หัวเรื่อง:เครื่องดื่มข้าวโพดกระป๋องจากเมล็ดข้าวโพดหวานและซังข้าวโพด ผู้เขียน: นายสมชาย ประภาวัต , นายอุดม กาญจนปกรณ์ชัย , นางมาลัย เมืองน้อย (บุญรัตนกรกิจ) , Chawladda Tiengpook, Sureepan Boonvisut, Somsri Poosimuang สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractSix formulae (formula 1 - 6) of corn beverages were prepared from sweet corn kernel and cob water extract in the ratio of 1:3, 1:5, 1:7, 1:9, 1:11, and 1:13 by weight, respectively and the cane sugar was added in each formula of corn beverage to improve the taste (total soluble solid of each sample was 13? Brix) and made into canned corn beverage (20 oz lacquer can). It was shown that canned corn beverage formula 1, 2, and 3 were accepted by taste panelists in term of color, flavor, texture and acceptability compared with the rest of samples (p < 0.05). The accepted sample formula 3 was made in to canned corn-milk beverage (20 oz lacquer can) formula 7 - 11 by adding 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10% by weight of whole milk powder, respectively and the cane sugar was added in each formula to improve the taste (total soluble solid of each sample was 13? Brix). It was found that canned corn-milk beverage formula 7, 8, and 9 were preferred by the taste panelists when compared to the others (p < 0.05). The processing time at 121.1? C or 250? F (initial temperature at 65? C or 149? F) of the corn beverage formula 3 packed in lacquer can size 5.5 oz, 15.0 oz, and 20.0 oz were 15, 20, and 20 minutes with Fo value of 6.7, 7.2, and 6.6 minutes, respectively, while that of cornmilk beverage formula 8 were 15, 20, and 20 minutes with Fo value of 6.1, 6.7, and 5.9 minutes, respectively. The protein and fat contents of canned corn-milk beverage formula 8 were 9.30 and 1.10% on dried weight basis while that of canned corn beverage formula 3 were only 3.22 and 0.14% on dried weight basis, respectively. The vitamin A, B1, B2, and niacin content of the accepted canned corn-milk beverage formula 8 were increased in the range of 1.09 - 1.81 times and the vitamin C and inositol were reduced to 0.82 and 0.89 time, respectively. The calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron were increased in the range of 1.84 - 10.80 times when compared to the canned corn beverage formula 3. The protein quality of the accepted canned corn-milk beverage formula 8 showed higher chemical score of lysine and tryptophan at 113 and 140% as compared to 53 and 60% of the canned corn beverage formula 3. |
 หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Protein Bioavailability – Lowering in Rats Fed High Dietary Fiber from Cereal and Nata De Coco) ผู้เขียน: ดร.วันเพ็ญ มีสมญา , นางสาวเยาวดี คุปตะพันธ์ , นางสาวดวงจันทร์ เฮงสวัสดิ์ , เพลินใจ ตังคณะกุล, Sureepan Boonvisut, Somsri Poosimuang สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractThe comparative effects of 6 different high dietary fiber diets and casein diet on protein bioavailability (protein efficiency ratio, net protein utilization, biological value and digestibility) were investigated by feeding male Sprague – Dawley rats with diets containing unpolished rice, mung bean, sweet corn, nata de coco, milk powder, sugar (formula 1); pumpkin, mung bean, unpolished rice, nata de coco, milk powder, sugar (formula 3); oat, sweetpotato, kidney bean, nata de coco, milk powder, sugar (formula 5); formula 2, 4, 6 containing the same raw materials as formula 1, 3, 5 but without milk powder and sugar. Six experimental diets and control diet (casein) were prepared from 6 formulas by AOAC, contained 10 ? 0.3% test protein, 8% oil, 5% water, 5% mineral, 1% vitamin, 1% cellulose, 35% sucrose, 35% corn starch and different dietary fiber. Total dietary fiber in diet 6 was the highest with it being 20.01g/100 g but the casein diet was the lowest with 6.58 g/100 g whereas in diet 1-5 the dietary fiber ranged from 8.41 to 13.22 g/100 g . The value of protein efficiency ratio in diets 1-7 was 2.44, 1.89, 2.29, 1.66, 2.55, 1.88 and 2.50 respectively whereas net protein utilization and digestibility in diets 1-7 were 63.81 – 77.45 and 70.05-95.52 respectively. Net protein utilization and digestibility in the casein group showed the highest values of 77.45 and 95.52 respectively. The range of biological values in diet 1-7 was 80.29 – 91.76 . The results indicate the highest dietary fiber diet showed the highest content of feces and decreased the value of net protein utilization and digestibility. |
 หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Nutritional Evaluations of Green Catfish, Mystus nemurus) ผู้เขียน: ดร.วันเพ็ญ มีสมญา , นางสาวเยาวดี คุปตะพันธ์ , นางผ่องศรี จิตตนูนท์ , นางสาวดวงจันทร์ เฮงสวัสดิ์ , Sureepan Boonvisut, Phutthira Huttayanon, Wasan Sriwatana สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractThe nutritive values of green catfish, Mystus nemurus such as proximate analysis, fatty acid profile (especially omega – 3 fatty acids, EPA : eicosapentaenoic acid; DHA : docosahexaenoic acid), amino acid contents, vitamins and minerals were studied. The composition of dried green catfish and sardine meal were also carried out. The results showed that percentages of protein, fat, moisture in fresh, dried green catfish, Mystus nemurus and sardine meal were 18.43, 65.99, 68.80; 4.93, 22.40, 7.78 and 75.75, 7.04, 6.17, respectively. Vitamin E content in dried green catfish (264 ?g/100 g) was higher than that in sardine meal (84 ?g/100 g) while calcium and phosphorus in dried green catfish were lower than those in sardine meal. Fatty acid contents especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in dried green catfish (0.4256, 1.7472 g/100 g) were also found to be higher than those in sardine meal (0.0467, 0.1011 g/100 g respectively). The results of this study indicated that dried green catfish, Mystus nemurus were high in nutritive values especially omega – 3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA). The green catfish, an inland fish, was also found to have higher omega – 3 fatty acids than marine fish, sardine. |