หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Lead (Pb2+) Removal from Wastewater by the Cyanobacterium Calothrix marchica) ผู้เขียน: Suneerat Ruangsomboon, Amnat Chidthaisong, Boosya Bunnag, Duangrat Inthorn, Narumon W. Harvey สื่อสิ่งพิมพ์:pdf AbstractPb2+ removal ability of the living-freshwater cyanobacterium C. marchica was studied in batch experiments. The result showed that adsorption of Pb2+ by C. marchica reached equilibrium within 60 min. The amount of Pb2+ adsorbed (qeq) increased when cyanobacterial age increased. At lower biomass concentration cyanobacterium showed higher qeq than that at high biomass concentration. Elevated temperature increased Pb2+ adsorbed by C. marchica. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm fitted the results better than the Freundlich isotherm and, thus, was more suitable to describe Pb2+ adsorption by C. marchica. C. marchica had Pb2+ binding capacity (qmax) of 74.04 mg g-1, and indicators of adsorption capacity (Kf) of 18.01. Pb2+ removal under light and dark conditions was not significantly different. |