# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Scroll wave instabilities in an excitable chemical medium | Luengviriya C., Luengviriya C., Storb U., Lindner G., Müller S., Bär M., Hauser M. | 2008 | Physical Review Letters 100(14) | 45 |
2 | An elegant method to study an isolated spiral wave in a thin layer of a batch Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction under oxygen-free conditions | Luengviriya C., Luengviriya C., Storb U., Hauser M., Müller S. | 2006 | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 8(12),pp. 1425-1429 | 34 |
3 | Combined prospective and retrospective motion correction to relax navigator requirements | MacLaren J., Lee K.J., Luengviriya C., Luengviriya C., Speck O., Zaitsev M. | 2011 | Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 65(6),pp. 1724-1732 | 29 |
4 | Reorientation of scroll rings in an advective field | Luengviriya C., Luengviriya C., Müller S.C., Hauser M.J.B. | 2008 | Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77(1) | 27 |
5 | Unpinning of spiral waves by electrical forcing in excitable chemical media | Sutthiopad M., Luengviriya J., Porjai P., Tomapatanaget B., Müller S.C., Luengviriya C. | 2014 | Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 89(5) | 19 |
6 | Stability of scroll ring orientation in an advective field | Luengviriya C., Luengviriya C., Hauser M.J.B. | 2008 | Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77(5) | 18 |
7 | Propagation of spiral waves pinned to circular and rectangular obstacles | Sutthiopad M., Luengviriya J., Porjai P., Phantu M., Kanchanawarin J., Müller S.C., Luengviriya C. | 2015 | Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 91(5) | 17 |
8 | Correction of B 0-induced geometric distortion variations in prospective motion correction for 7T MRI | Yarach U., Yarach U., Luengviriya C., Stucht D., Godenschweger F., Schulze P., Schulze P., Speck O., Speck O., Speck O., Speck O. | 2016 | Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 29(3),pp. 319-332 | 17 |
9 | Influence of excitability on unpinning and termination of spiral waves | Luengviriya J., Sutthiopad M., Phantu M., Porjai P., Kanchanawarin J., Müller S.C., Luengviriya C. | 2014 | Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 90(5) | 15 |
10 | Correction of gradient nonlinearity artifacts in prospective motion correction for 7T MRI | Yarach U., Yarach U., Luengviriya C., Danishad A., Stucht D., Godenschweger F., Schulze P., Schulze P., Speck O., Speck O., Speck O., Speck O. | 2015 | Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 73(4),pp. 1562-1569 | 13 |
11 | Robustness of free and pinned spiral waves against breakup by electrical forcing in excitable chemical media | Phantu M., Sutthiopad M., Luengviriya J., Müller S.C., Luengviriya C. | 2017 | Physical Review E 95(4) | 8 |
12 | Electrically forced unpinning of spiral waves from circular and rectangular obstacles | Porjai P., Porjai P., Sutthiopad M., Luengviriya J., Phantu M., Müller S., Luengviriya C. | 2016 | Chemical Physics Letters 660,pp. 283-286 | 7 |
13 | Meandering spiral waves in a bubble-free Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction with pyrogallol | Luengviriya J., Porjai P., Phantu M., Sutthiopad M., Tomapatanaget B., Müller S.C., Luengviriya C. | 2013 | Chemical Physics Letters 588,pp. 267-271 | 5 |
14 | Measurement of the cell density of microalgae by an optical method | Wungmool P., Rangsi N., Hormwantha T., Sutthiopad M., Luengviriya C. | 2019 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1298(1) | 5 |
15 | Excitability of the ferroin-catalyzed Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction with pyrogallol | Luengviriya C., Luengviriya J., Sutthiopad M., Porjai P., Tomapatanaget B., Müller S.C. | 2013 | Chemical Physics Letters 561-562,pp. 170-174 | 3 |
16 | Twisted scroll wave dynamics: Partially pinned waves in excitable chemical media | Porjai P., Sutthiopad M., Khaothong K., Phantu M., Kumchaiseemak N., Luengviriya J., Showalter K., Luengviriya C. | 2019 | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21(5),pp. 2419-2425 | 3 |
17 | Self-organization of multiarmed spiral waves in excitable media | Ponboonjaroenchai B., Luengviriya J., Sutthiopad M., Wungmool P., Kumchaiseemak N., Müller S.C., Luengviriya C. | 2019 | Physical Review E 100(4) | 2 |
18 | Electric field effects in chemical patterns | Dähmlow P., Luengviriya C., Müller S. | 2015 | Springer Series in Materials Science 217,pp. 65-82 | 2 |
19 | Effect of a modified sinusoidal forcing on spiral wave in a simulated reaction-diffusion system | Khaothong K., Sutthiopad M., Kumchaiseemak N., Luengviriya J., Kanchanawarin J., Müller S., Luengviriya C. | 2017 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 901(1) | 1 |
