exponential distribution and its applications | Aryuyuen S., Bodhisuwan W., Supapakorn T. | 2014 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 36(4),pp. 483-491 | 6 |
24 | The discrete weighted exponential distribution and its applications | Khongthip P., Patummasut M., Bodhisuwan W. | 2018 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 40(5),pp. 1105-1114 | 5 |
25 | Mixed distribution of negative binomial and two-parameter Lindley distributions | Denthet S., Thongteeraparp A., Bodhisuwan W. | 2017 | Proceedings - 2016 12th International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, and Their Applications, ICMSA 2016: In Conjunction with the 6th Annual International Conference of Syiah Kuala University ,pp. 104-107 | 5 |
26 | A General Model of Unit Testing Efficacy | Younessi H., Zeephongsekul P., Bodhisuwan W. | 2002 | Software Quality Journal 10(1),pp. 69-92 | 4 |
27 | The Type II Topp Leone-Power Lomax Distribution with Analysis in Lifetime Data | Aryuyuen S., Bodhisuwan W. | 2020 | Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 14(2) | 4 |
28 | Power Garima-generated Family of Distributions: Properties and Application | Aryuyuen S., Bodhisuwan W., Ngamkham T. | 2021 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 42(2),pp. 287-299 | 4 |
29 | The Generalized Distributions on the Unit Interval based on the T-Topp-Leone Family of Distributions | Sudsila P., Thongteeraparp A., Aryuyuen S., Bodhisuwan W. | 2022 | Trends in Sciences 19(19) | 4 |
30 | Bayesian Inference for Negative Binomial—Beta Exponential Distribution and Its Regression Model | Jornsatian C., Bodhisuwan W. | 2022 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 43(9),pp. 2501-2514 | 3 |
31 | The Topp–Leone Discrete Laplace Distribution and Its Applications | Akkanphudit T., Bodhisuwan W., Lao M., Volodin A. | 2020 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 41(3),pp. 298-307 | 3 |
32 | Thai flight attendants' intercultural sensitivity and topics in intercultural communication with muslim passengers | Semchuchot N., Soontornnaruerangsee W., Bodhisuwan W. | 2021 | LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network 14(1),pp. 87-117 | 3 |
33 | Confidence Estimation of a Ratio of Binomial Proportions for Dependent Populations | Kokaew A., Thaithanan J., Bodhisuwan W., Volodin A. | 2021 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 42(2),pp. 394-403 | 3 |
34 | The Gompertz Weibull Fréchet Distribution: Properties and Applications | Bodhisuwan W., Aryuyuen S. | 2021 | Thailand Statistician 19(4),pp. 659-676 | 2 |
35 | The Beta Topp-Leone Generated Family of Distributions and Theirs Applications | Watthanawisut A., Bodhisuwan W., Supapakorn T. | 2022 | Thailand Statistician 20(3),pp. 489-507 | 2 |
36 | Bayesian Estimation of Discrete Exponentiated Pareto Distribution | Chotedelok Y., Bodhisuwan W. | 2022 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 43(9),pp. 2411-2422 | 2 |
37 | An Optimal Threshod Selection Approach for the Value at Risk of the Extreme Events | Boonradsamee J., Jaroengeratikun U., Bodhisuwan W. | 2022 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 43(9),pp. 2397-2410 | 2 |
38 | A mixture of weibull hazard rate with a power variance function frailty | Wasinrat S., Bodhisuwan W., Zeephongsekul P., Thongtheeraparp A. | 2013 | Journal of Applied Sciences 13(1),pp. 103-110 | 2 |
39 | A new mixed beta distribution and structural properties with applications | Insuk T., Bodhisuwan W., Jaroenjeratikun U. | 2015 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 37(1),pp. 97-108 | 2 |
40 | A modified hyperbolic secant distribution | Thongchan P., Bodhisuwan W. | 2017 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 39(1),pp. 11-18 | 2 |
41 | Parameter estimation for the length biased beta-pareto distribution and application | Bodhisuwan W., Nanuwong N., Pudprommarat C. | 2016 | Walailak Journal of Science and Technology 13,pp. 301-315 | 2 |
42 | The Topp-Leone geometric distribution | Sudsuk A., Bodhisuwan W. | 2017 | Proceedings - 2016 12th International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, and Their Applications, ICMSA 2016: In Conjunction with the 6th Annual International Conference of Syiah Kuala University ,pp. 108-112 | 2 |
43 | The zero-inflated negative Binomial-Erlang distribution: An application to highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in thailand | Bodhisuwan W., Samutwachirawong S., Payakkapong P. | 2018 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 40(6),pp. 1428-1436 | 2 |
44 | The negative binomial - Weighted garima distribution: Model, properties and applications | Bodhisuwan W., Saengthong P. | 2020 | Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research 16(1),pp. 1-10 | 2 |
