# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | A Method of Driver's Eyes Closure and Yawning Detection for Drowsiness Analysis by Infrared Camera | Tipprasert W., Charoenpong T., Chianrabutra C., Sukjamsri C. | 2019 | 2019 1st International Symposium on Instrumentation, Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics, ICA-SYMP 2019 ,pp. 61-64 | 45 |
2 | Evaluating the influence of current on the wear processes of Au/Cr-Au/MWCNT switching surfaces | Chianrabutra C., Jiang L., Lewis A., McBride J. | 2013 | Proceedings of the 59th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, HOLM 2013
| 19 |
3 | Fine transfer in electrical switching contacts using gold coated carbon-nanotubes | McBride J., Jiang L., Chianrabutra C. | 2012 | IET Conference Publications 2012(605 CP),pp. 353-358 | 17 |
4 | Baby shrimp counting via automated image processing | Kesvarakul R., Chianrabutra C., Chianrabutra S. | 2017 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Part F128357,pp. 352-356 | 14 |
5 | The effect on switching lifetime of chromium adhesion layers in gold-coated electrical contacts under cold and hot switching conditions | Lewis A., Down M., Chianrabutra C., Jiang L., McBride J., Spearing S. | 2013 | Proceedings of the 59th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, HOLM 2013
| 11 |
6 | The contact resistance performance of gold coated carbon-nanotube surfaces under low current switching | McBRIDE J., Chianrabutra C., Jiang L., Pu S. | 2013 | IEICE Transactions on Electronics E96-C(9),pp. 1097-1103 | 9 |
7 | Thewear of hot switching Au/Cr-Au/MWCNT contact Pairs for MEMS contacts | McBride J., Liu H., Chianrabutra C., Lewis A. | 2015 | IEICE Transactions on Electronics E98C(9),pp. 912-918 | 6 |
8 | Human Edge Segmentation from 2D Images by Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Edge Matching Algorithm | Sombatpiboonporn P., Charoenpong T., Supasuteekul A., Chianrabutra C., Pattanaworapan K. | 2019 | 2019 1st International Symposium on Instrumentation, Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics, ICA-SYMP 2019 ,pp. 29-32 | 6 |
9 | Development of a MEMS test platform for investigating the use of multi-walled CNT composites electric contacts | Lewis A., Chianrabutra C., Jiang L., Pu S., McBride J. | 2013 | Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 15th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, EPTC 2013 ,pp. 472-478 | 5 |
10 | Lifetime testing of a developmental MEMS switch incorporating Au/MWCNT composite contacts | Lewis A.P., Down M.P., Chianrabutra C., Jiang L., Spearing S.M., McBride J.W. | 2014 | 27th International Conference on Electrical Contacts, ICEC 2014 - Proceedings ,pp. 387-392 | 4 |
11 | Human fall detection by using the body vector | Pattamaset S., Charoenpong T., Charoenpong P., Chianrabutra C. | 2017 | 2017 9th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology: Crunching Information of Everything, KST 2017 ,pp. 162-165 | 4 |
12 | A Method of 3D Hand Movement Recognition by a Leap Motion Sensor for Controlling Medical Image in an Operating Room | Sa-Nguannarm P., Charoenpong T., Chianrabutra C., Kiatsoontorn K. | 2019 | 2019 1st International Symposium on Instrumentation, Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics, ICA-SYMP 2019 ,pp. 17-20 | 4 |
13 | A Robus Method for Wheelchair Detection: A Combination of the Gaussian Mixture Models and Histogram of Oriented Gradients | Hirunwattanakun S., Chianrabutra C., Charoenpong T., Chanwimalueng T. | 2019 | 2019 1st International Symposium on Instrumentation, Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics, ICA-SYMP 2019 ,pp. 57-60 | 4 |
14 | Gold coated carbon-nanotube surfaces as low force electrical contacts for MEMS devices: Part ii, fine transfer mechanisms | Mcbride J., Spearing S., Jiang L., Chianrabutra C. | 2011 | Electrical Contacts, Proceedings of the Annual Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts ,pp. 179-184 | 2 |
15 | The Effects of Surface Roughness of the Stainless-Steel Anode on Electricity Enhancement of Microbial Fuel Cell | Kulchartvijit T., Chianrabutra C., Sukontasing S., Chianrabutra S. | 2022 | Trends in Sciences 19(9) | 1 |
16 | Development of facial expression recognition by significant sub-region | Potikanya S., Lertpithaksoonthorn T., Meechai A., Mungauamklang R., Keaokao P., Sukjamsri C., Chianrabutra C., Charoenpong T. | 2016 | 2016 8th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology, KST 2016 ,pp. 201-204 | 1 |
17 | Nanofabrication Method of Self-Organized Au-Pd Bimetallic Nanostructures Through Thermal Dewetting for LSPR-Biosensing | Dorkyor T., Potejanasak P., Raksiri C., Chianrabutra C. | 2024 | Nanotechnology Perceptions 20(3),pp. 1-17 | 0 |