20 | Unpinning of spiral waves from rectangular obstacles by stimulated wave trains | Ponboonjaroenchai B., Srithamma P., Kumchaiseemak N., Sutthiopad M., Müller S., Luengviriya C., Luengviriya J. | 2017 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 901(1) | 1 |
21 | Unpinning of spiral waves | Luengviriya J., Sutthiopad M., Phantu M., Porjai P., Müller S., Luengviriya C. | 2017 | Complexity and Synergetics ,pp. 129-138 | 0 |
22 | Initiation of two-armed spiral waves pinned to obstacles in simulated excitable media | Ponboonjaroenchai B., Sutthiopad M., Kanchanawarin J., Luengviriya C., Luengviriya J., Muller S. | 2019 | BMEiCON 2018 - 11th Biomedical Engineering International Conference
| 0 |
23 | Multiarmed spiral waves generated by periodic stimuli in excitable systems | Luengviriya J., Sutthiopad M., Kanchanawarin J., Luengviriya C. | 2020 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1593(1) | 0 |
24 | Low-cost standalone multi-sensor thermometer for long time measurements | Kumchaiseemak N., Hormwantha T., Wungmool P., Suwanatus S., Kanjai S., Lertkitthaworn T., Jutamanee K., Luengviriya C. | 2017 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 901(1) | 0 |
25 | A simplified nitrogen laser setup operated at atmospheric pressure | Ruangsri A., Wungmool P., Tesana S., Suwanatus S., Hormwantha T., Chiangga S., Luengviriya C. | 2015 | Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 9659 | 0 |
26 | Influence of acidity on spiral waves in a bubble-free Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction with pyrogallol | Luengviriya J., Luengviriya C. | 2014 | Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences 13(2),pp. 577-583 | 0 |
27 | Inhibitory effect of oxygen on excitation waves in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction with different excitability | Luengviriya J., Phantu M., Müller S., Luengviriya C. | 2015 | Chemical Physics Letters 618,pp. 6-10 | 0 |
28 | Electric field effects in chemical patterns | Dähmlow P., Luengviriya C., Müller S. | 2015 | Bottom-Up Self-Organization in Supramolecular Soft Matter: Principles and Prototypical Examples of Recent Advances ,pp. 65-82 | 0 |
29 | Laser scattering measurement for laser removal of graffiti | Tearasongsawat W., Kittiboonanan P., Luengviriya C., Ratanavis A. | 2015 | Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 9659 | 0 |
30 | Generation of spiral waves pinned to obstacles in a simulated excitable system | Phantu M., Kumchaiseemak N., Porjai P., Sutthiopad M., Müller S., Luengviriya C., Luengviriya J. | 2017 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 901(1) | 0 |
31 | Improvement of electrocardiogram by empirical wavelet transform | Chanchang V., Kumchaiseemak N., Sutthiopad M., Luengviriya C. | 2017 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 901(1) | 0 |
32 | Concentration measurement of chromium passivation solutions by an optical method | Sibsiri K., Suwanchaituch T., Meechan W., Luengviriya C. | 2019 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1380(1) | 0 |
33 | Measurements of tin-palladium catalyst concentration by an optical method | Promsawang C., Jansukra P., Meechan W., Luengviriya C. | 2019 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1380(1) | 0 |
34 | Dynamics of spiral waves and bubble formation in a closed chemical system of thin photosensitive excitable media | Khaothong K., Chanchang V., Kanchanawarin J., Sutthiopad M., Luengviriya C. | 2022 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2145(1) | 0 |
35 | Improvement of simulated nuclear quadrupole resonance signals from explosive detection via a Red-Pitaya board | Kijamnajsuk P., Kijamnajsuk P., Wungmool P., Wungmool P., Luengviriya C., Luengviriya C. | 2022 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2145(1) | 0 |
36 | Effect of excitability on partially pinned scroll waves in excitable chemical media | Khaothong K., Osaklung J., Sutthiopad M., Luengviriya J., Showalter K., Luengviriya C. | 2023 | Physical Review E 108(5) | 0 |
37 | Compact RF transmission unit for nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy | Kijamnajsuk P., Sibsiri K., Luengviriya C. | 2023 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2653(1) | 0 |
38 | Evaluation of the effectiveness of an electromagnetic shielding enclosure at low frequencies | Wungmool P., Osaklung J., Kijamnajsuk P., Luengviriya C. | 2023 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2653(1) | 0 |
39 | Heating opaque material sheets by a blue laser | Sibsiri K., Kijamnajsuk P., Sutthiopad M., Luengviriya C. | 2024 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2793(1) | 0 |