45 | Extended generalized exponential power series distribution | Kunjiratanachot N., Bodhisuwan W. | 2017 | AIP Conference Proceedings 1905 | 2 |
46 | Zero inflated negative binomial-Sushila distribution and its application | Yamrubboon D., Thongteeraparp A., Bodhisuwan W., Jampachaisri K. | 2017 | AIP Conference Proceedings 1905 | 1 |
47 | Discriminating between the Weibull and power Lindley distributions utilizing fisher information | Bodhisuwan W., Sangsanit Y. | 2017 | Thailand Statistician 15(1),pp. 55-68 | 1 |
48 | The Topp-Leone generalized extreme value distribution: Extreme value analysis and return level estimation of the PM2.5 in Chiang Mai, Thailand | Aryuyuen S., Bodhisuwan W. | 2022 | Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 44(6),pp. 1450-1461 | 1 |
49 | A generating family of unit-Garima distribution: Properties, likelihood inference, and application | Ayuyuen S., Bodhisuwan W. | 2024 | Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research 20(1),pp. 69-84 | 1 |
50 | Zero-truncated negative binomial - Erlang distribution | Bodhisuwan W., Pudprommarat C., Bodhisuwan R., Saothayanun L. | 2017 | AIP Conference Proceedings 1905 | 1 |
51 | An Estimation Approach of Classical Tail Index and an Application to Hydrology Assessment | Boonradsamee J., Bodhisuwan W., Jaroengeratikun U. | 2021 | Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science 2242,pp. 19-24 | 1 |
52 | Logarithmic confidence estimation of a ratio of binomial proportions for dependent populations | Kokaew A., Bodhisuwan W., Yang S.F., Volodin A. | 2022 | Journal of Applied Statistics
| 1 |
53 | The Poisson-Transmuted Janardan Distribution for Modelling Count Data | Bodhisuwan W., Aryuyuen S. | 2022 | Trends in Sciences 19(5) | 1 |
54 | The Zero-Truncated Poisson-Weighted Exponential Distribution with Applications | Atikankul Y., Thongteeraparp A., Bodhisuwan W., Qin J., Boonto S. | 2021 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 42(13),pp. 3088-3097 | 1 |
55 | On the Partial-Geometric Distribution: Properties and Applications | Khruachalee K., Bodhisuwan W., Volodin A. | 2021 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 42(13),pp. 3141-3149 | 0 |
56 | Measuring Of Conditional Value At Risk Portfolio Using Copula | Khruachalee K., Bodhisuwan W. | 2021 | ABAC Journal 41(3),pp. 130-154 | 0 |
57 | Asymptotic properties of a software reliability growth model with imperfect debugging: A martingale approach | Bodhisuwan W., Zeephongsekul P. | 2006 | Reliability Modeling, Analysis And Optimization ,pp. 289-314 | 0 |
58 | Discrete Gompertz-Lomax Distribution and Its Applications | Chuncharoenkit W., Bodhisuwan W., Aryuyuen S. | 2024 | Thailand Statistician 22(4),pp. 832-855 | 0 |
59 | Structural Properties of the Alpha Power Exponentiated Generalized Pareto Distribution with Applications | Pimsap P., Bodhisuwan W., Volodin A., Volodin A. | 2024 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 45(9),pp. 4267-4291 | 0 |
60 | On New Bivariate Poisson-Lindley distribution with Application of Correlated Bivariate Count Data Analysis | Aryuyuen S., Bodhisuwan W. | 2023 | Thailand Statistician 21(2),pp. 228-243 | 0 |
61 | Alpha Power Exponentiated Pareto Distribution | Pimsap P., Bodhisuwan W., Volodin A., Volodin A. | 2023 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 44(9),pp. 3779-3788 | 0 |
62 | The Topp-Leone Gumbel distribution | Bodhisuwan W. | 2017 | Proceedings - 2016 12th International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, and Their Applications, ICMSA 2016: In Conjunction with the 6th Annual International Conference of Syiah Kuala University ,pp. 93-98 | 0 |
63 | Characterisation of the multivariate negative binomialgeneralised exponential distribution | Bodhisuwan W., Aryuyuen S. | 2016 | Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology 10(2),pp. 197-208 | 0 |
64 | The Topp-Leone generalized Rayleigh cure rate model and its application | Nanthaprut P., Bodhisuwan W., Patummasut M. | 2017 | AIP Conference Proceedings 1905 | 0 |
65 | Two-sided Topp-Leone Weibull distribution | Podeang K., Bodhisuwan W. | 2017 | AIP Conference Proceedings 1905 | 0 |
66 | Parameter estimation of the zero inflated negative binomial beta exponential distribution | Sirichantra C., Bodhisuwan W. | 2017 | AIP Conference Proceedings 1905 | 0 |
67 | A software reliability growth model incorporating imperfect debugging, generation of errors and time - Delay fault removal | Zeephongsekul P., Bodhisuwan W. | 2007 | Proceedings - 13th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design ,pp. 53-57 | 0 |