 ผลงานตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการAltered proteome of a Burkholderia pseudomallei mutant defective in short-chain dehydrogenase affects cell adhesion, biofilm formation and heat stress toleranceผู้แต่ง: Reamtong, O, Indrawattana, N, Rungruengkitkun, A, Thiangtrongjit, T, Ms.TAKSAON DUANGURAI, Assistant Professor , Chongsa-nguan, M, Pumirat, P, วารสาร:
 ผลงานตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการOphiophagus hannah Venom: Proteome, Components Bound by Naja kaouthia Antivenin and Neutralization by N. kaouthia Neurotoxin-Specific Human ScFvผู้แต่ง: Danpaiboon, W, Reamtong, O, Sookrung, N, Seesuay, W, Sakolvaree, Y, Thanongsaksrikul, J, Dong-din-on, F, Srimanote, P, Dr.KANYARAT THUENG-IN, Lecturer , Chaicumpa, W, วารสาร:
 ผลงานตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการFaecal Proteomics and Functional Analysis of Equine Melanocytic Neoplasm in Grey Horsesผู้แต่ง: Parichart Tesena, Amornthep Kingkaw, Narumon Phaonakrop, Sittiruk Roytrakul, Dr.Paviga Limudomporn, Lecturer , Ms.Wanwipa Vongsangnak, Associate Professor , Dr.ATTAWIT KOVITVADHI, Associate Professor , วารสาร:
 หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Sorghum 2-Dimensional Proteome Profiles and Analysis of HSP70 Expression Under Salinity Stress) ผู้เขียน: Bongani K. Ndimba, Ludivine A. Thomas, Rudo Ngara สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractSorghum (Sorghum bicolor), a drought-tolerant cereal, is the second most important grain crop in Africa after maize (Zea mays). In this study, sorghum proteomes from whole plant organs (leaves, sheaths and roots), as well as cell suspension culture systems were resolved successfully using gelbased proteomics tools. Total soluble proteins (TSP) were extracted from leaves, sheaths and roots, as well as cultured cells. These proteomes were resolved via two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE). Proteins were visualized by Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) and identified by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS). Five different proteomes were studied: total soluble proteome and secretome from cell suspension culture, as well as leaf, sheath and root proteomes from whole plants. Unique protein expression profiles were observed for each of the five proteomes, suggesting specialization of the proteins. Western blot analysis indicated that, as expected, HSP70 protein expression was induced in the roots of the experimental material following salt stress treatments. Cell suspension cultures provide a special research material, particularly for studies related to secreted proteins. The expected secretion of an alpha-galactosidase was also observed. On completion of spot mapping and identification, this proteome data could be used as a research/reference resource by many sorghum and grain scientists worldwide. |
 หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Extracellular Proteome of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens KPS46 and Its Effect on Enhanced Growth Promotion and Induced Resistance Against Bacterial Pustule on Soybean Plant) ผู้เขียน: ณัฐธิญา เบือนสันเทียะ, ดุสิต อธินุวัฒน์, Tiyakhon Chatnaparat, Gary Y. Yuen, ดร.สุดฤดี ประเทืองวงศ์, ศาสตราจารย์ สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractBacillus amyloliquefaciens strain KPS46 is gram positive that has been found to be effective in controlling various diseases and improving crop yield under greenhouse and field conditions. This study was investigated for KPS46 ability to activate extracellular protein elicitors in enhanced plant growth and induced systemic resistance of soybean plants. Soybean cv. Spencer seeds treated with KPS46 increased root and shoot length, biomass by more than 20-40% and the reduced bacterial pustule disease severity up to 50% when compared with the non-treated control. Bioassay data showed that seedling growth phenotype increased by KPS46 was significant upregulation of 20- elicited extracellular protein spots, whereas sterile distilled water had no effect on either enhanced plant growth or induced resistance. To investigate the proteins involved in growth promotion and induced resistance mechanisms, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to separate extracellular proteins secreted by KPS46 wild type and by N19G1, a UV-derived mutant of KPS46 with reduced production of extracellular proteins and lacking growth promotion and induced resistance activity. Using the 2D-PAGE, the extracellular protein of B. amyloliquefaciens KPS46 grown in nutrient glucose broth was studied. The identity and putative function of twenty proteins secreted by KPS46 but not by N19G1 were determined. The 20 extracellular protein spots were identified that were known to be secreted by various mechanisms. These extracellular proteomes of the strain KPS46 included proteins from different functional classes and some proteins of yet unknown function. To our knowledge, this was the first two-dimensional extracellular proteome map of a PGPRs, KPS46. The analysis revealed a number of proteins which might be involved in plant growth promotion and induced resistance by acting as plant growth regulators, accumulating bio-fertilizer/ nutrients, producing antibiotic compounds, stimulating metabolism or functioning in defense against stress factors. |
 ที่มา:การประชุมทางวิชาการของมหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ ครั้งที่ 46หัวเรื่อง:Extracellular proteome และผลในการชักนำการเจริญเติบโตและกระตุ้นความต้านทานบนถั่วเหลืองของ plant growth promoting-bacteria, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens KPS46 |