# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Aspects in spawning biology and migration of the mud crab Scylla olivacea in the Andaman Sea, Thailand | Koolkalya S., Thapanand T., Tunkijjanujij S., Havanont V., Jutagate T. | 2006 | Fisheries Management and Ecology 13(6),pp. 391-397 | 29 |
2 | Trophic relationships and ecosystem characteristics in a newly-impounded man-made lake in Thailand | Thapanand T., Jutagatee T., Wongrat P., Lekcholayut T., Meksumpun C., Janekitkarn S., Rodloi A., Moreau J., Wongrat L. | 2009 | Fisheries Management and Ecology 16(2),pp. 77-87 | 20 |
3 | Is sluice gate management beneficial for spawning migrations? The case of the shark catfish (Helicophagus waandersii) in the Mun River below the Pak Mun Dam, Thailand | Jutagate T., Thapanand T., Tabthipwan P. | 2007 | River Research and Applications 23(1),pp. 87-97 | 15 |
4 | Towards possible fishery management strategies in a newly impounded man-made lake in Thailand | Thapanand T., Moreau J., Jutagate T., Wongrat P., Lekchonlayut T., Meksumpun C., Janekitkarn S., Rodloi A., Dulyapruk V., Wongrat L. | 2007 | Ecological Modelling 204(1-2),pp. 143-155 | 14 |
5 | Spatio-temporal variations in fish assemblages in a tropical regulated lower river course: An environmental guild | Jutagate T., Lek S., Sawusdee A., Sukdiseth U., Thapanand-Chaidee T., Thongkhoa S., Lek-Ang S., Chotipuntu P. | 2011 | River Research and Applications 27(1),pp. 47-58 | 12 |
6 | Effects of an anti-salt intrusion dam on tropical fish assemblages | Jutagate T., Sawusdee A., Thapanand-Chaidee T., Lek S., Grenouillet G., Thongkhoa S., Chotipuntu P. | 2010 | Marine and Freshwater Research 61(3),pp. 288-301 | 10 |
7 | Parasites of deep-sea sharks from the Andaman sea with six new records of parasites in Thailand | Purivirojkul W., Chaidee P., Thapanand-Chaidee T. | 2009 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 43(5 SUPPL.),pp. 93-99 | 8 |
8 | Evolution of the Food Web in Bandon Bay, the Gulf of Thailand: Ten Years of the Blue Swimming Crab Stocking Program | Sawusdee A., Koolkalya S., Thapanand T., Jutagate T. | 2023 | Tropical Life Sciences Research 34(2),pp. 109-130 | 1 |
9 | Ageing of shortspine spurdog in the Andaman Sea of Thailand | Paiboonleeskul K., Romratanapun S., Thapanand-Chaidee T. | 2013 | Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology 7(SPL.1) | 1 |