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    • วท.ด. (พันธุวิศวกรรม), มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์, ไทย, 2554
    • วท.บ. (เทคโนโลยีชีวภาพทางการเกษตร), มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์, ไทย, 2548

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    2-acetyl-1-pyrrolineAbiotic stressAromaaromatic coconutaromatic genearticleBADHbreedingBulk-segregant analysisCephaleuroscoconutDNA markerFast NeutronFragrant ricefungiGeneGenetic diversitygenetic resoursesGenetic VariationGrain qualityGreen algaeheat stressheat tolerancehigh temperatureKDML105Leaf spotMakapunomiRNAmolecular techniquesmorphologymutantNephelium lappaceumnonhumanOryza sativaLpathogenicity testPlant breedingPopulation structureQTLsricerice germplasmRNARNA-seqRoot anglerRNASNP indexspikelet fertilityTILLINGwhole-genome sequencingการค้นหายีนความหอมการติดเมล็ดการผสมกลับความหอมเครื่องหมายดีเอ็นเอเชื้อพันธุกรรมข้าวปรับปรุงพันธุ์พืชมะเขือเทศมะเขือเทศสีดามะพร้าวมะพร้าว กะทิมะพร้าวแกงมะพร้าวนํ้าหอมมะพร้าวน้ำหอมมะพร้าวน้ำหอมเนื้อกะทิมะพร้าวพื้นเมืองไทยมะพร้าวลูกผสมมันสำปะหลังเมตาบอลิซึมของไลโพโปรตีนยีนยีนความหอมยีนเนื้อกะทิรวบรวมระบบปฏิบัติการตรวจสอบจีโนไทป์แบบประสิทธิภาพสูงระบบรากโรคใบขีดโปร่งแสงโรคใบหงิกเหลืองโรคเมล็ดด่างโรคไวรัสโรคเหี่ยวเขียวโรคแอนแทรคโนสไรสี่ขาละออกเกสรลักษณะทางการเกษตรลำไยพื้นเมืองลิปิดเปอร์ออกซิเดชั่นลูกยางกะเทาะข้าวเปลือกศูนย์กลางด้านความรู้ (Hub of Knowledge)สนิปสภาพเครียดจากความร้อนสภาพเครียดร้อนสารต้านอนุมูลอิสระสารสกัดหยาบกะลามะพร้าวสารสกัดหยาบกาบมะพร้าวสูตรอาหารเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อหลอดเลือดแดงแข็งแหล่งพันธุกรรมอนุรักษ์อ้อยอิทธิพลของละอองเกสรอุณหภูมิสูงอุตสาหกรรมมะพร้าว


    DNA technology, Plant genetic and epigenetic, Plant biotechnology, Plant molecular breeding

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    • ทุนใน 14 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 9 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 6 โครงการ)
    • ทุนนอก 21 โครงการ (หัวหน้าโครงการ 11 โครงการ, ผู้ร่วมวิจัย 10 โครงการ)

    แนวโน้มผลงานทั้งหมดเทียบกับแนวโน้มผลงานในรอบ 5 ปี


    • บทความ 97 เรื่อง (ตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการ 80 เรื่อง, นำเสนอในการประชุม/สัมมนา 17 เรื่อง)
    • ทรัพย์สินทางปัญญา 0 เรื่อง (ลิขสิทธิ์ 0 เรื่อง, เครื่องหมายการค้า 0 เรื่อง, อนุสิทธิบัตร 0 เรื่อง, สิทธิบัตร 0 เรื่อง)
    • สิ่งประดิษฐ์ 0 เรื่อง (ขึ้นทะเบียนพันธุ์พืช หรือพันธุ์สัตว์ หรือสิ่งประดิษฐ์ มก. 0 เรื่อง)
    • Unknown 2 เรื่อง (Unknown 2 เรื่อง)



    • การนำผลงานไปใช้ประโยชน์ 7 เรื่อง (เชิงวิชาการ 5 เรื่อง, เชิงนโยบาย/บริหาร 0 เรื่อง, เชิงสาธารณะ 1 เรื่อง, เชิงพาณิชย์ 1 เรื่อง)



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    Scopus h-index

    #Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
    1The Amborella genome and the evolution of flowering plantsDePamphilis C.W., DePamphilis C.W., Palmer J.D., Rounsley S., Rounsley S., Sankoff D., Schuster S.C., Schuster S.C., Ammiraju J.S.S., Barbazuk W.B., Chamala S., Chanderbali A.S., Determann R., Hong M., Hong M., Ralph P., Talag J., Tomsho L., Walts B., Wanke S., Wing R.A., Chang T.H., Lan T., Lan T., Soltis D.E., Soltis D.E., Arikit S., Axtell M.J., Axtell M.J., Ayyampalayam S., Burnette J.M., De Paoli E., Farrell N.P., Harkess A., Jiao Y., Jiao Y., Leebens-Mack J., Liu K., Mei W., Meyers B.C., Shahid S., Wafula E., Wessler S.R., Zhai J., Zhang X., Albert V.A., Carretero-Paulet L., Lyons E., Tang H., Zheng C., Altman N.S., Chen F., Chen J.Q., Chiang V., Der J.P., Der J.P., Fogliani B., Fogliani B., Guo C., Harholt J., Job C., Job D., Kim S., Kong H., Li G., Li N., Liu J., Park J., Qi X., Qi X., Rajjou L., Burtet-Sarramegna V., Sederoff R., Sun Y.H., Ulvskov P., Villegente M., Xue J.Y., Yeh T.F., Yu X., Acosta J.J., Bruenn R.A., Bruenn R.A., De Kochko A., Herrera-Estrella L.R., Ibarra-Laclette E., Kirst M., Pissis S.P., Pissis S.P., Poncet V., Soltis P.S., Soltis P.S.2013Science
