# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Body measurements of male Kamphaengsaen beef cattle as parameters for estimation of live weight | Sawanon S., Boonsaen P., Innuruk P. | 2011 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 45(3),pp. 428-434 | 25 |
2 | Effect of cashew nut shell liquid feeding on fermentation and microbiota in the rumen of Thai native cattle and swamp buffaloes | Konda S., Onodera R., Kanchanasatit E., Boonsaen P., Sawanon S., Nagashima K., Suzuki Y., Koike S., Kobayashi Y. | 2019 | Livestock Science 226,pp. 99-106 | 17 |
3 | Effects of protein levels and energy sources in total mixed ration on feedlot performance and carcass quality of Kamphaeng Saen steers | Boonsaen P., Soe N.W., Maitreejet W., Majarune S., Reungprim T., Sawanon S., Sawanon S. | 2017 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 51(1),pp. 57-61 | 16 |
4 | Selection of plant oil as a supplemental energy source by monitoring rumen profiles and its dietary application in Thai crossbred beef cattle | Matsuba K., Padlom A., Khongpradit A., Boonsaen P., Thirawong P., Sawanon S., Suzuki Y., Koike S., Kobayashi Y. | 2019 | Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 32(10),pp. 1511-1520 | 12 |
5 | Effect of pineapple stem starch feeding on rumen microbial fermentation, blood lipid profile, and growth performance of fattening cattle | Khongpradit A., Boonsaen P., Homwong N., Suzuki Y., Koike S., Sawanon S., Kobayashi Y. | 2020 | Animal science journal = Nihon chikusan Gakkaiho 91(1),pp. e13459 | 10 |
6 | Partial characterization of phylogeny, ecology and function of the fibrolytic bacterium Ruminococcus flavefaciens OS14, newly isolated from the rumen of swamp buffalo | Boonsaen P., Boonsaen P., Kinjo M., Sawanon S., Sawanon S., Suzuki Y., Koike S., Kobayashi Y. | 2018 | Animal Science Journal 89(2),pp. 377-385 | 8 |
7 | Effects of concentrate levels and pineapple stem on growth performance, carcass and meat quality of dairy steers | Pintadis S., Boonsaen P., Hattakum C., Homwong N., Sawanon S. | 2020 | Tropical Animal Health and Production 52(4),pp. 1911-1917 | 7 |
8 | Feeding cashew nut shell liquid decreases methane production from feces by altering fecal bacterial and archaeal communities in Thai local ruminants | Tamori K., Tamori K., Matsunaga B., Boonsaen P., Khongpradit A., Sawanon S., Nagashima K., Koike S., Kobayashi Y. | 2021 | Animal science journal = Nihon chikusan Gakkaiho 92(1),pp. e13569 | 5 |
9 | The Use of “Tail-Pedometers” to Evaluate the Impact of Dipterans in Feeder Cattle | Desquesnes M., Desquesnes M., Desquesnes M., Thaisungnoen K., Chalermwong P., Nevot A., Nevot A., Fossaert C., Fossaert C., Lucas A., Lucas A., Onju S., Boonsaen P., Jittapalapong S. | 2022 | Insects 13(7) | 3 |
10 | Fibrolytic bacterium isolated from buffalo rumen phylogenetically closely related to butyrivibrios and pseudobutyrivibrios | Poonko S., Boonsaen P., Sawano S., Sawano S. | 2015 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 49(4),pp. 547-559 | 3 |
11 | Cashew nut shell liquid potentially mitigates methane emission from the feces of Thai native ruminant livestock by modifying fecal microbiota | Narabe C., Kamiyama S., Saito M., Boonsaen P., Khongpradit A., Sawanon S., Suzuki Y., Koike S., Kobayashi Y. | 2021 | Animal science journal = Nihon chikusan Gakkaiho 92(1) | 2 |
12 | Influence of Varieties and Spacings on Growth, Biomass Yield and Nutritional Value of Corn Silage in Paddy Field | Chotchutima S., Boonsaen P., Jenweerawat S., Pleangkai S., Romkaew J., Jompuk C., Sarobol E., Tudsri S. | 2022 | Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences 21(1) | 1 |
13 | Effect of pineapple stem starch in concentrate diet on rumen fermentation in beef cattle and in situ dry matter degradability | Khongpradit A., Boonsaen P., Homwong N., Buaphan S., Maitreejit W., Karnjanasirm K., Sawanon S. | 2022 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 56(2),pp. 277-286 | 1 |
14 | Isolation and partial characterization of ruminococcus flavefaciens from the rumen of swamp buffalo | Boonsaen P., Poonko S., Kanjanapruetipong J., Wongchawalit J., Phiriyangkul P., Sawanon S., Sawanon S. | 2019 | Buffalo Bulletin 38(2),pp. 311-325 | 1 |
15 | Evaluation of pineapple stem starch as a substitute for corn grain or ground cassava in a cattle feedlot for 206 or 344 days: feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality, and economic evaluation | Khongpradit A., Boonsaen P., Homwong N., Matsuba K., Kobayashi Y., Sawanon S. | 2022 | Tropical Animal Health and Production 54(4) | 0 |
16 | Effect of Rumen-Protected Glucose Supplementation on Feedlot Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Meat Quality of Kamphaeng Saen Steers | Tong P., Boonsaen P., Thirawong P., Khongpradit A., Sawanon S., Buaphan S. | 2024 | Tropical Animal Science Journal 47(2),pp. 197-205 | 0 |
17 | Measurement of the Direct Impact of Hematophagous Flies on Feeder Cattle: An Unexpectedly High Potential Economic Impact | Boonsaen P., Nevot A., Nevot A., Nevot A., Onju S., Fossaert C., Fossaert C., Fossaert C., Chalermwong P., Thaisungnoen K., Lucas A., Lucas A., Lucas A., Thévenon S., Thévenon S., Masmeatathip R., Jittapalapong S., Desquesnes M., Desquesnes M., Desquesnes M. | 2024 | Insects 15(10) | 0 |