หัวเรื่อง:การวิเคราะห์ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างปัจจัยทางเศรษฐกิจ สังคม กับความเคลื่อนไหวของราคาปาล์มน้ำมันในจังหวัด กระบี่ พังงา ตรัง ชุมพ และสตูล ผู้เขียน:Parinya Cherdchom, Titirat Maireng, Buncha Somboonsuke สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractThe objectives of this research were to study oil palm price situation and socio-economic factors
correlating to determine and stabilized oil palm price. Data were collected by means secondary data for analysis
seasonal price index, and interview from 103 samples;' 70 oil palm farmers, 20 oil palm local's dealer, and
oil palm entrepreneur
The results revealed that oil palm price was moved based on season by with increasing from November
(seasonal price index 88.06) to maximized in January (seasonal price index 103.6), and decreasing below
average price in April (seasonal price index 91.79). Consequently, price was decreased in maximized in
October (seasonal price index 84.71). For correlation analysis, it was founded that ability to bargaining price
of oil palm farmer was positive relate to farmgate price determination (r=0.78 at significant level 0.01), level
of competition among local merchandises was positive relate to price determination (r=0.39 at significant
level 0.01), while crop oil substitution policy and international oil palm price were positive relate to price
determination for entrepreneur (r=0.58, and 0.30 at significant level 0.01). In addition, it was founded that
ability to bargaining price, information exposure, bio-diesel policy, oil palm free trade policy, efficient
government structure were relating to price stabilization of oil palm farmer at significant level 0.01. For oil
palm dealer, occupation experience and export policy were positive relating to price stabilization, while illegal
oil palm import, soil bran oil import were negative relating to price stabilization. For oil palm entrepreneur,
quantity of demand, and information exposure were significant factors relating to price stabilization. |