# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Effect of coconut oil and garlic powder on in vitro fermentation using gas production technique | Kongmun P., Wanapat M., Pakdee P., Navanukraw C. | 2010 | Livestock Science 127(1),pp. 38-44 | 124 |
2 | Manipulation of rumen fermentation and ecology of swamp buffalo by coconut oil and garlic powder supplementation | Kongmun P., Wanapat M., Pakdee P., Navanukraw C., Yu Z. | 2011 | Livestock Science 135(1),pp. 84-92 | 63 |
3 | Comparison of ruminal fermentation characteristics and microbial population in swamp buffalo and cattle | Chanthakhoun V., Wanapat M., Kongmun P., Cherdthong A. | 2012 | Livestock Science 143(2-3),pp. 172-176 | 53 |
4 | Effects of plants containing secondary compounds and plant oils on rumen fermentation and ecology | Wanapat M., Kongmun P., Poungchompu O., Cherdthong A., Khejornsart P., Pilajun R., Kaenpakdee S. | 2012 | Tropical Animal Health and Production 44(3),pp. 399-405 | 43 |
5 | Ruminal ecology of swamp buffalo as influenced by dietary sources | Wanapat M., Pilajun R., Kongmun P. | 2009 | Animal Feed Science and Technology 151(3-4),pp. 205-214 | 43 |
6 | Rumen fermentation, microbial protein synthesis and cellulolytic bacterial population of swamp buffaloes as affected by roughage to concentrate ratio | Cherdthong A., Wanapat M., Kongmun P., Pilajun R., Khejornsart P. | 2010 | Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 9(11),pp. 1667-1675 | 36 |
7 | Studies of diversity of rumen microorganisms and fermentation in swamp buffalo fed different diets | Vinh N.T., Wanapat M., Khejornsart P., Kongmun P. | 2011 | Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 10(4),pp. 406-414 | 21 |
8 | Nutrient digestibility and ruminal fermentation characteristic in swamp buffaloes fed on chemically treated rice straw and urea | Nguyen V.T., Wanapat M., Khejornsart P., Kongmun P. | 2012 | Tropical Animal Health and Production 44(3),pp. 629-636 | 21 |
9 | Effect of feeding total mixed fiber on feed intake and milk production in mid-lactating dairy cows | Maneerat W., Prasanpanich S., Kongmun P., Sinsmut W., Tumwasorn S. | 2013 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 47(4),pp. 571-580 | 8 |
10 | Use of monosodium glutamate by-product in cow diet on performance of lactating dairy cows | Padunglerk A., Prasanpanich S., Kongmun P. | 2017 | Animal Science Journal 88(1),pp. 86-93 | 8 |
11 | Effects of cassava pulp mixed with monosodium glutamate by-product (CPMSG) as a protein source in goat concentrate diet | Rukboon P., Prasanpanich S., Kongmun P. | 2019 | Indian Journal of Animal Research 53(6),pp. 774-779 | 3 |
12 | Effect of fermented by-product and rice straw on milk yield and fatty acid composition in dairy cows | Kraiprom T., Prasanpanich S., Kungmun P., Sivijchai S., Tumwasorn S. | 2013 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 47(2),pp. 217-227 | 3 |
13 | The Effects of Monosodium Glutamate by Product Treated Rice Straw in Total Mixed Rations on Rumen Fermentation and Ruminal Microbial Populations Using an In Vitro Gas Technique | Saphaphan S., Rangubhet K.T., Kongmun P. | 2024 | Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 12(6),pp. 1157-1165 | 1 |
14 | Potential of leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) for compensatory growth on Anglo-Nubian crossbred male goats | Prasetianti D., Prasetianti D., Chotchutima S., Kongmun P., Prasanpanich S. | 2019 | Walailak Journal of Science and Technology 16(7),pp. 487-497 | 1 |
15 | Effects of different levels of rain tree (Samanea Saman) pods in meal concentrate on in vitro fermentation by a gas production technique | Semae S., Kongmun P., Vajrabukka C., Chanpongsang S., Prasanphanich S. | 2013 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 47(5),pp. 704-711 | 1 |
16 | Use of local feed resources to improve rumen fermentation and reduce methane production in buffalo production in Southeast Asia | Wanapat M., Kongmun P., Chanthakhoun V., Cherdthong A., Pilajun R. | 2010 | Revista Veterinaria 21(SUPPL.1),pp. 112-122 | 0 |
17 | Effect of Autolyzed Yeast Supplementation on Productive Performance Meat Quality Visceral Organ and Cecum Bacteria of Broiler Chickens | Taechanan S., Poungpong K., Kongmun P., Rangubhet K.T., Rakangthong C. | 2024 | American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 19(3),pp. 299-308 | 0 |
18 | The Effect of the Proportions of Roughage to Concentrate on Rumen Fluid Differs Among Various Animal Species | Leamkrajang N., Prasanpanich S., Teepalak Rangubhet K., Kongmun P. | 2024 | Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 12(12),pp. 2499-2511 | 0 |
19 | Effect of Brittleness in Rice Straw on Rumen Fermentation by In vitro Gas Production Technique | Yamsa-Ad W., Rangubhet K.T., Chiang H.I., Wang C.S., Kongmun P. | 2024 | Trends in Sciences 22(1) | 0 |