# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Review of convective heat transfer enhancement with nanofluids | Kakaç S., Pramuanjaroenkij A. | 2009 | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52(13-14),pp. 3187-3196 | 1884 |
2 | A review of numerical modeling of solid oxide fuel cells | Kakaç S., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Zhou X.Y. | 2007 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32(7),pp. 761-786 | 497 |
3 | HEAT EXCHANGERS: Selection, Rating, and Thermal Design: Third Edition | Kakaç S., Liu H., Pramuanjaroenkij A. | 2012 | Heat Exchangers: Selection, Rating, and Thermal Design: Third Edition ,pp. 1-607 | 379 |
4 | The fuel cell electric vehicles: The highlight review | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Kakaç S. | 2022 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
| 197 |
5 | Single-phase and two-phase treatments of convective heat transfer enhancement with nanofluids - A state-of-the-art review | Kakaç S., Pramuanjaroenkij A. | 2016 | International Journal of Thermal Sciences 100,pp. 75-97 | 172 |
6 | Mathematical analysis of planar solid oxide fuel cells | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Kakaç S., Yang Zhou X. | 2008 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33(10),pp. 2547-2565 | 104 |
7 | Convective Heat Transfer, Third Edition | Kakaç S., Yener Y., Pramuanjaroenkij A. | 2013 | Convective Heat Transfer, Third Edition ,pp. 1-588 | 50 |
8 | Numerical Study of Mixing Thermal Conductivity Models for Nanofluid Heat Transfer Enhancement | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Tongkratoke A., Kakaç S. | 2018 | Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics 91(1),pp. 104-114 | 31 |
9 | Analysis of Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement by Nanofluids: Single-Phase and Two-Phase Treatments | Kakaç S., Pramuanjaroenkij A. | 2016 | Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics 89(3),pp. 758-793 | 29 |
10 | Numerical analysis of indirect internal reforming with self-sustained electrochemical promotion catalysts | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Zhou X.Y., Kaka S. | 2010 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35(13),pp. 6482-6489 | 15 |
11 | Modeling of two-phase flow instabilities in convective in-tube boiling horizontal systems | Kakaç S., Venkataraman M.R., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Kotcioglu I. | 2009 | Isi Bilimi Ve Teknigi Dergisi/ Journal of Thermal Science and Technology 29(1),pp. 107-116 | 13 |
12 | Numerical study of nanofluid heat transfer enhancement with mixing thermal conductivity models | Tongkratoke A., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Chaengbamrung A., Kakaç S. | 2014 | Computational Thermal Sciences 6(1),pp. 1-12 | 13 |
13 | Development and study of self-sustained electrochemical promotion catalysts for hydrocarbon reforming | Huang H., Wang Z., Zhou X., Liu H., Wei Y., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Bordas A., Page M., Cai S., Zhang X. | 2013 | ECS Transactions 58(2),pp. 243-254 | 8 |
14 | Numerical study of turbulence nanofluid flow to distinguish models for in-house programming | Tongkratoke A., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Chaengbamrung A., Kakaç S. | 2013 | AIP Conference Proceedings 1569,pp. 384-388 | 5 |
15 | Experimental Investigation of Thermal and Hydraulic Performance of a Plate Heat Exchanger Using Nanofluids | Kayabaşı U., Kakaç S., Aradag S., Pramuanjaroenkij A. | 2019 | Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics 92(3),pp. 783-796 | 5 |
16 | The permeability effects of copper-nanofluid flow with using the porous media model | Tongkratoke A., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Chaengbamrung A., Kakaç S. | 2015 | International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer ,pp. 756-768 | 3 |
17 | Nanofluids flow simulasion as the flow through the porous media | Tongkratoke A., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Chaengbamrung A., Kakaç S. | 2014 | International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer ,pp. 451-467 | 3 |
18 | The development of lab-on-a-chip fabricated from two molds | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Bunta J., Thiangpadung J., Sansaradee S., Kamsopa P., Sodsai S., Vichainsan S., Wongpanit K., Maturos T., Lomas T., Tuantranont A., Cetin B., Phankhoksoong S., Tongkratoke A. | 2018 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 297(1) | 3 |
19 | The Experimental Investigation of Double Pipe Heat Exchangers Prepared from Two Techniques | Tongkratoke A., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Phankhoksoong S., Kakac S. | 2019 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 501(1) | 3 |
20 | The experimental investigation of a double pipe heat exchanger installed inside a split-type air-conditioning system | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Phankhoksoong S., Tongkratoke A., Kakac S. | 2018 | International Heat Transfer Conference 2018-August,pp. 4823-4832 | 1 |
21 | Relationships between hematocrit and sample flows on Lab-on-a-Chip | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Wongpanit K., Phonong G., Chaiburi B., Kakaç S. | 2013 | ASME 2013 4th International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, MNHMT 2013
| 1 |
22 | The behaviors of three different transmission systems between a hybrid engine and a generator | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Phankhoksoong S., Tongkratoke A., Pathumwan K., Ponsukkhwa R., Thipruetri P. | 2018 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
| 1 |
23 | Experimental Study of HFC-32 Split-Type Air Conditioning Systems in Different Indoor Temperatures | Saihong T., Chaweram A., Sridara P., Tongkratoke A., Phankhoksoong S., Pramuanjaroenkij A. | 2019 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 501(1) | 1 |
24 | Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement with Nanofluids A State-of-the-Art Review | Kakaç S., Pramuanjaroenkij A. | 2016 | Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Analysis, Design, and Applications ,pp. 55-98 | 1 |