    2Genome assembly with in vitro proximity ligation data and whole-genome triplication in lettuceReyes-Chin-Wo S., Wang Z., Yang X., Kozik A., Arikit S., Arikit S., Song C., Xia L., Froenicke L., Lavelle D.O., Truco M.J., Xia R., Zhu S., Xu C., Xu H., Xu X., Cox K., Korf I., Meyers B.C., Meyers B.C., Michelmore R.W.2017Nature Communications
    3Spatiotemporally dynamic, cell-type-dependent premeiotic and meiotic phasiRNAs in maize anthersZhai J., Zhai J., Zhang H., Arikit S., Arikit S., Huang K., Nan G., Walbot V., Meyers B.2015Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
    112(10),pp. 3146-3151
    4The asparagus genome sheds light on the origin and evolution of a young y chromosomeHarkess A., Harkess A., Zhou J., Xu C., Bowers J.E., Van Der Hulst R., Ayyampalayam S., Mercati F., Mercati F., Riccardi P., Riccardi P., McKain M.R., McKain M.R., Kakrana A., Tang H., Ray J., Groenendijk J., Arikit S., Arikit S., Mathioni S.M., Mathioni S.M., Nakano M., Nakano M., Shan H., Telgmann-Rauber A., Telgmann-Rauber A., Kanno A., Yue Z., Chen H., Li W., Chen Y., Xu X., Zhang Y., Luo S., Chen H., Gao J., Mao Z., Pires J.C., Luo M., Kudrna D., Wing R.A., Meyers B.C., Meyers B.C., Yi K., Kong H., Lavrijsen P., Sunseri F., Falavigna A., Falavigna A., Ye Y., Ye Y., Leebens-Mack J.H., Chen G.2017Nature Communications
    5Roles of small RNAs in soybean defense against Phytophthora sojae infectionWong J., Gao L., Yang Y., Zhai J., Arikit S., Yu Y., Duan S., Duan S., Chan V., Xiong Q., Xiong Q., Yan J., Yan J., Li S., Liu R., Wang Y., Tang G., Meyers B., Chen X., Chen X., Ma W.2014Plant Journal
    79(6),pp. 928-940
    6An atlas of soybean small RNAs identifies phased siRNAs from hundreds of coding genesArikit S., Xia R., Kakrana A., Huang K., Zhai J., Yan Z., Valdés-López O., Prince S., Musket T.A., Nguyen H.T., Stacey G., Meyers B.C.2014Plant Cell
    26(12),pp. 4584-4601
    7Extensive families of miRNAs and PHAS loci in Norway spruce demonstrate the origins of complex phasiRNA networks in seed plantsXia R., Xu J., Arikit S., Arikit S., Meyers B.2015Molecular Biology and Evolution
    32(11),pp. 2905-2918
    8Plant microRNAs display differential 39 truncation and tailing modifications that are ARGONAUTE1 dependent and conserved across speciesZhai J., Zhao Y., Simon S., Huang S., Petsch K., Arikit S., Pillay M., Pillay M., Ji L., Xie M., Cao X., Yu B., Timmermans M., Yang B., Chen X., Meyersa B.2013Plant Cell
    25(7),pp. 2417-2428
    9MS23, a master basic helix-loop-helix factor, regulates the specification and development of the tapetum in maizeNan G., Zhai J., Zhai J., Arikit S., Arikit S., Morrow D., Fernandes J., Mai L., Mai L., Nguyen N., Meyers B., Meyers B., Walbot V.2017Development (Cambridge)
    144(1),pp. 163-172
    10Biogenesis and function of rice small RNAs from non-coding RNA precursorsArikit S., Zhai J., Meyers B.2013Current Opinion in Plant Biology
    16(2),pp. 170-179
    11Rapid construction of parallel analysis of RNA end (PARE) libraries for Illumina sequencingZhai J., Arikit S., Simon S., Kingham B., Meyers B.2014Methods
    67(1),pp. 84-90
    12Identification of microRNAs and their mRNA targets during soybean nodule development: Functional analysis of the role of miR393j-3p in soybean nodulationYan Z., Hossain M., Arikit S., Valdés-López O., Zhai J., Wang J., Wang J., Libault M., Ji T., Qiu L., Meyers B., Stacey G.2015New Phytologist
    207(3),pp. 748-759
    13Role of volatiles from the endophytic fungus trichoderma asperelloides psu-p1 in biocontrol potential and in promoting the plant growth of arabidopsis thalianaPhoka N., Suwannarach N., Lumyong S., Ito S.I., Matsui K., Arikit S., Sunpapao A.2020Journal of Fungi
    6(4),pp. 1-15
    14Effects of Heat Stress at Vegetative and Reproductive Stages on Spikelet FertilityCheabu S., Moung-Ngam P., Arikit S., Vanavichit A., Malumpong C.2018Rice Science
    25(4),pp. 218-226
    15Deficiency in the amino aldehyde dehydrogenase encoded by GmAMADH2, the homologue of rice Os2AP, enhances 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline biosynthesis in soybeans (Glycine max L.)Arikit S., Arikit S., Yoshihashi T., Wanchana S., Uyen T., Huong N., Wongpornchai S., Vanavichit A.2011Plant Biotechnology Journal
    9(1),pp. 75-87
    16Efficiency and precision of microRNA biogenesis modes in plantsMoro B., Chorostecki U., Arikit S., Suarez I.P., Hobartner C., Rasia R.M., Meyers B.C., Meyers B.C., Palatnik J.F.2018Nucleic Acids Research
    46(20),pp. 10709-10723
    17QTL-seq identifies cooked grain elongation QTLs near soluble starch synthase and starch branching enzymes in rice (Oryza sativa L.)Arikit S., Wanchana S., Khanthong S., Saensuk C., Thianthavon T., Vanavichit A., Toojinda T.2019Scientific Reports
    18Plant 24-nt reproductive phasiRNAs from intramolecular duplex mRNAs in diverse monocotsKakrana A., Mathioni S., Huang K., Hammond R., Vandivier L., Patel P., Arikit S., Shevchenko O., Harkess A., Kingham B., Gregory B., Leebens-Mack J., Meyers B., Meyers B.2018Genome Research
    28(9),pp. 1333-1344
    19De novo transcriptome assembly and identification of the gene conferring a “pandan-like” aroma in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.)Saensuk C., Saensuk C., Wanchana S., Choowongkomon K., Wongpornchai S., Kraithong T., Imsabai W., Chaichoompu E., Ruanjaichon V., Toojinda T., Vanavichit A., Arikit S.2016Plant Science
    252,pp. 324-334
    20Induced Genetic Variations in Stomatal Density and Size of Rice Strongly Affects Water Use Efficiency and Responses to Drought StressesPitaloka M.K., Caine R.S., Hepworth C., Harrison E.L., Sloan J., Chutteang C., Phunthong C., Nongngok R., Toojinda T., Ruengphayak S., Arikit S., Gray J.E., Vanavichit A., Vanavichit A.2022Frontiers in Plant Science
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    39(1),pp. 149-162
    22Composition and expression of conserved MicroRNA genes in diploid cotton (Gossypium) speciesGong L., Kakrana A., Arikit S., Meyers B., Wendel J.2013Genome Biology and Evolution
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    23A PCR-based marker for a locus conferring the aroma in Myanmar rice (Oryza sativa L.)Myint K., Arikit S., Wanchana S., Yoshihashi T., Choowongkomon K., Vanavichit A.2012Theoretical and Applied Genetics
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    24A new approach for annotation of transposable elements using small RNA mappingEl Baidouri M., Kim K.D., Abernathy B., Arikit S., Maumus F., Panaud O., Meyers B.C., Jackson S.A.2015Nucleic Acids Research
    43(13),pp. e84
    25Discovery of a novel CnAMADH2 allele associated with higher levels of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP) in yellow dwarf coconut (Cocos nucifera L.)Dumhai R., Wanchana S., Saensuk C., Saensuk C., Choowongkomon K., Mahatheeranont S., Kraithong T., Toojinda T., Vanavichit A., Arikit S.2019Scientia Horticulturae
    243,pp. 490-497
    26Screening for Spikelet Fertility and Validation of Heat Tolerance in a Large Rice Mutant PopulationCheabu S., Panichawong N., Rattanametta P., Wasuri B., Kasemsap P., Arikit S., Vanavichit A., Malumpong C.2019Rice Science
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    27High-resolution identification and abundance profiling of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) microRNAsKhatabi B., Arikit S., Arikit S., Xia R., Winter S., Oumar D., Oumar D., Mongomake K., Mongomake K., Meyers B.C., Fondong V.N.2016BMC Genomics
    28Mining and validation of novel genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS)-based simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and their application for the estimation of the genetic diversity and population structure of coconuts (Cocos nucifera L.) in ThailandRiangwong K., Wanchana S., Aesomnuk W., Saensuk C., Nubankoh P., Ruanjaichon V., Kraithong T., Toojinda T., Vanavichit A., Arikit S.2020Horticulture Research
    29Cephaleuros virescens, the cause of an algal leaf spot on Para rubber in ThailandPitaloka M., Petcharat V., Arikit S., Sunpapao A.2015Australasian Plant Disease Notes
    10(1),pp. 1-4
    30Genome-wide association analysis identifies resistance loci for bacterial leaf streak resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)Sattayachiti W., Wanchana S., Arikit S., Nubankoh P., Patarapuwadol S., Vanavichit A., Darwell C.T., Toojinda T.2020Plants
    9(12),pp. 1-16
    31Morphological and Molecular Identification of Plant Pathogenic Fungi Associated with Dirty Panicle Disease in Coconuts (Cocos nucifera) in ThailandSunpapao A., Suwannarach N., Kumla J., Dumhai R., Riangwong K., Sanguansub S., Wanchana S., Arikit S.2022Journal of Fungi
    32A deletion of the gene encoding amino aldehyde dehydrogenase enhances the “pandan-like” aroma of winter melon (Benincasa hispida) and is a functional marker for the development of the aromaRuangnam S., Ruangnam S., Wanchana S., Phoka N., Saeansuk C., Saeansuk C., Mahatheeranont S., de Hoop S.J., Toojinda T., Vanavichit A., Arikit S.2017Theoretical and Applied Genetics
    130(12),pp. 2557-2565
    33Estimation of the genetic diversity and population structure of thailand’s rice landraces using snp markersAesomnuk W., Aesomnuk W., Ruengphayak S., Ruanjaichon V., Sreewongchai T., Malumpong C., Vanavichit A., Toojinda T., Wanchana S., Arikit S.2021Agronomy
    34A PCR-based marker for a locus conferring aroma in vegetable soybean (Glycine max L.)Arikit S., Arikit S., Yoshihashi T., Wanchana S., Tanya P., Juwattanasomran R., Srinives P., Vanavichit A.2011Theoretical and Applied Genetics
    122(2),pp. 311-316
    35Biochemical and enzymatic study of rice BADH wild-type and mutants: An insight into fragrance in riceWongpanya R., Boonyalai N., Thammachuchourat N., Horata N., Arikit S., Myint K., Myint K., Vanavichit A., Choowongkomon K.2011Protein Journal
    30(8),pp. 529-538
    36Morphological and molecular identification of Neopestalotiopsis clavispora causing flower blight on Anthurium andraeanum in ThailandDaengsuwan W., Wonglom P., Arikit S., Sunpapao A.2021Horticultural Plant Journal
    7(6),pp. 573-578
    37Reproductive phasiRNA loci and DICER-LIKE5, but not microRNA loci, diversified in monocotyledonous plantsPatel P., Mathioni S.M., Hammond R., Harkess A.E., Kakrana A., Arikit S., Dusia A., Meyers B.C., Meyers B.C., Meyers B.C.2021Plant Physiology
    185(4),pp. 1764-1782
    38Identification of gene associated with sweetness in corn (Zea mays l.) by genome-wide association study (gwas) and development of a functional snp marker for predicting sweet cornRuanjaichon V., Khammona K., Thunnom B., Suriharn K., Kerdsri C., Aesomnuk W., Yongsuwan A., Chaomueang N., Thammapichai P., Arikit S., Wanchana S., Toojinda T.2021Plants
    39Cephaleuros parasiticus, associated with algal spot disease on Psidium guajava in ThailandSunpapao A., Thithuan N., Bunjongsiri P., Arikit S.2016Australasian Plant Disease Notes
    40Short communication: Algal leaf spot associated with Cephaleuros virescens (Trentepohliales, Ulvophyceae) on Nephelium lappaceum in ThailandSunpapao A., Pitaloka M., Arikit S.2016Biodiversitas
