 การประชุมวิชาการExpressions of estrogen-apha and progesterone receptors in canine uteri of aglepristone-treated pregnant bitches for planned caesarean sectionผู้แต่ง: Dr.Chunsumon Limmanont, Assistant Professor , Suppawiwat Ponglowhapan, Techarungchaikul S, Pakdeesaneha T, Dr.Preeda Lertwatcharasarakul, Assistant Professor , Mr.ATTAPON KAMLANGDEE, Lecturer , Dr.Sirirak Chantakru, Assistant Professor , Dr.Kaitkanoke Sirinarumitr, Associate Professor , การประชุมวิชาการ: |
 หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Effect of Finasteride and Deslorelin Treatment on Clinical Signs, Prostatic Volume and Semen Quality in Dogs with Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy: A Clinical Trial) ผู้เขียน: Chunsumon Limmanont, ดร.จันทร์จิรา ภวภูตานนท์, ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ , ดร.เกษกนก ศิรินฤมิตร, รองศาสตราจารย์ สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractBenign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) is a natural prostate disease in aging intact male dogs. Clinical signs of the disease include constipation and blood in the semen or blood in the urine concurrent with a prostatic cyst, prostatitis, prostatitis with an abscess and cystitis. Androgen, especially dihydrotestosterone, is the key hormone for disease development. The recommended treatment for BPH is castration; however, medical treatment is an alternative and necessary in some dogs with restrictive conditions. The objective of the study was to compare the effects of fi nasteride (5alpha-reductase inhibitor), which is widely used for BPH treatment, and deslorelin (GnRH-agonist), which is a new alternative for BPH treatment. The study focused on clinical signs, the prostatic size and semen quality in both groups. Sixteen natural BPH, client-owned dogs were recruited and divided into two groups. Eight BPH dogs received 0.1–0.5 mg.kg-1 fi nasteride, orally, once a day, for 16 wk, and the other eight dogs were treated with a single implant of 4.7 mg deslorelin that lasted for 24 wk. Each dog was evaluated at 0, 4, 8 and 16 wk of fi nasteride treatment and at 0, 4, 8, 16, and 24 wk of deslorelin treatment. Repeated analysis of variance measurement was used to compare the differences in both groups. The results revealed that both medications were effective to resolve clinical signs and decrease prostatic size. Finasteride had no effect on semen quality, except to decrease semen volume. An adverse effect of deslorelin treatment was anejaculation. In conclusion, both fi nasteride and deslorelin were able to treat BPH dogs. Finasteride is a suitable drug for stud breeding dogs; however, deslorelin is more suitable for dogs with anesthetic risk. |
 การประชุมวิชาการEnhancing canine transmissible venereal tumor treatment efficacy: evaluation of a biweekly vincristine sulfate and ivermectin combination protocolผู้แต่ง: น.ส.ปริมมาดา ปรางค์จันทร์, น.ส. ณัฏฐธิดา จิรายุวานนท์, น.ส.สัณห์ฤทัย บุญยิ่ง, น.ส. นันทชพร พรายพร, Dr.Janjira Phavaphutanon, Assistant Professor , Dr.Kansuda Leelahapongsathon, Assistant Professor , Dr.Chanokchon Setthawongsin, Assistant Professor , Dr.Chunsumon Limmanont, Assistant Professor , การประชุมวิชาการ: |
 ผลงานตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการFirst report on clinical aspects, blood profiles, bacterial isolation,antimicrobial susceptibility, and histopathology in canine pyometra in Thailandผู้แต่ง: Ms.Niyada Lansubsakul, Assistant Professor , Dr.Kaitkanoke Sirinarumitr, Associate Professor , Dr.Theerapol Sirinarumitr, Associate Professor , Dr.Kanjana Imsilp, Assistant Professor , อ.ดร.พจนา วรรธนะนิตย์, ศศิ สุพรรณรัง, Dr.Chunsumon Limmanont, Assistant Professor , วารสาร:
 ผลงานตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการScorpion Venom Peptide Effects on Inhibiting Proliferation and Inducing Apoptosis in Canine Mammary Gland Tumor Cell Linesผู้แต่ง: กมลพร ปัญจา, สุปราณี บูรณประดิษฐ์กุล, สิทธิรักษ์ รอยตระกูล, Dr.ATTAWIT KOVITVADHI, Associate Professor , Dr.Preeda Lertwatcharasarakul, Assistant Professor , Takayuki NAKAGAWA, Dr.Chunsumon Limmanont, Assistant Professor , Dr.Tassanee Jaroensong, Associate Professor , วารสาร: