# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Measurement of the neutron radius of Pb208 through parity violation in electron scattering | Abrahamyan S., Ahmed Z., Albataineh H., Aniol K., Armstrong D.S., Armstrong W., Averett T., Babineau B., Barbieri A., Bellini V., Beminiwattha R., Benesch J., Benmokhtar F., Bielarski T., Boeglin W., Camsonne A., Canan M., Carter P., Cates G.D., Chen C., Chen J.P., Hen O., Cusanno F., Cusanno F., Dalton M.M., De Leo R., De Jager K., De Jager K., Deconinck W., Deconinck W., Decowski P., Deng X., Deur A., Dutta D., Etile A., Flay D., Franklin G.B., Friend M., Frullani S., Fuchey E., Fuchey E., Garibaldi F., Gasser E., Gilman R., Giusa A., Glamazdin A., Gomez J., Grames J., Gu C., Hansen O., Hansknecht J., Higinbotham D.W., Holmes R.S., Holmstrom T., Horowitz C.J., Hoskins J., Huang J., Hyde C.E., Hyde C.E., Itard F., Jen C.M., Jensen E., Jin G., Johnston S., Kelleher A., Kliakhandler K., King P.M., Kowalski S., Kumar K.S., Leacock J., Leckey J., Lee J.H., Lee J.H., Lerose J.J., Lindgren R., Liyanage N., Lubinsky N., Mammei J., Mammoliti F., Margaziotis D.J., Markowitz P., McCreary A., McNulty D., Mercado L., Meziani Z.E., Michaels R.W., Mihovilovic M., Muangma N., Muñoz-Camacho C., Nanda S., Nelyubin V., Nuruzzaman N., Oh Y., Palmer A., Parno D., Paschke K.D., Phillips S.K., Poelker B., Pomatsalyuk R., Posik M., Puckett A.J.R., Quinn B., Rakhman A., Reimer P.E., Riordan S., Rogan P. | 2012 | Physical Review Letters 108(11) | 530 |
2 | Weak charge form factor and radius of 208Pb through parity violation in electron scattering | Horowitz C., Horowitz C., Ahmed Z., Jen C., Rakhman A., Souder P., Dalton M., Liyanage N., Paschke K., Saenboonruang K., Silwal R., Franklin G., Friend M., Quinn B., Kumar K., McNulty D., McNulty D., Mercado L., Riordan S., Wexler J., Michaels R., Urciuoli G. | 2012 | Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 85(3) | 177 |
3 | New precision limit on the strange vector form factors of the proton | Ahmed Z., Allada K., Aniol K.A., Armstrong D.S., Arrington J., Baturin P., Bellini V., Benesch J., Beminiwattha R., Benmokhtar F., Canan M., Camsonne A., Cates G.D., Chen J.P., Chudakov E., Cisbani E., Dalton M.M., De Jager C.W., De Jager C.W., De Leo R., Deconinck W., Decowski P., Deng X., Deur A., Dutta C., Franklin G.B., Friend M., Frullani S., Garibaldi F., Giusa A., Glamazdin A., Golge S., Grimm K., Hansen O., Higinbotham D.W., Holmes R., Holmstrom T., Huang J., Huang M., Hyde C.E., Hyde C.E., Jen C.M., Jin G., Jones D., Kang H., King P., Kowalski S., Kumar K.S., Lee J.H., Lee J.H., Lerose J.J., Liyanage N., Long E., McNulty D., Margaziotis D., Meddi F., Meekins D.G., Mercado L., Meziani Z.E., Michaels R., Muñoz-Camacho C., Mihovilovic M., Muangma N., Myers K.E., Nanda S., Narayan A., Nelyubin V., Nuruzzaman , Oh Y., Pan K., Parno D., Paschke K.D., Phillips S.K., Qian X., Qiang Y., Quinn B., Rakhman A., Reimer P.E., Rider K., Riordan S., Roche J., Rubin J., Russo G., Saenboonruang K., Saha A., Sawatzky B., Silwal R., Sirca S., Souder P.A., Sperduto M., Subedi R., Suleiman R., Sulkosky V., Sutera C.M., Tobias W.A., Urciuoli G.M., Waidyawansa B., Wang D., Wexler J., Wilson R., Wojtsekhowski B., Zhan X., Yan X. | 2012 | Physical Review Letters 108(10) | 93 |
4 | Measurement of parity violation in electron-quark scattering | Wang D., Pan K., Subedi R., Subedi R., Deng X., Ahmed Z., Allada K., Aniol K.A., Armstrong D.S., Arrington J., Bellini V., Beminiwattha R., Benesch J., Benmokhtar F., Bertozzi W., Camsonne A., Canan M., Cates G.D., Chen J.P., Chudakov E., Cisbani E., Dalton M.M., De Jager C.W., De Jager C.W., De Leo R., Deconinck W., Deconinck W., Deur A., Dutta C., El Fassi L., Erler J., Flay D., Franklin G.B., Friend M., Frullani S., Garibaldi F., Gilad S., Giusa A., Glamazdin A., Golge S., Grimm K., Hafidi K., Hansen J.O., Higinbotham D.W., Holmes R., Holmstrom T., Holt R.J., Huang J., Hyde C.E., Hyde C.E., Jen C.M., Jones D., Kang H., King P.M., Kowalski S., Kumar K.S., Lee J.H., Lee J.H., LeRose J.J., Liyanage N., Long E., McNulty D., McNulty D., Margaziotis D.J., Meddi F., G.Meekins D., Mercado L., Meziani Z.E., Michaels R., Mihovilovic M., Muangma N., Myers K.E., Myers K.E., Nanda S., Narayan A., Nelyubin V., Nuruzzaman N., Oh Y., Parno D., Paschke K.D., Phillips S.K., Qian X., Qiang Y., Quinn B., Rakhman A., Reimer P.E., Rider K., Riordan S., Roche J., Rubin J., Russo G., Saenboonruang K., Saenboonruang K., Saha A., Sawatzky B., Shahinyan A., Silwal R., Sirca S., Souder P.A., Suleiman R., Sulkosky V., Sutera C.M., Tobias W.A., Urciuoli G.M., Waidyawansa B., Wojtsekhowski B., Ye L., Zhao B. | 2014 | Nature 506(7486),pp. 67-70 | 93 |
5 | Properties of lead-free gamma-ray shielding materials from metal oxide/EPDM rubber composites | Poltabtim W., Wimolmala E., Saenboonruang K. | 2018 | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 153,pp. 1-9 | 81 |
6 | Flexible, lead-free, gamma-shielding materials based on natural rubber/metal oxide composites | Toyen D., Rittirong A., Poltabtim W., Saenboonruang K. | 2018 | Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) 27(1),pp. 33-41 | 55 |
7 | Sm2O3/UHMWPE composites for radiation shielding applications: Mechanical and dielectric properties under gamma irradiation and thermal neutron shielding | Toyen D., Wimolmala E., Sombatsompop N., Markpin T., Saenboonruang K. | 2019 | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 164 | 52 |
8 | Rosenbluth Separation of the π0 Electroproduction Cross Section | Defurne M., Mazouz M., Ahmed Z., Albataineh H., Allada K., Aniol K.A., Bellini V., Benali M., Boeglin W., Bertin P., Bertin P., Brossard M., Camsonne A., Canan M., Chandavar S., Chen C., Chen J.P., De Jager C.W., De Leo R., Desnault C., Deur A., El Fassi L., Ent R., Flay D., Friend M., Fuchey E., Frullani S., Garibaldi F., Gaskell D., Giusa A., Glamazdin O., Golge S., Gomez J., Hansen O., Higinbotham D., Holmstrom T., Horn T., Huang J., Huang M., Huber G.M., Hyde C.E., Hyde C.E., Iqbal S., Itard F., Kang H., Kang H., Kelleher A., Keppel C., Koirala S., Korover I., Lerose J.J., Lindgren R., Long E., Magne M., Mammei J., Margaziotis D.J., Markowitz P., Martí Jiménez-Argüello A., Martí Jiménez-Argüello A., Meddi F., Meekins D., Michaels R., Mihovilovic M., Muangma N., Muñoz Camacho C., Muñoz Camacho C., Nadel-Turonski P., Nuruzzaman N., Paremuzyan R., Puckett A., Punjabi V., Qiang Y., Rakhman A., Rashad M.N.H., Riordan S., Roche J., Russo G., Sabatié F., Saenboonruang K., Saenboonruang K., Saha A., Sawatzky B., Sawatzky B., Selvy L., Shahinyan A., Sirca S., Solvignon P., Sperduto M.L., Subedi R., Sulkosky V., Sutera C., Tobias W.A., Urciuoli G.M., Wang D., Wojtsekhowski B., Yao H., Ye Z., Zana L., Zhan X., Zhang J., Zhao B., Zhao Z., Zheng X., Zhu P. | 2016 | Physical Review Letters 117(26) | 49 |
9 | New measurements of the transverse beam asymmetry for elastic electron scattering from selected nuclei | Abrahamyan S., Acha A., Afanasev A., Ahmed Z., Albataineh H., Aniol K., Armstrong D.S., Armstrong W., Arrington J., Averett T., Babineau B., Bailey S.L., Barber J., Barbieri A., Beck A., Bellini V., Beminiwattha R., Benaoum H., Benesch J., Benmokhtar F., Bertin P., Bielarski T., Boeglin W., Bosted P., Butaru F., Burtin E., Cahoon J., Camsonne A., Canan M., Carter P., Chang C.C., Cates G.D., Chao Y.C., Chen C., Chen J.P., Choi S., Chudakov E., Cisbani E., Craver B., Cusanno F., Cusanno F., Dalton M.M., De Leo R., De Jager K., De Jager K., Deconinck W., Deconinck W., Decowski P., Deepa D., Deng X., Deur A., Dutta D., Etile A., Ferdi C., Feuerbach R.J., Finn J.M., Flay D., Franklin G.B., Friend M., Frullani S., Fuchey E., Fuchey E., Fuchs S.A., Fuoti K., Garibaldi F., Gasser E., Gilman R., Gilman R., Giusa A., Glamazdin A., Glesener L.E., Gomez J., Gorchtein M., Gorchtein M., Grames J., Grimm K., Gu C., Hansen O., Hansknecht J., Hen O., Higinbotham D.W., Holmes R.S., Holmstrom T., Horowitz C.J., Hoskins J., Huang J., Huang J., Humensky T.B., Hyde C.E., Hyde C.E., Ibrahim H., Ibrahim H., Itard F., Jen C.M., Jensen E., Jiang X., Jiang X., Jin G., Johnston S., Katich J., Kaufman L.J., Kaufman L.J., Kelleher A., Kliakhandler K., King P.M., Kolarkar A., Kowalski S., Kuchina E., Kumar K.S., Lagamba L., Lambert D. | 2012 | Physical Review Letters 109(19) | 46 |
10 | A glimpse of gluons through deeply virtual Compton scattering on the proton | Defurne M., Jiménez-Argüello A.M., Jiménez-Argüello A.M., Ahmed Z., Albataineh H., Allada K., Aniol K.A., Bellini V., Benali M., Boeglin W., Bertin P., Bertin P., Brossard M., Camsonne A., Canan M., Chandavar S., Chen C., Chen J.P., De Jager C.W., De Leo R., Desnault C., Deur A., El Fassi L., Ent R., Flay D., Friend M., Fuchey E., Fuchey E., Fuchey E., Frullani S., Garibaldi F., Gaskell D., Giusa A., Glamazdin O., Golge S., Gomez J., Hansen O., Higinbotham D., Holmstrom T., Horn T., Huang J., Huang M., Hyde C.E., Hyde C.E., Iqbal S., Itard F., Kang H., Kelleher A., Keppel C., Koirala S., Korover I., Lerose J.J., Lindgren R., Long E., Magne M., Mammei J., Margaziotis D.J., Markowitz P., Mazouz M., Meddi F., Meekins D., Michaels R., Mihovilovic M., Camacho C.M., Camacho C.M., Nadel-Turonski P., Nuruzzaman N., Paremuzyan R., Puckett A., Punjabi V., Qiang Y., Rakhman A., Rashad M.N.H., Riordan S., Roche J., Russo G., Sabatié F., Saenboonruang K., Saenboonruang K., Saha A., Sawatzky B., Sawatzky B., Selvy L., Shahinyan A., Sirca S., Solvignon P., Solvignon P., Sperduto M.L., Subedi R., Sulkosky V., Sutera C., Tobias W.A., Urciuoli G.M., Wang D., Wojtsekhowski B., Yao H., Ye Z., Zhan X., Zhang J., Zhao B., Zhao Z., Zheng X., Zhu P. | 2017 | Nature Communications 8(1) | 45 |
11 | Comparative mechanical, self-healing, and gamma attenuation properties of PVA hydrogels containing either nano- or micro-sized Bi2O3 for use as gamma-shielding materials | Tiamduangtawan P., Kamkaew C., Kuntonwatchara S., Wimolmala E., Saenboonruang K. | 2020 | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 177 | 45 |
12 | Potential use of NR and wood/NR composites as thermal neutron shielding materials | Ninyong K., Wimolmala E., Sombatsompop N., Saenboonruang K. | 2017 | Polymer Testing 59,pp. 336-343 | 42 |
13 | Measurement of parity-violating asymmetry in electron-deuteron inelastic scattering | Wang D., Pan K., Subedi R., Ahmed Z., Allada K., Aniol K.A., Armstrong D.S., Arrington J., Bellini V., Beminiwattha R., Benesch J., Benmokhtar F., Bertozzi W., Camsonne A., Canan M., Cates G.D., Chen J.P., Chudakov E., Cisbani E., Dalton M.M., De Jager C.W., De Jager C.W., De Leo R., Deconinck W., Deng X., Deur A., Dutta C., Fassi L.E., Erler J., Flay D., Franklin G.B., Friend M., Frullani S., Garibaldi F., Gilad S., Giusa A., Glamazdin A., Golge S., Grimm K., Hafidi K., Hansen J.O., Higinbotham D.W., Holmes R., Holmstrom T., Holt R.J., Huang J., Hyde C.E., Hyde C.E., Jen C.M., Jones D., Kang H., King P.M., Kowalski S., Kumar K.S., Lee J.H., Lee J.H., Lerose J.J., Liyanage N., Long E., McNulty D., Margaziotis D.J., Meddi F., Meekins D.G., Mercado L., Meziani Z.E., Michaels R., Mihovilovic M., Muangma N., Mesick K.E., Nanda S., Narayan A., Nelyubin V., Nuruzzaman , Oh Y., Parno D., Paschke K.D., Phillips S.K., Qian X., Qiang Y., Quinn B., Rakhman A., Reimer P.E., Rider K., Riordan S., Roche J., Rubin J., Russo G., Saenboonruang K., Saha A., Sawatzky B., Shahinyan A., Silwal R., Širca S., Širca S., Souder P.A., Suleiman R., Sulkosky V., Sutera C.M., Tobias W.A., Urciuoli G.M., Waidyawansa B., Wojtsekhowski B., Ye L., Zhao B. | 2015 | Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 91(4) | 31 |
14 | Large size GEM for Super Bigbite Spectrometer (SBS) polarimeter for Hall A 12 GeV program at JLab | Gnanvo K., Liyanage N., Nelyubin V., Saenboonruang K., Saenboonruang K., Sacher S., Wojtsekhowski B. | 2015 | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 782,pp. 77-86 | 30 |
15 | Theoretical determination of high‐energy photon attenuation and recommended protective filler contents for flexible and enhanced dimensionally stable wood/NR and NR composites | Poltabtim W., Toyen D., Saenboonruang K. | 2021 | Polymers 13(6) | 29 |
16 | Soil-to-plant transfer factors of natural radionuclides (226Ra and 40K) in selected Thai medicinal plants | Saenboonruang K., Phonchanthuek E., Prasandee K. | 2018 | Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 184-185,pp. 1-5 | 28 |
17 | X-ray shielding, mechanical, physical, and water absorption properties ofwood/pvc composites containing bismuth oxide | Poltabtim W., Wimolmala E., Markpin T., Sombatsompop N., Rosarpitak V., Saenboonruang K. | 2021 | Polymers 13(13) | 27 |
18 | Measurements of parity-violating asymmetries in electron-deuteron scattering in the nucleon resonance region | Wang D., Pan K., Subedi R., Deng X., Ahmed Z., Allada K., Aniol K.A., Armstrong D.S., Arrington J., Bellini V., Beminiwattha R., Benesch J., Benmokhtar F., Camsonne A., Canan M., Cates G.D., Chen J.P., Chudakov E., Cisbani E., Dalton M.M., De Jager C.W., De Jager C.W., De Leo R., Deconinck W., Deur A., Dutta C., El Fassi L., Flay D., Franklin G.B., Friend M., Frullani S., Garibaldi F., Giusa A., Glamazdin A., Golge S., Grimm K., Hafidi K., Hansen O., Higinbotham D.W., Holmes R., Holmstrom T., Holt R.J., Huang J., Hyde C.E., Hyde C.E., Jen C.M., Jones D., Kang H., King P., Kowalski S., Kumar K.S., Lee J.H., Lee J.H., Lerose J.J., Liyanage N., Long E., McNulty D., Margaziotis D.J., Meddi F., Meekins D.G., Mercado L., Meziani Z.E., Michaels R., Mihovilovic M., Muangma N., Myers K.E., Nanda S., Narayan A., Nelyubin V., Nuruzzaman , Oh Y., Parno D., Paschke K.D., Phillips S.K., Qian X., Qiang Y., Quinn B., Rakhman A., Reimer P.E., Rider K., Riordan S., Roche J., Rubin J., Russo G., Saenboonruang K., Saha A., Sawatzky B., Shahinyan A., Silwal R., Sirca S., Souder P.A., Suleiman R., Sulkosky V., Sutera C.M., Tobias W.A., Urciuoli G.M., Waidyawansa B., Wojtsekhowski B., Ye L., Zhao B., Zheng X. | 2013 | Physical Review Letters 111(8) | 26 |
19 | Effects of Sm2O3 and Gd2O3 in poly (vinyl alcohol) hydrogels for potential use as self-healing thermal neutron shielding materials | Tiamduangtawan P., Wimolmala E., Meesat R., Saenboonruang K. | 2020 | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 172 | 25 |
20 | Rare-earth oxides as alternative high-energy photon protective fillers in hdpe composites: Theoretical aspects | Saenboonruang K., Poltabtim W., Thumwong A., Pianpanit T., Rattanapongs C. | 2021 | Polymers 13(12) | 24 |
21 | Properties of natural rubber (NR) and wood/NR composites as gamma shielding materials | Ninyong K., Wimolmala E., Sombatsompop N., Saenboonruang K. | 2019 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 526(1) | 24 |
22 | Enhanced X-ray shielding properties of NRL gloves with nano-Bi2O3 and their mechanical properties under aging conditions | Thumwong A., Wimolmala E., Markpin T., Sombatsompop N., Saenboonruang K. | 2021 | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 186 | 23 |
23 | Mechanical and electrical properties of radiation-vulcanized natural rubber latex with waste eggshell powder as bio-fillers | Moonlek B., Saenboonruang K. | 2019 | Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 174(5-6),pp. 452-466 | 20 |
