Search Result of "Somboon Wetchacama"

About 5 results

ที่มา:วิทยาสารเกษตรศาสตร์ สาขา วิทยาศาสตร์

หัวเรื่อง:การอบแห้งข้าวเปลือกโดยเทคนิคฟลูอิไดเซชัน เพื่อการเพิ่มปริมาณข้าวเต็มเมล็ด

ผู้เขียน:ImgAdithap Taweerattanapanish, ImgSomchart Soponronnarit, ImgSomboon Wetchacama, ImgNgamchuen Kongseree, Imgสุนันทา วงศ์ปิยชน



Experimental result of fluidized bed paddy drying by high air temperature (140 and 150?C) at various initial and final moisture contents showed that head rice yield could be increased to a maximum value at the range of final moisture content of paddy of 19-22 % wet-basis. The factors affecting the increase of head rice yield were the initial and final moisture content of paddy and the tempering process.

Article Info
Agriculture and Natural Resources -- formerly Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), Volume 033, Issue 1, Jan 99 - Mar 99, Page 134 - 145 |  PDF |  Page 


ที่มา:วิทยาสารเกษตรศาสตร์ สาขา วิทยาศาสตร์

หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Study of Parameters Affecting Drying Kinetics and Quality of Corns)

ผู้เขียน:ImgSomboon Wetchacama, ImgSomchart Soponronnarit, ImgSomkiat Prachayawarakorn, ImgAdisak Pongpullponsak, ImgWuttitat Tuntiwetsa, ImgSuprarat Kositcharoeankul



The objectives of this research are to investigate factors affecting on drying rate of high moisture corn at high temperature with fluidisation technique and to develop a mathematical model for predicting drying rate. There were three following steps of drying process: 1) rapid drying using fluidised bed dryer at inlet drying air temperature of 130-170?C, 2) corn tempered for period of 40-180 minutes under the same temperature as drying from the step 1 and 3) drying with ambient air. Drying kinetic shows the inlet air temperature and the specific airflow rate significantly affecting the drying rate. Amongst three semiempirical drying equations (Wang and Singh, Page and Lewis), Page’s equation provides the best prediction. This study also aims to study the quality of corn dried in each step. Corn qualities in terms of aflatoxin content, percentages of breakage and stress crack, and colour change have been considered. Experimental results show that aflatoxin content in dried corn does not change. Breakage and cracking depend strongly on final moisture content and are relatively dependent to temperature. Tempering provides the improvement of colour while inlet air temperature has no effect.

Article Info
Agriculture and Natural Resources -- formerly Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), Volume 035, Issue 2, Apr 01 - Jun 01, Page 195 - 204 |  PDF |  Page 


ที่มา:วิทยาสารเกษตรศาสตร์ สาขา วิทยาศาสตร์

หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Parameters for Mango Glace? Drying Simulation)

ผู้เขียน:ImgSomboon Wetchacama, ImgSomchart Soponronnarit, ImgThanit Swasdisevi, ImgSakrin Ratsie



The objective of this research was to investigate parameters affecting drying rate of mango glace?, i.e., diffusion coefficient, equilibrium moisture content, specific heat and density of mango glace?. The equilibrium moisture content was determined by static method at temperature of 45-70?C and relative humidity of 10-90%. Saturated salt solutions and an oven were used for controlling relative humidity and temperature, respectively. It was found that equilibrium moisture content decreased with temperature for relative humidity ranging from 10-60%. The BET equation was found accurate to describe the experimental results. The results obtained from drying experiment indicated that diffusion coefficient increased exponentially with drying temperature. It was further found that density and specific heat of mango glace? decreased and increased linearly with moisture content, respectively.

Article Info
Agriculture and Natural Resources -- formerly Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), Volume 034, Issue 4, Oct 00 - Dec 00, Page 544 - 549 |  PDF |  Page 


ที่มา:วิทยาสารเกษตรศาสตร์ สาขา วิทยาศาสตร์

หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Development of a Commercial Scale Vibro-Fluidized Bed Paddy Dryer)

ผู้เขียน:ImgSomboon Wetchacama, ImgSomchart Soponronnarit, ImgWuttikon Jariyatontivait



The objectives of this research were to design, construct and test a prototype of vibro-fluidized bed paddy dryer with a capacity of 2.5–5.0 tons/h. Experimental drying conditions were: air flow rate 1.7 m3/s (1.9 kg/s), bed velocity 1.4 m/s, average drying air temperature 125–140?C, residence time of paddy approximately 1 minute, bed height 11.5 cm, fraction of air recycled 0.85 (1.6 kg/s) and vibration of intensity 1 (frequency 7.3 Hz and amplitude 5 mm.). It was found that moisture content of paddy was reduced from 28 to 23 % d.b. at a feed rate of 4821 kg/h. Electrical power consumption and average diesel oil consumption were 9646 W and 17.6 1/h, respectively. Specific primary energy consumption was 6.15 MJ/kg-water evap. Electrical power of blower motor and vibrator motor was 55 % as compared to electrical power of blower motor used in fluidized bed drying without vibration. For operation of 12 hours/day and 90 days/year, paddy drying cost was 1.50 baht/kg-water evap. (fixed cost 0.50 baht/kg-water evap. and operating cost 1.00 baht/kg-water evap., US$ 1 = 40 baht).

Article Info
Agriculture and Natural Resources -- formerly Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), Volume 034, Issue 3, Jul 00 - Sep 00, Page 423 - 430 |  PDF |  Page 


ที่มา:วิทยาสารเกษตรศาสตร์ สาขา วิทยาศาสตร์

หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Drying of High Moisture Paddy by Two-Dimensional Spouted Bed Technique)

ผู้เขียน:ImgSomboon Wetchacama, ImgSomchart Soponronnarit, ImgThanit Swasdisevi, ImgSomkiat Prachayawarakorn, ImgJinda Panich-ing-orn, ImgSuchart Suthicharoenpanich



The objectives of this research were to design and construct a two-dimensional spouted bed dryer with draft plates, to study drying kinetics of paddy, paddy quality and specific primary energy consumption. Experimental drying conditions were as follows: initial paddy moisture contents (Mi) of 31.1-45.6% dry basis (d.b.), inlet air temperatures (Ti) of 130, 140 and 150?C, hold-ups (H) of 20, 25 and 30 kg. Experimental results showed that minimum spouting velocity of drying air at the inlet of drying chamber was 15.4-16.4 m/s equivalent to velocity through the draft plates of 3.9-4.1 m/s. The operating parameters affecting drying rate and specific primary energy consumption were drying temperature and specific air flow rate or hold-up. Those affecting head rice yield and rice whiteness were initial and final moisture contents of paddy and drying air temperature. The entrance height directly affected energy consumption of the fan. The suitable entrance height was 10 cm as it resulted in minimum energy consumption. The first order polynomial equation was accurate and appropriate for predicting drying rate.

Article Info
Agriculture and Natural Resources -- formerly Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), Volume 035, Issue 1, Jan 01 - Mar 01, Page 93 - 103 |  PDF |  Page