Search Result of "Urai Paowsungthong"

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ที่มา:วิทยาสารเกษตรศาสตร์ สาขา วิทยาศาสตร์


ผู้เขียน:Imgนางกุลวดี ตรองพาณิชย์, Imgนางชิดชม ฮิรางะ, ImgUrai Paowsungthong, ImgSompoch Yai-em



With the study on the process of dried bamboo shoot, it was found that blanching for 10 mins. and then soaking in 1.0% sodium metabisulfite prior drying maintained the better quality and highest acceptance of dried bamboo shoot after 6 month storage when compare to the non - pretreatment and treatment with soaking in 1 % sodium metabisulfite prior drying. Conventional dryer provided faster drying rate than dehumidified dryer thus resulting in better quality dried product. Samples with non-treatment prior drying demonstrated higher drying and water - absorbing rates than those with pretreatment prior drying. Browning of dried products was increased with the increasing of storage time, as the L', a*, and h values of the products from the color measurement were change gradually. The using of 1 % sodium metabisulfite solution can only retard the browning reaction of the product within 3 storage months.

Article Info
Agriculture and Natural Resources -- formerly Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), Volume 027, Issue 2, Apr 93 - Jun 93, Page 211 - 218 |  PDF |  Page 


ที่มา:วิทยาสารเกษตรศาสตร์ สาขา วิทยาศาสตร์

หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : The Comparison of Chilli Varieties Suitable for Food Processing : Pepper Sauce)

ผู้เขียน:Imgนางกุลวดี ตรองพาณิชย์, Imgนางสาวช่อลัดดา เที่ยงพุก, ImgNgamjit Lowitoon, ImgUrai Paowsungthong



Seventeen varieties of chilli fruits planted at Kasetsart University were comparatively studied for the suitability for using as a raw material for green and red hot and sour pepper sauce production. The materials were determined for the yield of destemmed chilli fruit and the waste after straining. After production, the products were sensory evaluated by 21 experienced food tasters with BIB design, and hedonic preference scale. The data was analysed by SAS program. For red chilli, the average yield of the destemmed fresh chilli was 89.85% and the average waste after straining was 55.36%. The variety with the lowest quantity of waste after straining was CA 500, followed by CA 223, CA 133, CA 1107, CA 367, CA 1143 – B, CA 1018 – C, CA 161 and CA 1013 A respectively. All of these mentioned varieties gave the waste equal or lower than the average. The result from the sensory evaluation showed that CA 426 with the highest total preference score, color, and acceptability, got the high scores in appearance, odor, taste and texture that was not significantly different to the highest scores of the other samples in those characteristics. The control red pepper sauce sample got the lowest score in total preference score with significant difference in every character compared to the highest scores except odor and texture. For the green hot and sour pepper sauce, the average yield of the destemmed fresh chilli was 91.48% while the average waste after straining was 71.20%. The variety with the lowest amount of waste was CA 919, followed by CA 1013 – A, CA 1096 – C, CA 426, CA 133, CA 1012 – C, CA 1107; CA 367, and CA 1143 – B respectively. All of these mentioned varieties gave the waste lower than the average. From the sensory evaluation, CA 426 got the highest total preference score followed by CA 398, CA 1013 – A, CA 1018 – C and CA 1012 – C. CA 426 got the preference scores in every characteristic higher than the control green pepper sauce, except in color

Article Info
Agriculture and Natural Resources -- formerly Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), Volume 036, Issue 2, Apr 02 - Jun 02, Page 159 - 165 |  PDF |  Page