24 | Rosenbluth Separation of the π0 Electroproduction Cross Section off the Neutron | Mazouz M., Ahmed Z., Albataineh H., Allada K., Aniol K.A., Bellini V., Benali M., Boeglin W., Bertin P., Bertin P., Brossard M., Camsonne A., Canan M., Chandavar S., Chen C., Chen J.P., Defurne M., De Jager C.W., De Leo R., Desnault C., Deur A., El Fassi L., Ent R., Flay D., Friend M., Fuchey E., Frullani S., Garibaldi F., Gaskell D., Giusa A., Glamazdin O., Golge S., Gomez J., Hansen O., Higinbotham D., Holmstrom T., Horn T., Huang J., Huang M., Huber G.M., Hyde C.E., Hyde C.E., Iqbal S., Itard F., Kang H., Kang H., Kelleher A., Keppel C., Koirala S., Korover I., Lerose J.J., Lindgren R., Long E., Magne M., Mammei J., Margaziotis D.J., Markowitz P., Martí Jiménez-Argüello A., Martí Jiménez-Argüello A., Meddi F., Meekins D., Michaels R., Mihovilovic M., Muangma N., Muñoz Camacho C., Muñoz Camacho C., Nadel-Turonski P., Nuruzzaman N., Paremuzyan R., Puckett A., Punjabi V., Qiang Y., Rakhman A., Rashad M.N.H., Riordan S., Roche J., Russo G., Sabatié F., Saenboonruang K., Saenboonruang K., Saha A., Sawatzky B., Sawatzky B., Selvy L., Shahinyan A., Sirca S., Solvignon P., Sperduto M.L., Subedi R., Sulkosky V., Sutera C., Tobias W.A., Urciuoli G.M., Wang D., Wojtsekhowski B., Yao H., Ye Z., Zana L., Zhan X., Zhang J., Zhao B., Zhao Z., Zheng X., Zhu P. | 2017 | Physical Review Letters 118(22) | 18 |
25 | Enhancing electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness for radiation vulcanized natural rubber latex composites containing multiwalled carbon nanotubes and silk textile | Moonlek B., Wimolmala E., Markpin T., Sombatsompop N., Saenboonruang K. | 2020 | Polymer Composites 41(10),pp. 3996-4009 | 18 |
26 | Deeply virtual Compton scattering off the neutron | Benali M., Benali M., Desnault C., Mazouz M., Ahmed Z., Albataineh H., Allada K., Aniol K.A., Bellini V., Boeglin W., Bertin P., Bertin P., Brossard M., Camsonne A., Canan M., Chandavar S., Chen C., Chen J.P., Defurne M., de Jager C.W., de Leo R., Deur A., El Fassi L., El Fassi L., Ent R., Flay D., Friend M., Fuchey E., Frullani S., Garibaldi F., Gaskell D., Giusa A., Glamazdin O., Golge S., Gomez J., Hansen O., Higinbotham D., Holmstrom T., Horn T., Huang J., Huang M., Huber G.M., Hyde C.E., Hyde C.E., Iqbal S., Itard F., Kang H., Kang H., Kelleher A., Keppel C., Koirala S., Korover I., LeRose J.J., Lindgren R., Long E., Magne M., Mammei J., Margaziotis D.J., Markowitz P., Martí Jiménez-Argüello A., Martí Jiménez-Argüello A., Meddi F., Meekins D., Michaels R., Mihovilovic M., Muangma N., Muñoz Camacho C., Muñoz Camacho C., Nadel-Turonski P., Nuruzzaman N., Paremuzyan R., Pomatsalyuk R., Puckett A., Punjabi V., Qiang Y., Rakhman A., Rashad M.N.H., Riordan S., Roche J., Russo G., Sabatié F., Saenboonruang K., Saenboonruang K., Saha A., Sawatzky B., Sawatzky B., Selvy L., Shahinyan A., Sirca S., Solvignon P., Sperduto M.L., Subedi R., Sulkosky V., Sutera C., Tobias W.A., Urciuoli G.M., Wang D., Wojtsekhowski B., Yao H., Ye Z., Zana L., Zhan X., Zhang J., Zhao B., Zhao Z., Zheng X., Zhu P. | 2020 | Nature Physics 16(2),pp. 191-198 | 18 |
27 | A Comparative Study on X-ray Shielding and Mechanical Properties of Natural Rubber Latex Nanocomposites Containing Bi2O3 or BaSO4: Experimental and Numerical Determination | Thumwong A., Chinnawet M., Intarasena P., Rattanapongs C., Tokonami S., Ishikawa T., Saenboonruang K. | 2022 | Polymers 14(17) | 18 |
28 | Manufacturing process and properties of lead-free natural rubber sponge for use in X-ray and gamma ray shielding applications | Lim-Aroon P., Wimolmala E., Sombatsompop N., Saenboonruang K. | 2019 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 526(1) | 16 |
29 | Development of paraffin and paraffin/bitumen composites with additions of B2O3 for thermal neutron shielding applications | Toyen D., Saenboonruang K. | 2017 | Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 54(8),pp. 871-877 | 16 |
30 | Quantification of aluminum and heavy metal contents in cooked rice samples from Thailand markets using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and potential health risk assessment | Rittirong A., Saenboonruang K. | 2018 | Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 30(5),pp. 372-380 | 14 |
