หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : The Effect of Pre-emergence Herbicide and Method of Planting on Weed Population and Yield of iMungbean in Farmer Fields.) ผู้เขียน: Aphipban Pookpakdi, Vinieh sereepraser, Morakarn pinya สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractMungbean variety M7A was planted in the farmer field in Bangpae district of Rachaburi Province in a split-split plot experiment. Main plots consisted of two fertilizer treatments, with fertilizer mixture of 16-20-0 at the rate of 312.5 kg/ha, and without fertilizer. Methods of planting of broadcasting seeds, and drill planting mungbean in row using row specing of 50 cm. were two sub plots. The sub-sub plot consisted of treatments receiving and not receiving preemergence herbicide, inwhich alachlor at the rate of 2.15 kg(ai)/ha was applied as herbicide treatment immediately after seeds were planted. Mungbean was planted in May as the crop before rice in mungbean-rice cropping system pattern. Weed competition was serious when mungbean was planted in early rainny season. Application ol' pre-emergence herbicide reduced weed numbers significantly. The yield of rnungbcan planted by drilling was significantly higher than broadcasting. ~pplication of pre-emergence herbicide significantly increase mungbean yield. If weed could not be contr~lled, the application of fertilizer would reduce mungbean yield by enhanced weed competition. |