# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Production efficiency improvement in batch production system using value stream mapping and simulation: A case study of the roasted and ground coffee industry | Parthanadee P., Buddhakulsomsiri J. | 2014 | Production Planning and Control 25(5),pp. 425-446 | 52 |
2 | Hyperparameter Tuning of Machine Learning Algorithms Using Response Surface Methodology: A Case Study of ANN, SVM, and DBN | Pannakkong W., Thiwa-Anont K., Singthong K., Parthanadee P., Buddhakulsomsiri J. | 2022 | Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2022 | 48 |
3 | Simulation modeling and analysis for production scheduling using real-time dispatching rules: A case study in canned fruit industry | Parthanadee P., Buddhakulsomsiri J. | 2010 | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 70(1),pp. 245-255 | 42 |
4 | Periodic product distribution from multi-depots under limited supplies | Parthanadee P., Logendran R. | 2006 | IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers) 38(11),pp. 1009-1026 | 38 |
5 | A study of replacement rules for a parallel fleet replacement problem based on user preference utilization pattern and alternative fuel considerations | Parthanadee P., Buddhakulsomsiri J., Charnsethikul P. | 2012 | Computers and Industrial Engineering 63(1),pp. 46-57 | 28 |
6 | Prediction models of starch content in fresh cassava roots for a tapioca starch manufacturer in Thailand | Buddhakulsomsiri J., Parthanadee P., Pannakkong W. | 2018 | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 154,pp. 296-303 | 23 |
7 | Mathematical Model of (R,Q) Inventory Policy under Limited Storage Space for Continuous and Periodic Review Policies with Backlog and Lost Sales | Singha K., Buddhakulsomsiri J., Parthanadee P. | 2017 | Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2017 | 17 |
8 | Stratified random sampling for estimating billing accuracy in health care systems | Buddhakulsomsiri J., Parthanadee P. | 2008 | Health Care Management Science 11(1),pp. 41-54 | 13 |
9 | Vehicle Routing Problem with Transshipment: Mathematical Model and Algorithm | Leelertkij T., Parthanadee P., Buddhakulsomsiri J. | 2021 | Journal of Advanced Transportation 2021 | 9 |
10 | Determining appropriate production and inbound logistics practices for a cassava supply chain in Thailand | Buddhakulsomsiri J., Parthanadee P., Praneetpholkrang P. | 2015 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 49(6),pp. 937-950 | 8 |
11 | The study of consumption behaviors and factors affecting decision to purchase fishery products of consumers in the North and Northeast of Thailand | Kessuvan A., Parthanadee P., Buddhakulsomsiri J. | 2015 | International Food Research Journal 22(6),pp. 2670-2678 | 6 |
12 | Computational experiment of methods to determine periodic (R, Q) inventory policy parameters: A case study of information decentralised distribution network | Singha K., Buddhakulsomsiri J., Parthanadee P. | 2019 | International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 32(2),pp. 212-242 | 6 |
13 | Forecasting medium-term electricity demand in Thailand: Comparison of ANN, SVM, DBN, and their ensembles | Pannakkong W., Aswanuwath L., Buddhakulsomsiri J., Jeenanunta C., Parthanadee P. | 2019 | International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering 2019-November | 3 |
14 | Impacts of Harvesting Age and Pricing Schemes on Economic Sustainability of Cassava Farmers in Thailand under Market Uncertainty | Pannakkong W., Parthanadee P., Buddhakulsomsiri J. | 2022 | Sustainability (Switzerland) 14(13) | 3 |
15 | A comparison of inventory management between decentralized and centralized distribution networks with backorder | Singha K., Parthanadee P., Buddhakulsomsiri J. | 2015 | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 349,pp. 485-490 | 3 |
16 | A study of a single-period model for the parallel fleet replacement problem | Laksuwong E., Pannakkong W., Parthanadee P., Buddhakulsomsiri J. | 2014 | Applied Mechanics and Materials 619,pp. 364-370 | 1 |
17 | A stochastic savings algorithm for vehicle routing problem with a centralized distribution center and delivery time window | Sanjaiya M., Buddhakulsomsiri J., Parthanadee P. | 2012 | Applied Mechanics and Materials 110-116,pp. 3972-3981 | 1 |
18 | Parallel replacement problem for a fleet with dependent use | Buddhakulsomsiri J., Parthanadee P. | 2006 | 2006 IIE Annual Conference and Exhibition
| 1 |
19 | Exploring the relationship between activity cost and aroma loss of hom mali rice during post-harvest stage | Lilavanichakul A., Parthanadee P., Wiratchai A. | 2021 | Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences 42(1),pp. 15-24 | 1 |
20 | Market Basket Analysis of a Health Food Store in Thailand: A Case Study | Singha K., Parthanadee P., Kessuvan A., Buddhakulsomsiri J. | 2023 | International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science 15(1) | 1 |
21 | Thailand's cassava industry: Challenges toward sustainable development | Napasintuwong O., Parthanadee P., Tanrattanaphong B., Chaveesuk R. | 2024 | Sustainable Cassava: Strategies from Production through Waste Management ,pp. 175-202 | 0 |
22 | A Mathematical Model for Optimizing Organic Feed Mix Problem | Ai Thy N.N., Buddhakulsomsiri J., Parthanadee P. | 2020 | 2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications, ICIEA 2020 ,pp. 570-573 | 0 |
23 | A two-stage method to determine parameters of (R, Q) inventory policy with storage capacity for a single item and multiple items | Singha K., Buddhakulsomsiri J., Parthanadee P. | 2022 | International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 43(3),pp. 366-394 | 0 |
24 | Load-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem: A Heuristic Approach | Nguyen T.T., Pham D.T., Buddhakulsomsiri J., Parthanadee P. | 2023 | Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering 35,pp. 796-804 | 0 |
25 | Safety stock levels for products with seasonality or high variability in demand | Parthanadee P., Suktor S. | 2012 | Kasetsart Journal - Social Sciences 33(3),pp. 442-453 | 0 |
26 | A new mathematical model for parallel replacement problem with alternative fuels and user-demand pattern | Parthanadee P., Buddhakulsomsiri J. | 2007 | 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 2007 1,pp. 792-798 | 0 |
27 | Stratification and clustering methods for billing accuracy in healthcare systems | Parthanadee P., Buddhakulsomsiri J., Kachhal S. | 2006 | 2006 IIE Annual Conference and Exhibition
| 0 |
28 | A nonlinear optimization problem for determining safety stocks in a two-stage manufacturing system | Parthanadee P. | 2007 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 41(2),pp. 380-393 | 0 |
29 | Simulation modeling analysis to support decision making of cassava harvesting in Thailand | Pannakkong W., Buddhakulsomsiri J., Parthanadee P. | 2014 | IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management ,pp. 1141-1145 | 0 |
30 | Forecasting Self-Consumption Solar Power Capacity of Industry and Business Sector in Thailand: A System Dynamic Model | Maitreesorasunte C., Tang J., Chaysiri R., Jeenanunta C., Pannakkong W., Vitharana H., Parthanadee P. | 2018 | 2018 2nd International Conference on Engineering Innovation, ICEI 2018 ,pp. 111-116 | 0 |