31 | Dual X-ray- and Neutron-Shielding Properties of Gd2O3/NR Composites with Autonomous Self-Healing Capabilities | Poltabtim W., Poltabtim W., Thumwong A., Wimolmala E., Rattanapongs C., Tokonami S., Ishikawa T., Saenboonruang K. | 2022 | Polymers 14(21) | 12 |
32 | Roles of chitosan as bio-fillers in radiation-vulcanized natural rubber latex and hybrid radiation and peroxide-vulcanized natural rubber latex: Physical/mechanical properties under thermal aging and biodegradability | Thumwong A., Poltabtim W., Kerdsang P., Saenboonruang K. | 2021 | Polymers 13(22) | 12 |
33 | Simulation of neutron/self-emitted gamma attenuation and effects of silane surface treatment on mechanical and wear resistance properties of sm2o3/uhmwpe composites | Toyen D., Paopun Y., Changjan D., Wimolmala E., Mahathanabodee S., Pianpanit T., Anekratmontree T., Saenboonruang K. | 2021 | Polymers 13(19) | 11 |
34 | Determination using gamma spectroscopy of natural radionuclide activity concentrations and annual committed effective doses in selected thai medicinal plants | Saenboonruang K., Phonchanthuek E., Prasandee K. | 2018 | Chiang Mai Journal of Science 45(2),pp. 821-831 | 11 |
35 | Fruit Peel Powder as Natural Antioxidant and Reinforcing Bio-Filler in Natural Rubber Latex Gloves: Cases of Mangosteen, Pomelo and Durian | Thumwong A., Darachai J., Thamrongsiripak N., Tokonami S., Ishikawa T., Saenboonruang K. | 2023 | Antioxidants 12(5) | 9 |
36 | Environmental-friendly synthesis of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) using gamma irradiation | Tiamduangtawan P., Saenboonruang K. | 2019 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1285(1) | 9 |
37 | Cellular Bi2O3/natural rubber composites for light-weight and lead-free gamma-shielding materials and their properties under gamma irradiation | Limarun P., Markpin T., Sombatsompop N., Wimolmala E., Saenboonruang K. | 2021 | Journal of Cellular Plastics
| 8 |
38 | Comparative X-ray shielding properties of bismuth oxide/natural rubber composites using a Monte Carlo code of PHITS | Toyen D., Saenboonruang K. | 2020 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 773(1) | 8 |
39 | Comparative X-ray Shielding Properties of Single-Layered and Multi-Layered Bi2 O3/NR Composites: Simulation and Numerical Studies | Thumwong A., Darachai J., Saenboonruang K. | 2022 | Polymers 14(9) | 8 |
40 | Multi-Layered Composites of Natural Rubber (NR) and Bismuth Oxide (Bi2O3) with Enhanced X-ray Shielding and Mechanical Properties | Toyen D., Wimolmala E., Saenboonruang K. | 2023 | Polymers 15(12) | 7 |
41 | Proton spin structure and generalized polarizabilities in the strong quantum chromodynamics regime | Ruth D., Zielinski R., Gu C., Allada (Cummings) M., Badman T., Huang M., Liu J., Zhu P., Allada K., Zhang J., Camsonne A., Chen J.P., Slifer K., Aniol K., Annand J., Arrington J., Arrington J., Averett T., Baghdasaryan H., Bellini V., Boeglin W., Brock J., Carlin C., Chen C., Cisbani E., Crabb D., Daniel A., Day D., Duve R., Fassi L.E., Fassi L.E., Friedman M., Fuchey E., Gao H., Gilman R., Glamazdin S., Gueye P., Hafez M., Hafez M., Han Y., Hansen O., Shabestari M.H., Hen O., Higinbotham D., Horn T., Iqbal S., Jensen E., Kang H., Keith C.D., Kelleher A., Keller D., Khanal H., Korover I., Kumbartzki G., Li W., Lichtenstadt J., Lindgren R., Long E., Malace S., Markowitz P., Maxwell J., Maxwell J., Meekins D.M., Meziani Z.E., McLean C., Michaels R., Mihovilovič M., Mihovilovič M., Muangma N., Camacho C.M., Musson J., Myers K., Oh Y., Carmignotto M.P., Perdrisat C., Phillips S., Piasetzky E., Pierce J., Pierce J., Punjabi V., Qiang Y., Reimer P.E., Roblin Y., Ron G., Rondon O., Russo G., Saenboonruang K., Sawatzky B., Shahinyan A., Shneor R., Širca S., Širca S., Sjoegren J., Solvignon-Slifer P., Sparveris N., Sulkosky V., Wesselmann F., Yan W., Yang H., Yao H., Ye Z., Yurov M., Zhang Y., Zhao Y.X., Zheng X. | 2022 | Nature Physics
