# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Novel hydrogen peroxide sensors based on peroxidase-carrying poly {pyrrole-co-[4-(3-pyrrolyl)butanesulfonate]} copolymer films | Thanachasai S., Rokutanzono S., Yoshida S., Watanabe T. | 2002 | Analytical Sciences 18(7),pp. 773-777 | 26 |
2 | Effect of incubation time, buffer type and concentration on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) production using Khao Dawk Mali 105 rice bran | Eamarjharn A., Theerakulkait C., Thanachasai S. | 2016 | Agriculture and Natural Resources 50(1),pp. 80-84 | 14 |
3 | Proteolytic activity from chicken intestine and pancreas: Extraction, partial characterization and application for hyaluronic acid separation from chicken comb | Srisantisaeng P., Garnjanagoonchorn W., Thanachasai S., Choothesa A. | 2013 | Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 93(13),pp. 3390-3394 | 8 |
4 | Effects of fabrication parameters on the enzyme loading and sensor response of enzyme-carrying conductive polymer electrodes | Thanachasai S., Yoshida S., Watanabe T. | 2003 | Analytical Sciences 19(5),pp. 665-669 | 5 |
5 | Determination of enzyme immobilized into electropolymerized polymer films | Thanachasai S., Furukawa H., Yoshida S., Watanabe T. | 2003 | Chemistry Letters 32(2),pp. 176-177 | 4 |
6 | Proteolytic activity from duck intestine and pancreas: Extraction, partial characterization and application in hydrolysis of chicken egg white | Panyanuan S., Garnjanagoonchorn W., Thanachasai S. | 2014 | Chiang Mai Journal of Science 41(2),pp. 403-413 | 2 |
7 | Effects of Film Thickness and Potential on Response and Interference Suppression of Nitrite Biosensor | Pornchaiwannachat P., Thanachasai S. | 2022 | Chiang Mai Journal of Science 49(4),pp. 1076-1087 | 0 |
8 | Amperometric bienzymatic biosensor in flow injection analysis system for determination of aspartame in foods | Tangtawewipat T., Thanachasai S. | 2023 | Food Science and Biotechnology
| 0 |
9 | Development and Optimization of an Amperometric Bi-enzyme Biosensor for Aspartame Determination | Tangtawewipat T., Thanachasai S. | 2023 | Chiang Mai Journal of Science 50(6) | 0 |