Search Result of "Prapassorn Rakthaworn"

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ที่มา:วิทยาสารเกษตรศาสตร์ สาขา วิทยาศาสตร์

หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Scented Extracts and Essential Oil Extraction from Michelia alba D.C.)

ผู้เขียน:ImgPutthita Punjee, Imgนางอุไรวรรณ ดิลกคุณานันท์, ImgUdomlak Sukkatta, Imgดร.สรัญญา วัชโรทัย, รองศาสตราจารย์, ImgVichai Haruethaitanasan, ImgPotechaman Pitpiangchan, ImgPrapassorn Rakthaworn



The study assessed extractions of scents and essential oils from Michelia alba D.C., with water, steam, water-steam distillation, cold enfleurage using palm stearin and hot enfleurage using palm oil, hexane and petroleum ether extraction. The yields of M. alba essential oils from the three distillations were 0.225, 0.120 and 0.199%, respectively. The percentage yields of M. alba absolutes obtained from cold and hot enfleurage, hexane and petroleum ether extractions at saturation point (1,500 g of flower/ 200 ml of fat, 400 g/ 400 ml of oil, 200 and 150 g/L of solvent) were 0.3511, 2.7506, 0.0457 and 0.0497%, respectively. The chemical composition of the essential oils and absolutes was analyzed by GC-MS. The results showed that linalool was the major component of the oils and indole, linalool and phenylethyl alcohol were the major components of the absolutes.

Article Info
Agriculture and Natural Resources -- formerly Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), Volume 043, Issue 5, Dec 09 - Dec 09, Page 197 - 203 |  PDF |  Page 


ที่มา:วิทยาสารเกษตรศาสตร์ สาขา วิทยาศาสตร์

หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Extraction Methods for Tuberose Oil and Their Chemical Components)

ผู้เขียน:ImgPrapassorn Rakthaworn, Imgนางอุไรวรรณ ดิลกคุณานันท์, ImgUdomlak Sukkatta, Imgดร.สรัญญา วัชโรทัย, รองศาสตราจารย์, ImgVichai Haruethaitanasan, ImgPotechaman Pitpiangchan, ImgPutthita Punjee



The objectives of the project were to compare essential oil extraction methods from the doubleflower variety of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.). The flowers were extracted by cold or hot enfleurage, or by solvent extraction with hexane or petroleum ether. The chemical composition of the tuberose absolutes was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that percentage yields of tuberose oil from cold enfleurage, hot enfleurage, hexane and petroleum ether extractions were 0.3137%, 6.5808%, 0.0279% and 0.0182%, respectively. The main chemical component detected in both enfleurage absolutes was methyl benzoate, while benzyl benzoate and pentacosane were found to be the main chemical components in hexane and petroleum ether absolutes, respectively.

Article Info
Agriculture and Natural Resources -- formerly Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), Volume 043, Issue 5, Dec 09 - Dec 09, Page 204 - 211 |  PDF |  Page