หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Induction of Budbreak in Apple Trees that Received Insufficient Chilling by Hydrogen Cyanamide) ผู้เขียน: ดร.กฤษณา กฤษณพุกต์, รองศาสตราจารย์ , ดร.สุรนันต์ สุภัทรพันธุ์, ศาสตราจารย์ , Ryosuke Ogata สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractVarious concentrations of hydrogen cyanamide were applied to “Anna” apple to induce budbreak at the time when the trees were in dormant stage. The optimum concentration of hydrogen cyanamide to induce good budbreak was 2.5% High concentrations of hydrogen cyanamide were noticed to be toxic by dried dead shoots. ‘Tsugaru’ appli trees at different dormant stages kept in the heated glasshouse (minimum temperature was 15?C) were treated with 2.5% hydrogen cyanamide plus 50% ‘Merit’, a foliar fertilizer. It was found that the mixer of hydrogen cyanamide and ‘Merit’ could relatively induce budbreak even when buds were in the deepest dormant stage, when compared with the buds in lesser dormant stage. Buds from ‘Tsugaru’ apple trees treated or not treated with 2.5% hydrogen cyanamide were analyzed for abscisic acid (ABA) content. It was found that three days after treatment, ABA content in buds treated with hydrogen cyanamide was two times lower than that in the untreated buds. This result suggested that hydrogen cyanamide may induce budbreak by decreasing ABA content. |
 หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : The Effects of Paclobutrazol, Calcium and Hydrogen Cyanamide on Growth Cessation and Bud Burst of Apple Grown Under Warm Glasshouse Conditions) ผู้เขียน: ดร.กฤษณา กฤษณพุกต์, รองศาสตราจารย์ , Yoshie Motomura, Takashi Saito, Ryosuke Ogata, ดร.สุรนันต์ สุภัทรพันธุ์, ศาสตราจารย์ สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractShoot growth of the Fuji apple cultivar was retarded by spraying with paclobutrazol at 500 ppm, four times during the growing season, Significant difference in the number of flower buds between the treated and the untreated trees were found. Carbohydrate and nitrogen levels in the treated trees was higher than in the untreated ones. Both calcium and hydrogen cyanamide enhanced bud break but hydrogen cyanamide was more effective. Addition of “Merit” ( 7-5-3 ( NPK ) formula fertilizer ) to these chemicals increased induction of bud break under simulated tropical / sub – tropical conditions. Results varied with application time and these results are not fully understood and required further investigation. |