# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Crystal Structure, Lattice Strain, Morphology, and Electrical Properties of SnO2Nanoparticles Induced by Low Calcination Temperature | Khaenamkaew P., Manop D., Tanghengjaroen C., Palakawong Na Ayuthaya W. | 2020 | Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2020 | 16 |
2 | Effect of temperature treatment on electrical property, crystal structures and lattice strains of precipitated CaCO3nanoparticles | Khaenamkaew P., Manop D., Tanghengjaroen C., Ayuthaya W.P.N. | 2019 | Materials Research 22(6) | 10 |
3 | The effect of polyaniline composition on the polyurethane/polyaniline composite properties: The enhancement of electrical and mechanical properties for medical tissue engineering | Manop D., Tanghengjaroen C., Putson C., Khaenamkaew P. | 2024 | AIMS Materials Science 11(2),pp. 323-342 | 1 |
4 | Assessment of uncertainty estimation for measurement of ethanol concentration in COVID-19 hand sanitizer using FTIR spectroscopy | Khaenamkaew P., Tanghengjaroen C., Manop D., Na Ayuthaya W.P., Wongsorntam K., Noulkhow N. | 2023 | Journal of Chemical Metrology 17,pp. 1-14 | 0 |