# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Classification of longan fruit bruising using visible spectroscopy | Pholpho T., Pathaveerat S., Sirisomboon P. | 2011 | Journal of Food Engineering 104(1),pp. 169-172 | 67 |
2 | Mechanical bruising of young coconut | Kitthawee U., Kitthawee U., Kitthawee U., Pathaveerat S., Pathaveerat S., Pathaveerat S., Srirungruang T., Slaughter D. | 2011 | Biosystems Engineering 109(3),pp. 211-219 | 43 |
3 | Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) | Siriphanich J., Saradhuldhat P., Romphophak T., Krisanapook K., Pathaveerat S., Tongchitpakdee S. | 2011 | Postharvest Biology and Technology of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits: Cocona to Mango ,pp. 8-33 | 34 |
4 | Multivariate data analysis for classification of pineapple maturity | Pathaveerat S., Terdwongworakul A., Phaungsombut A. | 2008 | Journal of Food Engineering 89(2),pp. 112-118 | 29 |
5 | Fabrication and testing of double-sided solar collector dryer for drying banana | Pruengam P., Pathaveerat S., Pukdeewong P. | 2021 | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 27 | 26 |
6 | Development of a handheld precision penetrometer system for fruit firmness measurement | Jantra C., Slaughter D., Roach J., Pathaveerat S. | 2018 | Postharvest Biology and Technology 144,pp. 1-8 | 22 |
7 | Nondestructive determination of dry matter and soluble solids content in dehydrator onions and garlic using a handheld visible and near infrared instrument | Jantra C., Slaughter D., Liang P., Liang P., Pathaveerat S. | 2017 | Postharvest Biology and Technology 133,pp. 98-103 | 21 |
8 | Application of near infrared spectroscopy for indirect evaluation of "Monthong" durian maturity | Somton W., Pathaveerat S., Terdwongworakul A. | 2015 | International Journal of Food Properties 18(6),pp. 1155-1168 | 20 |
9 | Evaluation of internal quality of fresh-cut pomelo using Vis/NIR transmittance | Puangsombut A., Pathaveerat S., Terdwongworakul A., Puangsombut K. | 2012 | Journal of Texture Studies 43(6),pp. 445-452 | 18 |
10 | A study on the feasibility of quantifying the population density of stored product insects in air-tight grain storage using CO2 concentration measurements | Chotikasatian C., Chayaprasert W., Pathaveerat S. | 2017 | Journal of Stored Products Research 73,pp. 21-29 | 16 |
11 | Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of pomelo maturity using multivariate combination of chemical and physical properties | Terdwongworakul A., Puangsombat A., Pathaveerat S. | 2009 | Journal of Texture Studies 40(5),pp. 584-605 | 11 |
12 | Low cost measurement of moisture content in long grain paddy | Pathaveerat S., Pruengam P. | 2020 | Journal of Stored Products Research 89 | 10 |
13 | Effect of spray drying air temperature to the changes of properties of skimmed coconut milk powder | Duangchuen J., Pathaveerat S., Noypitak S., Jermwongruttanachai P. | 2021 | Applied Science and Engineering Progress 14(2),pp. 187-195 | 10 |
14 | Design of machine to size java apple fruit with minimal damage | Treeamnuk K., Pathaveerat S., Terdwongworakul A., Bupata C. | 2010 | Biosystems Engineering 107(2),pp. 140-148 | 9 |
15 | Nondestructive sensing of maturity and ripeness in mango | Kitthawee U., Pathaveerat S., Slaughter D., Mitcham E. | 2012 | Acta Horticulturae 943,pp. 287-296 | 2 |
16 | Effect of temperature on thermal denaturation of skimmed coconut milk to produce a new product, coconut water | Jermwongruttanachai P., Pathaveerat S., Noypitak S. | 2021 | Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
| 2 |
17 | Quantification of the adulteration concentration of palm kernel oil in virgin coconut oil using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging | Jermwongruttanachai P., Pathaveerat S., Noypitak S. | 2024 | Journal of Integrative Agriculture 23(1),pp. 298-309 | 2 |
18 | The potential of cashew nut shell waste in charcoal briquettes after producing cashew nut shell liquid through cold extraction | Pathaveerat S., Pruengam P., Lekrungroenggid N. | 2024 | Results in Engineering 23 | 2 |
19 | A preliminary study of pest insect detection during paddy storage in small-scale grain silos | Chotikasatian C., Chayaprasert W., Suthisut D., Pathaveerat S., Chimruang S. | 2017 | 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting
| 0 |