หัวเรื่อง:ศักยภาพการผลิต และการใช้เครื่องอบแห้งข้าวเปลือก สำหรับโรงสีข้าว ในเขตภาคกลาง ผู้เขียน:Pongpan Trimongkolkul, ดร.สมยศ เชิญอักษร, รองศาสตราจารย์, Nitaya Ngern-Prasertsri, ดร.สันติ ศรีสวนแตง, รองศาสตราจารย์ สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractA survey was conducted to collect information from dryer manufacturers/ importers and rice mill owners located in 11 provinces in the central region. Conclusions are as follows: 1) overall, the production of paddy dryer was potentially growing, as evidenced by recent product developments and stronger marketing competition, 2) on the user side, a positive trend was also evident with regards to the adoption of paddy dryer among the rice mills in the central region, although some variations existed on the quality of dryer applications, and 3) a cost-benefit analysis of 4 cases of dryer use indicated that, at the 6-month rate of use per year, payback period could be achieved in the first year for all the 4 cases studied. A set of recommendations are proposed to help strengthening the production potentials of paddy dryer to meet the users' needs. To stimulate the use of paddy dryer, recommendations cover both large-scale and medium-scale rice mills. Further supports, however, should be targetted more to the medium-scale rice mills as the rate of adoption among this group was found to be relatively low. |
หัวเรื่อง:ความเหมาะสมของนโยบายการถ่ายโอนสถานศึกษา: บทสะท้อนจากกลุ่มผู้มีส่วนได้เสีย ผู้เขียน:Nitaya Ngern-Prasertsri, Pongpan Trimongkolkul, ดร.ประสงค์ ตันพิชัย, รองศาสตราจารย์ สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractSchool transfer from Ministry of Education to local administrative organizations (LAOs) is an educational decentralization policy mandated by the "Decentralization Act of 1999". Objectives of this research were: 1) to analyze the policy on transferring of schools from Ministry of Education to LAOs, 2) to analyze factors determining the success of policy implications, 3) to propose alternatives and strategies of educational decentralization most appropriate in the Thai context. The research procedures consisted of: 1) an analysis of related documents on decentralization policy and implications, i.e., laws, policy, plans, and research; 2) an in-depth interview of political and educational experts on decentralization; and 3) an opinion survey of the stakeholders at the practice level, i.e., LAO administrators, teachers and educational administrators, and local communities. Case studies were also conducted. The findings were: 1) at present, the legislative and political context in Thailand is not supportive for the implementation of decentralization policy by the devolution; 2) there has not been a consensus among the stakeholders at the policy as well as the practice levels on the school transfer policy; 3) readiness of the LAOs was determined by six criteria along with indicators, whereas readiness of schools was based mainly on the criteria standards set by the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment; 4) a system model "factors determining the success of school transfer" was identified, consisting of three sets of key factors, namely, readiness, stakeholders' needs, and relevance, all with weighted indicators; and 5) a set of seven strategies, together with appropriate measures, were proposed in order to achieve successful school transfer. Taken all factors into consideration, it was determined that the time is not right for Thailand to implement the educational decentralization policy by means of full-scale devolution. Devolution was perceived to be an ultimate goal of decentrtalization, provided that the readiness conditions are met. During the transition period, an integrated alternative of deconcentration and devolution should be most appropriate, building into a dual system. At the initial stage, it is strongly recommended that the deconcentration approach, as stipulated by the National Education Act of 1999, should be the main focus in order to fully support the on-going educational reform. |
หัวเรื่อง:ระดับถาวรภาพของระบบการทำฟาร์มกับการสั่งสมทุนการผลิต : การวิเคราะห์จากความแตกต่างของเกษตรกรในอำเภอไทรโยค จังหวัดกาญจนบุรี ผู้เขียน:ดร.ชัชรี นฤทุม, รองศาสตราจารย์, Pongpan Trimongkolkul, นางนิตยา เงินประเสริฐศรี, รองศาสตราจารย์, นางสาวนาถ พันธุมนาวิน, ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์, Kitti Simsiriwong, Guy Trebuil สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf Abstract From and economic and social point of view, it can be assumed that the possibility for farmer to accumulate productive capital (land, plantations, domestic animals, farm equipment and saving) on their Agricultural Production Systems (APS) was the indicator for their respective levels of sustainability. For the past forty years, a very important process of farm differentiation occurred across all provinces throughout the country. It is easier to observe and analyze it in “pioneer fronts” areas like the Maenam Kwae Noi Valley in Kanjanaburi where such research was carried out during 1991. Based on the APS respective functioning patterns and history, a typology of the local farming systems was built and used to assess the socioeconomic as well as agro-technical sustainability of each category of APS. Based on such a comparative analysis of farmers situations, a hierarchy of appropriate key questions and topics for research and extension was also proposed, in order to improve the sustainability of majority of small-scale production units. |