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Nong-Han Lake"Whisker sheatfisah" "Microsatellite" "Conservation genetic"air velocityamyl acetateanatomy and physiology of animalsanimalAnimal Feedanimal foodAnimal Nutritional Physiological PhenomenaAnimalsantiviral geneartificial inseminationBacillus subtilisbackfat thicknessBiodiversity birth weightbloodBlood Glucoseblood metabolitesBlood Urea NitrogenbovinecageCattleconception rateConservationcysteamineCysteamine hydrochloridedevelopment and agingDietdietary supplementDietary SupplementsdigestibilityDigestionDipterocarpus alatusdrug effecteatingEcologyEffective population sizeentrepreneurial leadershipevaporative cooling system houseFatty Acidsfeed intakefermentationfermented cassava pulpflavoring agentsfrozen semengamma raysGenetic DiversityGenetic diversity, Kryptopterus bleekeriGenetic relationshipglucose blood levelgrowing cattlegrowthgrowth performanceH5N1heat shock protein 70 geneheat stressheat stress indexHeiferhybridHydrologyice boxKum basin KU–Phuphan black–bone chickenlitter sizeLive VDOlocal administrative organizationslotusMicrosatellitePCR–RFLPprobioticsproductive performancepublic entrepreneurshiprefrigeratorreproductive performancerice strawroughageRumenruminal fermentationSequence-related amplified polymorphismSNPsowsow efficiencysugarcanetemperature humid indexthe Nong-Han LaketriacylglycerolTriglyceridesurea nitrogen blood levelvanillaveterinary medicineVolatilevolatile fatty acidWhisker sheatfishความเร็วลมความหลากหลายทางพันธุกรรมค่าดัชนีความเครียดเนื่องจากความร้อนฟางข้าวโรงเรือนแบบปิดสมรรถนะการผลิต


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นักวิจัยที่มีผลงานงานร่วมกันมากที่สุด 10 คนแรก

Scopus h-index

#Document titleAuthorsYearSourceCited by
1Effect of coated cysteamine hydrochloride and probiotics supplemented alone or in combination on feed intake, nutrients digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and blood metabolites of Kamphaeng Saen beef heifersMeenongyai W., Rasri K., Rodjapot S., Duangphayap T., Khejornsart P., Wongpanit K., Phongkaew P., Bashar A., Islam Z.2023Tropical Animal Health and Production
2Isolation and characterization of eight novel microsatellite loci in whisker sheatfish (Micronema bleekeri Günther, 1864)Phongkaew P., Hongtrakul V., Sangduen N., Thongpan A., Arunyawat U., Swatdipong A., Hatachote S., Rukaewma P.2011Conservation Genetics Resources
3(3),pp. 425-427
3Genetic diversity and relationships of Dipterocarpus alatus Roxb. (Dipterocarpaceae) on island in freshwater lake and nearby mainlandChokthaweepanich H., Chokthaweepanich H., Butdavapee S., Phongkaew P.2022Agriculture and Natural Resources
56(2),pp. 351-362
4Inverted migration of rare whisker sheatfish in Nong-Han Lake, northeastern Thailand: Implications for conservationPhongkaew P., Phongkaew P., Arunyawat U., Swatdipong A., Hongtrakul V.2014Genetics and Molecular Research
13(3),pp. 7492-7502
5Nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and blood metabolites of growing cattle-fed fermented cassava pulp with added flavoring agentsMeenongyai W., Wongpanit K., Phongkaew P., Kaewkunya C., Juntanam T., Islam M.Z., Khejornsart P.2023Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research
10(3),pp. 437-448
6Effects of various levels of coated cysteamine hydrochloride in the diet on feed intake, digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and blood metabolites in growing Charolais crossbred cattleMeenongyai W., Wongpanit K., Wongpanit K., Phongkaew P., Khejornsart P., Kamkuan P., Khamngamdi P., Kokaew N., Papsaree S., Tammanoi C., Namwongsa N., Phungkrathok N., Srijan A., Siriket C., Waramit N., Waramit N., Modak T., Rahman M.A., Siam M.S.H., Kabir A.K.M.A., Manabe N., Manabe N.2024Animal science journal = Nihon chikusan Gakkaiho
95(1),pp. e13997