หัวเรื่อง:คุณภาพเมล็ดพันธุ์ถั่วเขียวที่ผลิตในภาคใต้ ผู้เขียน:Wullop Santipracha, Quanchit Santipracha สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractMungbean varieties U-thong 1, KPS 1 and PSU 1 seed produced in Southern Thailand at Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus during July-October 1990 had high quality. The average germination was 95.25% with 6.19-6.89 gm of 100 seed weight and 12.48% average seed moisture content. The speed of germination index ranged 18.24-23.27, seedling dry weight ranged 35.86-40.48 mg/seedling, root length was 13.12-15.43 cm/seedling and shoot length was 10.68-12.46 cm/seedling. KPS 1 variety seed gave the highest seedling fresh weight of 547 mg/seedling while PSU 1 variety had a high hard seed percentage of 41.50%. Early matured seed had higher quality than late matured seed. |
หัวเรื่อง:การเร่งอายุเมล็ดพันธุ์ถั่วเขียวเพื่อประเมินอายุการเก็บรักษาในเขตร้อนชื้น ผู้เขียน:Wullop Santipracha, Quanchit Santipracha, Chusri Narongrach สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractSeeds of three mungbean varieties, PSU 1, Uthong 1 and KPS 1 Were accelerated aged in 100% RH at 43, 45 and 47 ?C for 48, 72 and 96 hr. Seed quality from each temperature and time of accelerated aging were correlated to the seed stored in paper bags at room temperature for one year to evaluate seed longevity in the humid tropics. Seed accelerated aging could not overcome all of the hard seeds but lower seed viability and vigor. The accelerated aging of mungbean seed for longevity evaluation in the humid tropics in 43 ?C for 96 hr in 100% RH. |
หัวเรื่อง:อิทธิพลของวันปลูกที่มีผลต่อคุณภาพเมล็ดพันธุ์มะเขือเทศพันธุ์สีดาทิพย์ 1 ที่ผลิตในจังหวัดสงขลา ผู้เขียน:Quanchit Santipracha สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractTomato variety Seedathip 1 was planted at one month interval during January and June in 1989 at Plant Science. Department, Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University, Hai Yai Campus to evaluate the influence of planting dates on seed quality. The results showed that seed yield, standard germination, field emergence, speed of germination and seedling growth rate of the seed from January and February plantings were high while the seed from June and April plantings were low in quality. The seed quality was lowest at April planting because of high temperature and relative humidity which were unfavorable for tomato fruit set and seed development. |
หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Growth and Yield of Broccoli under Different Rain Protectors During the Rainy Season in Songkhla Province, Southern Thailand) ผู้เขียน:Karistsapol Nooprom, Quanchit Santipracha, Sompong Te-chato สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractThe objective of this study was to determine the impact of different rain protectors and varieties of broccoli on their growth and yield during the rainy season in southern Thailand. Split plots in a randomized complete block design were used with four replications. The experiment was undertaken from 28 October 2012 to 7 January 2013. The results showed that broccoli grown under a green shade net or a plastic sheet had higher growth and yield compared with those grown in the open field. The average highest total yields under plastic sheet, green shade net and in the open field were 11.11, 7.54 and 5.61 t.ha-1, respectively. The average highest yields of broccoli were obtained from the Yok Kheo variety (10.22 t.ha-1), followed by the Green Queen (7.56 t.ha-1) and Top Green (6.46 t.ha-1) varieties, respectively. Broccoli grown under the plastic sheet could be harvested 13.25 d after transplanting and 2.50 d earlier than those grown in the open field or under green shade net. The results indicated that broccoli should be grown under a plastic sheet or a green shade net to achieve higher yields than from plants grown in the open field. The Yok Kheo and Green Queen varieties are recommended for Songkhla province and the surrounding area. |