# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Improving Resource Utilization in Data Centers using an LSTM-based Prediction Model | Thonglek K., Ichikawa K., Takahashi K., Iida H., Nakasan C. | 2019 | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC 2019-September | 22 |
2 | A simple multipath OpenFlow controller using topology-based algorithm for multipath TCP | Nakasan C., Ichikawa K., Iida H., Uthayopas P. | 2017 | Concurrency Computation 29(13) | 14 |
3 | A multipath controller for accelerating GridFTP transfer over SDN | Huang C., Nakasan C., Ichikawa K., Iida H. | 2015 | Proceedings - 11th IEEE International Conference on eScience, eScience 2015 ,pp. 439-447 | 14 |
4 | PRAGMA-ENT: An International SDN testbed for cyberinfrastructure in the Pacific Rim | Ichikawa K., U-Chupala P., Huang C., Nakasan C., Liu T.L., Chang J.Y., Ku L.C., Tsai W.F., Haga J., Yamanaka H., Kawai E., Kido Y., Date S., Shimojo S., Papadopoulos P., Tsugawa M., Collins M., Jeong K., Figueiredo R., Fortes J. | 2017 | Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29(13) | 9 |
5 | Federated Learning of Neural Network Models with Heterogeneous Structures | Thonglek K., Takahashi K., Ichikawa K., Iida H., Nakasan C. | 2020 | Proceedings - 19th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2020 ,pp. 735-740 | 7 |
6 | Sparse Communication for Federated Learning | Thonglek K., Takahashi K., Ichikawa K., Nakasan C., Leelaprute P., Iida H. | 2022 | Proceedings - 6th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing, ICFEC 2022 ,pp. 1-8 | 6 |
7 | An SDN-Based Multipath GridFTP for High-Speed Data Transfer | Huang C., Nakasan C., Ichikawa K., Iida H. | 2016 | Proceedings - International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems 2016-August,pp. 763-764 | 5 |
8 | Retraining Quantized Neural Network Models with Unlabeled Data | Thonglek K., Takahashi K., Ichikawa K., Nakasan C., Nakada H., Takano R., Iida H. | 2020 | Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
| 4 |
9 | A multipath openflow controller for multiple TCP stream applications | Huang C., Nakasan C., Ichikawa K., Watashiba Y., Iida H. | 2017 | Journal of Information Processing 25,pp. 924-933 | 2 |
10 | Automated Quantization and Retraining for Neural Network Models without Labeled Data | Thonglek K., Takahashi K., Ichikawa K., Nakasan C., Nakada H., Takano R., Leelaprute P., Iida H. | 2022 | IEEE Access
| 2 |
11 | The Convergence of Container and Traditional Virtualization: Strengths and Limitations | Li G., Takahashi K., Ichikawa K., Iida H., Nakasan C., Leelaprute P., Thiengburanathum P., Phannachitta P. | 2023 | SN Computer Science 4(4) | 2 |
12 | Opimon: A Transparent, Low-Overhead Monitoring System for OpenFlow Networks | Watanakeesuntorn W., Takahashi K., Nakasan C., Ichikawa K., Iida H. | 2022 | IEICE Transactions on Communications E105B(4),pp. 485-493 | 2 |
13 | Enhancing the Prediction Accuracy of Solar Power Generation using a Generative Adversarial Network | Thonglek K., Ichikawa K., Takahashi K., Nakasan C., Yuasa K., Babasaki T., Iida H. | 2021 | 2021 IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conference, IGESSC 2021
| 1 |
14 | Opimon: A Transparent, Low-Overhead Monitoring System for OpenFlow Networks | Watanakeesuntorn W., Takahashi K., Nakasan C., Ichikawa K., Iida H. | 2022 | Operations Research 70(2),pp. 485-493 | 0 |
15 | Toward Predictive Modeling of Solar Power Generation for Multiple Power Plants | Thonglek K., Ichikawa K., Takahashi K., Nakasan C., Yuasa K., Babasaki T., Iida H. | 2023 | IEICE Transactions on Communications E106.B(7),pp. 547-556 | 0 |
16 | Portable Containerized MPI Application Using UCX Replacement Method | Manatura S., Ichikawa K., Chantrapornchai C., Nakasan C., Leelaprute P., Rungsawang A., Manaskasemsak B. | 2024 | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies 189,pp. 222-234 | 0 |
17 | Multi-Objective Optimization of Controller Placement in Distributed ONOS Networks | Xingyuan K., Takahashi K., Nakasan C., Ichikawa K., Iida H. | 2023 | Proceedings - 2023 11th International Symposium on Computing and Networking, CANDAR 2023 ,pp. 76-85 | 0 |