| 6 |
42 | Assessment of activity concentrations and their associated radiological health risks in commercial infant formulas in Thailand | Poltabtim W., Saenboonruang K. | 2019 | Chiang Mai Journal of Science 46(4),pp. 778-786 | 6 |
43 | Comparative neutron-shielding properties of metal oxide/HDPE composites using a Monte Carlo Code of PHITS | Poltabtim W., Toyen D., Saenboonruang K. | 2019 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 526(1) | 5 |
44 | Recent developments in GEM-based neutron detectors | Saenboonruang K. | 2015 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 611(1) | 5 |
45 | Assessing tritium contamination in Thailand's rainwater: A study of environmental monitoring and nuclear surveillance | Khamanek K., Khuntong S., Saenboonruang K., Toyen D., Chantarot C., Yongprawat M., Saengkorakot C., Phattanasub A., Krisanangkura P., Hazama R., Rittirong A., Sudprasert W. | 2023 | Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 262 | 5 |
46 | Comparisons of enhanced thermal neutron- and gamma-shielding properties in UHMWPE composites containing surface-treated Sm2O3 and Gd2O3 particles | Toyen D., Anekratmontre T., Wimolmala E., Thamrongsiripak N., Rungseesumran T., Saenboonruang K. | 2023 | Polymers for Advanced Technologies
| 5 |
47 | Effects of post-gamma irradiation on swelling and mechanical properties of gamma vulcanized natural rubber latex (GVNRL) films | Wicha G., Intharaprasit K., Wimolmala E., Markpin T., Saenboonruang K. | 2020 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 773(1) | 5 |
48 | Estimation of Ambient Dose Equivalent Rate Distribution Map Using Walking Survey Technique in Hirosaki City, Aomori, Japan | Poltabtim W., Poltabtim W., Musikawan S., Thumwong A., Omori Y., Omori Y., Kranrod C., Hosoda M., Saenboonruang K., Tokonami S., Tokonami S. | 2023 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20(3) | 4 |
49 | Determination of tritium levels in tap waters collected from various regions in Thailand using liquid scintillation counting | Rittirong A., Noithong P., Hazama R., Sakuma Y., Saenboonruang K., Sudprasert W. | 2019 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1285(1) | 4 |
50 | Comparative measurement of metal contents in raw and cooked rice samples prepared in different rice cookers using SR-XRF and health risk assessment | Rittirong A., Saenboonruang K. | 2018 | Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 12(4),pp. 2801-2808 | 3 |
51 | Q2 measurement and challenges in PREX | Saenboonruang K., Saenboonruang K., Liyanage N. | 2015 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 49(2),pp. 277-287 | 3 |
52 | Effects of high gas flow rates on the standard 10 cm × 10 cm GEM prototype | Saenboonruang K., Kumphiranon P., Kulasri K., Rittirong A. | 2016 | Chiang Mai Journal of Science 43(4),pp. 876-883 | 3 |
53 | High-Energy Photon Attenuation Properties of Lead-Free and Self-Healing Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) (PVA) Hydrogels: Numerical Determination and Simulation | Pianpanit T., Saenboonruang K. | 2022 | Gels 8(4) | 3 |
54 | Effects of bismuth-embedded wood particles on mechanical, physical, and gamma-shielding properties of wood/poly(vinyl chloride) composites | Rakkaew J., Sombatsompop N., Markpin T., Wimolmala E., Saenboonruang K. | 2022 | European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
| 2 |
55 | EFFECTS OF PROCESSING ON MECHANICAL, MORPHOLOGICAL, AND NEUTRON-SHIELDING PROPERTIES OF B2O3/UHMWPE COMPOSITES | Toyen D., Wimolmala E., Markpin T., Saenboonruang K. | 2021 | Suranaree Journal of Science and Technology 28(6) | 1 |
56 | Highly Efficient and Eco-Friendly Thermal-Neutron-Shielding Materials Based on Recycled High-Density Polyethylene and Gadolinium Oxide Composites | Toyen D., Wimolmala E., Hemvichian K., Lertsarawut P., Saenboonruang K. | 2024 | Polymers 16(8) | 1 |