    17(1),pp. 31-35
    41Nutritional Profiles, Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant Activity and DNA Damage Protection of Makapuno Derived from Thai Aromatic CoconutPhonphoem W., Sinthuvanich C., Aramrak A., Sirichiewsakul S., Arikit S., Yokthongwattana C.2022Foods
    42Functional Bph14 from Rathu Heenati promotes resistance to BPH at the early seedling stage of rice (Oryza sativa L.) as revealed by QTL-seqPannak S., Pannak S., Wanchana S., Aesomnuk W., Pitaloka M.K., Jamboonsri W., Siangliw M., Meyers B.C., Toojinda T., Arikit S.2023TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik
    136(2),pp. 2
    43Co-occurrence of mcr-2 and mcr-3 genes on chromosome of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from healthy individuals in ThailandPhuadraksa T., Wichit S., Arikit S., Songtawee N., Yainoy S.2022International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents
    44Rice Stomatal Mega-Papillae Restrict Water Loss and Pathogen EntryPitaloka M.K., Harrison E.L., Hepworth C., Wanchana S., Toojinda T., Phetluan W., Brench R.A., Narawatthana S., Vanavichit A., Gray J.E., Caine R.S., Arikit S.2021Frontiers in Plant Science
    45A SNP of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) enhances an aroma (2-acetyl-1-pyrroline) in sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrica) and ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula)Saensuk C., Ruangnam S., Pitaloka M.K., Dumhai R., Mahatheeranont S., de Hoop S.J., Balatero C., Riangwong K., Ruanjaichon V., Toojinda T., Vanavichit A., Wanchana S., Arikit S.2022Scientific reports
    12(1),pp. 3718
    46Identification and validation of a qtl for bacterial leaf streak resistance in rice (Oryza sativa l.) against thai xoc strainsThianthavon T., Aesomnuk W., Pitaloka M.K., Sattayachiti W., Sonsom Y., Nubankoh P., Malichan S., Riangwong K., Ruanjaichon V., Toojinda T., Wanchana S., Arikit S.2021Genes
    47Chikungunya and zika viruses: Co-circulation and the interplay between viral proteins and host factorsWichit S., Wichit S., Gumpangseth N., Hamel R., Yainoy S., Arikit S., Punsawad C., Missé D.2021Pathogens
    48First report of Cephaleuros virescens causing algal leaf spot of Manilkara zapota in ThailandSunpapao A., Bunjongsiri P., Thithuan N., Arikit S.2017Plant Disease
    101(4),pp. 636
    49Evaluation of japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties and their improvement in terms of stability, yield and cooking quality by pure-line selection in ThailandNakwilai P., Cheabu S., Narumon P., Saensuk C., Arikit S., Malumpong C.2020ScienceAsia
    46(2),pp. 157-168
    50Abiotic Stress at the Early Grain Filling Stage Affects Aromatics, Grain Quality and Grain Yield in Thai Fragrant Rice (Oryza sativa) CultivarsDangthaisong P., Dangthaisong P., Sookgul P., Wanchana S., Arikit S., Malumpong C.2023Agricultural Research
    51Candidate genes affecting stomatal density in rice (Oryza sativa L.) identified by genome-wide associationPhetluan W., Phetluan W., Wanchana S., Aesomnuk W., Adams J., Pitaloka M.K., Ruanjaichon V., Vanavichit A., Toojinda T., Gray J.E., Arikit S.2023Plant Science
    52The genus Cephaleuros Kunze ex E.M.Fries (Trentepohliales, Ulvophyceae) from southern ThailandSunpapao A., Pitaloka M., Arikit S.2015Nova Hedwigia
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    53Backcross breeding for improvement of heat tolerance at reproductive phase in Thai rice (Oryza sativa L.) varietiesMalumpong C., Buadchee R., Thammasamisorn B., Moung-Ngam P., Wasuri B., Saensuk C., Arikit S., Vannavichit A., Cheabu S.2020Journal of Agricultural Science
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