25 | The study of the heated air flow patterns from the condensing unit effecting on the air conditioning efficiency and the drying application | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Phondeechareon S., Pakotanang D., Aryusom A., Phankhoksoong S., Pensiriwan W., Namprakai S., Kakaç S. | 2014 | International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer ,pp. 177-187 | 1 |
26 | Numerical study of nanofluid heat transfer enhancement with mixing thermal conductivity models | Tongkratoke A., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Chaengbamrung A., Kakaç S. | 2012 | International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer ,pp. 855-867 | 1 |
27 | Numerical study of turbulence nanofluid flow to distinguish multiphase flow models for in-house programming | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Tongkratoke A., Kakaç S. | 2016 | ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) 8 | 1 |
28 | Development in Rubber Preparation for Endoscopic Training Simulator | Surangsrirat D., Tongkratoke A., Samphanyuth S., Sununtachaikul T., Pramuanjaroenkij A. | 2016 | Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2016 | 1 |
29 | Finding conditions in reprocessing of glass wool waste as a heat insulator | Chunthum S., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Phankhoksoong S., Chollakup R., Kakac S. | 2022 | Isi Bilimi Ve Teknigi Dergisi/ Journal of Thermal Science and Technology 42(2),pp. 245-256 | 1 |
30 | Energy consumption comparison of two cooling systems equipped with the heat exchangers in different agricultural postharvest storage conditions | Janthasri P., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Kakaç S., Chungchoo C., Ngamvilaikorn T. | 2024 | Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 48 | 1 |
31 | Feasibility study of revolutionizing animal healthcare with Lab-on-a-Chip technology: Case study on water buffalo blood analysis | Tongkratoke A., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Wongpanit K., Torbica T. | 2024 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 58(2),pp. 205-212 | 0 |
32 | Effect of a TiO2/Water Nanofluid on the Thermal Cooling of a Central Processing Unit | Nanan K., Chuwattanakul V., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Eiamsa-Ard S. | 2024 | Chemical Engineering Transactions 109,pp. 595-600 | 0 |
33 | Radiant Floor and Traditional Cooling System Applications in Agricultural Product Storages | Janthasri P., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Kakaç S., Chungchoo C. | 2024 | Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering 12(2) | 0 |
34 | Effects of Mg Content and Recycled Time on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of A356 Aluminum Casting Alloy Originally Refined by Al-5Ti-1B | Peeratatsuwan C., Suwittayaruk P., Mayai A., Petcharatip K., Tungkasiri U., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Chowwanonthapunya T. | 2024 | Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
| 0 |
35 | THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CLOSED-CONTROLLED GREENHOUSE FOR SUNFLOWER SEEDLINGS | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Dowdoungnoi I., Özyurt T.O. | 2019 | Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering 7(2),pp. 161-170 | 0 |
36 | A TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION STUDY IN A HEATED BED COMPONENT MADE FROM BUTYL RUBBER FOR DUST MITE ALLERGY PATIENTS | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Bunta J., Phankhoksoong S., Kakac S. | 2019 | Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering 7(1),pp. 71-82 | 0 |
37 | Professor Sadik Kakaç on His 85th Birthday | Awad M., Bayazitoglu Y., Bejan A., Luke A., Mayinger F., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Vasiliev L. | 2019 | Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung 55(4),pp. 933-935 | 0 |
38 | The experimental study to find conditions to process Sago caterpillars for Sago oil and meat | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Pathumwan K. | 2019 | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 230(1) | 0 |
39 | The experimental study of the flammable gas detecting system for the biogas engine and filler | Thipruetri P., Pramuanjaroenkij A. | 2019 | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 230(1) | 0 |
40 | Pressure drop and heat transfer in spirally corrugated tube for a counter-flow heat exchanger | Chaengbamrung A., Tongkratoke A., Pramuanjaroenkij A. | 2012 | International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer ,pp. 649-661 | 0 |
41 | Nanofluid Flow Simulation as the Flow through the Porous Media | Tongkratoke A., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Kakaç S. | 2016 | Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Analysis, Design, and Applications ,pp. 233-250 | 0 |
42 | The development of a simple alternative hybrid engine for gasoline, LPG and biogas | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Tongkratoke A., Phankhoksoong S., Kakaç S. | 2018 | ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) 6A-144113 | 0 |
43 | A standard procedure for development performance map of CNC machining centers by using double Ball-Bar | Phankhoksoong S., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Ngamvilaikorn T., Chungchoo C. | 2017 | Key Engineering Materials 749 KEM,pp. 185-190 | 0 |
44 | A new procedure for determining minimum sampling points for tolerance evaluation of high precision mechanical parts | Phankhoksoong S., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Ngamvilaikorn T., Chungchoo C. | 2017 | Key Engineering Materials 749 KEM,pp. 191-196 | 0 |
45 | Sampling strategy for flatness tolerance evaluation by coordinate measuring machine | Phankhoksoong S., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Chungchoo C. | 2016 | Journal of Science and Technology in the Tropics 12(1),pp. 38-49 | 0 |
46 | Preface | Kakaç S., Kosoy B., Li D., Pramuanjaroenkij A. | 2010 | NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology
| 0 |
47 | Simulation of indirect internal reforming with selfsustained electrochemical promotion catalysts in a planar solid oxide fuel cell anode | Pramuanjaroenkij A., Yang Zhou X., Tongkratoke A., Kakaç S. | 2010 | ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA2010 4,pp. 297-302 | 0 |