# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Influence of combined non-uniform wire coil and twisted tape inserts on thermal performance characteristics | Eiamsa-ard S., Nivesrangsan P., Chokphoemphun S., Promvonge P. | 2010 | International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 37(7),pp. 850-856 | 149 |
2 | Thermal performance of tubular heat exchanger with multiple twisted-tape inserts | Chokphoemphun S., Pimsarn M., Thianpong C., Promvonge P. | 2015 | Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 23(5),pp. 755-762 | 100 |
3 | Moisture content prediction of paddy drying in a fluidized-bed drier with a vortex flow generator using an artificial neural network | Chokphoemphun S., Chokphoemphun S. | 2018 | Applied Thermal Engineering 145,pp. 630-636 | 59 |
4 | Heat transfer augmentation in a circular tube with winglet vortex generators | Chokphoemphun S., Pimsarn M., Thianpong C., Promvonge P. | 2015 | Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 23(4),pp. 605-614 | 50 |
5 | Influence of a novel serrated wire coil insert on thermal characteristics and air flow behavior in a tubular heat exchanger | Chompookham T., Chingtuaythong W., Chokphoemphun S. | 2022 | International Journal of Thermal Sciences 171 | 33 |
6 | Experimental study and neural networks prediction on thermal performance assessment of grooved channel air heater | Chokphoemphun S., Hongkong S., Thongdaeng S., Chokphoemphun S. | 2020 | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 163 | 25 |
7 | Multi objective optimization of TiO2/water nanofluid flow within a heat exchanger enhanced with loose-fit delta-wing twisted tape inserts | Thianpong C., Wongcharee K., Safikhani H., Chokphoemphun S., Saysroy A., Skullong S., Eiamsa-ard S. | 2022 | International Journal of Thermal Sciences 172 | 25 |
8 | Characterization of heat transfer and artificial neural networks prediction on overall performance index of a channel installed with arc-shaped baffle turbulators | Promvonge P., Eiamsa-Ard S., Wongcharee K., Chuwattanakul V., Samruaisin P., Chokphoemphun S., Nanan K., Eiamsa-Ard P. | 2021 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 | 21 |
9 | Rice husk combustion characteristics in a rectangular fluidized-bed combustor with triple pairs of chevron-shaped discrete ribbed walls | Chokphoemphun S., Eiamsa-Ard S., Promvonge P., Chuwattanakul V. | 2019 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 14 | 14 |
10 | Evaluation of drying behavior and characteristics of potato slices in multi–stage convective cabinet dryer: Application of artificial neural network | Chokphoemphun S., Hongkong S., Chokphoemphun S. | 2023 | Information Processing in Agriculture
| 10 |
11 | Parametric study on thermal performance augmentation of TiO2/water nanofluids flowing a tube contained with dual counter twisted-tapes | Thianpong C., Wongcharee K., Kunnarak K., Chokphoemphun S., Chamoli S., Eiamsa-ard S. | 2024 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 59 | 8 |
12 | Thermal performance in circular tube with Co/counter-twisted tapes | Chokphoemphun S., Hinthao C., Eiamsa-Ard S., Promvonge P., Thianpong C. | 2014 | Advanced Materials Research 931-932,pp. 1198-1202 | 8 |
13 | Thermal Augmentation in a Force Convective Cabinet Dryer Using Zigzag Ribs Fitted on Air Heater Section | Chokphoemphun S., Promthaisong P., Pipatpaiboon N., Onsalung N. | 2020 | Heat Transfer Engineering ,pp. 1-19 | 7 |
14 | Effect of arc-shaped twisted-baffles on augmented heat transfer in a rectangular duct | Promvonge P., Phila A., Chuwattanakul V., Chokphoemphun S., Eiamsa-Ard S., Eiamsa-Ard S., Maruyama N., Hirota M. | 2023 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 42 | 7 |
15 | Heat transfer of a coil-tube heat exchanger in the freeboard zone of a rice husk fluidized-bed combustor | Chokphoemphun S., Eiamsa-ard S., Promvonge P., Thongdaeng S., Hongkong S. | 2021 | International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 127 | 6 |
16 | Heat Transfer Intensification in a Heat Exchanger by Means of Twisted Tapes in Rib and Sawtooth Forms | Poonpakdee P., Samutpraphut B., Thianpong C., Chokphoemphun S., Eiamsa-ard S., Eiamsa-ard S., Maruyama N., Hirota M. | 2022 | Energies 15(23) | 5 |
17 | Influence of bed height and drying temperature on shrimp drying characteristics using a fluidized-bed dryer | Nanan K., Eiamsa-ard S., Chokphoemphun S., Kumar M., Pimsarn M., Chuwattanakul V. | 2023 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 48 | 3 |
18 | Artificial neural network for drying behavior prediction of paddy in developed chamber fluidized–bed dryer | Chokphoemphun S., Hongkong S., Chokphoemphun S. | 2024 | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 220 | 3 |
19 | Influence of a double vortex chamber on temperature reduction in a counter-flow vortex tube | Samruaisin P., Chuwattanakul V., Pimsarn M., Promthaisong P., Saysroy A., Chokphoemphun S., Kumar M., Eiamsa-ard S. | 2021 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 28 | 2 |
20 | Investigation on Rice Husk Combustion in a Fluidized Bed with Longitudinal Vortex Generators | Eiamsa-Ard S., Wongcharee K., Chokphoemphun S., Chuwattanakul V., Promvonge P. | 2019 | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 265(1) | 2 |
21 | Heat transfer augmentation in a round tube with 60° winglet pair inserts | Chokphoemphun S., Tongyote P., Promvonge P., Jedsadaratanachai W., Chompookham T. | 2014 | Advanced Materials Research 931-932,pp. 1188-1192 | 2 |
22 | Investigation of Combustion Characteristics in a Vortexing Fluidized-bed Combustor with a Contraction Chamber | Manop C., Chokphoemphun S., Chuwattanakul V., Promvonge P., Eiamsa-Ard S. | 2023 | Chemical Engineering Transactions 98,pp. 75-80 | 0 |