57 | Synergistic effects of chitosan and gamma irradiation on enhanced fungal growth inhibition and biodegradability of natural rubber latex film | Yoyyei R., Siwayaprahm P., Lertsarawut P., Saenboonruang K. | 2024 | Results in Engineering 23 | 1 |
58 | Exploring the potential utilization of gamma-irradiated waste eggshell powder as oil sorbents in natural rubber foams | Khumsap S., Parapichai N., Lertsarawut P., Saenboonruang K. | 2025 | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 226 | 1 |
59 | Monitoring of tritium concentrations in tap water and rainwater collected in Thailand | Pitakchaianan C., Kosinarkaranun K., Kumsut P., Hamasaki T., Hazama R., Rittirong A., Sakakibara K., Hirano Y., Kashiwaya K., Ogata Y., Sudprasert W., Saenboonruang K., Chantarot C., Khamanek K., Khuntong S., Toyen D., Phattanasub A., Yongprawat M., Saengkorakot C., Krisanangkura P., Kato Y. | 2024 | Radiation protection dosimetry 200(16-18),pp. 1787-1791 | 1 |
60 | Baseline tritium measurements in Thailand's water bodies: Supporting sustainable nuclear energy development | Sudprasert W., Khamanek K., Khuntong S., Tanyasit J., Saenboonruang K., Toyen D., Yongprawat M., Saengkorakot C., Chantarot C., Phattanasub A., Krisanangkura P., Rittirong A., Hazama R. | 2025 | Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 282 | 0 |
61 | Effects of Gamma-Synthesized Chitosan on Morphological, Thermal, Mechanical, and Heavy-Metal Removal Properties in Natural Rubber Foam as Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Heavy Metal Sorbents | Intha T., Wimolmala E., Lertsarawut P., Saenboonruang K. | 2024 | Sustainability (Switzerland) 16(15) | 0 |
62 | Understanding neutron-shielding properties of self-healing poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels containing rare-earth oxides through simulations | Pianpanit T., Saenboonruang K. | 2024 | Results in Physics 57 | 0 |
63 | Grass/soil concentration ratios (Crs) of natural 226ra,232th, and40k in vetiveria zizanioides (vetiver grass) in Thailand | Chantarot C., Mungpayaban H., Saenboonruang K. | 2021 | Philippine Journal of Science 150(3),pp. 847-854 | 0 |
64 | Determination of radioactivities in gamma vulcanized natural rubber latex (GVNRL) for the assessment of radiological safety | Toyen D., Saenboonruang K. | 2020 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 773(1) | 0 |
65 | A calculation of relative efficiencies of a GEM-based neutron detector using different solid neutron converters | Rittirong A., Sripreeprem S., Saenboonruang K. | 2017 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 860(1) | 0 |
66 | Comparative study of a GEM-based fast neutron detector using 4HE/CO2 and 4HE/CO2/C4H10 gas mixtures | Saenboonruang K., Rittirong A., Chirapatpimol K., Vilaithong T. | 2017 | Chiang Mai Journal of Science 44(4),pp. 1686-1694 | 0 |
67 | Precision determination of electron scattering angle by differential nuclear recoil energy method | Liyanage N., Saenboonruang K., Saenboonruang K. | 2015 | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 802,pp. 26-30 | 0 |
68 | Comparisons of GEM-based neutron detectors with 10B/natB-coated cathode and Ar/Co2 (He/Co2) gas flow | Saenboonruang K., Kumpiranon P., Channuie J., Vilaithong T. | 2017 | Chiang Mai Journal of Science 44(2),pp. 667-677 | 0 |
69 | Gains, uniformity and signal sharing in XY readouts of the 10 cm × 10 cm gas electron multiplier (GEM) detector | Rittirong A., Saenboonruang K. | 2018 | Journal of Physical Science 29(1),pp. 121-132 | 0 |
70 | The current status of the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) research at Kasetsart University, Thailand | Kumpiranon P., Kulasri K., Rittirong A., Saenboonruang K. | 2017 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 860(1) | 0 |